maintenance reliability and fatigue analysis

Effects of supervised exercise on cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Effects of supervised exercise on cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis

... [Title/Abstract] 18.#13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 19 .fatigue [Title/Abstract] 20.Cancer-related fatigue [Title/Abstract] 21.#19 OR #20 31.#6 AND #10 AND #18 AND #21 Page 11 of 13 Competing interests The ... and meta -analysis of psychological and activity-based interventions for cancer-related fatigue Health Psychol 2007;26(6):660–7 24 Chang CW, Mu PF, Jou ST, Wong TT, Chen YC Systematic review and ... CRF in breast cancer survivors, via a meta -analysis of randomized controlled trials Methods Protocol and objective This systematic review was conducted and reported in accordance with the Preferred

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 13:50

13 17 0
Assessment of Stop Announcement and Route Identification Efforts & Assessment of Lift Reliability and Maintenance

Assessment of Stop Announcement and Route Identification Efforts & Assessment of Lift Reliability and Maintenance

... Lift Reliability and Maintenance Purpose of the Lift Reliability and Maintenance Assessment II-1 Overview of the Lift Reliability and Maintenance Assessment II-3 Observations of Lift Reliability ... rail/subway, and commuter rail service Part II describes the results of the Assessment of Lift Reliability and Maintenance for fixed route bus services and includes a review of elevator reliability and maintenance ... the following two areas:  Assessment of Stop Announcement and Route Identification Efforts, and  Assessment of Lift Reliability and Maintenance FTA notified the MBTA in June 2000 that this assessment

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 02:29

81 0 0
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P3

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P3

... + + 20 = 210 3.4 INPUT/OUTPUT COMMANDS MATLAB has commands for inputting information in the command window and outputting data Examples of input/output commands are echo, input, pause, keyboard, ... 92, and 69 (a) Determine the number of students who attained the grade of A and F (b) What are the mean grade and the standard deviation? 3.5 Write a script file to evaluate y[1], y[2], y[3] and ... The break command may be used to terminate the execution of for and while loops If the break command exits in an innermost part of a nested loop, the © 1999 CRC Press LLC break command will exit

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

17 440 0
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P2

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P2

... contour and 3-D plots, and bar charts MATLAB also allows one to give titles to graphs, label the x- and y-axes, and add a grid to graphs In addition, there are commands for controlling the screen and ... command holds the current plot on the screen, and inhibits erasure and rescaling Subsequent plot commands will overplot on the original curves The hold command remains in effect until the command ... a title, a label and x- and y-axes to the graph The commands for grid, title, x-axis label, and y-axis label are grid (grid lines), title (graph title), xlabel (x-axis label), and ylabel (y-axis

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

16 453 1
Individuals, families and class analysis

Individuals, families and class analysis

... Goldthorpe predicts that for both men and women the effect of husband's... and working -class wives; and families with working -class husbands and middle -class wives Figure 7.2 indicates ... Class Structure I. In 66% of all households, both husband and wife are employed in working-class jobs and in 33% of households both husband and wife are co-owners of small businesses em- ploying ... are pure working-class households, 33% have a working-class husband and a small employer wife and 33% have a small employer husband and a working-class wife. For a strict adherent of the view that

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

21 289 0
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P6

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P6

... “AC Analysis and Network Functions.” Electronics and Circuit Analysis using MATLAB. Ed. John Okyere Attia Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 1999 © 1999 by CRC PRESS LLC CHAPTER SIX AC ANALYSIS AND ... power and quadrature power. Three-phase circuits are analyzed by converting the circuits into the frequency domain and by using the Kirchoff voltage and current laws. The un- known voltages and ... Meader, D.A., Laplace Circuit Analysis and Active Filters, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1991 7 Johnson, D E Johnson, J.R and Hilburn, J.L., Electric Circuit Analysis, 3rd Edition, Prentice

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 09:15

39 561 0
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P5

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P5

... Okyere. “Transient Analysis. ” Electronics and Circuit Analysis using MATLAB. Ed. John Okyere Attia Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 1999 © 1999 by CRC PRESS LLC CHAPTER FIVE TRANSIENT ANALYSIS 5.1 RC ... approach and those obtained from Example 5.5 are identical Example 5.8 v S (t ) = 5u(t ) where u(t ) is the unit step function and R1 = R2 = R3 = 10 KΩ , C1 = C2 = 5 µF , and L = 10 H, find and ... can be used to analyze and synthesize control systems, (ii) can be applied to time-varying and nonlinear systems, (iii) is suitable for digital and computer solution and (iv) can be used

