m c after desizing semi continuous dyeing

Dyeing - Total Textile Process at a Glance

Dyeing - Total Textile Process at a Glance

... temporary hardness – Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3 + H2O Mg(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 → MgCO3 + CaCO3 + H2O MgCO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Mg(OH)2 + CaCO3 - For permanent hardness – CaSO4 + Na2CO3 → CaCO3 + Na2SO4 MgCl2 ... Na2SO4 MgCl2 + Ca(OH)2 → CaCl2 + Mg(OH)2 CaCl2 form is removed by – CaCl2 + Na2CO3 → NaCl + CaCO3 Permutit process (Base/ Ion exchange method) Permutit’ means exchange; in this process, hard water ... finishing recipes (A) Problems in boiler  Ca(HCO3)2 → CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O  Mg(HCO3)2 → MgCO3 + CO2 + H2O  MgCO3 + H2O → Mg(OH)2 +CO2 Heat loss for pipe scaling Scale thickness (mm) % heat loss (approx.)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2015, 13:12

57 830 1
ion exchange

ion exchange

... Phenol-formaldehyde Iminodiacetate }CH2}N(CH2COO\)2 Aminophosphonate }CH2}NH(CH2PO3)2\ Thiol; thiocarbamide }SH;}CH2}SC(NH)NH2 N-Methylglucamine }CH2N(CH3)[(CHOH)4CH2OH] Benzyltriethylammonium }C6 H4N (C2 H5)# ... to remove americium and technetium from nuclear wastes Metal recovery Resins often form part of metal recovery processes, both in primary ore processing and from process waste streams The second ... Friedel}Crafts reaction between the copolymer and chloromethoxymethane with an aluminium chloride catalyst The second step is to react the chloromethyl groups (}CH2Cl), introduced into the styrene moities,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2014, 17:01

18 366 0
Protein separation in ion exchange membrane partitioned free  flow isoelectric focusing (IEM FFIEF) system

Protein separation in ion exchange membrane partitioned free flow isoelectric focusing (IEM FFIEF) system

... ions dissociated from buffer solution, in mole.L-1 C if Concentration of ionic species i in feed chamber, in mole.L-1 Cim Concentration of ionic species i in membrane, in mole.L-1 Cimf Concentration ... into a contemporary pH immobilized mixed matrix material as in the case of immobiline, which can effectively transfer protein molecules and accurately allocate them into different chambers according ... and symmetric membranes with pore sizes in the range of 10-8 m are available commercially Fig 1-6 Typical membrane structures Asymmetric membranes can be formed in different geometries such as...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:39

210 239 0
Humic acid removal from aqeous solution by hybrid eletrodialysis ion exchange

Humic acid removal from aqeous solution by hybrid eletrodialysis ion exchange

... physically explained Also, a mathematical way was introduced to characterize the process viii NOMENCLATURE Abbreviations AM Anion exchange membrane CM Cation exchange membrane COD Chemical oxygen ... exchange membrane (CM) and an anion exchange membrane (AM) Both side chambers are electrolyte chambers with the electrolyte solution flowing through them The volume of each electrolyte chamber ... resistance Some organic ions may penetrate the membranes, but with lower electro mobility in the membranes, causing a dramatic increase in electrical resistance These two phenomena are known as membrane...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 21:14

138 313 0
Experiment 7 ion exchange

Experiment 7 ion exchange

... Experimental Conditions Experiment date Sample identification Initial concentration of hardness (mg/l as CaCO3) Resin name Column diameter (cm) Length of packed resin (cm) Flow rate (ml/min) Effluent ... (ml/min) Effluent Hardness Time (min) Hardness (mg/l CaCO3) Required Calculations Plot hardness versus time Calculate the exchange capacity Time (min) Hardness (mg/l CaCO3) ... meter to 10 ml/min and continue flow for 15 minutes Softening Select tank C and open valves and 10 Set the flow meter to 50-70 ml/min Collect samples at five minutes intervals Determine the hardness...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2016, 15:59

3 259 0
Syngas cleaning with nanostructured microporous ion exchange polymers in biomass gasification using a novel downdraft gasifier

Syngas cleaning with nanostructured microporous ion exchange polymers in biomass gasification using a novel downdraft gasifier

... cells/bacteria and reactive chemical species) is dictated by the size and biochemical/chemical structure of the confinement media in which the matter is present Clearly, the size of the confinement media ... More recently, these materials have been used as ‘intermediate chemicals’ in the manufacture of ammonia from syngas in a catalytic low temperature plasma induced process which operates at atmospheric ... such as fuel cane bagasse (FCB), yield higher concentrations of tar compared with other fuels such as bone meal or municipal solid waste which contain catalytic contaminants useful in tar cracking...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2016, 14:02

10 446 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " TCP-based window-size delegation method for TXOP Exchange in wireless local area networks" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " TCP-based window-size delegation method for TXOP Exchange in wireless local area networks" ppt

