manifolds lie algebras and lie groups and hamiltonian systems

(Lecture notes in mathematics 1500) jean pierre serre  (auth ) lie algebras and lie groups  1964

(Lecture notes in mathematics 1500) jean pierre serre (auth ) lie algebras and lie groups 1964

... 11530756 41/3142/YL 543210 Contents Part I - Lie Algebras Introduction Chapter I Lie Algebras: Definition and Examples Chapter II Filtered Groups and Lie Algebras Formulae on commutators Filtration ... Nilpotent and Solvable Lie Algebras In this chapter k denotes a field, and in V.5, concerning the serious theorems on solvable Lie algebras, a field of characteristic o All Lie algebras and modules ... Homogeneous spaces and orbits Formal groups: definition and elementary examples Formal groups: formulae Formal groups over a complete valuation ring Filtrations on standard groups Exercises Appendix...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2016, 10:36

174 897 0
introduction to lie groups and symplectic geometry - bryant r.l.

introduction to lie groups and symplectic geometry - bryant r.l.

... equation, and equations for space curves Lie Groups 12 Lie groups Examples: Matrix Lie groups Left-invariant vector fields The exponential mapping The Lie bracket Lie algebras Subgroups and subalgebras ... two and three dimensional Lie groups and algebras Group Actions on Manifolds 38 Actions of Lie groups on manifolds Orbit and stabilizers Examples Lie algebras of vector fields Equations of Lie ... group of rotations, and generalizations thereof, will play a central role in subsequent lectures L.1.5 11 Lecture 2: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Lie Groups In this lecture, I define and develop some...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:15

170 464 0
isometric actions of lie groups and invariants [jnl article] - p. michor

isometric actions of lie groups and invariants [jnl article] - p. michor

... compact Lie groups with more than one xed point It turns out that it is July 31, 1997 P Michor, 3.21 Invariant theory of compact Lie groups, 3.22 33 3.22 Corollary Let G be a compact Lie group ... proper mapping ! (2) gn :xn ! y and xn ! x in M , for some gn G and xn x y M , implies that these gn have a convergent subsequence in G (3) K and L compact in M implies that fg G : g:K \ L 6= g ... (then E (K ) = R1 ), but was discovered and proved independently and much earlier (1898) by Emile Borel Theorem of E Borel To any formal power series p R Rn ]] and x Rn there is a smooth function...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:18

95 203 0
Homotopy theory of suspended lie groups and decomposition of loop spaces

Homotopy theory of suspended lie groups and decomposition of loop spaces

... base point and every decomposition is 2-local The mod homology and cohomology are denoted by H∗ (−) and H ∗ (−), and the integral homology and cohomology are denoted by H∗ (−; Z) and H ∗ (−; ... that it has nonzero homotopy groups Investigating the homotopy of ΩΣX for some special spaces X and giving some product decomposition Homotopy theory of suspended Lie groups 2.1 Introduction Homotopy ... non-degenerate base point and every decomposition is 2-local Homology and homotopy are 2-local homology and homotopy We are going to use ik to denote the inclusion into the k th factor, and pk to denote...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:49

70 283 0
Đề tài " Isometric actions of simple Lie groups on pseudoRiemannian manifolds " potx

Đề tài " Isometric actions of simple Lie groups on pseudoRiemannian manifolds " potx

... Geometry Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces, Pure and Applied Mathematics 80, Academic Press, New York, 1978 ´ [Her1] F G Hernandez-Zamora, Bi-linear form on Lie algebras, bi-invariant metrics on Lie groups ... Arithmetic structure of fundamental groups and actions of semisimple Lie groups, Topology 40 (2001), 851–869 [Mar] G A Margulis, Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups, Ergeb der Math und ihrer ... which applies for connected semisimple Lie groups with finite center, even if such groups admit compact factors We also recall that a semisimple Lie group L is called isotypic if its Lie algebra...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

30 314 0
generic algebras and kazhdan-lusztig theory for monomial groups

generic algebras and kazhdan-lusztig theory for monomial groups

... s) < (w−1 ) and u = e Then w−1 s ∈ Ba v −1 δ Ba if and only if w−1 s = v −1 δ This is true if and only if δ = e and w−1 s = v −1 Equivalently, this is true if and only if δ = e and w = sv In ... s in S and π in U, and ˜ ˜ ˜ • Pd (te )π(te ) = Pd (π(te )), for d in Hb and π in U ˜˜ ˜ ˜˜ ˜ Therefore, ts tx = Ps (tx ), for s in S and x in W Hb , and td tx = Pd (tx ), for d in Hb and x in ... the statement and proof of the main theorem Suppose y1 and y2 are in W Hb , and d is in Hb By Theorem 5.5(i) we see that y1 if and only if y1 d−1 { x ∈ W Hb | x y2 , and y1 dy2 if and only if...

