motive for the study new urban bias in development cooperation

Using games for the 10th form speaking clas in high school (the new textboook) = sử dụng trò chơi trong giờ học nói tiếng anh lớp 10 ở trường trung học phổ thông   SGK mới

Using games for the 10th form speaking clas in high school (the new textboook) = sử dụng trò chơi trong giờ học nói tiếng anh lớp 10 ở trường trung học phổ thông SGK mới

... Part I: introduction .1 The Reasons for Choosing the Study The Aims of the Study The Scope of the Study The Methods of the Study .3 The Design of the Study ... classes The Design of the Study The study consists of three main parts: Part I entitled "Introduction" outlines the background of the study In this part, information about the reasons for choosing the ... designed for the research into “Using Games for the 10th Form Speaking Class in High School (The New Textbook)" Your cooperation in answering the following questions is highly appreciated This is for...

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 11:30

59 2,4K 5
New ESPGHAN guidelines for the diagnosis of Coeliac Disease in Children and Adolescents pptx

New ESPGHAN guidelines for the diagnosis of Coeliac Disease in Children and Adolescents pptx

... CD without increasing the risk of misclassification Preconditions are • • • • high quality serology including EMA taking quantitative antibody levels into account HLA typing full information to ... unpublished Towards a new definition of coeliac disease  Chronic  Multi-organ  Small intestinal inflammation  Transglutaminase-related ESPGHAN working group, 2011 Suggestion: New definition  an immune-mediated ... antibody levels there no urgency to perform biopsies compared to symptomatic patients with the same low levels Conclusions The new guidelines will offer the option of omitting biopsies in selected...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

33 537 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A new method for the histochemical localization of laccase in Rhus verniciflua Stokes" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A new method for the histochemical localization of laccase in Rhus verniciflua Stokes" docx

... dihydroxybenzene In the control treatment, either stem cuttings were denatured by leaving them in water at 100°C for before cutting into blocks, or freshly prepared blocks were incubated in the same ... Incubation Freshly cut blocks (about mm in width) of the phloem tissue were incubated in 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4, 5°C) for 1-2 before staining for 30 at 37°C in a newly prepared ... mainly distributed in the canals and their sheath cells, epithelial cells and the ducts with latex droplets In the control section, almost no deposit can be seen in the canals and surrounding...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 03:24

4 355 0
báo cáo khoa học: " A new model for the characterization of infection risk in gunshot injuries:Technology, principal consideration and clinical implementation" pptx

báo cáo khoa học: " A new model for the characterization of infection risk in gunshot injuries:Technology, principal consideration and clinical implementation" pptx

... systematic examination in the field of terminal ballistics The model permits the infiltration depth of exogenous particles leading to contamination in relation to the bullet path to be analyzed using different ... when the shots were fired They were placed on a support directly in line with the rifle so that the shot passed through the middle of the block 5.0 g of barium titanate were then distributed in the ... temporary cavity in the gelatin block revealed a deposition of particles along the entire bullet path for both types of projectiles examined In the case of the soft point projectile, there were no...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

5 574 0
Gene targeting in human pluripotent cell derived neural stem cells for the study and treatment of neurological disorders

Gene targeting in human pluripotent cell derived neural stem cells for the study and treatment of neurological disorders

... domain to a new DNA-binding domain (Kim et al., 1996) The first DNA-binding domain used was a fruit fly homeobox domain, followed by zinc-finger DNA binding domain and yeast Gal4 DNA-binding ... triplet targets changes the overall binding specificity of the zinc finger protein The naturally occurring fingers with known binding preference were disassembled to find fingers for all 64 different ... modify the DNA-binding domain to bind specifically chosen target sequences, allowing an induced double strand break at a defined position Zinc finger modules are part of the DNA-binding domain of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 09:54

135 365 0
A study on application of some reading techniques to doing IELTS reading comprehension tasks for the 1st – year english majors in the foreign language department, hai phong university

A study on application of some reading techniques to doing IELTS reading comprehension tasks for the 1st – year english majors in the foreign language department, hai phong university

... help them better their reading comprehension skill DESIGN OF THE STUDY The study is divided into three parts: the introduction, the development and the conclusion The introduction provides the ... remember their past experience That knowledge is, then, used in trying to get meaning out of print Meaning does not reside in the printed page but rather in the mind of the reader.” In addition, ... directs the students to the main points of the text for a full understanding The students’ task is to read the text and use the information to complete the summary passage by filling in the blanks...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2016, 17:32