... Shinkuma, T Takahashi, N Mandayam, TXOP Exchange: A Cooperative Resource Exchange Method in CSMA/CA, in IEICE General Conference, B-15-6 (March 2010) T Nishio, R Shinkuma, T Takahashi, N Mandayam, ... adversely affecting the legacy STAs, which is confirmed by computer simulations We also confirmed that our method requires no modification to legacy APs and STAs and needs only minimal modifications ... because of a difference of Nci, which is how many times triple-dupli0 cate ACKs occur in a certain period, from Nci, which is initially measured Here, if the probability that packet loss occurs...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

12 464 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " A Novel Method to Fabricate Silicon Nanowire p–n Junctions by a Combination of Ion Implantation and in-situ Doping" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " A Novel Method to Fabricate Silicon Nanowire p–n Junctions by a Combination of Ion Implantation and in-situ Doping" docx

... Raman measurements on NWs grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) following a similar recipe as ours Figure illustrates the different steps, accompanied by scanning electron microscope (SEM) ... surface states Acknowledgment The authors thank Mr A Frommfeld, Mr K U Assmann, Ms S Hopfe, and Ms C Muenx for technical support The authors acknowledge the financial support from the FP6 EU project ... (I–V) characteristics by contacting them with a Pt/Ir tip mounted to a micro-manipulator inside an SEM Details of the measurement system can be found elsewhere [13] The measured I–V curves of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20

4 332 0
Science Report: "Determining the value of an exchange energy of corn as feed for chickens by direct methods" pps

Science Report: "Determining the value of an exchange energy of corn as feed for chickens by direct methods" pps

... some maize varieties, which were measured by the direct method - burning the samples in the bomb calorimeter, and the indirect method of Ewan, 1989 (NRC, 1998) - predicting based on chemical composition, ... Error; CV: Coefficient Variation CONCLUSION According to the results above, we had some main conclusions as follow: The different maize varieties had their different chemical composition The crude ... method) According to results of the direct methods, the indirect methods, which are based on the chemical compositions of feedstuffs to predict ME content, was used In developed countries such as...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 18:22

7 285 0
Báo cáo y học: "Acid–base status of critically ill patients with acute renal failure: analysis based on Stewart–Figge methodology" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Acid–base status of critically ill patients with acute renal failure: analysis based on Stewart–Figge methodology" ppt

... < 0.0001 Base excess Sodium (mmol/l)* Potassium (mmol/l)** Chloride (mmol/l)* Magnesium Calcium (mmol/l)a 1.05 ± 0.40 (mmol/l)*,** 0.88 ± 0.34 0.94 ± 0.28 0.065 1.10 ± 0.12 (mmol/l)b,** 1.12 ... a chloride-ion exchanger The plasma magnesium was measured using a xylidyl orange colorimetric technique, plasma phosphate using a phosphomolybdate complex colorimetric technique, and plasma ... alkalinizing effect of hypoalbuminemia In conclusion, the typical acid–base picture of ARF of critical illness is one of mild acidemia due to moderate metabolic acidosis Such acidosis is the result...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:22

7 444 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Validation of a method to partition the base deficit in meningococcal sepsis: a retrospective study" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Validation of a method to partition the base deficit in meningococcal sepsis: a retrospective study" ppt

... document describing Stewart's physiochemical approach to acid–base balance See http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/ supplementary/cc3760-S1.doc R469 20 21 22 Gauthier PM, Szerlip HM: Metabolic ... score Crit Care Med 1996, 24:743-752 Carrol ED, Riordan FA, Thomson AP, Sills JA, Hart CA: The role of the Glasgow meningococcal septicaemia prognostic score in the emergency management of meningococcal ... predict mortality when secondary to hyperchloremic acidosis Shock 2002, 17:459-462 32 Hatherill M, McIntyre AG, Wattie M, Murdoch IA: Early hyperlactataemia in critically ill children Intensive Care...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

7 326 0
Báo cáo y học: "Ethics review: Strong ion difference in urine: new perspectives in acid–base assessment" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Ethics review: Strong ion difference in urine: new perspectives in acid–base assessment" docx

... increase in SID will lead the system to become more basic whereas a decrease in SID will lead the system to become more acidic In general, Eqn indicates that metabolic acidosis or alkalosis may ... alkalosis may occur either by changing the net electrical charge at constant extracellular volume or by changing the extracellular volume at constant electrical charge electrolytes and acid–base status ... output of electrical charge and metabolic production remain constant, the net difference of electrical charges in the system (i.e the numerator in Eqn 5) does not change What causes the acidosis is...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23

3 250 0
A modeling study of ion implantation in crystalline silicon involving monte carlo and molecular dynamics methods

A modeling study of ion implantation in crystalline silicon involving monte carlo and molecular dynamics methods

