modeling planning and scheduling of manufacturing processes

Data based methods for modeling, control and monitoring of chemical processes

Data based methods for modeling, control and monitoring of chemical processes

... METHODS FOR MODELING, CONTROL AND MONITORING OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES CHENG CHENG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2006 DATA-BASED METHODS FOR MODELING, CONTROL AND MONITORING OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES ... Nonlinear control of chemical processes: a Review Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 30, 1391-1413 Bhat, N and Mcavoy, T J (1990) Use neural nets for dynamic modeling and control of chemical ... analysis of nonlinear processes using empirical state affine models and LMIs Journal of Process Control, 11, 375-386 Calvet, J P and Arkun, Y (1988) Feedforward and feedback linearization of nonlinear...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 05:58

223 251 0
Planning in parallel machine shops and scheduling of flexible process plans in mould manufacturing shop

Planning in parallel machine shops and scheduling of flexible process plans in mould manufacturing shop

... activities; process planning and scheduling that controls most of the planning activities in manufacturing system Integrated process planning and scheduling, as the name ... of reducing the planning times associated to machining of the product by considering the flexibilities in manufacturing environment Scheduling and process planning are two of ... Earliness of job i TLi Lateness of job i TRi Tardiness of job i FLi Flow time of job i Cmax Makespan of a schedule Lmax Maximum Lateness m Total number of machines in the system n Total number of jobs...

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2015, 13:53

158 327 0
Integrating process planning and scheduling by exploring the flexibility of process planning

Integrating process planning and scheduling by exploring the flexibility of process planning

... Tonshoff H.K., Beckendroff U and Anders N., 1989, FLEXPLAN – A concept for intelligent process planning and scheduling Proceedings of CIRP International workshop on Computer Aided Process Planning, ... integration of process planning and scheduling by exploring the flexibility of process planning in a batchmanufacturing environment The integration is essential for the optimal use of production ... system Advances in Engineering Software, 25(1), 3-8 Khoshnevis, B and Chen, Q., 1990, Integration of process planning and scheduling functions Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 1, 165-176 Kiritsis,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2015, 16:30

90 277 0
An introduction to the mathematics of planning and scheduling

An introduction to the mathematics of planning and scheduling

... Approach in Production Planning and Scheduling Fogarty, D., Blackstone, J and Hoffman, T R (1991) Production and Inventory Management, South-Western French, S (1982) Sequencing and Scheduling, Ellis ... material, and a direct labor cost of $22/hour You know that one of these products has 0.25 hours of labor and $35 worth of material and has a total unit cost of $59.50 What labor efficiency did ... Maxwell, W.  L and Miller, L.  W (1967) Theory of Scheduling, Addison-Wesley Dreyfus, S. E and Law, A. M (1977) The Art and Theory of Dynamic Programming, Academic Press Duzère-Péres, S and Lasserre,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2020, 08:45

226 105 0
An introduction to the mathematics of planning and scheduling

An introduction to the mathematics of planning and scheduling

... Approach in Production Planning and Scheduling Fogarty, D., Blackstone, J and Hoffman, T R (1991) Production and Inventory Management, South-Western French, S (1982) Sequencing and Scheduling, Ellis ... material, and a direct labor cost of $22/hour You know that one of these products has 0.25 hours of labor and $35 worth of material and has a total unit cost of $59.50 What labor efficiency did ... Maxwell, W.  L and Miller, L.  W (1967) Theory of Scheduling, Addison-Wesley Dreyfus, S. E and Law, A. M (1977) The Art and Theory of Dynamic Programming, Academic Press Duzère-Péres, S and Lasserre,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2020, 14:55

226 98 0
An introduction to the mathematics of planning and scheduling

An introduction to the mathematics of planning and scheduling

... Approach in Production Planning and Scheduling Fogarty, D., Blackstone, J and Hoffman, T R (1991) Production and Inventory Management, South-Western French, S (1982) Sequencing and Scheduling, Ellis ... material, and a direct labor cost of $22/hour You know that one of these products has 0.25 hours of labor and $35 worth of material and has a total unit cost of $59.50 What labor efficiency did ... Maxwell, W.  L and Miller, L.  W (1967) Theory of Scheduling, Addison-Wesley Dreyfus, S. E and Law, A. M (1977) The Art and Theory of Dynamic Programming, Academic Press Duzère-Péres, S and Lasserre,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2020, 11:58

