... during mitosis [33], we used the mitotic index assay for our study. The ability to destroy any remaining CSCs is critical to prevent metastasis at a later stage [2]. Thus, we were interested to study ... dispensed onto the spots, (b) the slide was subjected to rinsing, and (c) Fluorescein solution was dispensed onto the spots. Scale bar = 500 µm. 42 Fig. 2.7. Alpha prototype of DropArrayTM plate and ... at IBN fun and enjoyable. I thank my father, Lee See Poh, and brothers Lee Yong Lu and Lee Yong Sang for their encouragements and understanding. Last but not least, I am indebted to my mother,
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:59
... have to work very hard, they feel optimistic (Dù phải làm việc vất vả họ cảm thấy lạc quan) And like a true Indian he settled down to trade carefully and slowly, even if it took all summer and ... Take into account these examples: “Suppose we go and have some jellies at Dutton’s” said Jos [6: 106] (Jos nói “sao lại không chén bánh quán Dutton nhỉ?” [5: 130] “Suppose you were to run on and ... “cho dù” and “dù” in Vietnamese are the equivalents for “even if” and “even though” in English They used to express a thing that its result is difficult to be gained or an action contrary to the
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:57
Báo cáo khoa học: The use of recombinant protein and RNA interference approaches to study the reproductive functions of a gonad-stimulating hormone from the shrimp Metapenaeus ensis ppt
... of the periopod and returned to the culture tanks. At 24, 48 and 72 h after injection, the hepatopan- creas and ovary of the shrimp were dissected for total RNA preparation, and the hemolymph ... [8]. In sand shrimp Metapenaeus ensis, two forms of MIH-like cDNA (i.e. MeMIH-A and MeMIH-B) have been cloned and characterized [4,5]. MeMIH-B shows only 68% amino acid s imil arity to M eMI H-A, and amino ... closely related to GIH of the lobster Homarus americanus [9] than to the mandibular organ-inhibiting hormones of the crab Cancer pagarus [10]. MeMIH-A and MeMIH-B are non-sex-specific and are expressed in
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Modulation of heme and myristate binding to human serum albumin by anti-HIV drugs An optical and NMR spectroscopic study potx
... 10 )4 m solution to a final concen- tration of 1.0 · 10 )4 m. Automatic flexible ligand-docking simulation to HSA was performed using autodock 3.0 and the graphical user interface autodocktools [54–56,68]. ... effectors, HSA changes conformation to the basic (B) form (neutral -to- basic, N fi B transition) with loss of the a -helix content and an increased affinity for some ligands [1,6,7,30–37]. Ligand ... Fe(III)heme binding to HSA (FA free) and to HSA–myristate complexes in the absence of drugs (A) and pres- ence of abacavir (B), nevirapine (C) and atazanavir (D), at pH 7.0 and 25 °C. In all panels,
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20
Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: Recording standards and publication criteria potx
... Toronto, Ontario, M6A 2E1, Canada E-mail: picton@psych.toronto.edu In recent years, there has been a tendency to use the term “eventrelated potentials” to mean the endogenous potentials and to ... compensation protocols are pref- T.W Picton et al erable to rejection procedures One way to assess whether trials with artifact are similar to those without is to compare the means and standard deviations ... how the rights of human subjects are protected and have committees to approve research protocols and to monitor the research as it proceeds Investigators must follow the instructions of these committees
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
how to study and teaching
... FACTOR IN STUDY 97 PART III. CONCLUSIONS 111 CHAPTER XI. FULL MEANING OF STUDY: RELATION OF STUDY TO CHILDREN AND TO THE SCHOOL 111 How To Study and Teaching How To Study i How To Study and Teaching ... How To Study and Teaching How To Study F. M. McMurry Table of Contents How To Study and Teaching How To Study 1 F. M. McMurry 1 PREFACE 2 PART I. PRESENT METHODS OF STUDY; NATURE OF STUDY, AND ... diseases to which mankind has been subject. How To Study and Teaching How To Study CHAPTER II. THE NATURE OF STUDY, AND ITS PRINCIPAL FACTORS 6 The principal factors in study An extensive study,
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 19:46
báo cáo hóa học: " Testing a model of association between patient identified problems and responses to global measures of health in low back pain patients: a prospective study" pdf
... explanatory model and the study, data collection and analysis, and writing of the manuscript ML contributed to the design of the study, data analysis and writing of the manuscript EH contributed to ... between the bottom and top tiers i.e i) Q1 and Q2 will be more strongly associated with Q3 than with Q4 and Q5; and ii) Q3 will be more strongly associated with Q4 and Q5 than will Q1 and Q2 Discussion ... between the bottom and top tiers i.e i) Q1 and Q2 will be more strongly associated with Q3 than with Q4 and Q5; and ii) Q3 will be more strongly associated with Q4 and Q5 than will Q1 and Q2 Methods
