minimal perl for unix and linux users

minimal perl for unix and linux people - manning 2006

minimal perl for unix and linux people - manning 2006

... gratitude for all the good times we’ve had together brief contents Part Minimal Perl: for UNIX and Linux Users 1 Introducing Minimal Perl Perl essentials 16 Perl as a (better) grep command 53 Perl ... Part Minimal Perl: for UNIX and Linux Users 1 Introducing Minimal Perl 1.1 A visit to Perlistan 3 Sometimes you need a professional guide 1.2 Perl can be simple 1.3 About Minimal Perl What Minimal ... about how Minimal Perl fits into its associated cultures CHAPTER INTRODUCING MINIMAL PERL How does Minimal Perl relate to Unix and standard Perl? Minimal Perl emphasizes the features of Perl that...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:27

495 854 0
Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 1 ppsx

Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 1 ppsx

... gratitude for all the good times we’ve had together brief contents Part Minimal Perl: for UNIX and Linux Users 1 Introducing Minimal Perl Perl essentials 16 Perl as a (better) grep command 53 Perl ... Part Minimal Perl: for UNIX and Linux Users 1 Introducing Minimal Perl 1.1 A visit to Perlistan 3 Sometimes you need a professional guide 1.2 Perl can be simple 1.3 About Minimal Perl What Minimal ... about how Minimal Perl fits into its associated cultures CHAPTER INTRODUCING MINIMAL PERL How does Minimal Perl relate to Unix and standard Perl? Minimal Perl emphasizes the features of Perl that...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

51 886 0
Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 2 doc

Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 2 doc

... routinely in Minimal Perl and removed only in the rare cases where it spoils the results It’s shown here for both the sed and perl commands for uniformity PERL S INVOCATION OPTIONS 19 $ perl -wpl ... ' # Output Generation This next group is for commands that read input: alias alias alias alias perl_ io=' perl_ iop=' perl_ f=' perl_ fp=' perl perl perl perl -wnl -wpl -wnla -wpla ' ' ' ' # # # ... process input a paragraph at a time: alias alias alias alias alias Perl_ o=' Perl_ io=' Perl_ iop=' Perl_ f=' Perl_ fp=' perl perl perl perl perl -00 -00 -00 -00 -00 -wl -wnl -wpl -wnla -wpla ' ' ' ' '...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

41 517 0
Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 3 pot

Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 3 pot

... Explanation /perl/ Looks for a match with perl in $_ Matches perl in $_ m :perl: Same, except uses different delimiters Matches perl in $_ $data =~ /perl/ i Looks for a match Matches perl PERL Perl ... Unix and Perl commands for common grepping activities Unix command Perl counterpart Type of task Section grep 'RE' F perl -wnl -e '/RE/ and print;' F Show matching lines 3.3.1 grep -v 'RE' F perl ... after consulting man ascii: 104 LHS and RHS, respectively, stand for left- and right-hand-side, and DQ stands for double quotes CHAPTER PERL AS A (BETTER) sed COMMAND ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

52 438 0
Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 4 ppt

Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 4 ppt

... of AWK and Perl next NOTE 5.2 AWK is totally AWKsome, but Perl is even better; it’s Perlicious! COMPARING BASIC FEATURES OF awk AND PERL This section provides an overview of how AWK and Perl compare ... $total, as in $total += $_ CHAPTER PERL AS A (BETTER) awk COMMAND Table 5.8 AWK and Perl programs for simple tasks AWK a Perl b Explanation

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

54 394 0
Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 5 pot

Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 5 pot

... '-A and ! -B and print;' # Example perl -wnl -e '-A and -B and -C and print;' # Example perl -wnl -e '( -A or -B ) and print;' # Example perl -wnl -e '( -A or -B or -C ) and print;' # Example perl ... Then Perl commands, having forms such as these, could be added as the filtering stage in the pipeline: perl -wnl -e '-A and print;' # Example perl -wnl -e '-A and -B and print;' # Example perl ... use a special kind of find | perl pipeline for filtering out undesirable arguments for Unix utilities, and how to use Unix utilities for validating arguments for Perl programs 6.4 PROCESSING...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

