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Wrox''''s Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit pot

Wrox''''s Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit pot

... years, and with Visual Basic, SQL Server, and Microsoft Access for the last 14 years. Scott is a Microsoft MVP and holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Scott worked at Microsoft for two ... Strong with Visual C# 2005 Express Edition 3 What Is Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express? 4 The Differences between C# and C# Express 4 Members of the Express Series 4 Overview of C# Express Development ... Project. To help you get started in programming in C# using C# Express, Microsoft included a project template that helps you create a screen saver that can be used on your computer. A project...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:21

334 338 0
Wrox''''s Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit docx

Wrox''''s Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit docx

... holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Scott worked at Microsoft for two years as a member of the Microsoft Access and FoxPro teams. After leaving Microsoft, he started his own company, ... Installing Microsoft Visual C# Express Taking the CD that came with the book: 1. Place the CD in the CD-ROM drive. An installation window appears, giving you the choice to install Microsoft C# 2005 Express. 2. ... iv Contents About the Author v Acknowledgments ix Introduction xix Part I: Introduction and Concepts 1 Chapter 1: Starting Strong with Visual C# 2005 Express Edition 3 What Is Microsoft Visual C# ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20

334 391 0
start here! - learn microsoft visual c# 2010

start here! - learn microsoft visual c# 2010

... Learn Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Note The content of the Properties window reects the object you select. The contents will change when you select a form instead of a speci c control. Each control ... help you create the application project: Creating the No-Code WPF Application 1. Start the Visual C# 2010 Express IDE if you haven’t started it already. 2. Click New Project. The New Project dialog ... using. Carefully follow these steps to get started. Create a New Web Project 1. Choose Start | All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express | Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. ...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:44

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microsoft visual basic 2005 express edition - build a program now