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
A randomized controlled trial of interventions to enhance patient-physician partnership, patient adherence and high blood pressure control among ethnic minorities and poor persons: study protocol NCT00123045 pptx
... and they helped investigators to create the storyline, write the script, and take photographs for the photonovel Use of photonovels in diverse populations has demonstrated their superiority to ... interviewing skills, and $200 paid to them either individually or to their organization The PI subsequently attended staff meetings to present the study to physicians and to answer any questions ... environmental, economic and social factors, access to appropriate and effective health and social services, or behavioral risk factors [4] Health care professionals, researchers, and policymakers in
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21
Báo cáo y học: "Barriers and supports to implementation of MDI/spacer use in nine Canadian pediatric emergency departments: a qualitative study" ppsx
... sites, and sites yet to adopt MDI/spacers. The overall objectives of this study were to determine the barriers and supports to implementing MDI/spacers into PED practice, and identify factors associated ... slow. The objectives of this study were to determine the barriers and supports to implementing MDI/spacer research and to identify factors associated with early and late adoption of MDI/spacers ... data and the organization of the emergent barriers and facilitators. Data were used to make cross-case (i.e., pediatric ED to pediatric ED) and cross-category (i.e., early adopter and yet to adopt)
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21
báo cáo khoa học: "Brachypodium distachyon: a new pathosystem to study Fusarium head blight and other Fusarium diseases of wheat" pdf
... imperative that it expresses symptoms simila r to those of wheat. Spikes of Bd were spray inoculated to assess the susceptibility of Bd to Fg and Fc and to compare symptoms to those of FHB on wheat (Figure ... bleached and, between 96 and 144 hpi, necrotic symptoms spread down the rachis and into neighbour- ing spikelets above and below (Figure 1d). Disease con- tinued to develop and between 7 and 14 ... between Bd21 and Bd3-1 (620 mg/kg and 625 mg/kg of fresh tissue, respectively). Discussion The present study aimed to determine the potent ial for Bd to act as a host to Fg and Fc and ascertain
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Barriers and supports to implementation of MDI/spacer use in nine Canadian pediatric emergency departments: a qualitative study" pps
... sites, and sites yet to adopt MDI/spacers. The overall objectives of this study were to determine the barriers and supports to implementing MDI/spacers into PED practice, and identify factors associated ... slow. The objectives of this study were to determine the barriers and supports to implementing MDI/spacer research and to identify factors associated with early and late adoption of MDI/spacers ... data and the organization of the emergent barriers and facilitators. Data were used to make cross-case (i.e., pediatric ED to pediatric ED) and cross-category (i.e., early adopter and yet to adopt)
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo y học: " Suicidal intention, psychosocial factors and referral to further treatment: A one-year cross-sectional study of self-poisoning" pot
... were grouped into the following categories to compare the patient’s and the physician’s evaluated intention: suicide attempt (intention to die), appeal (to escape from problems and to make an impact ... was used to compare the doctor’s and the patient’s evaluation of intention Multinomial regression analyses were used to compare the groups according to psychosocial factors, with the doctor’s evaluation ... were lost to follow-up when transferred to a higher level [19] In each hospital, a study coordinator supervised the inclusion of patients, and the study group supervised these coordinators on a
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22
Báo cáo y học: "The utility of the new generation of humanized mice to study HIV-1 infection: transmission, prevention, pathogenesis, and treatment" docx
... susceptible to a high rate of rectal and vaginal transmission of HIV-1 across an intact epithelium, indicating the potential to study vaccines and microbicides Antiviral drugs, siRNAs, and hematopoietic ... but detected little engraftment and only rarely achieved rectal transmission [48] No cytokines were used to expand either type of cell The use of cytokines to expand HSCs is thus a critical difference ... depletion due to a defect in caspase-dependent bystander apoptosis central memory and effector memory T cell populations [93] Pathogenesis of HIV-1 has been implicated to be due to immune depletion
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 01:21
Báo cáo y học: " The Basic Immune Simulator: An agent-based model to study the interactions between innate and adaptive immunity" doc