50 755 0
Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 6 pptx

Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 6 pptx

... Table 7.7 The rand function Typical invocation formats $random_tiny_number=rand; $random_larger_number=rand N; $random_element=$some_array[ rand @some_array ]; Example Explanation $num=rand; Assigns ... nearest relative in Unix or the Shell Table 7.8 Useful Perl functions for lists, and their nearest relatives in Unix Built-in Perl function Unix relative(s) sort The Unix sort command List sorting ... similarities and differences in how data flows between commands and functions 7.3.1 Comparing Unix pipelines and Perl functions Although there are distinct similarities between Unix command pipelines and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

42 430 0
Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 7 potx

Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 7 potx

... back-quote syntax for command substitution, of the form $(command) INTERPOLATING COMMAND OUTPUT INTO SOURCE CODE 269 Table 8.6 Command substitution/interpolation in the Shell and Perl Shell a Perl Explanation ... separated records a cmd and cmd2 represent OS commands, var/$var and array/@array Shell /Perl variable names, and function a Perl function name When a Unix shell processes a command substitution, a ... submit a command to the OS-dependent command interpreter (/bin/sh on Unix) for execution 18 See _perl. html for further details EXECUTING OS COMMANDS USING...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

46 957 0
Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 8 docx

Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 8 docx

... quality value The Shell’s for loop is similar to Perl s foreach loop, not Perl s for loop LOOPING WITH for Although the Shell’s for is like Perl s foreach, Perl does have a for loop of its own, derived ... variable The syntax for the Shell’s for loop is shown in table 10.5 alongside that of its Perl counterpart, foreach Table 10.5 The Shell’s for loop and Perl s foreach loop Shell a Perl for var in LIST ... $index=rand @fortunes; # select random index CHAPTER LIST VARIABLES 27 28 29 30 31 32 printf $fortunes[ $index ]; # print random fortune delete $fortunes[ $index ]; # mark fortune undefined @fortunes=grep...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

58 786 0
Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 9 potx

Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 9 potx

... common (and therefore clash-prone) names, such as $output, $count, and @name for variables, or calculate, validate, and get_data for subroutines For this reason, it might be best to provide IQ’s users ... Man-page name & description have this format in $perlpage: # perlsyn Perl syntax # Loop creates hash that maps man-page descriptions to names while ( $perlpage =~ /^\s+ (perl\ w+)\s+(.+)$/mg ) { # get ... (such as “perlcheat”, “perltoot”, and “perlguts”) TIP 10.8 You can use the only Shell loop that Larry left out of Perl by getting the Shell::POSIX::Select module from the CPAN SUMMARY Perl provides...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

50 326 0
Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 10 pdf

Minimal Perl For UNIX and Linux People 10 pdf

... distributed with SuSE Linux version 10, which are v2.5.1 for grep, egrep, and fgrep; v4.1.4 for sed; v3.1.4 for gawk; v4.2.3 for find; and v3.00.16(1) for bash See also UNIX, Unix, GNU, POSIX clobberation ... last FORMAT; # leave loops once final choice obtained } $Eof and next; # handle to TYPE loop } $Eof and exit; # handle to FORMAT loop # Now construct user's command $command="ls $user_format ... xxv for loop 345–349 good for index-oriented array processing 345 for loop (Perl) syntax of 345 for loop (Shell) 331 compared to Perl s foreach 340 foreach loop 340–344 compared to Shell’s for...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

59 323 0
minimal perl for unix and linux people (2005)

minimal perl for unix and linux people (2005)

... gratitude for all the good times we’ve had together brief contents Part Minimal Perl: for UNIX and Linux Users 1 Introducing Minimal Perl Perl essentials 16 Perl as a (better) grep command 53 Perl ... Part Minimal Perl: for UNIX and Linux Users 1 Introducing Minimal Perl 1.1 A visit to Perlistan 3 Sometimes you need a professional guide 1.2 Perl can be simple 1.3 About Minimal Perl What Minimal ... about how Minimal Perl fits into its associated cultures CHAPTER INTRODUCING MINIMAL PERL How does Minimal Perl relate to Unix and standard Perl? Minimal Perl emphasizes the features of Perl that...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 20:49

