... governor of the Central Bank of Ireland) I am indebted to Michael Greenberger, now professor of law at the University of Maryland and director of the Division of Trading and Markets of the Commodity ... against them To the Ken Lays (the CEO of Enron) and Bernie Ebbers (the CEO of WorldCom) of the early years of the decade, we now add Bernie Madoff and a host of others (such as Allen Stanford and ... Treasury at the behest of the “Committee to Save the World” had made the crises far worse than they otherwise would have been The policies showed a lack of understanding of the fundamentals of modern...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 15:42
... and customer is that of debtor and creditor But quoad the drawing and payment of the customer’s cheques as against the money of the customer’s in the banker’s hands the relationship is that of ... the conduct of their accounts Different remedies for the allocation of loss have been proposed, such as the extension of the principles of contributory negligence and a statutory allocation of ... Singapore Supreme Court consists of the High Court and the Court of Appeal The Court of Appeal is the highest court in the country since the abolition of rights of appeal to the Privy Council This was...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:11
Evaluation of the Effects and the Programming of ‘Water Conservation Plan’ (WCP) for Total Water Resources Management in Tokyo
... proposed the necessity of city-wide recycling system and other measures The fluctuation of water consumption in this period reflects the people’s consideration on the WCP introduced The people ... relocation of large-scale factories in Tokyo such as Toyosu Gas, Ebisu Brewery, Kirin Beer and others to the outskirts of Tokyo Another major factor was the reduction of water use in the factory ... conservation They also continuously make efforts to promote the utilization of SWT devices including the distribution of free SWT-tap developed by them as shown in Fig.7 On the other hand, for triggering...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17
... costs and the expenses of the social and health services are increasing The report analyses the factors influencing the use of social and health services by the elderly On the basis of the analysis, ... means of ordered logit models the impacts of age, dependency and other factors on probabilities to use home and community care for the elderly With these models and the age profile of the institutional ... dependency of the elderly and the desired improvements in the contents of elderly care to the expected number of elderly within publicly provided care and the resources needed to produce them Unlike...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 17:20
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:23
báo cáo sinh học:" Human resources and the quality of emergency obstetric care in developing countries: a systematic review of the literature" potx
... hours; the greatest part of that delay was attributed to the purchase of therapeutic material by patients and their families [48] The overall evaluation of professional skills, together with the ... material resources; six, human resources; and four, organizational resources The structural aspects of EmOC and the interpersonal constituents of the EmOC process were easily identified The clinical ... phase of labour [28,45] and on interpersonal communication with the patient [53] Further studies are needed to determine the ideal number of training years, the type of staff to train and the number...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
Financial Audit of the Department of Human Resources Development A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawai‘i Report No. 07-09 December 2007_part1 ppt
... Audit of the Department of Human Resources Development A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawai‘i Conducted by The Auditor State of Hawai‘i and Accuity LLP Submitted by THE ... missions, the office conducts the following types of examinations: Financial audits attest to the fairness of the financial statements of agencies They examine the adequacy of the financial records and ... Office of the Auditor The missions of the Office of the Auditor are assigned by the Hawai‘i State Constitution (Article VII, Section 10) The primary mission is to conduct post audits of the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20
Financial Audit of the Department of Human Resources Development A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawai‘i Report No. 07-09 December 2007_part2 pdf
... Objectives of the Audit Assess the adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of the systems and procedures for the financial accounting, internal control, and financial reporting of the Department of Human ... maintain the plan under its direction Prior Financial Audit The Office of the Auditor and the certified public accounting firm of Deloitte & Touche LLP conducted a financial audit of the Department of ... design and monitor a system of internal control over the process to ensure the reliability of the process and accuracy of the reports These components are especially critical to state agencies as they...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20
Synthesis Report: Water and Land Resources System and the Ecosystem of Shadegan Wetland Basin
... Environmentsal Protection Organisation South of Iran Aquaculture Research Centre Synthesis Report: Water and Land Resources System and the Ecosystem of Shadegan Wetland Basin Final Draft version Editor: ... برآورد کرده است. 4 Ashtiani-Zarandi, M.A (1990) The current status of waterfowl and wetland conservation in the Islamic .38-18 :Republic of Iran In: Matthews, G.V.T (ed.), Managing Waterfowl ... اول: آبان 3113 ب Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Energy Khuzestan Water and Power Organisation Department of the Environment Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project (CIWP) Kuzestan Environmentsal...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:42
Chapter 7 Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets pot
... Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets 41 On a graph, consumer surplus would be the area a between the demand and supply curves b below the demand curve and above price c below the price and above the ... by the total area a under the demand curve and above the price b above the supply curve and up to the equilibrium price c under price and up to the point of equilibrium d between the demand and ... both the demand for and the supply of radios would imply that a both the value of radios to consumers and the cost of producing radios has increased b both the value of radios to consumers and the...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Intervening in global markets to improve access to HIV/AIDS treatment: an analysis of international policies and the dynamics of global antiretroviral medicines markets" potx
