... MMP TIMP -1, -9, -11 -11 -2, -3, -11 , -13 , -1 3 MMP TIMP -1, -11 -1, -9, -11 , -13 -1, -2 -1 -2, -3, -11 , -13 , 4 MMP TIMP -1, -11 -2 -3,-9, -11 -1, -2, -11 5 MMP TIMP -1, -2, -3,-9, -11 -1 -1, -2, -3 -2 -1, -2, -11 , -13 , -1 6 ... MMP TIMP -1, -3, -11 -1, -11 -1 -1 -1 7 MMP TIMP -1, -2, -3, -11 , -13 -1, -2, -3, -11 , -13 -2, -3, -11 -1 -1, -2, -3, -11 , -13 , -1 8 MMP TIMP -1, -2, -3, -11 , -13 -1, -13 -1, -9 -1, -2 9 MMP TIMP -1, -2, -3, -11 -1, -2, -3, -11 , -13 -1 -1 ... -1, -2, -3, -11 , -13 -1 -1 -1, -3, -11 -1 10 MMP TIMP -1, -2, -3,-9, -11 , -13 -1, -2, -3 -1, -2 -1, -2, -3 11 MMP TIMP -1, -11 -1, -3, -11 -11 -1, -3, -11 12 MMP TIMP -1, -2, -3, -11 -2 -1, -3 -2, -11 , -13 -1 13 MMP TIMP -1, -2, -3,-9, -11 ...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:22
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21
lord of the flies 3
... with Piggy ,and the two of them refuse to adopt the new, less structured way of life that most the boyson the island experience. Both of them are very firm in their belief of organization andcivilization, ... Ralph, Simon, and Jack climb, and from which theyare able to see the terrain. Finally, there is the castle at the other end of the island, whichrises a hundred feet above the sea and becomes Jack's ... to the pig's head. In Simon's hallucination the head becomes the "Lordof the Flies& quot;. Then Simon, terrified and sickened, starts back to where the other boys areto tell them...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:07
lord of the flies 4
... Ralph, Simon, and Jack climb, and from which theyare able to see the terrain. Finally, there is the castle at the other end of the island, whichrises a hundred feet above the sea and becomes Jack's ... strong sense of place, and the setting shapes the story's direction. At the outset theboys view the island as a paradise because it is lush and abundant with food. As the fear ofthe beast grows, ... down ,and they crash on a tropical island. Ralph and Piggy are the first characters introduced ,and they find a white conch shell. Ralph blows on the conch, and the other boys appear.Among them...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:07
lord of the flies
... Lord of theFlies, and is of extreme importance to help reconstruct the current wave ofrevolutionary ideas that swept the twentieth-century generation. Lord of the Fliesportrays the belief of the ... The Lord of the Flies The world had witnessed the atrocities of World War II and began toexamine the defects of their social ethics. Man's purity and innocence was gone. ... throughout Lord of the Flies. The most obvious is the struggle between Ralph and Jack. The charactersthemselves have been heavily influenced by the war. Ralph is the representative ofDemocracy....
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:07
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 1 potx
... State Commun. 11 : 825 – 828 (19 72) . 19 . D. Berlincourt, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 70(6): 15 86 15 95 (19 81) . 20 . D. Waller, T. Lqbal, and A. Safari, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 72( 2): 322 – 324 (19 89). 21 . N. Lamberti, ... 12 1 Introduction 12 1 Historical Overview 12 2 Porous Silicon Formation 12 2 Characterization of Porous Silicon 12 2 Optical Properties of Porous Silicon 12 4 Functionalization of ... 0-4 71- 17780-6 (cloth : alk.paper) 1. Smart materials—Encyclopedias. I. Schwartz, Mel M. TA 418 9.S 62 E63 20 02 620 .1 1 dc 21 20 010 56795 Printed in the United States of America. 10 9876543 21 iv P1:...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 2 docx