42 542 0
A study on application of some reading techniques to doing IELTS reading comprehension tasks for the 1st – year english majors in the foreign language department, hai phong university

A study on application of some reading techniques to doing IELTS reading comprehension tasks for the 1st – year english majors in the foreign language department, hai phong university

... That knowledge is, then, used in trying to get meaning out of print Meaning does not reside in the printed page but rather in the mind of the reader.” I.2.2 Techniques for Reading Comprehension ... better their reading comprehension skills DESIGN OF THE STUDY The study is divided into three parts: the introduction, the development and the conclusion The development is the main part which consists ... reading skill and the classification of reading into reading aloud and silent reading in terms of reading manner and skimming, scanning, extensive reading, and intensive reading in terms of reading...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 21:24

25 641 0
Utilization of activated carbon for the removal of basic dyes in fixed-bed microcolumn

Utilization of activated carbon for the removal of basic dyes in fixed-bed microcolumn

... with the increase in column diameters The Thomas model correlates the experimental data quite well as it can be seen in Figure The enhancement in the column performance with the increase in the ... specifically fluidization engineering of ultrafine and superfine The circulating systems including submicron (superfine and ultrafine) powders are fluidized in a new circulating fluidized bed with ... This is due to the fact that by increasing the initial dye concentration, the driving force increases which enhance the rate of dye adsorption and saturates the binding sites more quickly This is...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

10 561 0
The Potential of Biofumigants as Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for the Control of Pest Infestation in Grain and Dry Food Products

The Potential of Biofumigants as Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for the Control of Pest Infestation in Grain and Dry Food Products

... phosphine is a quick and effective tool for the control of stored-product insect pests In view of the scheduled phaseout of methyl bromide under the Montreal protocol, the role of phosphine in grain ... H6 O) for the control of stored-product insects During previous centuries, traditional agriculture in developing countries has developed effective means for insect control using botanicals Their ... 2006) In our study of the mode of action of EOs, we could show that the target for EO’s neurotoxicity is the octopaminergic system in insects We can thus postulate that EOs may affect octopaminergic...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 05:20

20 485 0
Alternative Processing Technologies for the Control of Spoilage Bacteria in Fruit Juices and Beverages

Alternative Processing Technologies for the Control of Spoilage Bacteria in Fruit Juices and Beverages

... properly before processing is among the main reasons for contamination in fruit juice Washing and brushing fruit before the juicing step is common in juice processing According to one industry ... results in cross-linking of the thymine dimers of the DNA in the organism, preventing repair of injury and reproduction Recently, a California processor Þled a petition with the FDA to allow the ... washing practices using chlorine and brushing only may be partially effective in controlling microbial contamination.9 The pathogens contaminating the fruit are not always located on the surface20...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 21:20

21 693 2
A park like transformation for the study and the control of a nonsinusoidal brushless DC motor

A park like transformation for the study and the control of a nonsinusoidal brushless DC motor

... nonlinear systems [111, Indeed, the nonlinear feedback linearization scheme is based on a coordinate transformation and an input transformation as well But the main advantage of the Park transformation ... the rotor fluxes induced in the stator phases are The electrical equations of the machine can therefore be written as follows : are the backemf (p is the number of pairs of poles of the machine, ... non-sinusoidal emf's In this case, however, a Park-like transformation can be defined We propose therefore in this paper a new transformation which preserves the same advantages as the Park transformation...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:44

8 518 1
Show Mom How (Parenting Magazine): The Handbook for the Brand-New Mom

Show Mom How (Parenting Magazine): The Handbook for the Brand-New Mom

... disasters soothe a crying infant massage a colicky newbor  n cut teething pain freeze a teething treat 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 wind down for bedtime troubleshoot sleeping issues ... towel Clean the surface Position the stencil Secure with painter’s tape Pour paint into tray Dip brush tip into paint Dab to remove excess For your safety and your baby’s, always paint in a well-ventilated ... use low VOC paint MEASUREMENTS When measurements matter, find them right in the box 2c (475 ml) ft (1 m) MORE INFORMATION Follow the * symbol to lear  more n about the how and why of the given step...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 12:13

20 743 0
Tài liệu Towards a framework for the study of the neural correlates of aesthetic preference pdf

Tài liệu Towards a framework for the study of the neural correlates of aesthetic preference pdf

