metal alloys used for euro coins

Water Splitting on Composite Plasmonic-Metal/SemiconductorPhotoelectrodes: Evidence for Selective Plasmon-Induced Formationof Charge Carriers near the Semiconductor Surface

Water Splitting on Composite Plasmonic-Metal/SemiconductorPhotoelectrodes: Evidence for Selective Plasmon-Induced Formationof Charge Carriers near the Semiconductor Surface

... enhancement for Ag/N-TiO2 composite (photocurrent for Ag/N-TiO2 divided by that for N-TiO2) as a function of excitation wavelength (solid curve) Ag nanocube spectrum (difference spectrum for Ag/N-TiO2 ... photocurrent enhancement for the Ag/NTiO2 photoelectrode (calculated as the photocurrent for Ag/NTiO2 divided by that for N-TiO2) as a function of source wavelength Optical filters were used to modulate ... hþ concentration for charge carriers formed in the bulk of TiO2 shows a half-order dependence on light intensity, whereas the surface concentration of hþ for charge carriers formed in the surface...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2013, 21:27

4 464 0
Tài liệu Chapter 2: Ligands used for aqueous organometallic catalysis pdf

Tài liệu Chapter 2: Ligands used for aqueous organometallic catalysis pdf

... sulfonation with fuming sulfuric acid was also used for the preparation of the chelating diphosphines 34-38, 51, 52 14 Chapter Ligands used for aqueous organometallic catalysis 15 Most of the problems ... were used as ligands in AOC and there are numerous general methods for their preparation The carboxylic acid substituent also allows further functionalization Ligands used for aqueous organometallic ... phosphines are not the exclusive ligands for aqueous organometallic catalysis, as exemplified by the macromolecular ligands 137-139 Ligands used for aqueous organometallic catalysis 29 It may be appropriate...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 14:15

35 302 0
Tài liệu Readability and Patient Education Materials Used for Low-Income Populations pptx

Tài liệu Readability and Patient Education Materials Used for Low-Income Populations pptx

... Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (version 15.0 for Windows) was used for data analysis Measures of central tendency were calculated for all PEMs using FleschKincaid, SMOG formula, and FRE ... Because of the composition of formulas, they can be used only for text and not for tables, charts, or word lists These tools provide a reading grade level needed for the material but not assess ... submit written PEMs used most frequently for their clients Inclusion criteria were that materials were in English and written format Patient education materials were excluded if format consisted...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 14:20

8 418 0
Herbal Formulations from Cold Desert Plants Used For Gynecological Disorders pptx

Herbal Formulations from Cold Desert Plants Used For Gynecological Disorders pptx

... WP W Formulation W Formulation WP Formulation Arenaria griffithii Boiss Formulation W Formulation WP Rt Formulation Aconogonum tortuosum (D Don.) H Hara Althaea rosea (L.) Cav Formulation Formulation ... analyzed for number of indigenous plants used, number of exotic plants used, total number of formulations used, different categories of gynecological disorders treated, various plant parts used, form ... and other materials used in formulation of reme- Discussion Frequency of exotic plants used The most frequently used exotic species in different formulations are S album (7 formulations), followed...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

8 315 0
Low-Iodine Cookbook: Guidelines and Tips for the Low-Iodine Diet Used for a Short Time When Preparing To Receive Radioactive Iodine docx

Low-Iodine Cookbook: Guidelines and Tips for the Low-Iodine Diet Used for a Short Time When Preparing To Receive Radioactive Iodine docx

... Our thanks to ThyCa’s medical advisors and conference speakers for information and support Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only It is not intended, nor should ... differently than you usually Therefore, many people prefer to consume smaller amounts of alcohol • Remember to use unsalted nuts for any recipes that call for nuts For any recipe that contains salt ... or no-salt peas, for an easy meal Contributed by a Friend of ThyCa Low-Iodine Recipe of the Month, April 2009 An easy meal for the family or for unexpected guests Easy to double for more people...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:21

123 392 0
Indigenous medicine used for treatment of gynecological disorders by tribal of chhattisgarh, India pptx

Indigenous medicine used for treatment of gynecological disorders by tribal of chhattisgarh, India pptx

... et al Table Plants used for gynecological disorders in Chhattisgarh Local Name Botanical Name Part Used Disease Method of Preparation Doses Local Name Botanical Name Part Used Disease Method ... Name Botanical Name Part Used Disease Method of Preparation Doses Local Name Botanical Name Part Used Disease Method of Preparation Doses Local Name Botanical Name Part Used Disease Method of Preparation ... Botanical Name Part Used Disease Method of Preparation Doses 10 11 12 13 14 Local Name Botanical Name Part Used Disease Method of Preparation Doses Local Name Botanical Name Part Used Disease Method...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:20

