... DATABASE (Transact-SQL)” and “ALTER DATABASE (Transact-SQL)” in SQL Server Books Online SQL Server 2005 Books Online is installed as part of SQL Server 2005 Updates for SQL Server 2005 Books Online ... Friday, April 29, 2005 7:29 PM 62 Chapter Configuring SQL Server 2005 You are in charge of designing the physical structure for your company’s new server running SQL Server 2005 The server has the ... http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnsql90/html/sqlsvcbroker.asp ■ If the SMTP server requires authentication, the executable accesses the SMTP server by using the SQL Server
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:22
... flag, refer to the SQL Server 2005 Books Online article “DBCC TRACEON (Transact-SQL).” SQL Server 2005 Books Online is installed as part of SQL Server 2005. Updates for SQL Server 2005 Books Online ... the SQL Server 2005 Books Online article “CREATE ENDPOINT (Transact -SQL) .” SQL Server 2005 Books Online is installed as part of SQL Server 2005 Updates for SQL Server 2005. ... for SQL Server 2005 Books Online are available for download at www .microsoft. com/ technet/prodtechnol /sql/ 2005/ downloads/books.mspx C1762271X.fm Page 6 28 Friday, April 29, 2005
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:22
Microsoft Press microsoft sql server 2005 PHẦN 10 pdf
... see the SQL Server 2005 Books Online article “Installing and Upgrading Full-Text Search.” SQL Server 2005 Books Online is installed as part of SQL Server 2005. Updates for SQL Server 2005 Books ... 29, 2005 8:07 PM [...]... 2000 Server, your SQL Server 2005 installation requires Windows 2000 Server SP4 C Incorrect: If you’re using Windows 2000 Server, your SQL Server 2005 ... required by SQL Server 2005. .. Server 2005 for Windows Server 2003 is SP1 B Incorrect: The minimum service pack level required by SQL Server 2005 for Windows Server 2003 is
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:22
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P22 pdf
... Dim oServerConn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection() oServerConn.ServerInstance = "SQL2005" oServerConn.LoginSecure = True Dim oSQLServer As New Server(oServerConn) oSQLServer.Databases.Item("SMOSample") ... oServerConn.ServerInstance = "SQL2005" oServerConn.LoginSecure = True Dim oSQLServer As New Server(oServerConn) 444 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide NOTE One advantage to using the ServerConnection ... box until you see the SMO assemblies: Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, Microsoft.SqlServer .Smo, Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum, and Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum. Selecting these items and then
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P25 pdf
... stopping a trace, 496–497 506 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide SQL Server Management Studio. See SSMS SQL Server Scripts projects, 9 SqlAdapter object, 215–220 Sqlcmd utility, 478 command ... hierarchy, 418–419 Analysis Server Scripts projects, 9 Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies. Click here for terms of use. 502 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide Analysis Services ... firing data events using T-SQL, 166 instance configuration files (ICFs), 140–144 notification engine, 138–139 notifications, 138 504 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide Notification Services
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P5 pdf
... build T-SQL statements to query and update data. T-SQL Development Tools Microsoft provides two primary tools for developing T-SQL scripts. First, as a part of SQL Server 2005’s SQL Server Management ... enables you to create a new SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services project by importing the definitions for an existing SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services or SQL Server 7 OLAP Server database. Report ... Editor or Visual Studio. SQL Server Management Studio The primary T-SQL development tool that’s supplied with SQL Server 2005 is the Query Editor, which is a part of the SQL Server Management Studio
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 05:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P28 pdf
... with SQL Server 2005: ᭤ Microsoft SQL Native Client OLE DB Provider ᭤ Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC ᭤ Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet ᭤ Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DTS Packages ᭤ Microsoft ... are running the browser on the same system as your SQL Server 2005 instance. In this example the value of sql2005-2 is the name of the SQL Server system where the Web service is located. The ... McGraw-Hill Companies. Click here for terms of use. 256 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide I n this chapter, you will see how to develop SQL Server database applications using Visual Basic
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 05:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P35 pdf
... 326 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide O ne of the most exciting enhancements found in SQL Server 2005 is Reporting Services. Reporting Services was first introduced as an add-on to SQL ... Excel Web Archive PDF TIFF CSV XML IIS Report Server Data Sources Figure 9-1 Reporting Services architecture 328 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide Report Server The Report Server is the ... the Execute method is used to issue a SQL Delete statement. This time, however, the changes are committed to the 324 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide database using the Connection object’s
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 05:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P13 ppsx
... line starting with <MyXMLDocs xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com: sql:SqlRowSet2">. 244 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide NOTE You can also generate an XDR (XML Data Reduced) ... providers are shipped with SQL Server 2005: ᭤ Microsoft SQL Native Client OLE DB Provider ᭤ Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC ᭤ Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet ᭤ Microsoft OLE DB Provider ... namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com /sqlserver/2004/sqltypes" schemaLocation="http://schemas.microsoft.com /sqlserver/2004/sqltypes/sqltypes.xsd" /> <xsd:import namespace="http://MyXMLDocSchema"
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P14 pps
... object. Connecting to SQL Server ADO can connect to SQL Server using either the MSDASQL OLE DB provider for ODBC or the SQLOLEDB OLE DB provider for SQL Server. The MSDASQL provider allows the ... connection. Table 8-2 OLE DB Provider for ODBC Provider-Specific Keywords for SQL Server 268 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide After the OLE DB connection string is assigned to the Connection ... for ODBC – MSDASSQL cn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER =SQL Server" & _ " ;SERVER= " & sServer & _ ";UID=" & sLoginID & _ ";PWD=" & sPassword... using the OLE DB Provider for SQL Server The preceding
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P15 docx
