magic annotations and making things go smoothly

Making Things Move DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists

Making Things Move DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists

... and Sprockets, Belts and Chains Standard Pulleys and Belts Timing Pulleys and Belts Sprockets and ... certain fame and fortune To Sean Comeaux for all the illustrations and for making me find new ways to explain things To Sam Galison and Stina Marie Hasse Jorgensen for their enthusiasm and their ... make it your own, and always give credit where credit is due As Aiden Lawrence Onn and Gary Alexander say in their book Cabaret Mechanical Movement: Understanding Movement and Making Automata (London:...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 22:05

369 780 0


... anxiety and tears, is none other than the brain It is specially the organ which enables us to think, see and hear, and to distinguish the ugly and the beautiful, the bad and the good, pleasant and ... 306-12 [53] Goto, Y., S Otani, and A.A Grace, The Yin and Yang of dopamine release: a new perspective Neuropharmacology, 2007 53(5): p 583-587 20 When Things Go Wrong – Diseases and Disorders ... with the reasoning and decision making tasks controlled by the PFC, and damage to the PFC results in an inability to control impulses and learn from experiences with reward and punishment PFC...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 11:20

250 411 0
Tài liệu GUTS, TOES and stringy things: biology or highenergy physics? docx

Tài liệu GUTS, TOES and stringy things: biology or highenergy physics? docx

... present problems in HEP and cosmology: fundamental structure of matter (nuclear and sub-nuclear, unification of forces, dark matter and energy, matter and anti-matter imbalance) • Hands-on activities ... air, water, earth and fire ⇔ gas, liquid, solid, plasma – Unification of gravitational & inertial mass, electricity & magnetism, E-W forces, the standard model (E-W + QCD) and GUTs and TOEs (all ... each force are: graviton, W± & Z0, photon and gluons • Nuclei are composed of quarks and gluons • The SM connects the weak, EM and strong forces via QM and field theory Unanswered questions in...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 23:17

39 299 1
Of Natural and Supernatural Things docx

Of Natural and Supernatural Things docx

... contains all qualities, and properties, and all whatsoever sustaines and preserves Mankind In this Golden Magnet sticks and lies buried the resolution and opening of all Metals and Minerals, their ... and yet all is one, and one only thing, one only Essence, which is common in all Places, Of Natural and Supernatural Things, by 25 and known every where, every one grasps it with his hands, and ... of God, and of the Eternal Trinity, fine and very pure Mineral Antimony, which is fair, white, massie, and inwardly full of yellow Streaks or Veins, and likewise of red and blew Colours, and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:20

44 215 0


... want this event to affect his ongoing therapeutic relationship with the patient and family The meeting was held with Dr Smith and her husband, and there was a full and frank discussion concerning ... Determine patient and family readiness to participate Assess the patient and family’s medical literacy and ability to understand Determine the patient and family’s level of medical understanding in general ... question S/he is, understandably, the person who the patient and family assume is responsible for the care Patients look to their physician for care and comfort, and to make things work for them...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20

42 466 0
Writers’ Workshops & the Work of Making Things - Patterns, Poetry... potx

Writers’ Workshops & the Work of Making Things - Patterns, Poetry... potx

... others, has the habit and practice of trying to understand and articulate why beautiful things are beautiful and why comfortable things give comfort The workshop—something wildly new and unconventional ... landscaping, hairstyles, perfume choices, and on and on The writers’ workshop brings together people who make things and the things they have made in a way that enables effective criticism and ... community, both as a way to improve patterns and pattern languages and as a way to share knowledge and experience, as a sort of alternative to presentations and standard scientific workshops.2 The patterns...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20

288 344 0
Tricks in Magic: Illusion and Mental Phenomena (Index)

Tricks in Magic: Illusion and Mental Phenomena (Index)

... Handkerchief Multiplication Get two silk handkerchiefs and put each in a small paper tube, and place each behind ear and keep in place with a small piece of wax Show silk handkerchief and hand ... silk into a ball again and press it back in its former hiding place, then show handkerchief gone and hands empty Cause handkerchief to reappear by causing silk to expand and let it be seen, vanish ... in Magic, Illusions and Mental Phenomena H.J Burlingame Next | Previous | Contents Soup Plate and Handkerchief The handkerchief is rolled up very small and is held between the soup plate and hand,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 12:59

