Modeling, Measurement and Control P18
... the integration of structure and control design appears in Skelton1,2 and Grigoriadis et al.3 Bendsoe and others4-7 optimize structures by beginning with a solid brick and deleting finite elements ... interdisciplinary tools were developed to integrate the design of the structure and the control Hence, in this modern era, the dynamics of the structure and control were not cooperating to the fullest extent ... future, controlled structures will not be conceived merely as multidisciplinary design steps, where a plate, beam, or shell is first designed, followed by the addition of control actuation Rather, controlled...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 09:15
Modeling, Measurement and Control P21
... parameters and evaluation functions Accordingly, computer-aided design (CAD) is significant for designing suitable robots for objective tasks and saving manpower, time, and costs required for design ... terminated 21.2.7 Design Example The design conditions are summarized in Table 21.2 and Figures 21.22 and 21.23 Figure 21.24 shows the robot designed by the above-mentioned procedure, and Tables 21.3 ... problems, increased reliability and improved thermal capacity are achieved On the other hand, brushless motors require more complex and expensive control systems Sensors and switching circuitry are...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 13:15
Modeling, Measurement and Control P23
... the command and control of a vector such as position or force is not enough to control the interaction between systems (dynamic networks) The controller must also be able to command and control ... model and using the nominal position and force measurements, and a controller involving a PD regulator and robust control part The purpose of the robust controller is to ensure that the control ... manipulators: controller design and experiment, IEEE J Robotics and Automation, 4(6), 1988 12 Anderson, R and Spong, M., Hybrid impedance control of robotic manipulators, IEEE J Robotics and Automation,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 20:15
Modeling, Measurement and Control P24
... is A11 and … and Xn is A1n, then Y = B11 and … and Ym = B1m R 2: if X1 is A21 and … and Xn is A2n, then Y = B21 and … Ym = B2m M R r: if X1 is Ar1 and … and Xn is Arn, then Y1 = Br1 and … and Ym ... sensors and are sent to both the teacher and the trainable controller During control of the robot by the teacher, the control signals and the state variables of the robot are sampled and stored ... modeling imprecise statements is one of the main issues in implementation of automatic control systems based on using linguistic control rules With fuzzy controllers, modeling of linguistic control...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 20:15
Modeling, Measurement and Control P26
... 26.10) The control station consists of a TV monitor, and a control panel with joysticks and pushbutton commands Bi-directional radio links allow simultaneous transmission of Commands from the control ... very useful for system simulation and control 26.4 Control of Mobile Robots A variety of control systems with mobile robots are currently in use The simplest control systems were developed for ... ultrasonic-based range-finder mounted on a pan -and- tilt unit This unit is located on the front end of the chassis and constantly rotates left -and- right and up -and- down independently of the speed of the...
Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2013, 05:15
... Processes and Their Monitoring and Control 8.1 Assembly Processes 8.2 Monitoring and Control of Resistance Welding Process 8.3 Monitoring and Control of Arc Welding Processes References Control ... Monitoring and Control 6.5 Other Process Phenomena 6.6 Future Direction and Efforts Acknowledgments References Forming Processes: Monitoring and Control 7.1 Introduction: Process and Control Objectives ... systems design handbook : modeling, measurement, and control / edited by Osita D.I Nwokah, Yildirim Hurmuzlu p cm (The Electrical engineering handbook series) Includes bibliographical references and...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 13:15
... state of the art and current trends in robot design and application Industrial and service robots will be considered and typical examples of their system design will be presented in two case studies ... interconnected set of links and powered joints that support or move a wrist, a hand or an end effector • Wrist: a set of joints between the arm and the hand that allows the hand to be oriented to the ... simple and efficient design The structure is stiff and allows excellent positioning accuracy and high speeds, but working volume is limited If the number of independent robot axes (arm and wrist)...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 13:15
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P29 doc
... Systems Design Planning and design of service robot systems involves systematic design of mechatronic products (Schraft and Hägele,18 Kim and Koshla,94 and Schraft et al.20) followed by designing ... meals, pharmaceuticals, and documents along normal corridors Clear and simple user interfaces, robust robot navigation, and ability to open doors and operate elevators by remote control make it a pioneering ... guidance and control (absolute motion control) • Sensorimotor primitives defined as encapsulations of perception and motion that form domain general blocks for fast task strategies (reactive motion control) ...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 13:15
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P30 pptx
... Geneva, Switzerland, 2000 10 Kim, J.-O and Koshla, P., Design of space shuttle tile servicing robot: an application of taskbased kinematic design, 10, 648, 1994 11 Masory, O., Wang, J., and Zhuang, ... using a discrete event system approach, Robotics and Autonomous Syst., 13, 173, 1994 Cutkosky, M.R., On grasp choice, grasp models, and the design of hands for manufacturing tasks, IEEE Trans Robotics ... production and service, Proc 1993 IEEE/Tsukuba Int Workshop Adv Robotics, AIST Tsukuba Research Center, Tsukuba, Japan, 1993 18 Schraft, R.D and Hägele, M., Methods and tools for an efficient design...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 13:15
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P1 pptx
... sections 1.5.1 Product Design and Design for Manufacturability At the product design stage, designers and product engineers generate new ideas and study various aspects of design Also, production ... reduced costs and lead times in all engineering design stages, improved quality and accuracy, minimization of errors and their duplication, more efficient analysis tool, and accurate control and monitoring ... Manufacturing Systems and Their Design Principles 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 M G Mehrabi 1.5 University of Michigan Product Design and Design for Manufacturability • Process Planning and System Design of Manufacturing...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P3 pdf
