... xvzf splunkforwarder-7 .0. 0-c8a78efdd40f-Linux-x 86_ 64. tgz -C /opt Cấu hình universal forwarder http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/5 .0. 18/Deploy/Deployanixdfmanually Tại máy Forwarder chạy ... Vào trang web http://192. 168 .28. 54: 800 0 Lần đầu đăng nhập: Đặt mật cho user admin '1' Để sử dụng giao diện web tiếng Anh, overwrite 'en-US' Ví dụ: http://192. 168 .28. 54: 800 0/en-US Add license: Add ... dụng có phải 64 bit hay không: Giải nén file *.tgz copy vào thư mục /opt/splunk (đây thư mục gốc user splunk theo câu lệnh trên) cd /tmp tar -xvf splunk -6. 4. 3-b03 109 c2bad4-Linux-x 86_ 64. tgz cp -rp
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2018, 18:57
... DockPanel, 166 – 167 Grid, 1 60 – 162 iterating through Children collection, 171 nested controls, 172–175 positioning/sizing elements in, 1 60 StackPanel, 162 – 1 64 WrapPanel, 1 64 – 166 XAML for nested ... WPF Recipes in C# 201 0: A Problem-Solution Approach Illustrated C# See last page for details on $ 10 eBook version Pro ASP.NET 4. 0 in C# 201 0, Fourth Edition Pro WPF in C# 201 0 Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework ... redevelopment effort Sincerely Carl Ganz, Jr Companion eBook THE APRESS ROADMAP Beginning ASP.NET 4. 0 in C# 201 0 Pro Dynamic NET 4. 0 Applications Beginning C# Pro C# 201 0 and the NET 4. 0 Platform, Fifth
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:29
Tài liệu Cabling Standard - TSB-155 - IEEE 802.3an for Cat 6A 10GBase-T System - Draft 4.0 pdf
... DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 The document to which this ... by them ANSI/TIA/EIA- 568 -B.2- 10, Transmission Performance Specifications for Pair 100 Ohm Augmented Category Cabling 38 39 4. 1 Definitions 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 The generic definitions ... values determined using equation (2) for each disturbed pair 20 f X − 10 log( ) dB ≤ f ≤ 100 100 PSANEXT ≥ f X − 15 log( ) dB 100 < f ≤ 500 100 (2) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 The power sum ANEXT loss
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 22:15
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_2 ppt
... int', @0= N'Mr.',@1=' 200 9 -09 -07 11 :41 :25. 165 6711',@2=228 One last item before you move to adding entities... the context name, it should be called AdventureWorks 200 8Entities1): try { 87 ... AdventureWorks 200 8Entities1()) { ProductModel prodModel = new ProductModel(); prodModel.Name = "Front Forks"; prodModel.rowguid = Guid.NewGuid(); prodModel.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; context.ProductModels.AddObject(prodModel); ... sources, such as SQL Server For example, the SqlClient provider for SQL... AdventureWorks 200 8 database, and include the following tables: • Production.ProductModel • Production.Product The EDM wizard
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_3 pptx
... ',@15=N'M ',@ 16= N'M ',@17=1,@18=129,@19=' 200 9 -09 -07 12 :07 : 26. 04 3 948 2',@ 20= &apos ;00 000 000 -00 00- 000 0 -00 00- 000 000 000 000 ',@21=' 200 9 -09 -07 12 :07 : 26. 04 3 948 2' ... Kayaba',@1=N'IKAYA-R 209 ', @2=1,@3=1, @4= N'Red',@5=2 50, @6= 2 50, @7=2 500 .00 00, @8=3 900 .00 00, @9=N&apos ; 40 M',@ 10= N'CM ',@11=N'LB ',@12 =45 . 20, @13=5,@ 14= N'S ',@15=N'M ... prod.SafetyStockLevel = 2 50; prod.ReorderPoint = 2 50; prod.StandardCost = 2 500 ; prod.ListPrice = 3 900 ; prod.Size = " ; 40 M"; prod.SizeUnitMeasureCode = "CM"; prod.WeightUnitMeasureCode
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_6 doc
... http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid =13FDFCE4-7F92 -43 8F- 805 8-B5B4 04 1 D0F01&displaylang=en The ADO.NET Entity Framework Feature CTP is a set of features that adds additional features and components to EF 4. 0. From this ... properties defined in the conceptual model must correspond to a navigation property in the custom data class These properties... all 20, 00 0 rows—we just want a specific subset of that Therefore, ... assemblies in your UI project (CodeOnlyUI) are located here: C:\Program Files(x 86) \Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NetFramework\v4 .0\ Profile\Client The client profile target framework
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_7 potx
