Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P6
... Movement and Manipulation Tasks P ART III 274 Both SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 files can be used with the Bulk Insert task in SQL Server 2000. You use the two types of format files interchangeably ... this chapter. In the release version of SQL Server 2000, the bcp utility generates a SQL Server 2000 format file, while the Bulk Insert task generates a SQL Server 7.0 format file. N OTE F IGURE 11.2 You ... Copy SQL Server Objects Tasks 30 9 14 The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Task 32 5 15 The Transfer Database and Other Transfer Tasks 33 3 Other Data Movement and Manipulation Tasks PART III 14 067 232 0118...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 23:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P7
... database to another. Copy SQL Server Objects Task C HAPTER 13 13 T HE C OPY SQL S ERVER O BJECTS T ASK 32 3 L ISTING 13. 2 Continued 17 067 232 0118 CH 13 11/ 13/ 00 5:05 PM Page 32 3 Please purchase PDF ... defined data type” Copy SQL Server Objects Task C HAPTER 13 13 T HE C OPY SQL S ERVER O BJECTS T ASK 31 9 L ISTING 13. 1 Continued 17 067 232 0118 CH 13 11/ 13/ 00 5:05 PM Page 31 9 Please purchase PDF ... Modifying the SQL Statement 30 0 ã Using the Execute SQL Task to Execute a DTS Package from a Remote Server 30 1 ãCreating an Execute SQL Task in Visual Basic 30 6 16 067 232 0118 CH12 11/ 13/ 00 4:58...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P8
... AN A CTIVE X S CRIPT T ASK 34 9 21 067 232 0118 CH16 11/ 13/ 00 5:01 PM Page 34 9 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. 18 067 232 0118 CH14 11/ 13/ 00 5:01 PM Page 33 2 Please purchase ... upgrading a SQL Server 7.0 database to SQL Server 2000. ã The more general purpose of moving a database and associated meta data between data- base servers. You can only use databases on SQL Server ... Tasks P ART IV 35 4 21 067 232 0118 CH16 11/ 13/ 00 5:01 PM Page 35 4 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. 21 067 232 0118 CH16 11/ 13/ 00 5:01 PM Page 36 4 Please purchase...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P9
... OLAP Services Processing task, plus additional features for SQL Server 2000. When to Use the Analysis Services Tasks One of the most important management tasks when you’re using Analysis Services ... not included with SQL Server 7.0. In the middle of 1999, Microsoft made the OLAP Services Processing task available in the Data Transformation Services Task Kit 1. The Analysis Services Processing ... Tasks P ART IV 412 When you install Microsoft Analysis Services on a server that has SQL Server installed, you will find two new custom tasks registered with DTS: ã The Analysis Services Processing task ã...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 16:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P10
... Help File:sqldts80.hlp Error Help Context ID:700 Package Name: CDW _Server1 _Server2 _3 Package Description: Copy Database Wizard Package Package ID: {AE741877-0 433 -43C2-A5DB-09BC33ECD47A} Package ... Then Set PkgSQL = DTSApp.GetPackageSQLServer(sServer, _ sUserID, sPassword, DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection) Else Set PkgSQL = DTSApp.GetPackageSQLServer(sServer, _ sUserID, sPassword, DTSSQLStgFlag_Default) End ... dialog, shown in Figure 23. 5. The DTS Package and Its Properties C HAPTER 23 23 T HE DTS P ACKAGE AND I TS P ROPERTIES 4 53 L ISTING 23. 3 Continued 29 067 232 0118 CH 23 11/ 13/ 00 5: 03 PM Page 4 53 Please purchase...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 16:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P11
... Jobs section of the SQL Server Agent. Saving a DTS Package If you choose to save the DTS Package, the four package storage options are enabled: SQL Server, SQL Server Meta Data Services, Structured ... release of SQL Server 2000. ã /i Call the wizard for import into SQL Server. ã /x Call the wizard for export from SQL Server. ã /r The name of the data provider, such as MSDASQL for the Microsoft ... release of SQL Server 2000. ã /s The name of the SQL Server. Rapid Development with the Copy Database Wizard and the DTS Import/Export Wizard C HAPTER 25 505 25 R APID D EVELOPMENT 31 067 232 0118...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 23:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P12
... particular package hPackage = SQLNS.GetFirstChildItem( _ hPackages, SQLNSOBJECTTYPE_DTSPKG, sPackageName) ‘Set the package to be a SQL Namespace object Set sqlnsObject = SQLNS.GetSQLNamespaceObject(hPackage) ‘Execute ... 0 goPackage.UseOLEDBServiceComponents = True goPackage.LogToSQLServer = False goPackage.LogServerFlags = 0 goPackage.FailPackageOnLogFailure = False goPackage.ExplicitGlobalVariables = False goPackage.PackageType ... LoadFromSQLServer method to load a DTS package: EXEC @hResult = sp_OAMethod @hPkg , ‘LoadFromSQLServer’ , NULL , @ServerName = @sServerName, @ServerUserName = @sServerUserName, @ServerPassword = @sServerPassword, @Flags...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 23:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P13
... executing SQL Server 2000 packages in SQL Server 7.0. N OTE Package2 SavedPackageInfos Connections Tasks Steps Global Variables F IGURE 30 .1 The highest levels of the DTS Package hierarchy. Figure 30 .2 ... Task object. If you execute a package in SQL Server 7.0 that uses extended objects, that package will fail. You can create a package in SQL Server 2000 that will work in SQL Server 7.0 if you use only ... the SQL Server 7.0 versions of the extended objects. 37 067 232 0118 CH30 11/ 13/ 00 5:00 PM Page 6 13 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. F IGURE 30 .3 The Task object...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 20:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P14
... subWriteTaskRecord(pPackageLog, 1, “File Found.”) Exit Do Else Creating a Custom Task in VB C HAPTER 31 31 C REATING A C USTOM T ASK IN VB 6 43 L ISTING 31 .1 Continued 38 067 232 0118 CH31 11/ 13/ 00 4:57 PM Page 6 43 Please ... hierarchy. The PackageSQLServer object and the PackageRepository objects have one collection ( PackageInfos ) in common. N OTE Chapter 23, “The DTS Package and Its Properties,” describes how to use the PackageSQLServer object ... to use the PackageSQLServer object to obtain information about packages stored in SQL Server. Chapter 29, “Integrating DTS with Meta Data Services, ” describes how to use the PackageRepository object...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 20:15
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P15
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 20:15
Tài liệu Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P16 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P1 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P2 docx
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P3 pdf
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P4 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P5 pptx
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 15:20
Pro SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services- P1
... Writeback 32 Calculated Measures 33 Actions 34 XMLA 35 Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) 36 Data Warehouses 37 Storage 38 Staging Databases 38 Storage Modes 38 Summary 39 Chapter 3: SQL ... OLAP. In SQL Server 2000, the feature was renamed SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS). OLAP capabilities were underappreciated in SQL Server 7 and 2000. Between the perception that SQL Server ... the OLAP server market themselves. SQL Server Analysis Services In 1996, Microsoft acquired OLAP technology from Panorama Software. It shipped with SQL Server 7 as OLAP Services (www .microsoft. com/technet/prodtechnol /sql/ 70/maintain/olap.mspx)....
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 11:15
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