... mechanism, and the clamp mechanisms 3.2.4 Tasks of a Logic Control Programmer A major task in the design of manufacturing systems is the design and programming of the logic controllers A logic control ... each control a region or subsystem of the machine, and these PLCs communicate and cooperate to control the entire machine These distributed systems are easier to wire up, and can be designed and ... types of control systems work concurrently In this presentation, we will focus on the discrete event control and neglect the interactions between discrete event controllers and the continuous controllers...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P5 pptx
... Dynamic modeling for control of the milling process, ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 110, 4, 367–375 50 Tomizuka, M and Zhang, S., 1988, Modeling and conventional adaptive PI control ... on-line, and its reflection of process anomalies such as tool breakage and chatter While there have been differences in format and the underlying models used, most of the controllers designed ... to design a controller for elimination of chatter were Nachtigal and Cook55 who used the cutting force signal as feedback to control the position of the tool for increased stability They designed...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P6 ppt
... mechanics and monitoring and control modules, but also the machine tool structure and servo mechanisms A comprehensive simulator will allow the designer to investigate process monitoring and control ... 115, 122, 1993 40 Landers, R G and Ulsoy, A G., Supervisory machining control: Design approach and experiments, Annals of the CIRP, 47, 301, 1998 41 Ulsoy, A G and Koren, Y., Control of machining ... milling operation (four teeth, entry and exit angles of –/+ 27o) (From: Landers, R.G., Supervisory Machining Control: A Design Approach Plus Force Control and Chatter Analysis Components, Ph.D...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P7 pptx
... servo control of machine variables from fully controlling the process output Such control does, however, greatly reduce the process variability, and with good production control of material and ... higher accuracy and repeatability or by facilitating more mechanically complex machines to enhance process flexibility and control degrees of freedom In all cases, the properties of control loops: ... Part Shape Material feedback and shape feedback control loops actuator nonlinearities and drift It also can allow for a rapid change of set-points as production demands change However, it cannot...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P8 doc
... DeVor, R.E., Chang, T., and Sutherland, J., 1992, Statistical Quality Design and Control, Contemporary Concepts and Methods, Macmillan, New York Dickinson, D W., Franklin, J E., and Stanya, A., 1980, ... Tomizuka, M., and Langari, G., 1982, Modeling and adaptive control of arc-welding processes, Measurement and Control for Batch Manufacturing, Hardt, D E., ed., 65–75 Doumanidis, C., and Hardt, D.E., ... principal stages of process control involve modeling, sensing, and control (Cook et al., 1989; Kannatey-Asibu, Jr., 1997) At the core of feedback control are the process inputs and outputs The primary...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P10 ppt
... of good and poor accuracy and repeatability moving table fixed table FIGURE 10.4 Slideway straightness relationships (From Dorf, R and Kusiak, A., Handbook of Design, Manufacturing, and Automation, ... Slide and carriage rigid body relationships (From Dorf, R and Kusiak, A., Handbook of Design, Manufacturing, and Automation, John Wiley, New York, 1994 With permission.) 10.3.1 Rigid Body Motion and ... Dorf, R and Kusiak, A., Handbook of Design, Manufacturing, and Automation, John Wiley, New York, 1994 With permission.) FIGURE 10.14 Fixed and rotating sensitive directions (From Dorf, R and Kusiak,...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P11 ppt
... (ii) active tendon, and (iii) generic interface In all cases, the same control architecture is used: a collocated piezoelectric actuator and force sensor connected by a local controller with an ... actuator and the force sensor It can, therefore, be regarded as a compound index of controllability and observability of mode i νi is readily available from commercial finite element programs and can ... that in addition to being simple and robust, the control law can be implemented in an analog controller, which performs better in microvibrations 11.3 Active Tendon Control The use of cables to achieve...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P12 pdf
... improvements and refinements of the concept were reported (see Reference 60 and references therein] Recent developments in multivariable control design methodology and microprocessor implementation ... practical implementation of SA suspensions, nonlinear control schemes, actual hardware implementation, actuator bandwidth requirements, reliability, and cost Furthermore, in the process of designing ... control techniques for SA suspensions 12.5.2 Semi-Active Control Concept The elementary SA controller design is the so-called on-off SA strategy, which was first proposed by Margolis, Tylee, and...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P13 pptx
... real damper control The control law determines a commanded damper force Fdes It is transformed on the basis of actual damper velocity in the control unit into the specific commanded control current ... complete nonlinear model is available within the control design environment usually by means of co-simulation interface between vehicle modeling and control design packages Multi-objective parameter ... performed by Yi and Hedrick26 and followed by Valásˇ k et al.,9 Kortüm and Valásˇ k,14 and Besinger et al.28 The recent investigation e e verified by prototype implementation and experimentation...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Modeling, Measurement and Control P14 pdf
... variables ca and ka are not available, and the control parameters g and τ can be set only according to estimated values of ca and ka in practice Two methods to improve robustness of the control algorithm ... 1981a, 1981b and 1982; Zitek 1984), its usage for control advantage is rare and limited to stability- and robustness-related issues (Youcef-Toumi et al 1990, 1991; Yang, 1991) The delayed control ... structural parameters are perfectly known, and g and τ are calculated as per Equations (14.40) and (14.41) When the parameters ka and ca vary, these control parameters must be readjusted for tuning...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 15:20