... better how to approach your code For this chapter we will use the same project we created in Chapter 7 and that we have used since then, the EF 40 project Updating the Model For this chapter ... additional SQL script to add a few stored procedures that we... three stored procedures to our model that we just added to the EF 40 database Open Visual Studio 201 0 project and open the EDM Right-click ... the other project. To add this proxy object, right- click on the References node in Solution Explorer for the WinForms project and select Add Service Reference, as seen in Figure 11- 16. [...]...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_8 ppt
... declarations: EF40Data.EF40Entities context; EF40Data.ProductModel prodMods; bool... Form1 : Form { EF40Data.EF40Entities context; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object ... the EF40Data project to the WinFormsBinding project To do so, right-click the app.config file in the EF40Data project, and select Copy from the context menu Right-click the WinFormsBinding project, ... (nameTextBox.Text.Length > 0) { productModelBindingSource.EndEdit(); prodMods = new EF40Data.ProductModel(); prodMods.Name = nameTextBox.Text; context.ProductModels.AddObject(prodMods); context.SaveChanges();
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_9 pptx
... 243 productModelBindingSource, 239, 242 – 243 ProductModelID column, 90, 244 ProductModelID property, 2 36 ProductModelID value, 90 91 ProductModelName column, 241 Products class, 238–239, 244 ... class, 90 Product Model Binding Navigator, 244 Product Model ID, 244 Production.Product table, 87 Production.ProductModel table, 87 ProductModel class, 88, 2 36, 244 ProductModel column, 241 ProductModel ... scalar properties, 25, 42 scalar properties, of entities, 40 Scalar Property, Add menu, 24, 40 , 42 scalar property... overview, 229 save function, 244 Windows Forms project, 1 10, 1 46 Windows
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
ccna explorationg 4.0 - chapter 6 teleworker services
... non-profit research and development consortium for cable-related technologies DOCSIS specifies the OSI Layer 1 and Layer 2 requirements: – Physical layer - For data signals... 40 0 kHz, 800 ... The 802 . 16 (or WiMAX) standard allows transmissions up to 70 Mb/s, and has a range of up to 30 miles ( 50 km) It can operate in licensed or unlicensed bands of the spectrum from 2 to 6 GHz ... routers with multiple 10/ 100 switch ports suitable for home office use – DSLAM - Located... confidentiality and security Học viện mạng Bach Khoa - Website: www.bkacad.com 30 VPNs and Their
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 09:29
windows powershell 4.0 for .net developers
... book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information. First published: January 20 14 Production Reference: 108 01 14 Published by ... PowerShell 4. 0 for .NET Developers Copyright © 20 14 Packt Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by ... files... technologies on older operating systems For example, WMF 4. 0 allows you to use Windows PowerShell 4. 0 on Windows Server 200 8 R2 with SP1 or Windows 7 with SP1 Windows
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:20
Programming C# 4.0 phần 6 doc
... Random(3); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { Console.WriteLine(random.Next()); } Console.ReadKey(); } If you compile and run, you should see this output: 63 03 27 709 149 8 04 4 2 46 1857 544 709 4 262 53993 1 20 ... the same. Or we could read, say, 1 ,00 0 characters off the tape, and copy them onto another tape which we give to someone to work on, then read the next 1 ,00 0, and so on, until we run out of characters. ... 'C:\Users\mwa\AppData\Local\r2gl4q1a.ycp\' is denied. SameNameAndContent.txt C:\Users\mwa\AppData\Local\dcyx0fv1.hv3 C:\Users\mwa\AppData\Local\0nf2wqwr.y3s C:\Users\mwa\AppData\Local\kfilxte4.exy 40 8 | Chapter
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20
A Programmer’s Introduction to PHP 4.0 phần 6 potx
... Back to the festivities. Chapter 9 2 20 NOTE PHP and site security are discussed in more detail in Chapter 16. Gilmore _09 12 /4/ 00 1 :07 PM Page 2 20 Listing 9 -6: A sample footer file (footer.tpl) ... starting place for PHP scripts, tutorials, and information about gourmet cooking! </td> </tr> </table> PHP and Dynamic Site Development 221 Gilmore _09 12 /4/ 00 1 :07 PM Page 221 ... 222 Gilmore _09 12 /4/ 00 1 :07 PM Page 222 August 23, 03 :17 pm </td> </tr> </table> <table width="95%" cellspacing=" ;0& quot; cellpadding=" ;0& quot; border="1">
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 docx
