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Silverlight 5 in Action pdf

Silverlight 5 in Action pdf

... RSS, and Atom 54 9 22.1 Parsing plain old XML 55 0 LINQ to XML 55 0 ■ XmlSerializer 55 4 22.2 Working with JSON 55 8 JsonObject and JsonArray 55 9 ■ DataContractJsonSerializer 56 2 22.3 Working with RSS ... Collecting ink drawings 194 Creating the InkPresenter 1 95 ■ Collecting ink 1 95 Styling the ink 197 9 .5 Summary 198 14 CHAPTER 1 Introducing Silverlight Silverlight posts on the web. From Dave’s link ... 102 ■ Customizing icons 1 05 ■ Updating 1 05 5.4 Alerting the user with notification toast 106 5. 5 Controlling the host window 107 Basic window properties 108 ■ Changing window chrome 109 ■ Minimizing,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 17:20

1K 4.7K 0
Tài liệu Beginning Silverlight 5 in C Sharp 4th Edition docx

Tài liệu Beginning Silverlight 5 in C Sharp 4th Edition docx

... Expression Blend 259  Chapter 12: Styling in Silverlight 281  Chapter 13: Transformations and Animations 3 15  Chapter 14: Custom Controls 337  Chapter 15: Printing in Silverlight 357  Chapter ... Chapter 15, “Printing in Silverlight, ” discusses how to add printing functionality to Silverlight applications. CHAPTER 2  INTRODUCTION TO VISUAL STUDIO 2010 17 Figure 2 -5. ... evolution of the user interface continues in the Windows operating system. Perhaps the most prominent difference between Windows 7 and previous versions of Windows is user-interface improvements....

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

416 1.2K 0
Pro Silverlight 5 in VB potx

Pro Silverlight 5 in VB potx

... Data Binding 709  Chapter 21: Data Controls 763  Chapter 22: File Access 8 25  Chapter 23: Networking 857  Index 9 05 CHAPTER 1  INTRODUCING SILVERLIGHT 24 • System.Windows.Controls.Input.dll: ... currently exist in your code-behind class, as shown in Figure 1 -5. Simply choose the right event- handling method. CHAPTER 1  INTRODUCING SILVERLIGHT 18 Mixing ASP.NET Controls and Silverlight ... while the future is far from certain, here are a few points to keep in mind: HTML5 isn’t quite here yet: HTML5 support lags in in Internet Explorer. Many HTML5 features are promised for the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21

963 10.3K 1
pro silverlight 5 in c 4th edition

pro silverlight 5 in c 4th edition

... service for Silverlight in Chapter 19. ADDING SILVERLIGHT CONTENT TO AN EXISTING WEBSITE A key point to keep in mind when considering the Silverlight development model is that in many cases ... gradually evolving into a platform for developing interactive content. CHAPTER 1  INTRODUCING SILVERLIGHT 20 Deploying a Silverlight Application Once you understand the Silverlight ... the introduction in each chapter. They point out features that are new to Silverlight 5, so you can home in on its changes and enhancements. CHAPTER 1  INTRODUCING SILVERLIGHT...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 12:08

970 4.8K 0

... 151 5. 7 Summary 157 6 Understanding personalization 158 6.1 Introduction 158 6.2 Defining personalization 159 6.3 Personalization in action 161 6.4 Lifecycle of personalization data 169 Storing ... Parts in Action Building Dynamic Web Portals D ARREN N EIMKE MANNING Greenwich (74° w. long.) For online information and ordering of this and other Manning books, please go to www .manning. com. ... 246 8 .5 Adding a CatalogZone dialog 247 Displaying catalogs 249 ✦ Displaying web parts 251 Communicating between web pages 253 8.6 Summary 255 9 Portal management 257 9.1 Introduction 257 9.2...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 14:24

345 444 0
Manning PHP in action

Manning PHP in action

... methods? 56 Using abstract classes 56 3.4 Class type hints 57 How type hints work 58 ✦ When to use type hints 58 3 .5 Interfaces 60 What is an interface? 60 ✦ Do we need interfaces in PHP? 61 Using interfaces ... Summary 85 5 Understanding class relationships 87 5. 1 Inheritance 88 Inheritance as a thinking tool 88 ✦ Refactoring to inheritance 89 5. 2 Object composition 94 5. 3 Interfaces 96 The interface ... a thinking tool 97 ✦ Single and multiple inheritance 98 5. 4 Favoring composition over inheritance 99 Avoiding vaguely named parent classes 99 Avoiding deep inheritance hierarchies 100 5. 5 Summary...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 15:04