65 296 0
Tricks in Magic, Illusion and Mental Phenomena - Magic trick ebook

Tricks in Magic, Illusion and Mental Phenomena - Magic trick ebook

... Handkerchief Multiplication Get two silk handkerchiefs and put each in a small paper tube, and place each behind ear and keep in place with a small piece of wax Show silk handkerchief and hand ... silk into a ball again and press it back in its former hiding place, then show handkerchief gone and hands empty Cause handkerchief to reappear by causing silk to expand and let it be seen, vanish ... in Magic, Illusions and Mental Phenomena H.J Burlingame Next | Previous | Contents Soup Plate and Handkerchief The handkerchief is rolled up very small and is held between the soup plate and hand,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 09:58

65 329 1
Animation: Making things alive/Making them move docx

Animation: Making things alive/Making them move docx

... interpolate position • Goals: local control, smooth motion, robustness • Challenging to maintain the right balance between interpolated position and timing (controlling velocity and acceleration)– ... initial/ending boundary values and constraints on conservation of mass/energy/angular momentum 11 (Terzopoulos, Platt, Barr and Fleischer, SIGGRAGH ’87) (Terzopoulos, Platt, Barr and Fleischer, SIGGRAGH ... SIGGRAGH ’87) 12 (Terzopoulos, Platt, Barr and Fleischer, SIGGRAGH ’87) (Terzopoulos, Platt, Barr and Fleischer, SIGGRAGH ’87) 13 (Terzopoulos, Platt, Barr and Fleischer, SIGGRAGH ’87) Examples Images...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 22:20

21 307 0
calle c.i. superstrings and other things

calle c.i. superstrings and other things

... MOTION Understanding motion The understanding of motion is fundamental in our comprehension of nature ``To understand motion is to understand nature,'' wrote Leonardo da Vinci If we understand how ... Impulse and momentum Physics in our world: Air bags Conservation of momentum Elastic and inelastic collisions Cannons and rockets Rotational motion The frontiers of physics: CD-ROM drives Torque and ... story of the atom and its nucleus The book continues with thermodynamics in Part 4, the conceptual development of electricity and magnetism in Part 5, waves and light (Part 6), and ®nally, in Part...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:17

646 1,1K 0
making things see

making things see

... professor, technical editor, and friend got me through learning and writing about it; and his inspiring abilities as a teacher and writer gave me a goal to aspire to Kyle McDonald and Zach Lieberman taught ... forced out of me by her hunger to understand and honesty about when I wasn’t making sense I’d like to thank Andrew Odewahn and Brian Jepson from O’Reilly Andrew was the first person—even before ... Making Things See 3D Vision with Kinect, Processing, Arduino, and MakerBot Greg Borenstein Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Sebastopol • Tokyo Making Things See...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 11:43

440 422 0
making things talk

making things talk

... VIII MAKING THINGS TALK MTT_Chapter00.indd VIII 8/31/07 1:10:57 PM Making Things Talk MAKE: PROJECTS Preface A few years ago, Neil Gershenfeld wrote a smart book called When Things ... Evans, Tony Tseng, and Gloria Sed have tolerated all kinds of insanity in the name of physical computing and networked objects, and made things possible for me and the other faculty and students Research ... Fan, Mauricio Melo, and Jason Kaufman, Tarikh Korula and Josh Rooke-Ley of Uncommon Projects, Jin-Yo Mok, Alex Beim, Andrew Schneider, Gilad Lotan and Angela Pablo, Mouna Andraos and Sonali Sridhar,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 11:44

430 227 0
scientific american   -  1997 04  -  why things go wrong

scientific american - 1997 04 - why things go wrong

... pods, and the paste is spread evenly between the negative and the paper The sandwich now in your hand is a miniature darkroom You wait for about one minute, then you peel apart the layers, and ... 300,000 years ago the Neanderthals These latter, largebrained hominids are known only from Europe and western Asia, where they flourished in the period between about 200 Kyr and 30 Kyr ago, when they ... April 1997 Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc 50, 100 AND 150 YEARS AGO APRIL 1947 T he new camera of Edwin H Land, founder and president of the Polaroid Corporation, is appraised by experts...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:23