226 35 0
Tài liệu Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P1 docx

Tài liệu Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P1 docx

... weight of O and the natural frequencies of vibration of the dynamic system comprising O, P, and C are measured and processed using a mathematical model of the system to determine xG, yG, and γ ... • Identifying and planning inspection schedules for critical components of an offshore structure [Peers et al., 1994] • Training technical personnel in the design and evaluation of energy cogeneration ... 0.8, and 1.0 are the grades of membership to the given fuzzy set of temperature ranges below 10°C (above 30°C), between 10°C and 16°C (24°C to 30°C), between 16°C and 18°C (22°C to 24°C), and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 13:20

29 442 0
Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P3

Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P3

... 1998), and Agent-Based Manufacturing Scheduling (Shen and Norrie 1998) An overview of these projects with a summary of techniques and mechanisms developed during these projects and a discussion of ... forward/backward scheduling, simulation scheduling, and intelligent scheduling Scheduling is performed by job, by resource, and by operation Scheduling decisions are made to minimize costs over time and production ... changes in the production styles and configuration of manufacturing organizations Increasingly, traditional centralized and sequential manufacturing planning, scheduling, and control mechanisms are...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 11:15

47 367 0
Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P5

Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P5

... importance of i and j Between equal and weak importance of i over j Weak importance of i over j Between weak and strong importance of i over j Strong importance of i over j Between strong and demonstrated ... production scheduling problems by Rachamadugu and Stecke [1988] and Gupta et al [1990], the most extensively studied scheduling criteria are minimization of flow time and maximization of system ... Selection of Routing and Part Dispatching Using Membership Functions and Fuzzy Expert System-Based Rules 5.1 Introduction In design of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS), different combinations of scheduling...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 18:15

29 300 0
Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P4

Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P4

... features, and (2) systematic exploitation of these similarities in every phase of manufacturing operation [Burbidge, 1963; Suresh and Kay, 1998] Figure 4.1 provides an overview of various elements of ... Design and Manufacturing Features The application of neural networks based on design and manufacturing features can be placed within the contexts of part family identification, engineering design, and ... on the basic operation of three-layer feedforward networks and back-propagation learning rule, the reader is referred to standard works of Wasserman [1989] and McClelland and Rumelhart [1988] The...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 18:15

23 312 0
Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P7

Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P7

... part/machine classification and coding can be found in Part B of Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing: State -of- the-Art Synthesis of Research and Practice, edited by Nallan C Suresh and John M Kay ... approaches for integrated manufacturing: stateof-the-art survey and future research directions, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 8(6):411-440 Bahrami, A and C.H Dagli, (1993) ... methodology based on deep models of features, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 6(4):245-262 Lin, Z.-C and H Chang, (1996) Application of fuzzy set theory and back-propagation neural networks...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 16:15

11 398 0
Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P6

Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P6

... follows: A manufacturing cell is a collection of dissimilar machines or manufacturing processes dedicated to a collection of similar parts and cellular manufacturing is said to be in place when a manufacturing ... is the number of machines in each cell, C is the number of cells, and MCSc(i, j) is the MCS coefficient between machines i and j in cell c Since the number of cells and the number of machines within ... Introduction Batch manufacturing is a dominant manufacturing activity in many industries due to the demand for product customization The high level of product variety and small manufacturing lot...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 16:15

26 308 0
Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P9

Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P9

... order of these OPTs in string-2 Copy the left side of string-2 to form the left side of offspring-2 The right side of offspring-2 is constructed by the OPTs in the right side of string-2 and their ... cut point Copy the left side of string-1 to form the left side of offspring-1 The right side of offspring-1 is constructed by the OPTs in the right side of string-1 and their sequence is reorganized ... Output: string-1 and string-2 offspring-1 and offspring-2 Determine a cut point randomly from all the positions of a string Each string is divided into two parts, the left side and the right side,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

