Louise de la Valliere
... Paris, Saint- Mande, and Belle-Isle - that M Colbert's mind was occupied with illuminations and fireworks - that for the next month, at least, the ladies had plenty of glances to bestow, and also ... his head reclining upon his left shoulder, like Alexander the Great His eyes, usually so quick and intelligent in their expression, were now half- closed, and seemed fastened, as it were, upon ... heard many other, and very different falls, did not appear to pay the least attention to the present one Besides, an enormous cart, laden with stones, passing from the Rue SaintMederic, absorbed,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 09:08
... chương trình, thay đổi mã XAML điều khiển để làm cho giao diện chúng thay đổi Khả phân tách code/design cho phép nhà phát triển thiết kế làm việc cách hữu hiệu ứng dụng Silverlight WPF 58 Silverlight ... mà có lẽ bạn biết “RoundButton” control template kích thước Button, nội dung hiển thị bên hard-coded (nó hiển thị “Push Me!”) Một tin tốt lành WPF Silverlight cho phép ta tùy biến cài đặt Chúng ... Silverlight Tutorial Lấy ví dụ, nhúng StackPanel với and bên trong: Điều làm Button trông giống Nhớ giữ nguyên hành vi tính cũ (khi nhấn...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 02:20
... product in the right-hand-side of (1.1) is square-free The type A case of Zamolodchikov’s conjecture was proved independently by E Frenkel and A Szenes [12] and by F Gliozzi and R Tateo [14]; the ... correspondence α → N [α] is well -de ned, i.e., the right-hand side of (1.12) depends only on α, not on the particular choice of k and i such that α = α(k; i) To this end, for every k ∈ Z and i ∈ ... k-subset, and α ∈ S On one hand, the number of pairs in question is kfk (Φ) On the other hand, combining Proposition 2.5 and Theorem 2.6, formula (3.1), and Proposition 3.5 (Parts and 3), we conclude...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20
Đề tài " Branched polymers and dimensional reduction " pptx
... Poland [Pol84] first proposed that the exponent characterizing the singularity should be universal, depending only on the dimension Baram and Luban [BL87] extended the class of models to include ... forest by this de nition The connected components of a forest are trees, provided we declare that the graph with no bonds and just one vertex is also a tree f (F,R) (t) denotes the derivative with ... 1009–1038 [HvS03] T Hara, R van der Hofstad, and G Slade, Critical two-point functions and the lace expansion for spread-out high-dimensional percolation and related models, Ann Probab 31 (2003),...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20
Đề tài " Holomorphic disks and topological invariants for closed three-manifolds " pptx
... cancellation of index one and two critical points), we get induced Heegaard diagrams for Y , whose extended sets of attaching circles undergo only handleslides and pair creations and cancellations ... = degD0 (vx ) + degD1 (vx ) = degD0 (vx ) + degD1 (∇f ) Thus, degD0 (vx ) − degD0 (vy ) = − degD1 (∇f ) − degD0 (∇f ) = 1, since ∇f vanishes with winding number −1 around the index critical points ... Subsection 7.3, and its proof is closely modeled on the invariance of Lagrangian Floer homology under exact Hamiltonian isotopies To establish handleslide invariance, we show that a handleslide induces...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20
Đề tài " Holomorphic disks and threemanifold invariants: Properties and applications " ppt
... so it has a well -de ned degree, which in the present case is one, since −1 = degD1 ∇f |∇f | + degD ∇f |∇f | = degD1 (v) and = degD1 (v) + degD (v) The line bundle we are considering, v ⊥ , then, ... has a handle decomposition with one zero-handle, 2h one-handles, and one two-handle; i.e the tubular neighborhood admits a Morse function f with one index-zero critical point p, 2h index-one ... correspond to the left-handed trefoil: if we take the genus handlebody determined by α1 , α2 , and add a two-handle along β1 then we get the complement of the left-handed trefoil in S Now varying...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20
sơ đồ thể hiện nguyên nhân và kết quả của vấn đề liên quan, cause-and-effect diagram
... nhân slide.tailieu.vn Ghi Nội dung Ghi Nội dung Nội dung Ghi Nội dung Ghi Nội dung Ghi Nội dung Nội dung slide.tailieu.vn Nội dung Nội dung 4 Nội dung Nội dung Nội dung Nội dung Nội dung slide.tailieu.vn ... nhân Ghi Ghi Nguyên nhân slide.tailieu.vn Nội dung Nội dung Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Nguyên nhân Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Nguyên nhân slide.tailieu.vn Hiệu Ghi Ghi ... Ghi Nguyên nhân Ghi Nguyên nhân slide.tailieu.vn Ghi Nội dung Ghi Nội dung Nội dung Nội dung Ghi Ghi Nội dung Ghi Ghi Nội dung Ghi Nội dung Nguyên nhân slide.tailieu.vn Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Ghi Nguyên...