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 09:15

33 714 0
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P4

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P4

... Okyere. “DC Analysis. ” Electronics and Circuit Analysis using MATLAB. Ed. John Okyere Attia Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 1999 © 1999 by CRC PRESS LLC CHAPTER FOUR DC ANALYSIS 4.1 NODAL ANALYSIS Kirchhoff’s ... Matrix Analysis of Circuits Using MATLAB, Prentice Hall, 1995 4 Johnson, D.E., Johnson, J.R and Hilburn, J.L., Electric Circuit Analysis, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1997 5 Dorf, R.C and ... CRC Press LLC % given the admittance matrix Y and current vector I % Y is the admittance matrix and I is the current vector % initialize matrix y and vector I using YV=I form Y = [ 0.15 -0.1 -0.05;

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 09:15

27 471 0
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P10 ppt

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P10 ppt

... conduction band E V = energy in the valence band and k, T, m n * and m p * were defined in Section 10.1. In an intrinsic semiconductor (Si and Ge) m n * and m p * are of the same order of magnitude and ... direct band gap semiconductor. The energy levels of the outer electrons form energy bands. In insulators, the lower energy band (valence band) is completely filled and the next energy band (conduction ... electrons conduction band 0.66 eV gap valence band energy of electrons conduction band 5.5 eV gap valence band Figure 10.1 Energy Level Diagram of (a) Silicon, (b) Germanium, and (c ) Insulator

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

43 483 0
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P9 docx

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P9 docx

... several approaches for solving I D and V D . In one approach, Equations (9.10) and (9.11) are plotted and the intersection of the linear curve of Equation (9.10) and the nonlinear curve of Equation ... Press LLC 9.2 ANALYSIS OF DIODE CIRCUITS Figure 9.5 shows a diode circuit consisting of a dc source V DC , resistance R , and a diode. We want to determine the diode current I D and the diode ... (9.10) The diode current and voltage will be related by the diode equation iIe DS vnV DT = (/ ) (9.11) Equations (9.10) and (9.11) can be used to solve for the current I D and volt- age V D . There

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

41 550 0
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P8 ppt

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P8 ppt

... Okyere. “Fourier Analysis. ” Electronics and Circuit Analysis using MATLAB. Ed. John Okyere Attia Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 1999 © 1999 by CRC PRESS LLC CHAPTER EIGHT FOURIER ANALYSIS In this ... gt T p () ( ) =± (8.1) and in any finite interval gt () has at most a finite number of discontinuities and a finite number of maxima and minima (Dirichlets conditions), and in addition, gtdt T ... Fourier analysis will be discussed. Topics covered are Fou- rier series expansion, Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform, and fast Fourier transform. Some applications of Fourier analysis,

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

27 433 0
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P7 pdf

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P7 pdf

... Circuit Analysis and Active Filters, Prentice Hall, 1991 Johnson, D E Johnson, J.R., and Hilburn, J.L Electric Circuit Analysis, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1997 Vlach, J.O., Network Theory and ... network V1 - V2 - Figure 7.1 General Two-Port Network I and V1 are input current and voltage, respectively Also, I and V2 are output current and voltage, respectively It is assumed that the linear ... h-parameters are V1 = h11 I + h12V2 (7.25) I = h21 I + h22V2 (7.26) where I and V2 are independent variables and V1 and I are dependent variables In matrix form, the above two equations become

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

29 482 0
digital switching systems(system reliability and analysis)

digital switching systems(system reliability and analysis)

... techniques to hardware and software reliability analysis for class (end-office) applications This book covers Markov chain analysis for hardware reliability and an enhanced root-cause and metrics model ... internally to predict and enhance the reliability of digital switching systems 41 3.4 Purpose of Reliability Analysis The basic objectives of reliability analysis are To ascertain the reliability figures ... many system reliability assessment techniques Some wellknown techniques are − Failure tree analysisReliability block diagram analysis − Markov-chain-based analysis 3.5.1 Failure Tree Analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 17:14

174 256 0
Fatigue analysis and design of steel concrete steel sandwich composite structures

Fatigue analysis and design of steel concrete steel sandwich composite structures