83 961 0
Science & Nature - Quality and Unique things pot

Science & Nature - Quality and Unique things pot

... into smaller and smaller pieces itself It isn’t sand yet, but it’s getting there Rivers and glaciers are also good at making sand A river’s water rushes along, carrying rocks with it and breaking ... “sandblasting.” And, of course, sand is great for building sand castles! LEARN MORE! READ THESE ARTICLES… ATOMS • ROCKS AND MINERALS • WAVES Mounds or ridges of sand like these are called “sand ... out enough lava and debris, it piles up into a mountain The Hawaiian Islands and the island of Iceland were created this way Other volcanoes help provide heat and energy Many Icelandic homes get...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 10:20

66 206 0
making things happen  mastering project management   scott berkun

making things happen mastering project management scott berkun

... what'cha doing?" And I'd smile and say, "Making good stuff happen." It became a dominant part of how I approached each and every day, and when I managed others, this attitude extended out and across ... Leadership and management require an understanding of, and intuition for, several common paradoxes These include ego/no-ego, autocracy/delegation, and courage/fear Watch out for pretension and over-involvement ... distributed across teams, and the advice in this book is largely indifferent to them This book is less about job titles and formalizations, and more about how to get things done and make things happen But...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 07:14

456 1K 0
magic witchcraft and ghosts in greek and roman worlds a sourcebook

magic witchcraft and ghosts in greek and roman worlds a sourcebook

... terms as go tes (sorcer- MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT, AND GHOSTS IN THE GREEK AND ROMAN WORLDS ers) and magoi (mages), an impression of a nebulous group of supposedly fraudulent and beggarly magical professionals ... used for such things as sorcerers, witches, and sorcery, usually with the exceptions of magos and its derivatives, which go conveniently into mage and its derivatives, and daimụn and its derivatives, ... poems On the Birth of the Curetes and Corybantes and a Theogony, ve thousand lines, and The Construction of the Argo and Jasons Voyage to Colchis, six thousand lines 112 In prose he wrote On...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:45

360 555 1
tony buzan mind maps and making notes phần 5 ppt

tony buzan mind maps and making notes phần 5 ppt

... blank pages ongoing at the same time The left-hand page should be for mapped information and the right-hand page for more linear or graphic information such as formulas, special lists, and graphs ... instant's notice, and randomly The holograph is also static It cannot perform any of the directional exercises of the kind described on pages 107 and 108 which the brain finds so easy and yet which ... covered, and then going through them point by point, following the logic of the branched connections In this way the problem of redrafting and redrafting yet again is eliminated - all the gathering and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22

11 349 1
tony buzan mind maps and making notes phần 4 pdf

tony buzan mind maps and making notes phần 4 pdf

... theme of a chapter), and a mental picture is built up of an entire thought structure • The theory and method for making these patterned notes is fully outlined in sections B and C of chapter 4, ... serve as a good review, and will help you to remember what you have read Draw your own mind map of chapter five 101 Fig36 The 'best notes' in linear writing of a 14 year-old boy, and his mind ... four of them, and they summarise the first four chapters of the book A fifth page has been left blank for you to create a mind map of Chapter for yourself In these mind maps key words and images...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22

10 452 1
tony buzan mind maps and making notes phần 3 pps

tony buzan mind maps and making notes phần 3 pps

... order-of-importance-based Fig33 Standard forms of'good' or 'neat' notes 89 mind throughout the conversation Whole networks of words and ideas are being juggled and interlinked in order to communicate ... other, that these are presented in lines and that we therefore write and note in lines, such linear presentation is not necessary for understanding, and in many instances is a disadvantage The ... free hooks and gives note-taking more freedom and flexibility In creative efforts of this nature the mind should be left as 'free' as possible Any 'thinking' about where things should go or whether...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22

10 452 0