... 43 6 43 7 43 7 43 9 44 3 44 3 44 4 44 4 44 6 44 6 44 8 44 8 45 1 45 3 45 4 45 5 45 7 45 7 45 9 46 0 46 1 46 3 46 5 46 9 47 0 47 2 47 2 47 2 47 3 Contents xix Case Scenario 1: Creating ... 319 3 20 3 20 3 24 325 326 3 30 332 3 34 339 3 40 342 342 343 343 345 345 346 347 349 349 3 50 3 50 351 3 54 3 60 3 60 362 362 Contents xvii Key Terms ... 116 118 119 1 20 1 24 1 24 125 125 126 127 129 131 133 1 34 1 34 135 137 137 139 139 139 1 40 1 40 1 40 141 141 141 142 Searching, Modifying, and Encoding Text 143 Before You Begin...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:28
... Validation Contents 42 9 Handling the Focus xii 42 7 43 1 Form-Level Validation 43 3 Providing User Feedback 43 4 Implementing IDataErrorInfo in WPF Applications 43 6 Chapter Enhancing Usability 44 7 Lesson 1: ... 44 9 Running a Background Process 45 0 Using Delegates 45 6 Creating Process Threads 46 0 Using Dispatcher to Access Controls Safely on Another Thread in WPF 46 4 Lesson 2: Implementing ... running Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack (SP3), Windows Vista with SP2, Windows 7, Windows Server 200 3 with SP2, Windows Server 200 3 R2, Windows Server 200 8 with SP2, or Windows Server 200 8...
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mcts 70-515 web applications development with microsoft .net framework 4
... Code 100 Continue 200 OK 201 Created 300 Multiple Choices 301 Moved Permanently 302 Found 40 0 Bad Request 40 1 Unauthorized 40 3 Forbidden 40 4 Not Found 40 7 Proxy Authentication Required 40 8 Request ... Website 44 9 Contents xvii Suggested Practices 44 9 Debug a Website 44 9 Troubleshoot a Website 45 0 Publish a Web Application 45 0 Use a Web Setup Project 45 0 ... 44 2 Lesson Summary 44 6 Lesson Review 44 7 Case Scenarios 44 8 Case Scenario 1: Debugging 44 8 Case Scenario 2: Troubleshooting 44 8 Case Scenario 3:...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:30
Cơ sở dữ liệu Trong Microsoft .NET Framework phần 4
... CategoryID (xem hình 10. 10) Nhắp nút > để thêm quan hệ vào hộp Relations bên phải Nhắp Next The image part with relationship ID rId 14 was not found in the file Hình 10. 10 Tạo quan hệ [ Trong ... New Item để hiển thị hộp thoại Add New Item (xem hình 10 .4) The image part with relationship ID rId7 was not found in the file Hình 10 .4 Hộp thoại Add New Item Chọn Data Form Wizard, giữ nguyên ... hình 10. 5) Nhắp Next The image part with relationship ID rId8 was not found in the file Hình 10. 5 Tạo tập liệu với tên dsDataWizard Tạo kết nối cách nhắp nút New Connection (xem hình 10. 6) The...
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Tài liệu Windows Form Microsoft .NET Framework phần 4 doc
... Icon("moon03.ico"); images[3] = new Icon("moon 04 . ico"); images [4] = new Icon("moon05.ico"); images[5] = new Icon("moon06.ico"); images[6] = new Icon("moon07.ico"); images[7] = new Icon("moon08.ico"); ... int offset = 0; private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Nạp vào tám icon images = new Icon[8]; images [0] = new Icon("moon01.ico"); images[1] = new Icon("moon02.ico"); images[2] ... MultiLingualForm()); } } Bạn sử dụng tiện ích WinRes.exe (nằm thư mục \Program Files \Microsoft Visual Studio NET 200 3\SDK\v1.1\Bin) để soạn thảo thông tin resource Nó cung cấp trình soạn thảo form...
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 20:15
Microsoft .NET Framework web based client development doc
... Reason 100 Continue 200 OK 201 Created 300 Multiple Choices 301 Moved Permanently 302 Found 40 0 Bad Request 40 1 Unauthorized 40 3 Forbidden 40 4 Not Found 40 7 Proxy Authentication Required 40 8 Request ... http://www.northrup.org Chapter Introducing the ASP .NET 2 .0 Web Site Microsoft Visual Studio 200 5 and ASP .NET 2 .0 represent a major release for Microsoft If you have previous experience with Visual ... Microsoft Windows XP, Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.1, and Visual Studio 200 5 installed with Microsoft SQL Server 200 5 Express Edition ■ Be familiar with the Visual Studio 200 5 Integrated Development...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 05:20
Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft .NET Framework 4 doc
... 385 385 386 388 392 393 3 94 395 397 40 1 40 4 40 7 40 9 41 0 41 2 Table of Contents Part IV Advanced LINQ 14 Inside Expression Trees 41 5 Lambda Expressions ... www.it-ebooks.info 577 579 5 80 5 80 581 5 84 593 596 599 600 602 606 606 607 607 Table of Contents 19 LINQ Data Binding 609 Using LINQ with ASP .NET ... both Microsoft NET Framework 4. 0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 201 0 on your development machine This book has been written against the released-to-market (RTM) edition of LINQ and Microsoft NET 4. 0...
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SỬ DỤNG công nghệ microsoft net FRAMEWORK 3 0 và công nghệ microsoft SQL server 2005v áp DỤNG vào quản lý thông tin về cán bộ, công nhân viên
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Ứng dụng công nghệ microsoft net FRAMEWORK 3 0 trong quản lý nhân sự
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programming microsoft linq in microsoft net framework
... 385 385 386 388 392 393 3 94 395 397 40 1 40 4 40 7 40 9 41 0 41 2 Table of Contents Part IV Advanced LINQ 14 Inside Expression Trees 41 5 Lambda Expressions ... 577 579 5 80 5 80 581 5 84 593 596 599 600 602 606 606 607 607 Table of Contents 19 LINQ Data Binding 609 Using LINQ with ASP .NET ... both Microsoft NET Framework 4. 0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 201 0 on your development machine This book has been written against the released-to-market (RTM) edition of LINQ and Microsoft NET 4. 0...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:33