microsoft visual basic 2005 express edition - build a program now

... ,* L]Vi=VeeZchL]ZcVc:kZci>hIg^\\ZgZY4 6aaL^cYdlhVeea^XVi^dchVgZZkZci"Yg^kZc#I]^hbZVchi]Vil]ZckZgndjhZaZXiVbZcj^iZb! Xa^X`VWjiidcdgZkZcbdkZ[gdbdcZiZmiWdmidVcdi]Zg!ndjVgZ\ZcZgVi ^c\ VcZkZci# 7adX`hd[XdYZViiVX]ZYidZVX]d[ndjgVXi^dchZmZXjiZVhndjldg`#:kZcihVgZ\ZcZgViZY cdidcanWnndjgVXi^dch!WjiVahdWni]ZhjggdjcY ^c\ Zck^gdcbZci!cVbZanL^cYdlh^ihZa[ dgWndi]ZgZmiZgcVahdjgXZh#IdjcYZghiVcYl]ViÅdi]ZgZmiZgcVahdjgXZhÆbZVch!i] ^c`  VWdjiVcn>ciZgcZibZhhZc\ZgVeea^XVi^dca^`ZBHCBZhhZc\Zg#L]ZcndjX]Vil^i]hdbZ" dcZVcYZmX]Vc\ZYViVWVX`VcY[dgi]!ndjVgZVXijVaan\ZcZgVi ^c\ ZkZcih#> ;c cdciZX ]c^ XVa iZgbh!YViV^cXdb ^c\ [gdbndjg[g^ZcYdkZgi]Z>ciZgcZi^hVcZkZci# I]ZhZZkZcihZm^hi[dgVbjai^ijYZd[VXi^dchndjjhjVaanYdl^i]djigZVa^o ^c\ i]ZnVgZ ZkZcih#HdbZZkZcihVgZ]VcYaZY[dgndjWnVjid\ZcZgViZYXdYZa^`ZXa^X` ^c\ i]ZgZYM ^c i]Zg^\]iXdgcZgd[VcVeea^XVi^dcVcYhdbZdi]ZghcZZYidWZ]VcYaZYWnndjgXdYZ# L^i]i]^hhZXi^dc!lZÈaahiVgiidldg`dcl^g ^c\ hdjgXZXdYZidZkZcih#;dgegVXi^XZ!lZl^aa l^gZilddW_ZXih[gdbdjgiZhiegd_ZXi#7Z[dgZWZ\^cc ^c\ !jhZl]VindjkZaZVgcZYhd[Vgid bV`Zi]ZiZhiegd_ZXiadd`a^`Z;^\jgZ*"&,# ;^\jgZ*"&, 6hfgb`Xe<aYbe`Tg\ba9be` IdVYYi]ZbZcjhVcYiddaWVg Wjiidch!\didi]ZiddaWdm ^c i]Z BZcjhIddaWVghXViZ\dgnVcY VYYVBZcjHig^eXdcigdaVcYV IddaHig^eXdcigdaidi]Z[dgb# CZmi!hZaZXiZVX]Xdcigda!deZci]Z hbVgiiV\bZcj!VcYhZaZXi>chZgi HiVcYVgY>iZbh# ABG8 &LQGG ... UbXhfmU[U]b"H\YfYUfYU jUf]YhmcZhcc`g]bJ]giU`6Ug]W&$$)9ldfYgg9X]h]cbUbXUfYh\YfYZcfYaUbmdcgg]V]`]h]Yg"Mcik]```YUfbhcigY acghcZh\YgYhcc`gVmig]b[h\]gVcc_ Vih]hÇg]adcgg]V`Yhc`YUfbU``jUf]Uh]cbgUbXdcgg]V]`]h]Yg]ZmciXcbÇh XcgcaYYld`cf]b[cbmcifckb"K]h\h\Uh]ba]bX hcibXYfghUbXh\YYZZYWhcZUW\Ub[YcbUdUfh]Wi`Uf dfcdYfhm ... UbXh\YbcdYb]b[]hhcj]Yk]hgWcbhYbhg" i]Vii]ZXdbbZcihVgZcZkZg Xdbe^aZY ^c i]ZVeea^XVi^dcndj ZmZXjiZhdi]Znl^aacZkZghadl Ydlci]ZeZg[dgbVcXZd[ndjg Veea^XVi^dc# 6hndjXVchZZ ^c i]Za^hi" ^c\  ^c hiZe-!ndjXVcXdb" bZcindjgXdYZWn^chZgi ^c\ V h ^c\ aZfjdiZVcYi]Zcine ^c\  ndjgXdbbZci#NdjgXdbbZci h]djaYVeeZVg ^c \gZZc0^[cdi! i]Zcndjga^cZ^hcdihZZcVh VXdbbZciWni]ZXdbe^aZg# 6cdi]Zg\ddYlVnidXdbbZci ndjgXdYZ^hidjhZildWji" idch[gdbdcZd[i]ZiddaWVgh# AZiÉhhVnndjYZX^YZi]ViVaa i]ZegZk^djhXdYZ ^c i]Z;^aZD` ZkZci^hcdii]ZXdYZndjlVci idZmZXjiZWZXVjhZndjlVci idiZhihdbZi] ^c\ ZahZ#NdjYd cdilVciidYZaZiZVaai]ZiZmi WjindjXVcXdbbZcidjii]Z XdYZWnhZaZXi ^c\ ^iVcYi]Zc Xa^X` ^c\ dci]Z8dbbZciDji i]ZHZaZXiZYA^cZhWjiidc#6cY ^[ndjlVciidjcXdbbZciV WadX`d[XdYZ!ndj_jhi]VkZ idhZaZXii]ZXdYZndjlVciid jcXdbbZciVcYi]ZcXa^X`i]Z JcXdbbZcii]ZHZaZXiZYA^cZh Wjiidc# 6bag\ahXWYeb`cTZX** &LQGG...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2014, 09:17

