motions of bodies of the solar system

the american practical navigator chapt 14

the american practical navigator chapt 14

... chart systems will also allow the coupling of the navigation system to the autopilot Technically, it is possible to turn the navigation of the vessel over to the autopilot almost as soon as the ... features, and other aspects of an ECDIS Figure 1416 illustrates a basic block diagram of the NAVSSI system The RTS takes inputs from the inertial navigators, the GPS in PPS mode, the compass, the EM ... Orientation of the RCDS display to course-up may affect the readability of the chart text and symbols since these are fixed to the chart image in a north-up orientation • Depending on the source of the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2016, 10:17

18 180 0
Air and Noise Pollution Abatement Services: An Examination of U.S. and Foreign Markets ppt

Air and Noise Pollution Abatement Services: An Examination of U.S. and Foreign Markets ppt

... customers as part of a single transaction, with goods accounting for the majority of the value of the sale.1 Although there are few trade provisions directly affecting the supply of such goods and ... in the WTO, as the reduction or elimination of barriers affecting trade in environmental services has been identified in the Doha Ministerial Declaration20 as one of the principal goals of the ... nonetheless integral to the abatement of air or noise pollution Most of the recent empirical literature relating to such services has focused on the design, efficiency and effectiveness of these...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

182 320 0
The Exchange Rate Exposure of U.S. and Japanese Banking Institutions potx

The Exchange Rate Exposure of U.S. and Japanese Banking Institutions potx

... affect the exporter’s profitability, it can affect the probability of loan default and, correspondingly, the value of the loan and the profitability of the bank 15 The estimates of exchange rate exposure ... through their influence on the extent of foreign competition, the demand for loans, and other aspects of banking conditions The purpose of this paper is to examine the size and significance of the ... percent of the U.S firms and only about percent of the Japanese firms At the daily frequency, the number of banking firms for which we can reject the hypothesis This represents 30 percent of the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 13:20

37 328 0
Appendix I: Status of Treasury’s and OMB’s Progress in Addressing GAO’s Prior Year Recommendations for Preparing the CFS_part1 pptx

Appendix I: Status of Treasury’s and OMB’s Progress in Addressing GAO’s Prior Year Recommendations for Preparing the CFS_part1 pptx

... liabilities meets the requirements of SFFAS No 5, paragraph 114, which requires the reporting of indicators of the range of uncertainty around insurancerelated estimates and the sensitivity of the estimates ... GAO-06-415 (results of the fiscal year 2005 audit) 37 05-2 The Director of OMB should direct the Controller of the Office of Federal Financial Management, in coordination with the Treasury Fiscal ... to the CFS The solution entails the requirement that these entities have an examination attestation engagement performed Closed 38 05-3 The Director of OMB should direct the Controller of the Office...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

10 326 0
Appendix I: Status of Treasury’s and OMB’s Progress in Addressing GAO’s Prior Year Recommendations for Preparing the CFS_part2 pot

Appendix I: Status of Treasury’s and OMB’s Progress in Addressing GAO’s Prior Year Recommendations for Preparing the CFS_part2 pot

... monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of internal control over the preparation of the CFS See status of recommendation No 04-6 56 07-10 The Secretary of the Treasury should direct the Fiscal Assistant ... coordination with the Controller of OMB’s Office of Federal Financial Management, to develop and implement alternative solutions to performing almost all of the compilation effort at the end of the year, ... and OMB Per GAO 55 07-9 The Secretary of the Treasury should direct the Fiscal Assistant Secretary, in coordination with the Controller of OMB’s Office of Federal Financial Management, to develop...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

5 287 0


... In the second case the entries in the i-th column (i, j, i, 1) satisfy the inequalities i + ≤ j ≤ n, while the j-th column (on the right of the i-th column) is of the form (aj , bj , j, 0) Then ... (k, l) be another link of G such that k ∈ K Then k < i by definition of i On the other hand, l = j If l = i, then (k, l) remains a link of G If l = i, then (bk , k) = (bi , ) and the link (k, ... involution that preserves the absolute value of the weight, but reverses the sign The weight-enumerator of the good guys will turn out to be counted by the right side of (CAP) First we have to...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

10 279 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Interest in quantitative genetics of Dutt’s and Deak’s methods for numerical computation of multivariate normal probability integrals" potx

báo cáo khoa học: "Interest in quantitative genetics of Dutt’s and Deak’s methods for numerical computation of multivariate normal probability integrals" potx

... 0.03), the random fluctuations of the evaluation of these integrals are of the same order of magnitude as their value p and the optimization problem cannot be solved For large values of p, Deak’s ... is equal and then, it can to : be observed that : So, the evaluation of I requires the computation of : Numerical computation According to the where D is the real part of : sum of the integrals ... evenwith a low number of roots of the Hermite polynomial In the absolute precision is almost maximum for this category of truncation points To either side of these central values, the precision decreases...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:22

27 331 0
Giáo án điện tử tiểu học môn tiếng anh: A Game of X’s and O’s ppt

Giáo án điện tử tiểu học môn tiếng anh: A Game of X’s and O’s ppt

... Another Presentation © 2000 - All rights Reserved Scoreboard X O Click Here...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:21