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 13:49
Đề tài "Invariant measures and the set of exceptions to Littlewood’s conjecture " doc
... ANATOLE KATOK, AND ELON LINDENSTRAUSS (1) The conditional measures µab and µba are trivial a.e x x (2) The conditional measures µab and µba are Haar a.e., and µ is invariant x x under left multiplication ... P \ [−ρR, ρR] We de ne x(r) = u(r)x and x (r) = u(r)x , and conclude that x(r), x (r) ∈ X1 satisfy µ12 = µ12(r) by property (3) in x(r) x Section Let g be de ned as in (4.15) and write g12 , ... set D has Hausdorff dimension n; see Section and Section 10 for more details regarding Hausdorff dimension and tranversals, and [33], [32] for more details regarding this application) 1.3 Measure...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo khoa học: A mitochondrial cytochrome b mutation causing severe respiratory chain enzyme deficiency in humans and yeast doc
... skeletal muscle, heart and the CNS, which is dependent upon the abundance and segregation of the causative mutation, the gene that is mutated and the associated biochemical defect; point mutations ... studies using both human and mouse cell lines harbouring deleterious MTCYB mutations have demonstrated a structural 3584 E L Blakely et al dependence among complexes I and III, highlighting the ... fragments of 84 bp, 54 bp and 31 bp (band not shown) The 15 699 GfiC mutation abolishes a restriction site for MwoI, yielding fragments of 138 bp and 31 bp and permitting the detection of mtDNA heteroplasmy...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 22:20
Đề tài " Rogers-Ramanujan and the Baker-Gammel-Wills (Pad´e) conjecture " pdf
... power series on the left-hand side vanish The basic idea is that [m/n] is 848 D S LUBINSKY a rational function with given upper bounds on its numerator and denominator degrees, chosen in such a ... (γj ) , I (γ0 ) = 2, and I (γ1 ) = = I (γ2 ) Then S50,q and hence Gq have zeros of total multiplicity inside γ0 , and these must be the simple zeros inside γj , j = 1, If we denote these zeros ... the standard recurrence relations for the numerator and denominator of a continued fraction [22, p 20], [27, pp 8–9] though they may also be easily proved from (2.12), (2.13) and the identity...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:21
Đề tài " Quasiconformal homeomorphisms and the convex hull boundary " potx
... [27], Bers–Royden [3], and Slodkowski [25] The strongest of these is Slodkowski’s and that has been further expanded to an equivariant form in [14] and, independently, in [26] Definition 4.8 ... paper A geodesic in the domain maps to a quasigeodesic in the range Each such quasigeodesic is at a uniformly bounded Hausdorff hyperbolic distance from some geodesic This gives a well -de ned injective ... construction, and the current paper depends essentially on his results A detailed discussion of complex earthquake coordinates for quasifuchsian space will require us to understand the standard action...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:20
Đề tài " Lagrangian intersections and the Serre spectral sequence " ppt
... of degree If z0 and z0 are independent, then this morphism could have a nonzero degree Assuming for now the compatible choices from above it is obvious that this morphism preserves filtrations and ... extend both f and J f to a Hamiltonian and, respectively, an almost complex structure de ned on all of M which shall be denoted by the same respective symbols If we let η0 coincide with z0 and let ... and C(L, Lf ; G) are canonically identified (and similarly for CF and CF ) We distinguish elements of the two complexes by indicating this identification as C(L, Lf ; G) x → x ∈ C(L, Lf ; G ) and...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20
Đề tài " Hypergraph regularity and the multidimensional Szemer´edi theorem " ppt
... relative density of G inside the set P × S (rather than its absolute density inside X × T ) The sets P , Q, R and S will themselves have densities, which we shall call δX , δY , δZ and δT To ... Let r vectors w1 , , wr be chosen uniformly and independently from the vi (To be precise, for each wj an index i is chosen randomly between and n and wj is set equal to vi ) Then the expectation ... to de ne finer ones as follows Given two sets B, B of index A and given any subset C ⊂ A, there are unique subsets D ⊂ B and D ⊂ B of index C Let us say that B and B are C-equivalent if D and...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:21
Đề tài " Conformal welding and Koebe’s theorem " docx