503 1,2K 0
Tài liệu Unix and Linux Backups for System Administrators pptx

Tài liệu Unix and Linux Backups for System Administrators pptx

... three Unix/ Linux backup commands: tar, dump, and dd (or cpio) • Operate the tape device via the mt command • Develop a backup strategy that meets your needs as well as your users Unix and Linux ... to • Use Unix/ Linux backup commands: tar, dump, and dd • Operate the tape device via the mt command • Develop a backup strategy that meets your needs as well as your users Unix and Linux Backups ... notes Unix/ Linux Backup Commands • tar • dump • dd • cpio (in Appendix) Unix and Linux Backups – SANS GIAC LevelOne © 2000, 2001 The archival commands we will discuss here are tar, dump, and dd...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

51 351 0
Serial port programming for Windows and Linux

Serial port programming for Windows and Linux

... open and configured, a program can send and receive data through it In both Windows and Linux the serial port is treated as a file, and the file read and write operations are used to send data to and ... directions, and, because it 0, has separate pins for transmit and receive, a device //security attributes can send and receive data at the same time Sending //0 here means that this file handle and receiving ... port These are to open the serial port, configure HANDLE fileHandle; the serial port, read and write bytes to and from the fileHandle = serial port, and close the serial port when the task has CreateFile(...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 20:15

10 684 1
Tài liệu Basic UNIX and Linux Auditing pptx

Tài liệu Basic UNIX and Linux Auditing pptx

... sure wtmp and btmp files exist • Run who to look for unexpected users • Run last to look for unexpected logins • Run lastb to look for failed login attempts • Backup log files UNIX/ Linux Auditing ... syslog • Be able to find programs that run as root and look for hidden files • Verify and monitor network services and Internet connection UNIX/ Linux Auditing – SANS GIAC LevelOne © 2000, 2001 ... appropriate server program and goes away UNIX/ Linux Auditing – SANS GIAC LevelOne © 2000, 2001 28 On a UNIX operating system, the Internet daemon, inetd, listens for connections and services them upon...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

49 362 0


... objects, depending on whether the description was for an adult or for a junior For an adult, an object is described with its sub-parts and their properties; for a junior, the description traces through ... chain, descriptions for the novice tend to include more detail about functional reformation than descriptions for the expert W e have shown how formalization of the strategies allows for the development ... Coherence and Coreference Technical Note 168, SRI International, 1978 Menlo Park, California [Kaplan 82] W e would like to thank Kathy McKeown and Michael Lebowitz for helping in both the research and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

8 441 0
UNIX and linux system administration handbook (4th edition)

UNIX and linux system administration handbook (4th edition)

... UNIX AND LINUX SYSTEM ® ® ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK FOURTH EDITION This page intentionally left blank UNIX AND LINUX SYSTEM ® ® ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK FOURTH EDITION Evi ... Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data UNIX and Linux system administration handbook / Evi Nemeth [et al.] —4th ed p cm Rev ed of: Unix system administration handbook, ... for backups 298 Prepare for the worst 298 xiv UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook Backup devices and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:36

1,3K 1,5K 0
Nessus Credential Checks for Unix and Windows potx

Nessus Credential Checks for Unix and Windows potx

... Command line options and keywords are also indicated with the courier bold font Command line examples may or may not include the command line prompt and output text from the results of the command ... authentication methods for use with SSH: username and password, public/private keys and Kerberos Username and Password Although supported, Tenable does not recommend using a username and password for authentication ... remote users, even real users in the domain, will actually authenticate as a “Guest” and will likely not have enough credentials to perform a remote audit Configuring Windows XP and 2003 When performing...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:21

25 686 0
.This page intentionally left blank.A Guide to MATLAB®for Beginners and Experienced UsersSecond ppt

.This page intentionally left blank.A Guide to MATLAB®for Beginners and Experienced UsersSecond ppt

... from a Loop Other Programming Commands Subfunctions Cell and Structure Arrays Commands for Parsing Input and Output Evaluation and Function Handles User Input and Screen Output Debugging 85 85 ... of Maryland, College Park We have used MATLAB in our research, in our mathematics courses, for presentations and demonstrations, for production of graphics for books and for the Web, and even ... editing the command using the LEFT- and RIGHT- ARROW keys, and then pressing R ETURN or E NTER The UP - and DOWN - ARROW keys allow you to scroll back and forth through all the commands you’ve typed...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 08:20

329 415 0