... cell tissue surveillance and response to a pathogen, antigen presentation to lymphocytes, and circulatory transport time, incorporate a stochastic component in the form of random motion of the agents ... agent types and the CTLs were added at the time of immune activation to determine the effect (Figure 4) The new values were: NumDCToSend = 2, NumMoToSend = 10, NumNKToSend = 8, and NumCTLToSend = ... in Zones and to attract agents to migrate The Portals also participate in the transport of some signals to Zone Portals are a means of transferring agents and signals from one zone to another
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Báo cáo y học: "Common NFKBIL2 polymorphisms and susceptibility to pneumococcal disease: a genetic association study" ppsx
... Toll-like receptors, T-cell and B- cell antigen receptors and members of the IL-1 and TNF receptor superfamilies) leads to pho sphorylation and degradation of the IB inhibitors and release of NF- B, ... collected samples and data, and defined phenotypes. DWC, JAS and AVSH coordinated the study. SJC, CCK, FOV, AR, AW, DWC, JAB, TNW, JAS and AVSH contributed to the conception and design of the ... recently, heterozygosity at loci within both the Toll-like receptor adaptor protein Mal/ TIRAP and NFKBIZ have been found to associate with Table 5 NFKBIL2 and flanking gene polymorphism genotype frequencies
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:21
Human visual perception, study and applications to understanding images and videos
... Gururaj , Smt. Jayalaxmi and sister Dr. Spandan for being understanding, tolerant and supportive through my long post-graduate stint through a Masters and now a PhD degree. To my dear wife Yamuna, ... Visual Perception, study and applications to understanding Images and Videos HARISH KATTI National University of Singapore 2012 For my parents . Acknowledgements I want to thank my supervisor ... complete and happy for having found you and am looking forward to seeing more of life and growing older by your side. On research . I almost wish I hadn’t gone down that rabbit-hole, and yet, and
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:49
Development of gradient smoothing operations and application to biological systems
... operations in the weak and strong form to overcome the shortcomings of the FEM, FVM and FDM, and combines the gradient smoothing operation in the weak and strong form to solve the Fluid-structure ... smoothing operations in the weak and strong forms and the application of these methods to model biological systems. The work comprises three parts: the first is to apply edge-based smoothed finite ... Singapore, 2011. Editors: EYK Ng, Rajendra Acharya U, JH Tan and Jasjit S. Suri. 264 [...]... approximation and computational efficient [26] 1.4 Objectives and significance of the study This
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:58
Chemical proteomics approaches to study aspartic and metalloproteases
... genOME [2]. Proteomics - the study of the proteome – thus aims to identify, characterize and assign biological functions to all the expressed proteins. The challenges and hurdles in proteomics ... strategy was applied to AChE where the inhibitor was construed to be “clicked” together through an array of tacrine and phenanthridinium components decorated with the azide and alkyne moieties. ... as inclusion bodies in bacterial hosts due to its cytotoxic effect on the cells. The inclusion bodies are harvested and denatured prior to purification and subsequently, the enzyme is refolded
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 20:33
Applications of q-deformed Fermi-Dirac statistics and statistical moment method to study thermodynamic properties, magnetic properties of metals and metallic thin films
... returns to the normal number (operator) lim [ x ]q = x q →1 (2.6) q-deformed Fermion oscillator is characterized by creation and annihilation operators, bˆ + , bˆ and particle number operator Nˆ ... participates in perfecting and developing the statistical moment method application to study the properties of crystals materials We will continue to expand this theory to study the elastic properties, ... Fermi-Dirac statistics and statistical moment method to study thermodynamic properties, magnetic properties of metals and metallic thin films" Purpose, object and scope of studying Apply of q-deformed
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2016, 20:14
To study clinical, subclinical features and causal viruses of Hand Foot and Mouth disease in Vietnam
... features and common complications in order to help to prevent the disease and reduce its mortality, the study ? ?To study clinical, subclinical features and causal viruses of Hand Foot and Mouth ... with objectives: To evaluate clinical and subclinical features of HFMD in Vietnam To identify the main causal viruses of the disease To analysis risk factors related to the severity and complications ... Situation of Hand Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD) The disease was first described in Toronto-Canada in 1957 It was called Hand Foot and Mouth disease during an epidemic in Birmingham- England in 1959
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2016, 20:29
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