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 09:09

54 144 0
remainder diffential algebras and their application makino

remainder diffential algebras and their application makino

... Implementation, and Application, A Griewank and G F Corliss, eds., SIAM, Philadelphia, Penn., 1991, pp 147156 [Berz1991d] , High-order computation and normal form analysis of repetitive systems, in ... optics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 352 (1994) ă [Berz1994c] M Berz and G H Hoffstatter, Exact estimates of the long term stability of weakly nonlinear systems applied to the design of large ... Hoffstatter, and W Wan, COSY INFINITY and its applications to nonlinear dynamics, in Computational Dierentiation: Techniques, Applications, and Tools, M Berz, C Bischof, G Corliss, and A Griewank,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 22:06

13 395 0
Đề tài " Finite energy foliations of tight three-spheres and Hamiltonian dynamics " potx

Đề tài " Finite energy foliations of tight three-spheres and Hamiltonian dynamics " potx

... [17] and [16] concerning forced oscillations of Hamiltonian systems on compact symplectic manifolds The proofs are based on the structure of pseudoholomorphic cylinders having bounded energies and ... covering S , and also nondegenerate Hamiltonian systems in R4 restricted to sphere-like energy surfaces of contact type Contents Introduction 1.1 Concepts from contact geometry and Reeb flows ... tight three-spheres and Hamiltonian dynamics By H Hofer, K Wysocki, and E Zehnder* Abstract Surfaces of sections are a classical tool in the study of 3-dimensional dynamical systems Their use goes...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

134 423 0
Introduction to lagrangian and hamiltonian mechanics   BRIZARD, a  j

Introduction to lagrangian and hamiltonian mechanics BRIZARD, a j

... Physics to explain the behavior of light and particles In one of its earliest form, Heron of Alexandria (ca 75 AD) stated that light travels in a straight line and that light follows a path of shortest ... the first pulley and the distance y of mass m2 from the top of the second pulley; here, the lengths a and b are constants The coordinates and velocities of the three masses m1, m2, and m3 are ˙ x1 ... coordinates x and θ shown in Figure 2.7 and write the Cartesian coordinates (y, z) of the pendulum mass as y = x + sin θ and z = − cos θ, ˙ ˙ with its associated velocity components vy = x + θ cos θ and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:24

173 487 0
Lecture notes on c algebras and quantum mechanics  [jnl article]   n  lamdsman

Lecture notes on c algebras and quantum mechanics [jnl article] n lamdsman

... di erent classes of locally compact groups (the class of all locally compact groups includes, for example, all nite-dimensional Lie groups and all discrete groups) A primary representation is ... Spectrum and functional calculus Positivity in C -algebras Ideals in C -algebras States Representations and the GNS-construction The Gel'fand-Neumark ... cult papers of Murray and von Neumann, and until the sixties only a handful of mathematicians worked on operator algebras (e.g., Segal, Kaplansky, Kadison, Dixmier, Sakai, and others) The precise...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:41

89 447 0
manifolds, tensor analysis and applications 3rd ed. - marsden, ratiu and abraham

manifolds, tensor analysis and applications 3rd ed. - marsden, ratiu and abraham

... Proposition Let S and T be topological spaces and denote by p1 : S × T → S and p2 : S × T → T the canonical projections: p1 (s, t) = s and p2 (s, t) = t Then (i) p1 and p2 are open mappings; and (ii) ... Chapters and are connected with functional analysis, Section 4.3 relates to ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems, Chapter and Section 7.5 are linked to differential topology and algebraic ... Weinstein, and graduate students in mathematics, physics and engineering at Berkeley, Santa Cruz, Caltech and Lausanne Our other teachers and collaborators from whom we learned the material and who...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:21

617 2,5K 0
group theory exceptional lie groups as invariance groups - p. cvitanovic

group theory exceptional lie groups as invariance groups - p. cvitanovic

... computers, and so on The interesting half describes the “exceptional magic” (a new construction of exceptional Lie algebras) and the “negative dimensions” (relations between bosonic and fermionic ... exceptional groups yields several unexpected results First, it generates in a somewhat magical fashion a triangular array of Lie algebras, depicted in fig 1.1 This is a classification of Lie algebras ... simply as possible This is the method which Killing [87] and Cartan [88] used to obtain the complete classification of semi-simple Lie algebras, and which has been brought to perfection by Dynkin [90]...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:18

168 497 0
lectures on lie groups - d. milicic

lectures on lie groups - d. milicic

... Differentiable manifolds Quotients Foliations Integration on manifolds 1 11 19 Chapter Lie groups Lie groups Lie algebra of a Lie group Haar measures on Lie groups 23 23 43 72 Chapter Compact Lie groups ... Compact Lie groups 77 77 Chapter Basic Lie algebra theory Solvable, nilpotent and semisimple Lie algebras Lie algebras and field extensions Cartan’s criterion Semisimple Lie algebras Cartan subalgebras ... interpretation Let Lie be the category of Lie groups Denote by ConnLie its full subcategory of connected Lie groups If G is a Lie group, its identity component G0 is a connected Lie group Moreover,...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:18

153 343 0
p-Adic Lie Groups ppt

p-Adic Lie Groups ppt

... r´sultats” and Lie Groups and e e Lie Algebras by Bourbaki and Serre’s lecture notes on Lie Algebras and Lie groups The first one contains no proofs, the nature of the second one is encyclopedic, and ... introduce p-adic Lie groups and we construct the corresponding Lie algebras The main purpose of this chapter then is to understand how much informav vi Introduction tion about the Lie group can ... its Lie algebra Here again lies a crucial difference to Lie groups over the real numbers Since p-adic Lie groups topologically are totally disconnected they contain arbitrarily small open subgroups...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 09:20

266 189 0