... last page for details on $ 10 eBook version ISBN 978-1-5 905 9-9 90- 7 9 7815 90 599 907 5 54 9 9 THE APRESS ROADMAP Pro Entity Framework 4. 0 Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 201 0 Introducing ... Scalar Properties 40 Complex Types 40 Complex Types Defined 41 Creating a Complex Type 41 Foreign Keys and Relationships (Associations) 45 Navigation Properties 46 Mapping Details 47 Lifting ... 201 0 Introducing .NET 4. 0 with Visual Studio 201 0 Beginning SQL Server 200 8 for Developers Entity Framework Recipes Expert SQL Server 200 8 Development Pro Entity Framework 4. 0
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 16:20
ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 6 docx
... following listing 266 CHAPTER 10 ASP.NET security Listing 10. 2 web.config configuration for a custom 40 0 error You can check the corresponding display in figure 10. 2 This technique is ... codes Each request produces a status code; if there are no errors, the default value is 200 OK Table 10. 1 Main HTTP status codes for errors HTTP status code Description 40 0 Bad request: Used ... The problem is that if someone passes an evil string, like 0) ;DROP TABLE Products , the result is the following query: SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Category IN (0) ;DROP TABLE Products ) 2 70 CHAPTER
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23
... ADMINCP VÀ HIỆU CHỈNH Phụ lục 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Turn Your vBulletin On and Off : Bật/tắt tạm ... cập 30 Search Engine Friendly Archive : Công cụ lưu trữ t.m kiếm . 30 Admin Control Panel Options : Tùy chỉnh AdminCP 31 44 45 46 47 48 49 External Data Provider : Cung ... of Forums - Forum Home : Hiển thị forum cấp ? Chức giúp hiển thị forum cấp thấp – Depth of Forums - Forum Display : Chiều sâu hiển thị thứ tự forum – Depth of Sub-Forums : Chia cột hiển thị forum
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21
Gia công trong pro wifi 4.0
... gia công khuôn mẫu chọn UNCX01.P 20 báo thời gian gia công 42 .09 phút closedone outputdone/return. 6. kiểm tra mà G_code võa xuÊt më C:\baitap1\dao_trud 16. tap (më b»ng notepad) dangthanhhai1978@yahoo.com ... công khuôn mẫu done/return tiến hành ẩn thể tích phay 4. 4 mô phỏng va xem đường chạy dao chän Play path →Screen play→play forward dangthanhhai1978@yahoo.com Kỹ sư CAD/CAM Chuyên ... tên cho nguyên công gia công thô là dao_truD16Accep value xuất hiện bảng Tools Setup ta đặt tên cho dao trụ này là D 16 đường kính dao bằng 16mm applyok đóng cửa sổ dangthanhhai1978@yahoo.com...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 13:15
First 4.0 Paving the way for flexographic excellence potx
... customer. FIRST 4. 0 What is FIRST? A Book of Starting Points FIRST 4. 0 Package/Product Development Team FIRST 4. 0 Internal Communication FIRST 4. 0 From Beginning to End FIRST 4. 0 Communication ã ... scientific approach to process color reproduction. ã Employee ownership through teamwork and collaboration. ã Clear concise objectives for process improvement projects. FIRST 4. 0 Press Characterization ... design FIRST 4. 0 Thank You for Your Attention! Joe Tuccitto jtuccitto@flexography.org FTA/TEST Education Director FIRST 4. 0 Using FIRST to Enhance Productivity FIRST 4. 0 ―I would look for personal...
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microsoft windows communication foundation 4 0 cookbook for developing soa applications
... logging 2 60 Debugging in a Windows service host 2 64 Creating a custom Visual Studio Debugger Visualizer for WCF debugging 266 Using PerformanceCounters for WCF service monitoring 2 70 Chapter ... 275 Creating test X. 509 certicates for WCF Service 2 76 Managing X. 509 certicates installed on service machine 278 Building an RSS feed service 282 Building a routing service 2 86 Registering WCF ... multiple-endpoint service 40 Implementing a POX HTTP service 43 Dening a CustomBinding without a timestamp header 47 Suppressing mustUnderstand validation on unknown SoapHeaders 49 Sharing a physical...
Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 15:07
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_1 pdf
... AND OUT 41 With the Entity Framework 4. 0, the process of manually creating the complex type is gone. With EF 4. 0 you now have the ability to add complex types via the Designer. Before we ... new AdventureWorks 200 8Entities object. /// </summary> public AdventureWorks 200 8Entities(string connectionString) : base(connectionString, "AdventureWorks 200 8Entities") { ... a new AdventureWorks 200 8Entities object. /// </summary> public AdventureWorks 200 8Entities(EntityConnection connection) : base(connection, "AdventureWorks 200 8Entities") {...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
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