5 334 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Modulation of the major histocompatibility complex by neural stem cell-derived neurotrophic factors used for regenerative therapy in a rat model of stroke" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Modulation of the major histocompatibility complex by neural stem cell-derived neurotrophic factors used for regenerative therapy in a rat model of stroke" ppt

... b-actin (forward: 5′-CTA CAA TGA GCT GCG TGT GG-3′, reverse:5′-CAG TCA GGA TCT TCA TGA GG-3′) The thermo-profile was 50°C for and 95°C for 10 min, followed by 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s, 60°C for ... factors and neuronal survival Neuron 1989, 2:1525-1534 Lewin GR, Barde YA: Physiology of the neurotrophins Annu Rev Neurosci 1996, 19:289-317 Barbara BS, McAtee M, Dai HN, Kuhn PL: Neurotrophic ... the left and right forelimbs The sum of foot faults (SOFFF) in the forelimbs is defined as the number of faults of right and left forelimbs, whereas the differentiation of forelimb foot faults...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

10 702 0
Section X - Drugs Used for Immunomodulation doc

Section X - Drugs Used for Immunomodulation doc

... injury The recommended dose for acute rejection of renal grafts is 1.5 mg/kg per day (over to hours) for to 14 days Mean T-cell counts fall by day of therapy It also is used for acute rejection of ... fistulas in Crohn's disease patients (see Chapter 39: Agents Used for Diarrhea, Constipation, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Agents Used for Biliary and Pancreatic Disease) About of patients receiving ... the intravenous formulation, this route of administration is discontinued as soon as the patient is able to take an oral form of the drug In rheumatoid arthritis, cyclosporine is used in cases...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 20:21

26 256 0


... permutations of the form (6) where p1 , p2 , , pm is a permutation of m + 2, m + 3, , 2m + and pm +1 , pm + , , p2 m +1 is a permutation of 1, 2, , m + On Counting Certain Permutations Used for Speech ... permutation can be written as ⎛1 p=⎜ ⎝ p1 p2 n⎞ ⎟ pn ⎠ (1) and for the sake of simplicity we write this permutation as p1 , p2 , , pn For a permutation p of degree n, given by Eq (1), the shift ... Ravichandran et al [2] developed recurrence relations for counting the Journal of Physical Science, Vol 17(2), 131–139, 2006 133 permutations except for the two cases: permutations satisfying (i) both...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:20

9 196 0
Báo cáo y học: "Vertebrates used for medicinal purposes by members of the Nyishi and Galo tribes in Arunachal Pradesh (North-East India)" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Vertebrates used for medicinal purposes by members of the Nyishi and Galo tribes in Arunachal Pradesh (North-East India)" pdf

... preserved Fat is used as massage for in bamboo cups and used for body pain by Koya, Guthikoya, body massaging Lambada, Mala tribes of Andhra Pradesh [59] instead of bone marrow Flesh is used for treating ... preventive measure for coughs and fevers Meat promotes strength and vitality and fat used for joint pain by Koya, Guthikoya, Lambada, Mala tribes of Andhra Pradesh [59] Skin and fat used for treating ... Python molurus N & G Body fats Massage for joint pain Fats are stored in bamboo containers and used in body massage to cure joint pain Similar fat used for treatment of rheumatic pain, toothache...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:21

14 559 0
Báo cáo y học: "Medicinal plants used for traditional veterinary in the Sierras de Córdoba (Argentina): An ethnobotanical comparison with human medicinal uses" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Medicinal plants used for traditional veterinary in the Sierras de Córdoba (Argentina): An ethnobotanical comparison with human medicinal uses" ppt

... the inhabitants, but that are used in traditional recipes For example, antibiotic activity has been described for Aloysia gratissima and Lippia turbinata (used for treating wounds and sores), ... mentioned for Conyza bonariensis (used in cases of diarrhoea), and anticancer and antibiotic activity have been described for Larrea divaricata Regarding the number of species used for differents ... (Table 3), the most relevant are those used as cicatrizants (for treating wounds and injuries; sores and ulcers; mastitis, and others) followed by plants used for digestive disorders, ostheomuscular...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:22

19 444 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Naturally occurring nanoparticles from English ivy: an alternative to metal-based nanoparticles for UV protection" doc

báo cáo khoa học: "Naturally occurring nanoparticles from English ivy: an alternative to metal-based nanoparticles for UV protection" doc

... addition to the increased potential for DNA damage from engineered metal oxide nanoparticles, another concern for their application in cosmetics is the potential for inhalation, ingestion, and penetration ... expect that ivy nanoparticles can be used in cosmetics applications without a risk of penetration Conclusions The concern for the biosafety and health risk for the metal- based and engineered nanoparticles ... HeLa cells are commonly used for testing the toxicity and trafficking of nanoparticles [33-35] In the experimental study, we incubated μg/ml ivy nanoparticles with HeLa cells for 24 hours to test...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:22

