... to them in HTML 4 have been given semantic meanings in HTML5, including: ptg999 xviii Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours About the Author Jennifer Kyrnin has ... Converting Apps to Work Offline 341 The Cache Manifest 343 Using DOM Events and Properties for Offline Apps 347 Debugging the Application Cache 351 x Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development ... Mobile Web Application Development with HTML5 1 Understanding How We Got to HTML5 1 Learning What’s Different with HTML5 3 Defining Web Applications 4 Using the Open Web Standard 4 Using HTML5...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:01
... semantic aspect to them in HTML 4 have been given semantic meanings in HTML5, including: www.it-ebooks.info ptg999 xvi Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours Organization ... language) 2. Mobile computing—Programming. 3. Application software Development. I. Title. QA76.76.H94K97 2012 006.7’4—dc23 2011036380 Printed in the United States of America First Printing: November ... href=”#”>Products</a></li> </ul> www.it-ebooks.info ptg999 xviii Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours About the Author Jennifer Kyrnin has been teaching HTML, XML, and web design online since 1997....
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
microsoft office 2003 application development all-in-one desk reference for dummies
... Automating e-mail routing ✦ Administering the task pane from within an application ✦ Writing your own add-ins ✦ Building a distributed business system using Web Services Making do in a shaky economy No ... programming task panes, managing Smart Tags, the new security features, and much more. Anyone interested in building intelligent business applications will find the solutions they’re looking for in ... automatic routing (during your vacation), man- aging multiple accounts, using send/receive Groups, blocking virii, working with profiles, sharing schedules, planning meetings, searching e-mail,...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 15:46
office 2003 application development all-in-one desk reference for dummies
... Office Applications 504 Trapping Events 507 Getting incoming mail 507 Intercepting outgoing mail 508 Searching Via Iteration 509 Bringing Macros to the User 511 Creating a UserForm 511 Adding macros ... programming. You wallow in objects in Chapter 3: discovering techniques for using objects in VBA, understanding .NET data types, making declarations and using events in VBA, and managing collections ... 562 InfoPath for the designer 562 InfoPath for the user 564 Trying Out InfoPath 565 Designing the main sections of a form 566 Adding controls 567 Seeing the data hierarchy 571 Generating an InfoPath...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 16:00
Mobile Application Development with SMS and the SIM Toolkit ppt
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 00:21
Mobile JavaScript Application Development ppt
... Singleton Object 35 Scheduling Function Execution 36 Concatenating Strings 36 Iterating Over Arrays 37 Using toString() for Reflection 37 Easy Code Injection 38 Object-Oriented Programming in ... iOS since 3.2 and Android since 2.1. CSS3 Animations and Transitions | 23 We are also going to pay attention to many other aspects of application development, including testing and debugging, ... this information to interpolate the intermediate values to provide the final animation on the page. Final Considerations Before you start using CSS3 transitions and animations in your sites and applications, you...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20
Sams Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 Hours docx
... 86 Using the AndroidManifest.xml Tab 86 Configuring Basic Application Settings 87 Naming Android Packages 88 Versioning an Application 88 Setting the Minimum Android SDK Version 89 Naming an Application ... simply displays a string. In this case, the string displayed is defined in the string resource called @string/hello. To edit the string resource called @string/hello, using the string resource editor, follow ... 274 Setting Network Permissions 275 Checking Network Status 275 Using HTTP Networking 276 Indicating Network Activity with Progress Bars 277 Displaying Indeterminate Progress 277 Displaying Determinate...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20
Sams Teach Yourself iOS 5 Application Development in 24 Hours potx
... 2.4 Finding your way around the Xcode interface can be intimidating at first. Getting Your Bearings After you’ve created or opened a project in Xcode, the interface displays an iTunes- like window ... Provisioning Portal. Apple has dramatically streamlined the process in recent versions of Xcode, making provisioning as simple as connecting your device and clicking a button. To install the development ... your device. Configuring a Device for Development In the past, creating a provisioning profile for the sole purpose of development was a frustrating and time-consuming activity that took place in an area of the...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Mobile JavaScript Application Development doc
... writing, this list includes the following operating system/browser combinations: • iOS since version 3.2 • Android since 2.1 • Windows Phone since version 7 • Blackberry since version 6, including ... WebOS since 1.4 • Firebox Mobile since 10 beta • Skyfire since 4.1 • Opera Mobile since 11.5 • Meego since 1.2 • Samsung bada since 2.0 • UC Browser • Kindle and Kindle Fire • Nook Color since ... visual interface. Figure 3-10 shows the interface of the ThemeRoller for jQuery Mobile, which provides a download link for the resulting CSS file, in both minified and non-minified formats, including...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 17:20
Android application development in 24 hours (2010, darcey l )
... displays a string. In this case, the string displayed is defined in the string resource called @string/hello. To edit the string resource called @string/hello, using the string resource editor, ... incorporate application resources such as strings, graphics, and user interface compo- nents into your projects. . Part II: Building an Application Framework In Part II, you’ll begin developing an application ... the Way Running and Debugging Applications 21 As you can see, the application is very simple. It displays a single TextView control, with a line of text. The application does nothing else. Debugging...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 11:02
sams teach yourself android application development in 24 hours 7summits
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:24
Mobile Everywhere: Mobile Application in Wireless Communication Era
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 16:30
Pro WPF and Silverlight MVVM effective Application Development
... interact in a two-way binding scenario. Listing 2–8. Declaring a Two-Way Binding in XAML <Button Content="{Binding Path=myProperty, BindingMode=TwoWay}" /> One-Way-To-Source Binding ... objects’ properties interact in a one-time binding scenario Listing 2–10. Declaring a One-Time Binding in XAML <Button Content="{Binding Path=myProperty, BindingMode=OneTime}" /> ... binding. Listing 2–9 shows an example of one-way-to-source binding in XAML. Figure 2–5. How two objects’ properties interact in a one-way-to-source binding scenario Listing 2–9. Declaring...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 08:54
Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:25
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