... introduce yet another large-scale purchaser that will further consolidate the number of buyers Whereas the original design of the GFATM placed medicine procurement in the hands of national principal ... LS and SM contributed to data analysis and writing of the manuscript MK and TB contributed to the writing of the manuscript and edited it for important content JH conducted data analysis and ... PEPFAR and UNITAID clearly dominate the market for these products Discussion Relationships between interventions and markets The data presented here strongly suggest that the policies of donors and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21
hoffman - surviving large losses; financial crises, the middle class, and the development of capital markets (2007)
... all the reforms they have inspired, they continue to batter us, as we can see from the collapse of the Asian banks and stock markets, the bursting of the Internet bubble and subsequent wave of ... century and 36 percent of the time in the eighteenth century, but only 29.5 percent of the time in the nineteenth, and much of that involved Napoleon before 1815 Furthermore, the wars fought in the ... asymmetric information and crises is one of the major strands of the literature on problems in capital markets It is also one of the major strands of our argument As this and later chapters will...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 17:10
consumers, producers, and the efficiency of markets
... Efficiency of the Market Part III Efficiency of the Market The Market’s Allocation of Resources Is the market’s allocation of resources desirable? Or would a different allocation of resources make the ... a good and what they actually pay On the graph, consumer surplus is the area between P and the D curve 48 Summary II The height of the S curve is sellers’ cost of producing the good Sellers ... Objectives By the end of this session, students should understand: – the link between buyers’ willingness to pay for a good and the demand curve – how to define and measure consumer surplus – the link...
Ngày tải lên: 30/04/2015, 18:50
government policies and the efficiency of markets
... determine the size of this deadweight loss? How does tax revenue depend on the size of the tax? Learning Objectives By the end of this session, students should understand: – the effects of government ... By the end of this session, students should understand: – how the burden of a tax is split between buyers and sellers – how taxes reduce consumer and producer surplus – the meaning and causes of ... to the buyers who value them the most In contrast, when prices are not controlled, the rationing mechanism is efficient (the goods go to the buyers that value them the most) and impersonal (and...
Ngày tải lên: 30/04/2015, 18:53
... the food stocks, and the mood of the garrison The tactics of the Daily Mail captured the attention of the nation; the newspaper dramatized the situation of the town by emphasizing the danger that ... examine both the role of the press in the formation of public opinion about imperialism and the role of the press in the formation of the concept of public opinion itself Mafeking Night marks the powerful ... powerful beginning of the New Journalism at the same time as it marks the beginning of the end of the New Imperialism The coincidence of these occasions arises from the nature of the South African...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54
... of individual, hand-to-hand combat Grand strategy, on the other hand, remained the preserve of Tiw.11 In India, too, much the same phenomenon was apparent in the role of Indra, the chief of the ... the mainstream of legal analysis, largely as a result of the crumbling of older conceptions of legitimacy and the rise of new aspirations for democracy and the self-determination of peoples The ... testimony both to the warlike character of the Greeks and to their feeling of cultural unity, the cities of the Amphictyonic League of Delphi agreed that, in the event of war, the combatant states...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02
Circuit theory of finance and the role of incentives in financial sector reform
... institutions and strengthen the complementarity between the formal and the informal sectors The poorest people of rural and urban societies live beyond the frontier of formal finance, or outside the formal ... of short-term developments of demand and supply in the specific sectors and markets where enterprises operate Investment financial institutions, on the other hand, develop greater knowledge of ... growth, and stability: brief conceptualization and recent evidence CTF clarifies the role of the financial system in the functioning of a monetary market economy of production At the start of the...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:33
Facts of Vietnam Freight forwarding industry and the role of Vietnam Freight Forwarders Association (VIFFAS) to the industry in international economic integration processhelpful to Oristar.doc
... kinds: + The change of consumer-demand modal, market and the attitude to the availability and diversity of goods + The pressure of reducing cost + The development of Information technology + The pressure ... learning and expanding With their experiences, they have learned the value of offering quality services In the way of growing, they have also open branches to establish a worldwide presence These ... The Association has the role of coordinating the activities of the members in order to protect the interests of the members and improve the position of Vietnam in the international freight forwarding...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:42
Báo cáo y học: "The association of meat intake and the risk of type 2 diabetes may be modified by body weight"
... the amount consumed in lians (50g/lian) per unit of time A lian is the unit of weight in China equivalent to 50 g The reproducibility and validity of the FFQ was assessed in a random sample of ... For other participants the average of the baseline and follow-up FFQ data were used in the analyses The average daily intake of individual food items (g/day) was combined to compute intake of red ... knowledge there are no other reports of a direct link between poultry consumption and risk of diabetes or of interactions between poultry consumption and BMI and the risk of type DM Red meat consumption...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 16:49