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microsoft .net framework 4.5 quickstart cookbook

microsoft .net framework 4.5 quickstart cookbook

... iii Table of Contents Appendix B: .NET 4. 5 – Deployment Risks and Issues 20 3 Introduction 20 3 Risks of the in-place upgrade 2 04 Platform targeting 2 04 Other risks 2 05 Index 20 7 Acknowledgment I'd ... WCF Features 1 45 Introduction 1 45 Using the asynchronous features of WCF 1 45 Using WebSockets 149 Using Contract First development 156 Chapter 8: Creating and Hosting Our First ASP .NET Web API ... on Task Manager. 23 . Go back to the Windows 8 UI and launch our application again. This is what we will see: Microsoft .NET Framework 4. 5 Quickstart Cookbook Get...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:50

226 1,3K 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 2 doc

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 2 doc

... instead. 60 Chapter 1 Framework Fundamentals i 32 = i16 i 32 = db db = i16 db = i 32 // C# i16 = i 32; i16 = db; i 32 = i16; i 32 = db; db = i16; db = i 32; 4. Attempt to build your ... expression: ^\d {5} $ Enter input for comparison: 12 34 InputDOESNOTmatchregularexpression. C:\>TestRegExp Enter regular expression: ^\d {5} $ Enter input for comparison: 12 3 45 Inputmatchesregularexpression. As ... Console.WriteLine("Input DOES NOT match regular expression."); Next, run the application to determine whether the regular expression ^\d {5} $ matches the string 12 3 45 or 12 34. The regular expression...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 502 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 4 pot

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 4 pot

... DashStyle.Dot g.DrawLine(p, 50 , 25 , 40 0, 25 ) p.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash g.DrawLine(p, 50 , 50 , 40 0, 50 ) p.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDot g.DrawLine(p, 50 , 75, 40 0, 75) p.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot ... Pen(Color.Red, 7); p.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot; g.DrawLine(p, 50 , 25 , 40 0, 25 ) ; p.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash; g.DrawLine(p, 50 , 50 , 40 0, 50 ); ... g.DrawLine(p, 50 , 50 , 40 0, 50 ); p.StartCap = LineCap.Flat; p.EndCap = LineCap.Round; g.DrawLine(p, 50 , 75, 40 0, 75) ; p.StartCap = LineCap.RoundAnchor; p.EndCap = LineCap.Square; g.DrawLine(p, 50 ,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 387 0
Tài liệu Windows Form Microsoft .NET Framework phần 2 pdf

Tài liệu Windows Form Microsoft .NET Framework phần 2 pdf

... using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft. Win 32; public class FormSettingStore { The image part with relationship ID rId5 was not fo und in the file. vừa nhấn được cấp cho ... danh sách các phần vừa chọn (như Microsoft Excel int counter = 0; private void cmdTest_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < 20 ; i++) { counter++; listBox1.Items.Add("Item ... counter.ToString()); } listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - 1; } } Hình 6 .4 Cuộn ListBox đến trang cuối cùng 1 .4 Chỉ cho phép nhập số vào TextBox V V Bạn cần tạo một TextBox sao cho...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 20:15

8 408 0
Tài liệu Cơ sở dữ liệu Trong Microsoft .NET Framework phần 2 pptx

Tài liệu Cơ sở dữ liệu Trong Microsoft .NET Framework phần 2 pptx

... tham khảo tài liệu .NET Frameworks SDK để biết thêm chi tiết về các phương thức bổ sung ExecuteOracleNonQuery và ExecuteOracleScalar do lớp OracleCommand cung cấp. 1 .2 Sử dụng thông số trong ... lệnh (xem mục 10 .4 để biết cách sử dụng thông số). Transaction Đối tượng System.Data.IDbTransaction, mô tả phiên giao dịch mà câu lệnh được đưa vào đó (xem tài liệu .NET Framework SDK để ... liệu có trong tập kết quả. Bảng 10 .5 mô tả vài thành viên thông dụng của giao diện IDataReader và IDataRecord. Ngoài các thành viên được liệt kê trong bảng 10 .5, data-reader còn cung cấp một tập...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 04:20

8 367 0
Tài liệu Lập trình Mạng Microsoft .NET Framework phần 2 ppt

Tài liệu Lập trình Mạng Microsoft .NET Framework phần 2 ppt

... Console.ReadLine(); InterNetwork: 20 7 .46 . 24 9 .22 2 InterNetwork: 20 7 .46 .1 34. 22 2 InterNetwork: 20 7 .46 . 24 9 .27 InterNetwork: 20 7 .46 .1 34. 155 InterNetwork: 20 7 .46 . 24 9 .190 1.3 “Ping” một địa chỉ ... // Nhận đáp ứng, và ngừng tính giờ. byte[] ReceiveBuffer = new byte[ 25 6 ]; socket.ReceiveFrom(ReceiveBuffer, 25 6 , 0, ref EndPointFrom); dwStop = System.Environment.TickCount - dwStart; ... UInt16.Parse("0"); packet.Identifier = UInt16.Parse(" ; 45 "); packet.SequenceNumber = UInt16.Parse("0"); int PingData = 32; packet.Data = new Byte[PingData]; for (int i...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 04:20

