... function for the connected Green functions, we can obtain (1a.1.21) for all n from the single equation @ + @ @ Z 4 + d x s(x)... commenting on some minus signs that frequently cause confusion ... the \solution", to the renormalization group equation, is ?4... dependence on the external momenta, pi for i = 1 to n, on the parameter , and on the scale If we change , we must change ... wave function renormalization of each of the external lines and also the coupling to maintain the same physics This is the conveniently summarized in the renormalization group equation: @ ?n =
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:10
... 2. Ionization and excitation cross sections 3. Coulomb collisions; resistivity 4. Transition between neutral- and ion- dominated electron collisions 5. Mobility, diffusion, ambipolar diffusion ... Introduction to Plasma Science 1 Diagrams can be enlarged on a computer by using the CD-ROM. Ions and electrons make a plasma v f(v) A Maxwellian distribution A “hot” plasma in a fusion reactor ... Helicon wave sources and HDPs 61 1. Dispersion relation 2. Wave patterns and antennas 3. Mode jumping 4. Modified skin depth 5. Trivelpiece-Gould modes 6. Examples of helicon measurements 7. Commercial
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:17
lecture notes on algorithm analysis and computation complexity 4th ed - ian parberry
... classroom, you are requested to: H encourage your students to make individual donations, or H make a lump-sum donation on behalf of your class If you have a credit card, you may place your donation online ... Completeness Ian Parberry∗ Fall 2001 No: Summary • Some subproblems of NP complete problems are NP complete • Some subproblems of NP complete problems are in P The following problems are NP complete: ... 10110 Time 2n Program An introduction to the theory of NP completeness: • • • • • • • Polynomial time computation Standard encoding schemes The classes P and NP Polynomial time reductions NP completeness
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 02:47
Lecture notes on linear algebra by a k lal and s pati
... Dimension of M + N Theorem 7.3.1 Let V (F) be a finite dimensional vector space and let M and N be two subspaces of V Then dim(M ) + dim(N ) = dim(M + N ) + dim(M ∩ N ) (7.3.3) 7.3 DIMENSION ... Elimination, 28 Free Variables, 30 Fundamental Theorem of Linear Algebra, 117 Gauss Elimination Method, 28 Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method, 35 Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process, 124 Idempotent ... of Matrices, Row Echelon Form, 30 Row Rank, 43 Skew-Symmetric, 15 Submatrix, 16 Symmetric, 15 Trace, 18 Unitary, 151 Matrix Equality, Matrix Multiplication, Matrix of a Linear Transformation,
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2016, 12:26
Lecture notes on cryptography 2008
... Cryptography: Lecture Notes Private-key encryption 6.1 Symmetric encryption schemes 6.2 Some symmetric encryption schemes 6.2.1 The one-time-pad encryption scheme 6.2.2 Some ... encryption schemes as DES Let E denote a symmetric block encryption scheme Let Ek (M ) denote the encryption of the 1–block message M under key k Let M = M0 ◦ M1 ◦ M2 ◦ ◦ Mn denote a message ... exchange messages M in a private and authenticated way Consider sending each of the following as a means to this end: M, MACK2 (EK1 (M )) EK1 (M, MACK2 (M )) EK1 (M ), MACK2 (M ) EK1 (M ), EK1 (MACK2
Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 13:20
Lecture notes on diseases of the ear, nose, and throat
... 19 Conditions of the External Auditory Meatus, 25 Injury of the Tympanic Membrane, 33 Acute Otitis Media, 35 Chronic Otitis Media, 39 10 Complications of Middle-Ear Infection, 43 11 Otitis Media ... pleomorphic adenomata 170 malleus 1, mastoid cells 3, mastoidectomy 42 Index mastoiditis acute 43–4, 45 investigations 43 occasional features 43 signs 43 symptoms 43, 57 treatment 44 zygomatic ... maxillary antrum 88, 89 carcinoma 95–6, 96 clinical features 95 investigations 95 prognosis 96 treatment 96 maxillary sinusitis see sinusitis maxillectomy 96 mediastinal emphysema 162 melanoma,
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2019, 20:43
lecture notes on mathematical olympiad courses vol 2 pdf
... School Mathematics Examination American Invitational Mathematics Examination Asia Pacific Mathematics Olympiad Olympics Mathematical Competitions of All the Soviet Union British Mathematical Olympiad ... Olympiad Hungary Mathematical Competition International Mathematical Olympiad Ireland Mathematical Olympiad Kiev Mathematical Olympiad Moscow Mathematical Olympiad Poland Mathematical Olympiad ... www.EngineeringBooksPDF.com Abbreviations and Notations Abbreviations AHSME AIME APMO ASUMO BMO CHNMOL CHNMOL(P) CHINA CMO HUNGARY IMO IREMO KIEV MOSCOW POLAND PUTNAM RUSMO SSSMO SMO SSSMO(J) SWE American High