24 1,2K 0
an initial investigation of u.s and vietnamese cultures in contrast through everyday conversations = bước đầu nghiên cứu đối chiếu văn hóa mỹ-việt thông qua các cuộc đối thoại hàng ngày

an initial investigation of u.s and vietnamese cultures in contrast through everyday conversations = bước đầu nghiên cứu đối chiếu văn hóa mỹ-việt thông qua các cuộc đối thoại hàng ngày

... differences between the two targeted cultures SCOPE OF THE STUDY Since theoretical background is vital to the processes of data analysis, the writer expected to deal with a variety of sets of theories concerning ... proposed, there were three types of friendships - Friendship of utility: This kind of friendship based on the usefulness that people see in each other that they think they can take advantage of Therefore, ... without the notice of the informants In Hanoi, the assistants took care of their own recordings of assigned situation in which the recordings were also unknown The collected audio tapes, then,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:26

52 513 0
An initial investigation of U.S and Vietnamese cultures in contrast through everyday conversations

An initial investigation of U.S and Vietnamese cultures in contrast through everyday conversations

... OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLE AND FIGURES PART I: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale of the study Research questions Aims and Objectives of the study Scope of the study Methodology of the study Design of the ... to the Study of Speech New York: Harcourt, Brace 25 Thurgood, G 1990 Contrastive Analysis - An Overview California State University Press 26 Tran, X D 2009 A series of reports on the findings of ... Division of Random House, Inc 12 Hutchby, I and Wooffitt, R 2008 Conversation Analysis Polity Press, Cambridge 13 Hymes, D.H 1966 Two Types of Linguistic Relativity In Bright, W Sociolinguistics The...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:50

6 322 0
Characterization of effective antioxidant components of tropical fruit and vegetable species

Characterization of effective antioxidant components of tropical fruit and vegetable species

... inhibition time in the appearance of ABTS•+ caused by the presence of the antioxidant in the system The inhibition time will reflect efficiency of the antioxidants The less efficient the antioxidant ... very important in the human body for the synthesis of a huge range of enzymes and other proteins However, these metal ions are potentially harmful to health since they can catalyse the autoxidation ... an oxidizable substrate are often involved Thus the method reflects the ability of a sample to delay the oxidation of the substrate 1.5.1 TAC by non-inhibition assay The non-inhibition methods...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 09:55

238 260 0
 Báo cáo khoa học: "Effect of intern’s consecutive work hours on safety, medical education and professionalism"

Báo cáo khoa học: "Effect of intern’s consecutive work hours on safety, medical education and professionalism"

... ensure the safety of patient care We believe, however, that development of ‘a sense of professionalism’ is not a function of whether a shift is 30 hours or is 16 hours, but is a function of the ... Indeed, the results of these studies suggest that the ACGME did not go far enough But how far is enough and at what point the increased errors associated with more frequent hand-offs offset the reduced ... clarification of the power, sample size, and statistical approach descriptions that appeared in our recent Journal Club review [1] of their studies examining the effect of reducing interns work hours in the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45

3 514 0


... movement of finished product from the end of the production line to the consumer, and in some cases includes the movement of raw materials from the source of supply to the beginning of the production ... increase over the time However, the rate of revenue which Logistics Department contributes to the total number of the whole branch is rather low despite the fact that logistics is one of the most ... placed in the lowest layers of the racks to be moved out of their stocking locations conveniently and easily Reserve stocks occupy the rest higher layers In the other case, when the quantities of each...

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2013, 11:13

38 582 5
Music cover, the effects of it and The attitudes of NEU’s students to Music cover in Vietnam

Music cover, the effects of it and The attitudes of NEU’s students to Music cover in Vietnam

... types of students in other university, NEU students are the perfect entity to take the research The study illustrates the effects of music cover and NEU students’ behaviors towards the spread of the ... understand the lyrics of the original song and they make comparison, they mainly recognize that major of covered songs are not as good as the original ones Hence, they may look down on the musicians, ... newer, brings the song back to the listener with the whole new style and the performance is completely like remaining the life for the song The cover music in Vietnam is the kind of music, which...

Ngày tải lên: 21/04/2013, 20:53

23 568 0


... to the livelihood of the majority of the Vietnamese rural population, especially unskilled labourers In 2011, about 60 percent of the labour force was engaged in agriculture, of which 11.2 percent ... years The overall objective of this study is to contribute to the understanding of income-generating activities, important sources of income amongst households and the factors affecting their ... not found in the case of informal credit The capital-labour ratio is also highly associated with a higher level of wellbeing The elasticity of income per capita to higher values of capital-labour...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 11:25

9 615 0
Children’s Health Deficits due to Diarrhoea: Effects of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Slums with Different Water Logging Conditions

Children’s Health Deficits due to Diarrhoea: Effects of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Slums with Different Water Logging Conditions

... km from the Urban Development Centre project offices of the Slum Development Department of the Dhaka City Corporation (Table and Figure 1) Thus, for the ‘code name’, we used the initials of inundation ... if the data were consistent with the mothers’ performance levels in defining the symptoms and counting the days of illness We developed a series of household-level questionnaires based on the ... influences are lower and higher at a cut-off age of 20 The team physician assessed the degree of dehydration according to the WHO criteria (WHO 1990) The severity of each diarrhoeal disease incidence...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

15 703 0