... strength and structural performance of sandwich composite system subject to static and fatigue loads; 2) To investigate the static behavior and fatigue performance of novel lightweight sandwich ... and fatigue performance of SCS sandwich composites Information regarding SCS sandwich subject to accidental loads, such as impact and collision, and their analysis and design are not considered ... static and fatigue loads using push-out specimens They adopt a linear relationship between log (Nf ) and maximum applied load ratio Pmax / Pu As follows Sim and Oh (2004) and Suthiwarapirak and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 11:35

305 368 0
SAP2000®  Linear and Nonlinear  Static and Dynamic  Analysis and Design  of  Three-Dimensional Structures

SAP2000® Linear and Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Analysis and Design of Three-Dimensional Structures

... used in the analysis The message in Figure 37 indicates that the analysis and design sections are different The goal is to repeat the analysis and design process until the analysis and design ... Run Analysis command or the Run Analysis button, and then click the Run Now button on the Set Analysis Cases to Run form F When the analysis is complete, click the OK button to close the analysis ... both Load Cases and Analysis Cases exist, and they may be different However, the program automatically creates a corresponding analysis case when a load case is defined, and the analysis cases...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:56

47 1,4K 2
A pragmatics and conversation analysis perspective

A pragmatics and conversation analysis perspective

... encouragement and benevolence Finally, I owe the completion of this dissertation to my parents and my siblings, my husband and my two children, who have always given me their love, understanding and encouragement ... appropriate and reasonable Conversation analysis sheds light on disagreements as dispreferred seconds to first assessments and opinions, and as preferred seconds to self-deprecations English and Vietnamese ... English and Vietnamese is considered essential and valuable in the teaching and learning of English by Vietnamese learners and Vietnamese by native speakers of English 1.1.2 Society, culture and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:26

249 816 3
Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

... Davies, 1983) and predicative validity, where test scores are correlated with some future criterion of performance (Bachman and Palmer, 1981) 2.3.3 Reliability and Validity Reliability and validity ... appears inadequate reliability with the rather low reliability coefficient (0.53) and low difficulty and discriminability index and is not valid enough with many weak items and unbalanced parts ... Rt is expressed as a number ranging between and 1.00, with r = revealing no reliability and r = 1.00 indicating perfect reliability An acceptable reliability coefficient must not be below 0.90,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:05

38 1,9K 15
Comparing the cultural and linguistic analysis of the English word “meal” and words relating to it in contrast with Vietnamese equivalents.

Comparing the cultural and linguistic analysis of the English word “meal” and words relating to it in contrast with Vietnamese equivalents.

... They often have cereal or porridge, egg and bacon followed by toast and marmalade and coffee and tea or they may just have a toast and marmalade and coffee and tea *Elevenses - brunch Elevenses ... of making tea and using service by rinsing teapot with boiling water and putting tea and hot water into the teapot and waiting for a short time and pouring it into cups (with handle or not) Regardless ... - Field of word meal in English and in Vietnamese equivalents - Cultural and linguistic analysis of the English word meal Chapter III Cultural and linguistic analysis of Vietnamese equivalents...

Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2013, 15:11

54 1K 1
Finance reports and stock analysis

Finance reports and stock analysis

... Timberland is Timberland Footwear Timberland has enjoyed Group 4th - A2.FBA.K38 Financial analysis of Reebok significant expansion of its brand presence both domestically and abroad Timberland’s markets ... footwear and apparel for non-athletic, “casual” use * The Reebok brand Group 4th - A2.FBA.K38 Financial analysis of Reebok The Reebok brand designs, produces and markets sports, fitness and casual ... with Polo Sport and Polo Jeans brand names which is targeted to males between the ages of 16 and 25, and to children between the ages of and 12 The Ralph Lauren also offers dress and casual silhouettes...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2013, 14:52

25 330 0
Long-term Performance and Community Analysis of Spirodela Polyrrhiza–bacteria Association Treating Phenol-contaminated Water

Long-term Performance and Community Analysis of Spirodela Polyrrhiza–bacteria Association Treating Phenol-contaminated Water

... labels a, b, and c are PCR-DGGE banding patterns of 16S rRNA gene in test systems A, B, and C, respectively; d, e, and f are PCR-DGGE banding patterns of C12O gene in test systems A, B, and C, respectively; ... and C, respectively; and g, h, and i are PCR-DGGE banding patterns of C23O gene in test systems A, B, and C, respectively PCR products of C12O gene in test system C at the 1st and 2nd cycles were ... test system A and B is for test system B Numbers represent the cycle number Only clearly detected bands in PCR-DGGE banding patterns of test systems A and B in Fig were selected for analysis The...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

12 476 0