554 3.6K 0
Tài liệu Manning OpenCL in Action pdf

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... 328 15. 2 Obtaining information 329 Obtaining OpenGL object and texture information 329 ■ Obtaining information about the OpenGL context 330 15. 3 Basic interoperability example 331 Initializing ... find the Author Online forum for this book by going to www .manning. com/ Open CLinAction and clicking the Author Online link. Simple questions and concerns get rapid responses. In contrast, if you’re ... OPENCL 319 15 Combining OpenCL and OpenGL 321 15. 1 Sharing data between OpenGL and OpenCL 322 Creating the OpenCL context 323 ■ Sharing data between OpenGL and OpenCL 3 25 ■ Synchronizing access...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

458 8.2K 3
manning ajax in action (2008)

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... 243 Getting started 244 ■ Handling client-side events 2 45 Aborting a postback 250 ■ Managing postback priority 251 Notifying the user 252 ■ Locked and loaded 253 ■ Client-side error handling ... the String object matches the specified string. trim Removes leading and trailing white space from a String object instance. trimEnd Removes trailing white space from a String object instance. trimStart Removes ... framework. For online information and ordering of this and other Manning books, please visit www .manning. com. The publisher offers discounts on this book when ordered in quantity. For more information,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:36

561 3.4K 0
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... Supporting internationalization in full 50 2 Using static-string internationalization 50 3 Using dynamic string internationalization 51 6 15. 4 Altering the application for the locale 51 8 Implementing ... property value 52 2 ■ Building the code 52 2 15. 6 Summary 52 3 PART 4COMPLETING THE UNDERSTANDING 52 5 16 Testing and deploying GWT applications 52 7 16.1 Testing GWT code using JUnit 52 8 Overview ... component 51 8 Locale-specific classes 51 9 15. 5 Implementing user-defined properties 52 0 Defining user-specified properties 52 1 ■ Defining a user-specified property provider 52 1 ■ Checking the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:36

631 1.1K 0
manning jquery in action 2nd ed

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... 327 ■ Fetching the sort order 329 10.4 Changing the size of things 330 Making things resizable 331 ■ Resizability events 334 Styling the handles 3 35 10 .5 Making things selectable 336 Creating selectables ... 348 ■ Creating themed buttons 349 ■ Button icons 352 ■ Button events 352 Styling buttons 353 11.2 Sliders 354 Creating slider widgets 354 ■ Slider events 358 ■ Styling tips for sliders 359 11.3 ... neatly tucked away within a page, readability and maintainability are maximized. For online information and ordering of this and other Manning books, please visit www .manning. com. The publisher...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:26

486 1.8K 0
manning jquery in action

manning jquery in action

... 49 Manipulating element properties 51 ■ Fetching attribute values 52 ■ Setting attribute values 54 ■ Removing attributes 56 ■ Fun with attributes 56 3.2 Changing element styling 58 Adding and ... custom puff animation 150 5. 4 Summary 152 6 jQuery utility functions 153 6.1 Using the jQuery flags 154 Detecting the user agent 155 ■ Determining the box model 161 Detecting the correct float ... operations in a wrapper method 201 Retaining state within a wrapper method 206 7 .5 Summary 216 8 Talk to the server with Ajax 217 8.1 Brushing up on Ajax 218 Creating an XHR instance 219 ■ Initiating...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:26

377 1.3K 0
microsoft silverlight 5 data and services cookbook [electronic resource] over 100 practical recipes for creating rich, data-driven, business applications in silverlight 5

microsoft silverlight 5 data and services cookbook [electronic resource] over 100 practical recipes for creating rich, data-driven, business applications in silverlight 5

... 146 Sorting and grouping data in a DataGrid 151 Filtering and paging data in a DataGrid 156 Using custom columns in the DataGrid 160 Implementing master-detail in the DataGrid 167 Validating the ... 171 Chapter 5: Working with Local Data 1 75 Introduction 1 75 Reading data from and storing data in the isolated storage 176 Working with IsolatedStorageSettings 186 Caching data between different Silverlight ... happening with the service call and the data binding; all this is covered in detail later in this book. Add the following code in the code-behind of MainPage.xaml: public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 17:28

662 577 0
manning Hibernate in Action phần 1 docx

manning Hibernate in Action phần 1 docx

... Summary 152 5 Transactions, concurrency, and caching 154 5. 1 Transactions, concurrency, and caching 154 5. 2 Understanding database transactions 156 JDBC and JTA transactions 157 ■ The Hibernate ... 250 ■ Using aliases 251 ■ Polymorphic queries 251 ■ Restriction 252 ■ Comparison operators 253 String matching 255 ■ Logical operators 256 ■ Ordering query results 257 7.3 Joining ... Caching in practice 1 85 5. 5 Summary 194 6 Advanced mapping concepts 1 95 6.1 Understanding the Hibernate type system 196 Built -in mapping types 198 ■ Using mapping types 200 6.2 Mapping...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20

42 959 0
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