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2021, 21:22
hudson m. cosmology lecture notes
... 787:COSMOLOGY Winter 2005 Mon & Fri 11:30-12:50 PM Main Link Rooms (W: EIT 2053, G: MacN 101) WWW: http://astro.uwaterloo.ca/~mjhudson/teaching/phys787 Instructor: Mike Hudson mjhudson@uwaterloo.ca ... a simple power law as a function of scale 1 INTRODUCTION TO COSMOLOGY 16 The simplest viable model contains only a few parameters that need to be measured (h, A, Ωm , Ωb ) A more general model ... Gravitational Lensing Strong gravitational lensing leads to the formation of multiple images and giant arcs Weak...1 INTRODUCTION TO COSMOLOGY 8 Fluctuations in the CMB Dipole Term The CMB has
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:07
norbury. general relativity and cosmology for undergraduates (wisconsin lecture notes, 1997)(116s)
... Friedmann Equations 104 5.3 Problems 105 6 Einstein Field Equations 107 7 Weak Field Limit 109 8 Lagrangian Methods 111 4 CONTENTS Chapter 1 NEWTONIAN COSMOLOGY 1.1 Introduction Many of the modern ... ENERGY-MOMENTUM TENSOR 45 4.1 Euler-Lagrange and Hamilton’s Equations 45 4.2 Classical Field Theory 47 4.2.1 Classical Klein-Gordon Field 48 4.3 Principle of Least Action 49 4.4 Energy-Momentum Tensor ... APPLICATIONS 13 2.1 Conservation laws 13 2.2 Age of the Universe 14 2.3 Inflation 15 2.4 Quantum Cosmology 16 2.4.1 Derivation of the Schr¨odinger equation 16 2.4.2 Wheeler-DeWitt equation 17 2.5 Summary
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:07
ludvigsen m. general relativity - a geometric approach
... 4.2 The Spacetime Metric, 28 4.3 Volume and Particle Density, 35 EXERCISES, 38 5Energy 40 5.1 Energy and Four-Momentum, 41 5.2 The Energy–Momentum Tensor, 43 5.3 General States of Matter, 44 5.4 ... Derivations, 62 vii viii CONTENTS 7.2 Lie Derivatives, 64 EXERCISES, 67 8FieldEquations 69 8.1 Conservation Laws, 69 8.2 Maxwell’s Equations, 70 8.3 Charge, Mass, and Angular Momentum, 74 EXERCISES, 78 ... 12AsymptoticFlatnessandSymmetries 115 12.1 Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes, 115 12.2 Killing Fields and Stationary Spacetimes, 122 12.3 Kerr Spacetime, 126 12.4 Energy and Intrinsic Angular Momentum, 131 EXERCISES,
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:07
LECTURE NOTES Course 6.0416.431 M.I.T.
... Continuous Random Variables and PDFs Cumulative Distribution Functions Normal Random Variables Conditioning on an Event Multiple Continuous Random Variables Derived ... a normal one Furthermore, the normal approximation to P(Sn ≤ c) is generally more faithful when c is in the vicinity of the mean of Sn The De Moivre – Laplace Approximation to the Binomial A ... Transforms 4.2 Sums of Independent Random Variables - Convolutions iii iv 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Contents Conditional Expectation as a Random Variable Sum of a Random
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2017, 18:10
matlab lecture notes
... thí nghiệm ma trận. Ban đầu Matlab được thiết kế bởi Cleve Moler vào những năm 1970 để sử dụng nhưmột công cụ dạy học. Từ đó đến nay nó đã được phát triển thành một bộ phần mềm thương mại rất ... - Hiện nay MATLAB R14 là một bộ phần mềm cho công việc tính toán trong các ngành kỹ thuật, trong khoa học và trong lĩnh vực toán học ứng dụng. Matlab cho ta một ngôn ngữ lập trình mạnh, giao ... nhiều cách khác nhau; + Nhưmột máy tính cầm tay cao cấp trong chế độ máy tính cầm tay + Nhưmột ngôn ngữ lập trình bậc cao + Nhưmột chu trình con gọi từ chương trình C Trong tài liệu này chúng ta
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2013, 16:27
... problem / max-intercept problem duality Min Common Point S S Max Intercept Point Min Common Point Max Intercept Point (a) (b) Illustration of the optimal values of the common point and max intercept ... LECTURE SLIDES ON NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING BASED ON LECTURES GIVEN AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MASS DIMITRI P BERTSEKAS LECTURE SLIDES ON NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING BASED ... and is constrained by µ ≥ 0; but general minimax theory does not shed much light on this special case COMMON ROOT OF DUALITY AND MINIMAX • Constrained optimization duality theory and minimax theory
