... Figure 11.2. Other Data Movement and Manipulation Tasks P ART III 2 74 Both SQL Server 7 .0 and SQL Server 200 0 files can be used with the Bulk Insert task in SQL Server 200 0. You use the two types ... this chapter. In the release version of SQL Server 200 0, the bcp utility generates a SQL Server 200 0 format file, while the Bulk Insert task generates a SQL Server 7 .0 format file. N OTE F IGURE 11.2 You ... DTSTransformPhase_PreSourceData sProgress = “Start” Case DTSTransformPhase_OnBatchComplete DTS Connections and the Data Transformation Tasks P ART II 2 40 12 06 723 201 18 CH09 11/13 /00 5 :03 PM Page 2 40 Please purchase...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 23:15
... the Destination Table 7 .0 6 1 SQLCHAR 0 40 “” 2 stor_name 2 SQLCHAR 0 4 “” 1 stor_id 3 SQLCHAR 0 40 “” 3 stor_address 4 SQLCHAR 0 20 “” 4 city 5 SQLCHAR 0 2 “” 5 state 6 SQLCHAR 0 5 “” 6 zip The files ... 11/13 /00 5 :05 PM Page 3 24 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. L ISTING 11 .4 A Generated Format File 7 .0 6 1 SQLCHAR 0 40 “” 1 stor_name 2 SQLCHAR 0 4 “” ... SQLCHAR 0 40 “” 1 stor_name 2 SQLCHAR 0 4 “” 2 stor_id 3 SQLCHAR 0 40 “” 3 stor_address 4 SQLCHAR 0 20 “” 4 city 5 SQLCHAR 0 2 “” 5 state 6 SQLCHAR 0 5 “” 6 zip The rows describing the fields in the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P8
... of course. 21 06 723 201 18 CH16 11/13 /00 5 :01 PM Page 359 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 20 06723 201 18 PT4 11/13 /00 5 :01 PM Page 344 Please purchase ... database and associated meta data between data- base servers. You can only use databases on SQL Server 7 .0 or SQL Server 200 0 as the source for these transfer tasks. The destination must be SQL ... Tasks P ART IV 3 54 21 06 723 201 18 CH16 11/13 /00 5 :01 PM Page 3 54 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 21 06 723 201 18 CH16 11/13 /00 5 :01 PM Page 3 64 Please purchase...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P9
... Mail Task 40 6 ãCreating the Task and Setting Its Properties 40 7 ã The Methods of the Send Mail Task 40 8 ãCreating the Task in Visual Basic 40 8 25 06 723 201 18 CH 20 11/13 /00 5 :03 PM Page 40 5 Please ... Tasks P ART IV 41 0 L ISTING 20. 1 Continued 25 06 723 201 18 CH 20 11/13 /00 5 :03 PM Page 41 0 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. Control Tasks P ART IV 41 2 When ... before it is executed. 26 06 723 201 18 CH21 11/13 /00 4: 59 PM Page 41 5 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. With SQL Server 200 0 Analysis Services, you can...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 16:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P10
... mode Error = 1 (00 000 001 ), Description = Try to detach the database DTSTest Error = 1 (00 000 001 ), Description = Successfully detached the database DTSTest Error = 0 (00 000 000 ), Description ... error Step Error code: 800 04 0 05 Step Error Help File:sqldts 80. hlp Step Error Help Context ID:1 100 Step Execution Started: 7/13/ 200 0 12:57:12 PM Step Execution Completed: 7/13/ 200 0 12:57: 34 PM Total Step ... count in Step: 0 Task Log for this step: Start Task Log Error = 1 (00 000 001 ), Description = Begin to copy the database DTSTest Error = 1 (00 000 001 ), Description = Put the database DTSTest...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 16:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P11
