maxwell s equations in differential and integral forms

Báo cáo hóa học: " Local stability of the Pexiderized Cauchy and Jensen’s equations in fuzzy spaces" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Local stability of the Pexiderized Cauchy and Jensen’s equations in fuzzy spaces" pptx

... Fuzzy Sets Syst 159, 730–738 (2008) doi:10.1016/j.fss.2007.07.011 Mirmostafee, AK, Moslehian, MS: Fuzzy versions of Hyers-Ulam-Rassias theorem Fuzzy Sets Syst 159, 720–729 (2008) doi:10.1016/j.fss.2007.09.016 ... authors conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination All authors read and approved the final manuscript Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing ... stability results concerning a Cauchy sequence, Jensen and quadratic functional equations were investigated in [17-20] A local Hyers-Ulam stability of Jensen s equation In 1998, Jung [16] investigated...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

8 334 0


... closed path The right-handed relationship between the surface integral and the closed line integral in (4) should always be kept in mind during flux integrations and emf determinations Let us ... Main Menu | Textbook Table of Contents | 335 ENGINEERING ELECTROMAGNETICS 10.4 MAXWELL' S EQUATIONS IN INTEGRAL FORM The integral forms of Maxwell' s equations are usually easier to recognize in ... terms of integral relationships A differential equation always represents a theory Let us now collect the integral forms of Maxwell' s equations of the previous section Integrating (20) over a surface...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 20:23

26 523 1
Jane Austen’s Romaticism in Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen’s Romaticism in Pride and Prejudice

... Basingstock in Hampshire.Her father was a country minister in Stevensen while her mother was a housewife who was interested in literature and could write stories and poems Jane Austen, with her sisters, ... there is love and same tastes, which is a kind of representation of romanticism So she still rejects Darcy at the first time because his proposal seems to be a sacrifice to her by saying that she ... that she and Cassandra, to be near Jane s physician, rented rooms in Winchester Tragically, there was then no cure and Jane died in her sister s arms in the early hours of 18 July 1817 She was 41...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 21:34

10 445 1
Tài liệu Master’s programmes in Business and Economics docx

Tài liệu Master’s programmes in Business and Economics docx

... programmes in Business and Economics MSc International Business Business without borders Is International Business right for you? In today s globalised business environment, are you inspired by international ... Master s programmes in Business and Economics Course outline Management of Learning Managing Organisational Learning Theories and Models of Learning Skills Training: Writing a Master s Thesis Selected ... homogenous students from Shareholder Value and Market-Based Assets Customer Analysis Institutional Investors Research for Marketing Decision Making Skills Training: Writing a Master s Thesis Behavioural...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20

68 574 0
Healthy Lifestyle in the Elderly’s View in Romania and Latvia docx

Healthy Lifestyle in the Elderly’s View in Romania and Latvia docx

... the sports clubs, social centres, and educational service The sports clubs, pool, sports ground and sports hall as well as educational institutions, kindergarten and school are the least important ... has a centralised water supply system and a sewage system which is connected to the city s water treatment plant A block in the RAF microdistrict consists of fivestorey and nine-storey dwelling ... houses which were built in the 197 0s The chosen territory has a school with a pool, a sports hall and a sports ground, which is available also to the microdistrict s residents, kindergartens, small...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

6 492 0
abel's theorem in problems and solutions - v.b. alekseev

abel's theorem in problems and solutions - v.b. alekseev

... If and axe transformations of the set M then is also a transformation of set M DEFINITION Suppose that a set G of transformations possesses the following properties: 1) if two transformations and ... topological insolvability proofs are still missing in his theory (as well as in the Poincaré theory of the absence of the holomorphic first integral and in many other insolvability problems of differential ... notations (see the solutions) these tables coincide For many purposes it is natural to consider such groups of transformations as coinciding Therefore we shall consider abstract objects rather than sets...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 14:57

285 466 0
theory and problems of differential and integral calculus third edition - ayres & mendelson

theory and problems of differential and integral calculus third edition - ayres & mendelson

... 3-4 19 LINES CHAP 31 SLOPE AND STEEPNESS Consider any line with positive slope, passing through a point P , ( x , , y , ) ; such a line is shown in Fig 3-5 Choose the point P ( x ,y ) on such that ... the slope rn of 2' is equal to the distance As the steepness of the line increases without limit, as shown in Fig 3-6(a) Thus, the slope of 2increases increases, without bound from (when is horizontal) ... proved, this book may be used as a text for a regular calculus course, in both colleges and secondary schools Each chapter begins with statements of definitions, principles, and theorems These are...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:42