... recoil after impact in center-of-mass (CM) coordinates Θ Final angle of scatter after impact in center-of-mass (CM) coordinates JC Angular momentum in center-of-mass (CM) coordinates P Impact ... modeling Atomistic techniques such as Monte Carlo (MC) and molecular dynamics (MD) methods are important in computer simulation of statistical physics and are recognized tools in science, complementing ... (a) Structure of an Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) device (b) Cross-sectional view of MOS device 2.1 Schematic of a commercial ion implanter 36 2.2 Principles of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 21:02

305 303 0
Chương liên kết ion.doc

Chương liên kết ion.doc

... LiCl, NaF, CCl4 KBr Hợp chất c liên kết c ng hoá trị A LiCl B NaF C CCl4 D KBr Chọn đáp án b Cho hợp chất sau : HCl, CsF, H2O NH3 Hợp chất c liên hết ion A HCl B CsF C H2O D NH3 Chọn đáp án C c ... HOÁ H C So sánh liên kết c ng hoá trị không c c với liên kết c ng hoá trị c c c liên kết cho nhận Liên kết phân tử LiF liên kết A ion B c ng hoá trị không phân c c C c ng hoá trị phân c c D cho ... chất X Y ? Viết phương trình hoá h c phản ứng để minh hoạ (*) Cho gam hỗn hợp g m kim loại ki m A natri t c dụng với nư c dư thu dung dịch Y khí Z Để trung hoà dung dịch Y c n 0,2 mol axit HCl...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 10:01

4 1,9K 11
Exchange Server 2010

Exchange Server 2010

... với c ng c System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) Bài lab sử dụng hệ thống Exchange Server 2010 c i đặt Domain NHATNGHE.COM phần trư c C cc th c Cài đặt Hyper-V C i đặt SCVMM C u ... www.nhatnghe.com Quá trình Add Virtual Machine Host Chuyển HT01, CA01 MB01 từ m y vật lý sang m y ảo B1 Th c cho m y HT01.nhatnghe.com Trong Virtual Machine Manager  Chọn Actions  Chọn Virtual Machine Manager ... vi c cài đặt Exchange Server 2010 Trên MB01Menu Start All Programs Microsoft Exchange Server M Exchange Management Console(EMC) Trong EMC Server Configuration Ki m tra Server Role c i...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2012, 09:55

129 907 5
Safe carrying methods

Safe carrying methods

... what these procedures are for: • • transferring chemicals measuring chemicals • mixing chemicals Transferring chemicals safely Chemical substances often need to be transferred from one container ... give you an accurate reading of the volume of the substance being measured Top Mixing chemicals safely Mixing chemicals can be dangerous because you are physically handling chemicals that are ... harvest Many fish have a slimy covering called mucous which protects them from infections and diseases Wearing gloves prevents you from accidentally removing the mucous from fish Gloves can also...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 17:56

29 480 0
Do an Exchange Server 2007.doc

Do an Exchange Server 2007.doc

... Name System manager GAL Global Access List GPO Group Policy Object IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol MMC Microsoft Management Console MS MicroSoft ... Active Directory ADAM Active Directory Application Mode CAS Client Access Server CNTT C ng nghệ thông tin DC Domain Controller DMZ Demilitarized Zone DNS Domain Name System DNSMGMT Domain Name ... Domain Tree Domain Tree c u tr c bao g m nhiều domain xếp c c p b c theo c u tr c hình Domain tạo gọi domain root n m g c thư m c Tất domain tạo sau n m bên domain root gọi domain (child domain)...

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 13:20

96 1,6K 22
Quản Lý User Exchange Server

Quản Lý User Exchange Server

... Theo m c định, By default, c Administrator domain thiết lập email address Bạn trông thấy địa mail SMTP m t định hình bên Những user accounts kh c domain email addresses th c mailbox enable chúng ... domain email addresses th c mailbox enable chúng Bên bạn hai user OU Managers email address Exchange Alias liên quan đến chúng ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2012, 08:59

2 758 9
Base Solids  trong auto CAD

Base Solids trong auto CAD

... với m t phẳng Contract Body m t l m vi c Work Plane Tạo m t l m vi c Work Axis Tạo tr c l m vi c Work Point Tạo đi m l m vi c Toggle Precise Bật tắt chế độ nhập x c UI M o: Sử dụng m o để nâng cao ... m i trờng Solid c ch kích chuột phải vào thành phần c a sổ duyệt chọn Edit Solid C c công c chỉnh sửa Base Solid: Ghi TT Nút lệnh C ng c Ch c Di chuyển nhiều m t Move Face Solid M rộng thu nhỏ ... sau kích chuột vào Update Hình trụ tr c kéo dãn Hình trụ sau kéo dãn - Di chuyển m t Base Solid: Kích chuột vào c ng c Move Face sau chọn m t vài m t c n di chuyển Để di chuyển m t c n x c định...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 13:54

5 2,2K 24