... transaction. Steps and Precedence Constraints C HAPTER 24 24 S TEPS AND P ECEDENCE C ONSTRAINTS 49 3 L ISTING 24. 4 Continued 30 06723 201 18 CH 24 11/13 /00 4: 55 PM Page 49 3 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com ... release of SQL Server 200 0. ã /i Call the wizard for import into SQL Server. ã /x Call the wizard for export from SQL Server. ã /r The name of the data provider, such as MSDASQL for the Microsoft ... 31 06 723 201 18 CH25 11/13 /00 5 :02 PM Page 5 10 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 30 06723 201 18 CH 24 11/13 /00 4: 55 PM Page 500 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 23:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P12
... 12 ,00 0 0% Copying in ActiveX Script 5 , 40 0 55% slower Uppercase String 12 ,00 0 0% Uppercase in ActiveX Script 5 ,00 0 58.3% slower Trim String 11 ,00 0 8.3% slower Trimming in ActiveX Script 4, 400 63.3% ... Server 200 0 to SQL Server 200 0 You can load data from one SQL Server 200 0 database to another SQL Server 200 0 database with a Transform Data task, a Data Driven Query task, a Copy SQL Server Objects ... (Maximized) 49 ,00 0 0% Transform Data (Fast Load Maximized) 17 ,00 0 65% slower Bulk Insert (Default) 16, 500 66% slower Transform Data (Fast Load Default) 14, 00 0 71% slower Transform Data (Not Fast...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 23:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P13
... 0, Fetch 1 15 ,00 0 0% Lock On, Insert 0, Fetch 1 16 ,00 0 6.7% faster Lock Off, Insert 0, Fetch 500 0 16 ,00 0 6.7% faster Lock Off, Insert 500 0, Fetch 1 13, 300 11.3% slower Lock On, Insert 100 ,00 0, ... 100 ,00 0, Fetch 500 0 21 ,00 0 40 % faster Lock On, Insert 0, Fetch 500 0 22 ,00 0 46 .7% faster Moving Transformation Logic to the Source Query Chapter 7, “Writing ActiveX Scripts for a Transform Data Task,” ... manipulation 22 ,00 0 0% Script—Simple manipulation 600 0 72.7% slower Query—Assigning value 21 ,00 0 4. 5% slower Script—Assigning value 48 00 78.2% slower Query—Table lookup 18, 500 15.9% slower Script—Table...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 20:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P14
... for a custom task. 38 06 723 201 18 CH31 11/13 /00 4: 57 PM Page 636 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 37 06 723 201 18 CH 30 11/13 /00 5 :00 PM Page 632 Please ... = lkp.ConnectionID Then Call fctOutputTask ( “Lookup - “ & lkp.Name) End If Extending the Power of DTS P ART VI 6 30 L ISTING 30. 2 Continued 37 06 723 201 18 CH 30 11/13 /00 5 :00 PM Page 6 30 Please ... lkp.Name) Programming with the DTS Object Model C HAPTER 30 30 P ROGRAMMING WITH THE DTS O BJECT M ODEL 629 L ISTING 30. 2 Continued 37 06 723 201 18 CH 30 11/13 /00 5 :00 PM Page 629 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 20:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P15
... performance 697 saving, 43 8 -44 3, 527-529, 537-538, 5 90 scanning, 600 - 601 SQL Namespace, 542 - 545 steps, 45 1, 47 8 -48 1 storing, 385, 43 8, 44 5 -45 1 templates, 42 terminating, 45 4, 48 1, 555 threads, 47 9 -48 0 utility ... task, 269-2 70 data, 46 4 -46 5 FOR XML clause, 40 objects, 41 3 Transform Data task, 269-2 70 Send Mail task, 40 , 50 DTS packages, 40 6 Execute Process task, 40 7 - 40 8 execution, 40 6 MAPI, 40 6 methods, 40 8 programmatic ... identifier, 622 properties, 40 7 - 40 8 Visual Basic, 40 8 -41 0 sending global variables, 392 messages, 392, 3 94- 395 servers, 368, 3 80, 41 9, 43 9, 45 4 -45 5 shape language, 249 shared dimensions, 41 3 -41 4 ShortYear 200 0Cutoff property,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 20:15
Tài liệu Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P16 ppt