224 485 0
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P2) potx

Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P2) potx

... Introducing Microsoft Visual C# and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tip C# is a free format” language, which means that white space, such as a space character or a newline, is not significant except ... box. You can now apply any of the operators to the values in the text boxes. 5. Click the – Subtraction button, and then click Calculate. 60 Part I Introducing Microsoft Visual C# and Microsoft Visual ... project files in the Location box. Type a name for the project. Click OK. Create a new console application using Visual C# 2010 Express On the File menu, click New Project to open the New Project...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20

50 363 1
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P3) pps

Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P3) pps

... Introducing Microsoft Visual C# and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tip If you want to catch Exception, you can actually omit its name from the catch handler because it is the default exception: catch ... recommended. The exception object passed in to the catch handler can contain useful information concerning the exception, which is not accessible when using this version of the catch construct. ... box, select MathsOperators – Microsoft Visual Studio: Visual Studio 2010 and then click Yes: 6. If you are using Visual C# 2010 Express, click Close Program. On the Debug menu, click Start...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20

50 350 1
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P4) doc

Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P4) doc

... declare c as a Circle, c can refer to a Circle object. If you declare refc as another Circle, it can also refer to a Circle object. If you assign c to refc, refc will refer to the same Circle object ... field NumCircles in the Circle class is incremented by the Circle construc- tor every time a new Circle object is created: class Circle { private int radius; public static int NumCircles = ... contained in each block points to the same location in memory that stores the actual Circle object. Let’s see this in code: Circle c = new Circle(42); Circle refc = c; The following graphic...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20

50 442 1
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P5) potx

Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P5) potx

... randomCardSelector to shuffle the cards before they are dealt to each hand. class Pack { public const int NumSuits = 4; public const int CardsPerSuit = 13; private PlayingCard[,] cardPack; ... SortedList contains all the cards in the pack for the specified suit, and the Hashtable contains a collection of these SortedList objects.) The following code shows the completed constructor with the changes ... System.Collections; The collection classes are located in this namespace. 3. In the Pack class, change the definition of the cardPack two-dimensional array to a Hashtable object, as shown here in bold: class Pack...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20

50 431 1
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P6) potx

Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P6) potx

... collection holds alphanumeric objects such as strings, the collection should sort the objects according to the collating sequence of the computer, and if the collection holds nu- meric objects ... if (myCircle is IColor) { IColor colorCircle = myCircle; colorCircle.SetColor(Colors.HotPink); } } 9. On the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging to build and run the application. ... myCircle = new Circle(100); if (myCircle is IDraw) { IDraw drawCircle = myCircle; drawCircle.SetLocation((int)mouseLocation.X, (int)mouseLocation.Y); drawCircle.Draw(drawingCanvas); ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20

50 303 1
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P7) ppt

Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P7) ppt

... read access to properties by declaring get accessors. n Control write access to properties by declaring set accessors. n Create interfaces that declare properties. n Implement interfaces containing ... read access to indexers by declaring get accessors. n Control write access to indexers by declaring set accessors. n Create interfaces that declare indexers. n Implement indexers in structures ... the static method Collect of the GC class located in the System namespace However, except in a few cases, this is not rec- ommended. The System.GC.Collect method starts the garbage collector, but...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20

50 397 1
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P8) doc

Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P8) doc

... newYorkClock.StartAmericanClock; controller.StartClocks += tokyoClock.StartJapaneseClock; controller.StopClocks += localClock.StopLocalClock; controller.StopClocks += londonClock.StopEuropeanClock; ... tokyoClock = new JapaneseClock(tokyoTimeDisplay); controller.StartClocks += localClock.StartLocalClock; controller.StartClocks += londonClock.StartEuropeanClock; controller.StartClocks ... londonClock.StopEuropeanClock; controller.StopClocks += newYorkClock.StopAmericanClock; controller.StopClocks += tokyoClock.StopJapaneseClock; } 15. In the startClick method, invoke the StartClocks delegate...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20

50 377 1

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