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 17:15
Lecture notes on general relativity s carroll
... manipulation — electromagnetism — differential forms — Hodge duality — worldlines — proper time — energy-momentum vector — energy- momentum tensor — perfect fluids — energy-momentum conservation 2. ... system a (1, 1) tensor is simply a matrix, M i j . Its action on a pair (ω, V ) is given by usual matrix multiplication: M( ω, V ) = (ω 1 ω 2 ··· ω n ) M 1 1 M 1 2 ··· M 1 n M 2 1 M 2 2 ··· ... four-momentum p µ across a surface of constant x ν ”. To make this more concrete, let’s consider the very general category of matter which may be characterized as a fluid — a continuum of matter...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:28
... lượng định m c. − Điện áp định m c: U1 m, U2 m. − Dòng điện định m c: I1 m, I2 m. − Công suất định m c: S m. 1 φ : S m = U2đmI2 m= U1đmI1 m. 3 φ : S m = 3 U2đmI2 m= 3 U1đmI1 m. • Các ... M T PHA M 2max M 1max M n n 1 2 n 1 1 n 1 n 2 2p=4 2p=2 M n M c t gi m b / a/ M c / n M c M c n n 1 n t M d / n 1 e / M y Điện 14/35 KTĐ & ĐT GVC. ThS. Nguyễn Như Phong 1999 ... 95 105.2 105.2 421 329000,1))s(arccos(co 750000,1))s(arccos(co C * F fXX C j I U Z jI j U S I IUjSSS jtgjPPS jtgjPPS CC C C C C C M MM MMM M μ πω ϕ ϕ ===→ Ω=→×−==→ ×=→ ×−==→ ×=×−=−= ×+=+= ×+=+= • • • • • • ∗ ••••• • • M i c P M cosϕ M i M i U cosϕ ? C 95.0cos 8.0cos ,1 50HZ ,0200 M 0 →= == ∠= ϕ ϕ KWP U M Maùch...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 13:15
The galactic black hole lectures on general relativity and astrophysics
... 189 6.5.3 Maximal and time-symmetric data 190 6.5.4 Solution strategy for maximal data 191 6.5.5 Explicit time-symmetric data 191 6.5.6 Non-time-symmetric data 201 6.6 Problems and recent developments ... (1.18) The summation convention is assumed, i.e. summation is understood over repeated indices. The values of the components of tensors do change, but only in the specific linear and homogeneous manner ... 290 10.3 Non-spherical accretion models 292 10.3.1 Keplerian flow with magnetic dynamo 293 10.3.2 Sub-Eddington two-temperature accretion (ADAFs) 299 10.4 Comment on X-ray emission from Sgr A*...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 14:03
Toán học quốc tế olympiad vol6 lecture notes on mathematical olympiad courses for junior section vol 1
... on Math's Olymp Courses.pmd 11/2/2009, 3:35 PM1 Lecture 6 Some Methods of Factorization Basic Methods of Factorization (I) Extract the common factors from terms: like xm + ym + zm = m( x ... of several monomials is said to be a polynomial, its each monomial is called a term, the term not containing letters is said to be the con- stant term of the polynomial. The maximum value of ... Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE Printed in Singapore. Mathematical Olympiad Series — Vol. 6 LECTURE NOTES ON MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD COURSES For Junior Section ZhangJi - Lec Notes on...
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 16:55
Lecture notes on c algebras and quantum mechanics [jnl article] n lamdsman
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:41
Lecture Notes on Cryptography ppt
... Q n . Theorem 2.47 [Williams, Blum] BLUM-Williams is a collection of one-way trapdoor permutations. Proof: This follows immediately from Lemma 2.46 because each function g n ∈ J is a permutation. The trapdoor ... function at random. One must remember that the term “random function” is misleading. It might lead one to think that certain functions are “random” and others are not. (For example, maybe the constant ... logarithm assumption there exists a strong one way function; namely, exponentiation modulo a prime p. 1 We note that a weaker assumption can be made concerning the discrete logarithm problem, and by...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20
Lecture Notes on Discrete Mathematics doc
... the same recurrence relation as s(n, k)’s with the same initial conditions. Hence, they give rise to the same sequence of numbers and are commonly known as the Stirling numbers of first kind. Notes: ... strings formed using n − 1 + ’s and m 1’s. As the +’s are indistinguishable among themselves and the same holds for 1’s, we get n − 1 + m m = n − 1 + m n − 1 = m + n − 1 m . Remark ... now ready to prove the s trong form of the principle of mathematical induction. Theorem 1.2.5 (Prin ciple of Mathematical Induction: Strong Form). Let P(n) be a statement about a positive integer...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 12:20
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