27 421 0
Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P8

Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P8

... design specifications into manufacturing processes, and computer-aided process planning (CAPP) uses computers to automate the tasks of process planning The recent introduction of parallel machines ... presented our study of the optimal planning and sequencing for parallel machining operations The combinatorial nature of sequencing and the complication of having precedence and mode constraints ... performance of the proposed GA, the number of mutations was increased from one to two in each of the above settings (see Figures 8.10 and 8.11) From Figures 8.10 and 8.11, it is noticed that mutations of...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

34 303 0
Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P12

Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P12

... capable of responding to the rapid changes and solving the complex problems that occur in various manufacturing steps The monitoring and control of manufacturing processes is one of the important manufacturing ... variance of torque, x4 = mean of torque in retraction stroke, x5 = mean of thrust force, x6 = covariance of torque and force, x7 = correlation of torque and thrust force, x8 = correlation of torque and ... approach this problem and are shown to offer great promise, especially in monitoring and control of manufacturing processes In this chapter the characteristics of the manufacturing processes were analyzed...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 09:15

34 306 0
Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P11

Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P11

... hydraulic extrusion pressure Median of media flow rate Range of media temperature Range of part temperature Standard deviation of volume of media extruded Number of parts machined prior to the current ... estimate of the generalization ability of the application network Tables 11.2 and 11.3 summarize the mean absolute errors (MAE) and root mean squared errors (RMSE) of the validation and application ... Drawing of an engine manifold • Media flow rate through the manifold • Number of cycles of the AFM machine piston Media conditions: • Temperature of the media • Temperature of the manifold • Number of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 09:15

13 351 0
Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P10

Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P10

... Job-Shop Scheduling Problem In the job-shop scheduling problem, we are given a set of jobs and a set of machines Each machine can handle at most one job at a time Each job consists of a chain of operations, ... are four basic patterns of ordering relations of them wi Ն wj and pi Ն pj wi Ն wj and pi Ͻ pj wi Ͻ wj and pi Ն pj wi Ͻ wj and pi Ͻ pj We just need to examine pattern and pattern 2, because for ... resource-constrained project scheduling, parallel machine scheduling, job-shop scheduling, multistage process planning, and part loading scheduling problem 10.2 Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 09:15

35 320 0
Tài liệu Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P19 doc

Tài liệu Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P19 doc

... the ratio of peak amplitudes in bands ‘2X’ and ‘1X’ A3: the ratio of peak amplitudes in bands ‘3X’ and ‘1X’ A4: the ratio of peak amplitudes in bands more than ‘4X’ and ‘1X’ A5: mode of vibration ... condition of the targeted equipment These attributes are defined as follows A0: the ratio of peak amplitudes in bands less than ‘1X’ and ‘1X’ A1: the ratio of peak amplitudes in band ‘1X’ and its ... Easy to understand • Easy to interpret and analyse • Easy to validate and cross-check 19.5 Application of RClass* to Manufacturing Diagnosis The diagnosis of critical equipment in a manufacturing...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

21 365 0
Tài liệu Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P18 pdf

Tài liệu Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P18 pdf

... the sample mean of x, x, is approximately normal distributed, i.e., N(µ, σ2/n) where µ and σ are the mean and standard deviation of x, respectively, we can collect n observations of a QC, calculate ... Performances of Chang and Gan’s (1995) CUSUM and Crowder and Hamilton’s (1992) EWMA are not significantly better than Page’s (1963) CUSUM; however, their development of design strategies and procedures ... charts in terms of both type I and type II errors, while Pugh’s and Smith’s charts have larger type I errors than that of the 3σ X chart Further, Chang and Aw’s scheme has the advantage of identifying...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

22 388 0
Tài liệu Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P17 doc

Tài liệu Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook P17 doc

... [1991] and Himmel and May [1993] The primary focus of their papers is on efficient and effective modeling of plasma etching processes using statistical response surface models and artificial neural ... Journal of Quality Technology, vol 28, pp 153-162 Rietman, E A and Lory E R., 1993, Use of Neural Networks in Modeling Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes: An Example for Plasma Etch Modeling, ... possible variants of the basic GA, the fundamental underlying mechanism operates on a population of individuals, is relatively standard, and consists of three operations [Liepins and Hilliard, 1989]:...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

27 420 0