9 315 0
báo cáo khoa học: " A cytochrome P450 monooxygenase commonly used for negative selection in transgenic plants causes growth anomalies by disrupting brassinosteroid signaling" pps

báo cáo khoa học: " A cytochrome P450 monooxygenase commonly used for negative selection in transgenic plants causes growth anomalies by disrupting brassinosteroid signaling" pps

... 94°C for 10 s, 60°C for 15 s, and 72°C for 50 s 25, 30, and 35 cycles (in separate tubes) were tested for increasing band intensities, and three replicates of 30 cycles and 35 cycles were used ... initiated as an effort to select for plants that had lost a cDNA sequence encoding a Suc/H+ symporter necessary for efficient Suc transport through the phloem [23] The cDNA for AtSUC2 and P450 ... experiments where selecting for the loss of genes linked to the marker is desired For example P450SU1 has been used in Ac/Ds transposon-mediated mutagenesis screens to select for progeny in which the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

13 245 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Management of venous thrombosis in fibular free osseomusculocutaneous flaps used for mandibular reconstruction: clinical techniques and treatment considerations" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Management of venous thrombosis in fibular free osseomusculocutaneous flaps used for mandibular reconstruction: clinical techniques and treatment considerations" pdf

... [18-21] Consent Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and accompanying images A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief ... Neck Surg 2004, 130:962-966 Conforti ML, Connor NP, Heisey DM, Hartig GK: Evaluation of performance characteristics of the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) for the treatment of venous congestion ... approved the final manuscript Author Details 1Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Mainz, Augustusplatz 2, 55131 Mainz, Germany and 2Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:20

5 274 0
Báo cáo y học: " Mechanical ventilation in the ICU- is there a gap between the time available and time used for nurse-led weaning?" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Mechanical ventilation in the ICU- is there a gap between the time available and time used for nurse-led weaning?" pot

... Figure Available time for weaning divided into time used and time not used Available time for weaning divided into time used and time not used DOV = duration of ventilation *Light ... nursing-shifts) was used for this purpose (the dependant variable), we performed a multivariate analysis using logistic regression (SPSS, version 15) Pearson's chi-squared test was used to test for differences ... time available for weaning that is actually used for weaning To the best of our knowledge, these topics have not been studied to date Clinical setting This retrospective study was performed in a...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20

8 338 0
Báo cáo y học: "Can performance indicators be used for pedagogic purposes in disaster medicine training?" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Can performance indicators be used for pedagogic purposes in disaster medicine training?" docx

... defined performance indicators for evaluating teaching performance, were established Thus, the objective of our study was to evaluate whether a postulated set of performance indicators for measuring ... trainees in disaster medicine training Performance indicators could be used effectively for pedagogic purposes 15 16 17 18 19 Competing interests Kaji AH, Langford V, Lewis RJ: Assessing hospital ... Performance indicators for major incident medical management – A possible tool for quality control? International Journal of Disaster Medicine 2004, 2:52-55 Rüter A, Nilsson H, Vikström T: Performance...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20

5 194 0
an investigation into conceptual metaphors used for describing happiness and sadness in english and vietnamese

an investigation into conceptual metaphors used for describing happiness and sadness in english and vietnamese

... DISCUSSIONS 4.1 CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS USED FOR DESCRIBING HAPPINESS AND SADNESS 4.1.1 Conceptual Metaphors Used for Describing Happiness Conceptual metaphors for “Happiness” in English and Vietnamese ... linguistics, the structure of cone concept can be used to form another concept Therefore, many aspects of a word can be used to talk about another concept For example, “The storm is in my soul” is derived ... Metaphors Used for Describing Sadness Conceptual metaphors for “Sadness” in English and Vietnamese poems are summarized in the following table: Table 4.3: A Summary of Conceptual Metaphors for Sadness...

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2014, 18:58

26 887 6
preparation and functionalization of macromolecule-metal and metal oxide nanocomplexes for biomedical applications

preparation and functionalization of macromolecule-metal and metal oxide nanocomplexes for biomedical applications

... least Thanks for giving me the best foundation in life and academics I could have ever hoped for Thanks for the lunch bags with notes in it Thanks for the endless support Thanks for the donuts ... involves precursors for the preparation of colloids that consist of metal or metalloid elements surrounded by various types of ligands Metal alkoxides belong to a family of organometallic compounds ... ProQuest Information and Learning Company 300 North Zeeb Road P.O Box 1346 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 Preparation and Functionalization of Macromolecule -Metal and Metal Oxide Nanocomplexes For Biomedical...

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 16:16

193 316 0