... Operations in the intermediate stage segregate some elements and group others, forming coherent representations In late visual processing stages certain regions of the object are selected for further ... consequences for the comparison of the results of this study with the others Jacobsen et al (2006) acknowledged this in the first paragraph of their paper when referring to the other set of studies: ... considered the tradeoff related with the use of artistic vs simple visual materials in experimental aesthetics: In the former case, there is the advantage of studying reactions to real art and the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

19 527 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Role of sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol for the maintenance of photosystem II in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Role of sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol for the maintenance of photosystem II in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ppt

... binding to the relatively hydrophobic QB pocket, which is the exit of the electron flow in the PSII complex According to the increase in the sensitivity to diuron in hf-2, the limitation of the ... condition The supplementation of SQDG in the medium enabled the mutant to grow even in the presence of diuron (Fig 3) The exogenously applied SQDG is incorporated into the mutant cells in the form ... from LHCII to the reaction center [17] Therefore, a conformational change of the PSII complex may cause the decrease of PSII activity in hf-2 by the lack of specific binding of SQDG to the PSII complex...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 04:20

6 500 0
Tài liệu Analysing different technology pathways for the pulp and paper industry in a European energy systems perspective doc

Tài liệu Analysing different technology pathways for the pulp and paper industry in a European energy systems perspective doc

... describing the technologies and system solutions which are included in the pathways analysed in the latter part of the thesis As stated in the introduction to this thesis, the PPI and especially the ... example, be increased by raising the steam quality (when investing in new boilers), increasing the dry solid content of the black liquor, decreasing any throttling and/or reducing the process ... influences the potential for implementation of new technology pathways In this thesis, the European pulp and paper industry is defined as the mills located in the countries that are included in the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

124 649 0
FAQs Tuberculosis Component of the Technical Instructions (TIs) for the Medical Examination of Aliens in the United States doc

FAQs Tuberculosis Component of the Technical Instructions (TIs) for the Medical Examination of Aliens in the United States doc

... of Aliens in the United States for all non-TB portions of the medical examination (other infectious diseases, mental health conditions, etc.), except for vaccinations For the latter, there are ... Technical Instructions should the civil surgeon follow for the non-TB portions of the medical examination? The civil surgeon should follow the 1991 Technical Instructions for Medical Examination ... does not involve the lungs Completion of treatment for Class B1-Extrapulmonary TB is not required for the civil surgeon to sign the I-693 form As regards the TB, the signature indicates the applicant...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20

8 474 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of a high-affinity binding site for the pea albumin 1b entomotoxin in the weevil Sitophilus ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of a high-affinity binding site for the pea albumin 1b entomotoxin in the weevil Sitophilus ppt

... Furthermore, the microsomal fraction proteins were incubated 15 in binding buffer at temperatures ranging from 20 to 70 °C before performing the binding experiment The results show that the binding ... as only one binding site is detectable in the microsomal fraction, and the binding activity in the 3000 and 10 000 g fractions is probably due to the same protein as the binding in the three subfractions ... receptor In our case, neither bovine insulin nor BBI were able to displace PA1b from its binding site, suggesting that the potential binding capacity of PA1b to an insulin binding protein, or a...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

7 605 0
Student Handbook for the Master of Science Programs in: Business & Management pdf

Student Handbook for the Master of Science Programs in: Business & Management pdf

... electives within their program/specialization 3.4.2 Time Period and Format The thesis work can take place both in the spring or in the fall The thesis work starts at the beginning of the semester ... Handbook for the MBM, MECON & MFINA Programs The preferred format is that the students work in pairs In addition to writing and submitting the thesis, examination requirements for the Master thesis ... follow the following regulations or any other regulations that are in effect   Seat for the examination: Students taking the examination are to sit in the seat assigned to them after signing up for...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

66 723 0


... Processor 478-Pin Socket (mPGA478) Design Guidelines Assembling Intel Reference Components for the Intel® Pentium® Processor in the 478-Pin Package The following collateral is available in the Chipset ... Mechanical Enabling Reference Design is: Intel-developed enabling solution for the Intel® Pentium® processor in the 478-pin package and the Intel® 845 MCH Developed for general industry use Targeted ... preventing package pull-out and protecting solder joint Intel Reference Design combines both strategies to meet all critical requirements 24 Collateral Vendor information for the Intel Thermal...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

25 361 0