489 414 0
Project Gutenberg''''s Morals in Trade and Commerce, by Frank B. Anderson pot

Project Gutenberg''''s Morals in Trade and Commerce, by Frank B. Anderson pot

... this were not so, it would be impossible to carry on business Take the statistics of the credit insurance business, a business that may be said to be based upon an assumption of human honesty; ... dealing with human nature in a business where it is seen at its extremes—at its best and at its worst—I believe that the great majority of men and women in business are honest and I am certain ... judgments, and it must so sift and winnow the news of the day that the whims and the passions of the day shall be sustained There are some newspapers and magazines that are honorably willing to...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 17:20

78 314 0
Elementary Illustrations of the Differential and Integral Calculus pptx

Elementary Illustrations of the Differential and Integral Calculus pptx

... as near as we please to ; (3) that it can never be less than This we express 2 N by saying that is a decreasing ratio, whose limit is M ON THE RATIOS OF CONTINUOUSLY INCREASING OR DECREASING ... and C in the second, third, and fourth column are less than those in the first; nevertheless, the ratio of B to C is less in the second column than it was in the first, remains the same in the ... mechanics, it is necessary to consider quantities as increasing or decreasing continuously; that is, a magnitude does not pass from one value to another without passing through every intermediate...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20

194 282 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Changing of Women’s Roles in Agricultural and Handicraft Production: A Case Study in Kim Thieu Village, Tu Son District, Bac Ninh Province" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Changing of Women’s Roles in Agricultural and Handicraft Production: A Case Study in Kim Thieu Village, Tu Son District, Bac Ninh Province" pdf

... of such earnings and household resources, and generally improving their status and strength in society, as well as their own self-esteem However, this line of argument seems to ignore the intrafamilial ... to hire labor in the peak-seasons such as transplanting and harvesting, instead of doing by myself It is very easy to look for female laborers willing to work in others’ plots in our region (Tran ... onerous and time devouring such as transplanting, weeding and harvesting Although animal rearing and gardening could be seen as important secondary sources of households, both of these activities...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:20

11 426 0
Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Absence of autoantibodies connected to autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type I and II and Addison''''s disease in girls and women with Turner syndrome" docx

Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Absence of autoantibodies connected to autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type I and II and Addison''''s disease in girls and women with Turner syndrome" docx

... biosynthesis Rate limiting enzyme in the synthesis of serotonin APS II 21-Hydroxylase (21-OH) Steroid hormone synthesis Description of important autoantigens in Addison 's disease, Addison 's disease ... blood donors served as controls A medical history was attained, focusing on autoimmune diseases, previous and current ear diseases, ear operations and hearing problems A clinical investigation ... melanin catalyser in the inner ear [22] Some inner ear diseases are known to be caused by water and ion regulating problems, which is the case with Addison 's disease The aim of this study was to investigate...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

4 303 0
Báo cáo y học: "Glutathione-S-transferases in lung and sputum specimens, effects of smoking and COPD severity" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Glutathione-S-transferases in lung and sputum specimens, effects of smoking and COPD severity" ppsx

... compounds in the extracellular milieu This initial increase followed by the subsequent decline of several enzymes related to GSH synthesis/homeostasis including GST in COPD as shown in this study and ... reason is the presence of various alphaclass GSTs in human lung tissues but not in sputum supernatants Two GST alpha subtypes have been earlier documented in rat tissue homogenates and porcine Sertoli ... expression of the GSTs in induced sputum cells and supernatants in healthy individuals and patients with COPD Materials and methods Lung tissue specimens Lung tissue specimens from 72 patients (16 life-long...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:20

10 210 0
15 Maxwell’s Equations for the Electromagnetic Fied

15 Maxwell’s Equations for the Electromagnetic Fied

... free space is transverse This is exactly what is observed in the Fresnel–Arago interference equations Thus, in Maxwell s theory this result is an immediate consequence of his equations, whereas in ... conducting dielectric We can now solve Maxwell s equations The result is remarkable and was the primary reason for Maxwell s belief in the validity of his equations In order to this, we first use ... at the same result from Maxwell s equations after a considerable amount of effort, as we by introducing (15-21) as an hypothesis or deriving it from mechanics This difference is especially sharp...