... with the connected SQL Server system. The Connection object must have been previously instantiated 284 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide and connected to SQL Server, using one of ... of a table. adCmdText The source is a command (or SQL statement). Table 8-7 Recordset Source Options 286 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide access the column information in the Fields ... Figure 8-9 Selecting the OLE DB Provider using the Data Link dialog box 280 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide When the PromptNew method is executed, the Data Link dialog box initially
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P16 ppsx
... where a high degree of SQL statement reuse occurs. With prepared SQL, the SQL statement is parsed and the creation of the data access 302 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide plan is only ... data using both dynamic and prepared SQL. In the next part of this chapter, you 308 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide see how to update SQL Server data using an ADO Recordset object, ... parameter 304 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide will contain character data. The following table lists the ADO data type constants and matches them with their corresponding SQL Server data
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P17 doc
... 326 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide O ne of the most exciting enhancements found in SQL Server 2005 is Reporting Services. Reporting Services was first introduced as an add-on to SQL ... Excel Web Archive PDF TIFF CSV XML IIS Report Server Data Sources Figure 9-1 Reporting Services architecture 328 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide Report Server The Report Server is the ... Specifies the SMTP server. .. Services uses the SQL Server Agent service for this purpose The instance of SQL Server that hosts the ReportServer database provides the SQL Server Agent
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P19 pptx
... 10-6 The SSIS package tasks 382 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide Figure 10-7 The FTP connection Figure 10-8 FTP Connection Manager Chapter 10: SQL Server Integration Services 383 ... Table command. To create an OLE DB connection for SQL Figure 10-9 FTP file transfer task properties 384 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide Server, right-click in the Connection Manager ... NULL, [Units] [int] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO Figure 10-11 SQL task properties 386 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide The SQL code in this listing will create a table called Purchasing.ProductShipments
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P10 pdf
... with the login ID (used for SQL Server authentication). Table 6-1 SQL Server .NET Data Provider Connection String Keywords 188 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide connection characteristics ... subroutine shows 196 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide used because this example is using a SQL action query that doesn’t return any values. From the SQL Server perspective, running ... lists all of the different SQL command execution methods supported by both the SqlCommand object and the OleDbCommand object. 180 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide the DataColumn belongs...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Tài liệu Quy Trình Cài Đặt Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise pdf
... requirements for SQL Server 2005. 2. Insert the SQL Server 2005 DVD or CD . 3. If the SQL Server 2005 Setup screen is displayed, click Run the SQL Server Installation Wizard. 4. If the SQL Server 2005 Setup ... status of the SQL Server services installed. ã Connect to SQL Server using sqlcmd.exe or SQL Server Management Studio. V. Chi tiết cài đặt: - Phiên bản cài đặt Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise ... lại server. Bước 14: Chọn sau đó chọn Bước 15: Chọn , nhập password cho user sa sau đó chọn Quy Trình Cài Đặt Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise I. Chuẩn bị cài đặt SQL Server 2005: SQL...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 11:16
Microsoft SQL Server™ 2005®Developer’s Guide potx
... that have been added to SQL Server 2005. The SQL Server Management Studio is the best choice for managing mixed SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 7/2000 systems. The SQL Server Management Studio ... Figure 1-1. The SQL Server Management Studio can be used to manage SQL Server 2005 systems as well as SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 7 systems; however, it cannot be used on SQL Server 6.5 or ... your effectiveness in developing SQL Server objects and managing SQL Server administration tasks. 10 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide SQL Mobile Scripts SQL Mobile Scripts projects are...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Full Crack pdf
... đặt Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition 3. Cài đặt SQL Server Management Studio Express SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SSE) là phiên bản desktop của sản phẩm cơ sở dữ liệu SQL Server 2005 ... tasks, SQL Server 2005 provides a complete data solution for enterprises of all sizes. Download Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Note: Nếu link Download SQL Server 2005 Express Edition & SQL ... :http://download .microsoft. com/download/5/6/7/567758a3-759e- 473e-bf8f-52154438565a/dotnetfx.exe 2. Cài đặt Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SQL Server 2005 Express Edition là phiên bản desktop làm server...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 19:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P0 ppsx
... new SQL Server 2005 Notification Services, SQL Server Service Broker, Reporting Services, and SQL Server Integration Services subsystems. The development management landscape for SQL Server 2005 ... changed tremendously in SQL Server 2005, so Chapter 1 starts off by providing a guided tour of the new development and management tools in SQL Server 2005. Although SQL Server 2005 certainly embodies ... xviii Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide JDBC driver, allowing SQL Server to be used as a back-end database for Java applications. For platform interoperability, SQL Server 2005 sports...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P2 pps
... build T -SQL statements to query and update data. T -SQL Development Tools Microsoft provides two primary tools for developing T -SQL scripts. First, as a part of SQL Server 2005 s SQL Server Management ... enables you to create a new SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services project by importing the definitions for an existing SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services or SQL Server 7 OLAP Server database. Report ... Editor or Visual Studio. SQL Server Management Studio The primary T -SQL development tool that’s supplied with SQL Server 2005 is the Query Editor, which is a part of the SQL Server Management Studio...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20