10 407 2
Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft .NET Framework 4 doc

Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft .NET Framework 4 doc

... operating systems: Microsoft Windows Server 20 03, Windows Server 20 08, Windows Server 20 08 R2, Windows XP with Service Pack 2, Windows Vista, Windows 7  Microsoft Visual Studio 20 10  This ... audience for this book is .NET developers with a good knowledge of Microsoft .NET 2. 0 or 3.x who are wondering whether to upgrade their expertise to Microsoft .NET 4. 0.  This ... as what to do—and what not to do—with LINQ. To work with the examples in this book, you need to install both Microsoft .NET Framework 4. 0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 20 10 on your development...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

705 1,4K 0
exam 70-516 accessing data with microsoft .net framework 4

exam 70-516 accessing data with microsoft .net framework 4

... LINQ 143 CHAPTER 4 LINQ to SQL 23 7 CHAPTER 5 LINQ to XML 2 95 CHAPTER 6 ADO .NET Entity Framework 359 CHAPTER 7 WCF Data Services 45 9 CHAPTER 8 Developing Reliable Applications 50 3 CHAPTER 9 Deploying ... cars.Rows.Add("9876 54 3 21 XYZ", "Buick", 20 01); //Load DataRow, replacing existing contents, if existing cars.LoadDataRow(new object[] { "9876 54 3 21 XYZ", "Jeep", 20 02 },LoadOption.OverwriteChanges); This ... cars.Rows.Add("9876 54 3 21 XYZ", "Buick", 20 01) 'Load DataRow, replacing existing contents, if existing cars.LoadDataRow(new object() _ { "9876 54 3 21 XYZ", "Jeep", 20 02...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 11:21

671 819 1
designing and developing windows applications using framework 4

designing and developing windows applications using framework 4

... Experiment 21 9 Objective 3.3: Review 21 9 Objective 3.3: Thought Experiment 22 0 Objective 3 .4: Review 22 0 Objective 3 .4: Thought Experiment 22 1 Objective 3 .5: Review 22 1 Objective 3 .5: Thought ... Round-Trips 21 3 Objective Summary 2 14 Objective Review 2 14 Chapter Summary 21 6 Answers 21 7 Objective 3.1: Review 21 7 Objective 3.1: Thought Experiment 21 8 Objective 3 .2: Review 21 8 Objective 3 .2: Thought ... 170 Objective 2 .4: Review 170 Objective 2 .4: Thought Experiment 171 Objective 2 .5: Review 171 Objective 2 .5: Thought Experiment 171 Objective 2. 6: Review 1 72 Objective 2. 6: Thought Experiment 1 72 Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 00:47

337 807 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 3 potx

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 3 potx

... a .NET Framework application by using collections. Q Improve type safety and application performance in a .NET Framework applica- tion by using generic collections. Q Manage data in a .NET Framework ... Console.WriteLine(sl("Queue")) Console.WriteLine(sl.GetByIndex(0)) 1 42 Chapter 4 Collections and Generics of the item. For example, the following code sample displays 2 because the string “this” is in the third position, ... CollectionBase ReadOnlyCollection<T> ReadOnlyCollectionBase Table 4- 1 Generic Collection Classes Generic Class Comparable Nongeneric Classes 144 Chapter 4 Collections and Generics Q ListDictionary A dictionary...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 397 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 5 ppsx

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 5 ppsx

... meaningful way. You cannot debug or run a service application by pressing F5 or F11; you cannot run a 29 6 Chapter 7 Threading it increments the value as it was before Thread2 updated it—thus completing ... hostEvidence As Object() = {New Zone (SecurityZone.Internet)} Dim internetEvidence As Evidence = New Evidence (hostEvidence, Nothing) 322 Chapter 8 Application Domains and Services How to Create ... domains in a .NET Framework application” exam objective, complete the following tasks. Develop Multithreaded .NET Framework Applications For this task, you should complete at least Practices 1, 2, and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 348 0
mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 6 pot

mcts self paced training kit exam 70-536 microsoft net framework 3.5 application development foundation phần 6 pot

... Start menu, start the Microsoft .NET Framework 2. 0 Configuration tool (or open the %WinDir% \Microsoft .NET\ Framework\ v2.0 .50 727 \Mscorcfg.msc snap-in). 8. In the .NET Framework 2. 0 Configuration tool, ... of all other assemblies. Uninstall is not transactional. Lesson 2: Working with Performance Counters 41 9 20 8 .23 34 1 72. 8078 127 .55 94 21 9.6767 Because the IPv4\Datagrams/sec counter is averaged ... opening the %WinDir%\ Microsoft. NET\ Framework\ v2.0 .50 727 \Mscorcfg.msc snap-in. This tool is used for versions 2. 0 to 3 .5 of .NET Framework (and perhaps later versions that have not been released...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:22

82 397 1