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2016, 11:40

6 284 0


... Because W is also equicontinuous, it follows from [8, Proposition 4.3 and Remarks 4.1] that u = supW exists in C(J,E), and there is an increasing sequence (un ) in W which converges pointwise strongly ... f satisfies the hypotheses (f0) and (f1) The hypothesis (c) is also valid, whence the asserted results follow from Theorem 3.2 Example 3.4 Consider the following system of IVPs: v (s) ds v (s) ds ... algorithms to solve equations and systems in ordered spaces, Neural Parallel Sci Comput (2001), no 3-4, 407–416 , Existence and comparison results for operator and differential equations in abstract spaces,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

15 140 0
differential equations elektronisk ressurs based on schaum's outline of theory and problems of differential equations second edition by richard bronson

differential equations elektronisk ressurs based on schaum's outline of theory and problems of differential equations second edition by richard bronson

... io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf ... r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf ... r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:18

141 460 0
England’s opportunity, England’s character - Arnold, Mill, and the Union in the 1860s

England’s opportunity, England’s character - Arnold, Mill, and the Union in the 1860s

... writing Michael Ragussis has suggested, from a disciplinary location in English studies, that Arnold s interest in ‘‘the preservation of cultural diversity’’ was ‘‘a minority position increasingly ... Mill was busy getting himself elected as a Liberal M.P for Westminster: among his very first actions on taking his seat in the House of Commons in February  was to speak against – but abstain ... tribute and serve it; so soon as we possess it, it pays us tribute and serves us So long as we are blindly and ignorantly rolled about by the forces of our nature, their contradiction baffles us and...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

38 386 0
A study of the english translational versions of tring cong son's songs in terms of semantic and syntactic features

A study of the english translational versions of tring cong son's songs in terms of semantic and syntactic features

... Vietnamese to English in Trinh Cong Son s songs - Investigate the linguistic and non-linguistic factors influencing the choice of using each strategy in translating the lexicon and phrases and sentences ... Strategy Structural-shifts Class-shifts Unit-shifts Intra-system-shifts In this part, each strategy with examples will be presented and discussed 4.3.1 Structural – shifts These are amongst the most ... to the lowest as follows: Strategy Class-shifts Intra-system-shifts Structural-shifts Unit-shifts In the data, the strategy “Class-shifts” stays on the first rank by appearing 39 times with 51%...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23

13 710 1
Mô hình triển khai IPTV của VNPT tại Hà Nội và  giải pháp nhằm nâng cao chất lƣợng dịch vụ VNPT’s IPTV Implementation in Hanoi and Solutions to Improve Service Quality

Mô hình triển khai IPTV của VNPT tại Hà Nội và giải pháp nhằm nâng cao chất lƣợng dịch vụ VNPT’s IPTV Implementation in Hanoi and Solutions to Improve Service Quality

... Kênh SD Trạng HD thái Broadcast Trạng thái Latency 88 ms Pass 85 ms Pass Jitter current ms Pass 1ms Pass Jitter max ms Pass ms Pass V-MOS 4.45 Pass 4.5 Pass Video Rate 4.156 Mbps Pass 8.835 Mbps ... Pass Packet lost 0% Pass 1.05% Fail Kênh VOD SD Trạng HD Trạng thái Latency 177 ms Pass thái 178 ms Pass Jitter current ms Pass ms Pass Jitter max ms Pass 33 ms Pass V-MOS 4.45 Pass 4.5 Pass ... V-MOS 53 ms Fail 105 ms Fail 4.45 Pass 4.5 Pass 3.702 8.463 Video Rate Mbps Pass Mbps Pass Packet lost 0% Pass 0% Pass Kênh Trạng Broadcast Trạng SD thái HD thái 14 ms Pass 88 ms Pass current ms...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 20:44

15 663 2
Tài liệu 02 Ordinary Linear Differential and Difference Equations docx

Tài liệu 02 Ordinary Linear Differential and Difference Equations docx

... by these equations Systems modeled by these equations are known as linear timeinvariant (LTI) systems In this chapter we shall deal exclusively with linear differential equations with constant ... conditions and the external input In the study of systems it is important to be able to express the system response to an input f (t) as an explicit function of f (t) This is not possible in the classical ... Press LLC its n successive derivatives is zero, not at some values of t, but for all t This is possible if and only if yc (t) and all its n successive derivatives are of the same form Otherwise...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 03:20

24 417 0