... that |x1 | < r and |x2 | > 1/r Then from Theorem 25 we get maps f and g which map onto two sides of a Jordan curve γ and so that f and g approximate F and G to within ε/C for |z| < r and |z| > 1/r ... Van Nostrand, 1967 [14] R J Daverman, Decompositions of Manifolds, Volume 124 of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Academic Press Inc., Orlando, FL, 1986 [15] G David, Solutions de l’´quation de Beltrami ... boundaries and hence de ne a 2-quasiconformal map Figure 3: Mapping the disk to WE If f : D → Ω and < r < 1, then de ne df (r) = sup{|f (z) − f (w)| : |z| = |w| = r and |z − w| ≤ − r} If ∂Ω is bounded...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:21
Đề tài " Global existence and convergence for a higher order flow in conformal geometry" pptx
... dV0 M f + lower order terms + Here, we adopt the convention that (−∆0 )m+ = ∇0 (−∆0 )m for all integers m (see [1]) The right-hand side involves derivatives of v and w of order at most n Moreover, ... is not decreasing along the flow H Schwetlick [23] used similar arguments to deduce global existence and convergence for a natural sixth order flow on surfaces The approach used in [6] and [24] ... inequality of J Moser for higher order derivatives, Ann of Math 128 (1988), 385–398 [2] T Branson, S.-Y A Chang, and P Yang, Estimates and extremals for zeta function determinants on four-manifolds,...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20
Đề tài " Quiver varieties and tanalogs of q-characters of quantum affine algebras " pot
... eigenvalues of Uε (Lg)0 have the following forms: ε h,deg Q1 −deg Q2 i i Q1 (1/z) i Q2 (1/z) i deg Q1 − deg Q2 i i r for q h , c−1 z deg Qi Q1 (1/z) i Q1 i −1 deg Q2 i Q (1/z) cQ2 z i i for p+ (z), i for ... free, V and W can be considered as I × C∗ -graded vector bundles over M• (V, W ) We denote them by the same notation We consider E• (V, V ), L• (W, V ), L• (V, W ) as vector bundles de ned by ... is given We de ne a new i;(n def graded vector space V by Vi (ε−1 a) = Im τi,a The restriction of (B, i, j) to V also satisfies the equation µ = and the stability condition and thus de nes a point...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20
Đề tài " Curve shortening and the topology of closed geodesics on surfaces " potx
... such closed geodesics which only depends on the relative flat knot α, and the linearization of the geodesic flow on (T M, g) along the given closed geodesics γj CURVE SHORTENING AND GEODESICS 1189 ... independent of both the metric g, provided γ is a geodesic with λ+ (γ) p/q < 0, and the neighborhood U, provided it is sufficiently small, meaning that it should not contain any other closed geodesics ... the indices not depend on the metric, and consider the standard metric on the usual unit sphere S ⊂ R3 For this metric the equator is indeed a closed geodesic, while all geodesics are great...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20
Đề tài " Invariant measures and arithmetic quantum unique ergodicity " doc
... a real Lie group, but has been extended independently by Ratner and G A Margulis and G Tomanov also to the S-algebraic context [MT94], [Ra95], [Ra98] In order to get a similar classification of ... = AU , A(2) = AV , and let A(1,2) be a mutual refinement as above i,k j,k T By de nition, the right-hand side is equal to ([tV (y, ·)−1 ]∗ (µA ))|Br For the y left-hand side, (2) T T (θ∗ µU )|Br ... x, y which are in this set and on the same T leaf, and if θ ∈ G is the isometry determined by (2.1) then θ∗ µU ∝ µV , x,T y,T ∀U ∈ T(x), V ∈ T(y), i.e the left-hand side is equal to a nonzero positive...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo khoa học: De novo synthesis, uptake and proteolytic processing of lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase, b-trace, in the kidneys pptx
... ribbon model of human L-PGDS, which is composed of nine b-strands (strand A, Gly40–Ala49; strand B, Cys65–Ala72; strand C, Gly76–Arg85; strand D, Gln88–Pro98; strand E, Ser104–Arg108; strand F, ... strand G, Val128–Gly135; strand H, Phe143–Ser150; strand I, Ile177–Phe179) and a three-turn a-helix (Ala157–Ala169) The epitopes of MAb-5C11, MAb-10A5 and MAb-1B7 are shown in blue, orange and ... urine into the tubules and proteolytically degraded within lysosomes in the tubule cells Identification of L-PGDS of various sizes in monkey kidney and human urine We applied crude extracts of monkey...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Software-Defined Radio—Basics and Evolution to Cognitive Radio" pptx
... access mode, the following procedure becomes imaginable: starting from the transmission demand of its user, the CR decides about the data rate, the transmission mode, and therefore about the bandwidth ... prevent the disturbance of hidden stations; (v) in order to be fair it has to compromise its own demands with the demands of other users, most probably in making decisions in a competitive environment ... functions and de nes common interfaces for the management and the employment of software components It de nes common services and makes use of APIs to support the portability of hardware and software...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20