... 47 8 -48 1 Parent, 47 9, 49 6 -49 7 precedence constraints, 47 1 properties, 47 0, 47 7, 48 0, 49 6 -49 7 referencing, 349 -3 50 tasks, 47 0 transactions, 48 4 -48 5, 48 7 -49 0, 49 3 stored procedures, 339 Execute SQL task, 301 moving, ... 188, 207 Step object, 27, 612 collection, 6 24 creating, 47 0 disabling, 48 0 executing, 45 8, 47 1, 47 6 -47 7 Join Transaction If Present, 48 4 lineage, 605 - 606 naming, 47 1, 47 4 packages, 47 8 -48 1 Parent, ... identifier, 622 properties, 1 54- 159, 217 40 06 723 201 18 index 11/13 /00 4: 55 PM Page 703 SQL statements 702 SQL statements, 506 assigning, 366 modifying, 300 - 301 objects, 503 , 513-5 14 properties, 2 94 queries, 372-373 staging...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu Nesting Manual Transactions with the SQL Server .NET Data Provider ppt
... transaction using the SQL Server .NET data provider, but the Begin( ) command that you need is only available with the OLE DB .NET data provider. The SQL Server data provider appears to provide ... SqlParameter("@Description", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100 )); try [ Team LiB ] Recipe 6.3 Nesting Manual Transactions with the SQL Server .NET Data Provider Problem You need to create ... the connection. SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[" ;Sql_ ConnectString"]); // Create the transaction. conn.Open( ); SqlTransaction tran...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P1 ppt
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Tài liệu System Administration for Microsoft® SQL Server™ 7.0 doc
... with SQL Server 41 Designing an Application for SQL Server 42 Implementing a SQL Server Database 44 Administering a SQL Server Database 45 Lab 1.1: SQL Server Overview 46 Review 47 Module ... Administration for Microsoft SQL Server 7 .0 Module 1: SQL Server Overview 19 SQL Server Services Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator MSSQLServer SQLServerAgent Server Microsoft ... Facilities 10 Module 1: SQL Server Overview Overview 13 What Is SQL Server 14 SQL Server Platforms 16 SQL Server Integration with Windows NT 17 SQL Server Integration with Microsoft BackOffice...
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Tài liệu Giáo trình Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 pdf
... http:/www.diachiweb.com Microsoft SQL Server có các dạng sau: + Microsoft SQL Server 7 .0 Standard Edition + Microsoft SQL Server 7 .0 Enterprise Edition Ngoài ra các phiên bản sau : + Microsoft SQL Server 7 .0 office ... Registry SQL Server: Đăng ký các nhóm (group) để truy nhập vào Microsoft SQL Server + Edittion SQL Server Registration: Cấu hình của Microsoft SQL Server + SQL Server Query Analyzer: 10 Sách ... trình Microsoft SQL Server . Ngoài ra còn có Web site, Book online, OLAP service Trong Microsoft SQL Server 7 .0 Component gåm cã hai lùa chän: + Microsoft SQL Server 7 .0 Standard Edition + Microsoft...
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... 44 3 Debugging 44 4 Exploring a Control Flow Example 44 4 Data Flow 44 4 Transformations 44 5 Viewers 44 6 Exploring a Data Flow Example 44 7 Working with SSIS in Data Mining 44 7 Data Mining Tasks 44 8 Data Mining ... Mining Model 43 4 Summary 43 8 Chapter 14 Data Mining with SQL Server Integration Services 43 9 An Overview of SSIS 44 0 Understanding SSIS Packages 44 2 Task Flow 44 2 Standard Tasks in SSIS 44 2 Containers 44 3 Debugging ... Chart 167 Selecting Test Data 168 Maclennan ffirs.tex V3 - 10/ 04 / 200 8 3:27am Page ii Maclennan f02.tex V2 - 10/ 04 / 200 8 3:31am Page x Maclennan cag.tex V2 - 10/ 04 / 200 8 3:54am Page xiv xiv Contents...
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