... unit) LiNi 0.85 Co 0 .15 O 2 Li 0.45 Ni 0.85 Co 0 .15 O 2 Li 0 .23 Ni 0.85 Co 0 .15 O 2 Li 0.09 Ni 0.85 Co 0 .15 O 2 Li 0.0 02 Ni 0.85 Co 0 .15 O 2 (10 5) (10 2) (006) (10 1) (003) (10 4) (10 7) (10 8) (11 0) (11 3) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Figure 13 . X-ray ... kg) a Leclanche Zn MnO 2 Zn + 2MnO 2 → ZnO · Mn 2 O 3 1. 6 22 4 Magnesium Mg MnO 2 Mg + 2MnO 2 + H 2 O → Mn 2 O 3 + Mg(OH) 2 2.8 2 71 Alkaline MnO 2 Zn MnO 2 Zn+2MnO 2 → ZnO + Mn 2 O 3 1. 5 22 4 Mercury Zn ... into the O:2p band rather than into the Co:3d band in LiCoO 2 (20 , 21 ) and into the Ni:3d band in Li 1 x NiO 2 and Li 1 x Ni 0.85 Co 0 .15 O 2 (29 ,30). To assess the structural stability of Li 1 x Ni 0.85 Co 0 .15 O 2 cathodes...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 3 pot
... 10 −5 −5 10 −5 1 10 −4 1. 5 10 −4 2 10 −4 0 10 0 Molar ellipticity at 22 2 nm (change in protein structure) 0 12 34567 25 °C 10 °C 10 °C 55°C 75°C 10 °C Time (min) Figure 7. Reversibility of the thermal ... 6/m 4/mmmmmm 4/m 3m 3 mmm 2/ m Non- centro ( 21 ) 4 32 622 422 23 6 4 32 222 43m 6m2 42m Polar (pyro- electric) (10 ) 2 6mm 6 4mm 4 3m 3 mm 2 1 m a Piezoelectrics are inside the boldline. a strains ... 4.5 LiNbO 3 12 8 ◦ Y-X 5.5 −74 3960 35 LiTaO 3 X 1 12 ◦ -Y 0.75 18 329 0 42 Li 2 B 4 O 7 (11 0)<0 01& gt; 0.8 0 3467 9.5 Ceramic PZT-In(Li 3/5 W 2/ 5 )O 3 1. 0 10 22 70 690 (Pb,Nd)(Ti,Mn,In)O 3 2. 6 < ;1 25 54...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 4 pptx
... 10 0 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10 10 11 10 12 10 13 10 14 10 15 10 17 10 16 T(K) ρ (Ω.cm) 5 T 0 T (b) Figure 1. T dependence of the resistivity ρ upon cooling in (5 T) and in the ... 0.37) ì 10 3 C(3. 32 0 .15 ) ì 10 2 (1. 98 0 .17 ) ì 10 2 (1. 07 0.09) ì 10 2 D(3.65 0 .27 ) × 10 2 (2. 50 ±0 .22 ) × 10 2 (1. 24 ±0 .16 ) × 10 2 Storage modulus (GPa) A 20 .2 ±3. 527 .5 ± 4. 325 .8 ± 3.7 B44 .2 ±4.847.7 ... 0.09 C f (1. 0 a ) + SF b 0.95 (8.3 0.5) ì 10 2 +2. 82 0 .11 +0.48 ±0 .11 +2. 82 ± 0 .11 +0.48 ± 0 .11 C f (0.5 a ) + L c 0. 41 (9.7 0.6) ì 10 4 +1. 20 0.05 1. 14 0.05 +1. 20 0.05 1. 14 0.05 C f (1. 0 a )...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 5 ppt
... version of the Tsai-Wu criterion given by 1 S t 1 S c 1 σ 2 11 + 1 S t 1 − 1 S c 1 σ 11 + 1 S t 2 S c 2 σ 2 22 + 1 S t 2 − 1 S c 2 σ 22 − 1 2 1 S t 1 S c 1 1 S t 2 S c 2 1/ 2 σ 11 σ 22 + 1 S s 12 2 τ 2 12 = ... Failure σ 11 S t 1 2 + τ 12 S s 12 2 = 1. r Compressive Fiber Failure σ 11 S c 1 2 + τ 12 S s 12 2 = 1. r Tensile Matrix Failure σ 22 S c 2 2 + τ 12 S s 12 2 = 1. r Compressive ... Msi), ν 12 , = 0.3, and V f = 0.6. G xy = 2 2 E 1 + 2 E 2 + 4ν 12 E 1 − 1 G 12 sin 2 λ cos 2 λ + 1 G 12 (sin 4 λ + cos 4 λ) 1 , V xy = E x ν 12 E 1 (sin 4 λ + cos 4 λ) − 1 E 1 + 1 E 2 − 1 G 12 sin 2 λ...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 7 pps
... Release 16 : 20 3– 21 4 (19 91) . 11 7. C.L. Bell and N.A. Peppas, J. Biomater. Sci. Polym. Ed. 7: 6 71 683 (19 96). 11 8. C.L. Bell and N.A. Peppas, Biomaterials 17 : 12 03 12 18 (19 96). 11 9. C.L. Bell and N.A. ... Controlled Release 39: 2 01 20 7 (19 96). 12 0. C.L. Bell and N.A. Peppas, Adv. Polym. Sci. 12 2: 12 5 17 5 (19 95). 12 1. A.M. Lowman and N.A. Peppas, Polymer 41: 73–80 (19 99). 12 2. A.M. Lowman and N.A. Peppas, ... following expression: V 1 4I υ 2 2,s υ K b 10 pH 14 + K a 2 = [ln (1 −υ 2, s ) +υ 2, s +χ 1 υ 2, s ] + V 1 υ M c 1 − 2 M c M n υ 2, r υ 2, s υ 2, r 1/ 3 − υ 2, s 2 2, r . ( 12 ) The molecular weights of ionic hydrogels between...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 8 pptx
... k 3 10 −5 10 0 Magnitude 10 −8 −6 −4 2 0 Phase (rad) 10 0 10 1 10 2 Frequency (Hz) 10 0 10 1 10 2 Frequency (Hz) (c) Undamaged 1/ 4 loss for k 3 Undamaged 1/ 4 loss for k 3 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 −3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 2 Frequency ... isotropic materials: λ s = 3 2 λ 10 0 α 2 1 β 2 1 + α 2 2 β 2 2 + α 2 3 β 2 3 − 1 3 +3 λ 11 1 (α 1 α 2 β 1 β 2 + α 2 α 3 β 2 β 3 + α 3 α 1 β 3 β 1 ), (5) where λ 10 0 and λ 11 1 are the saturation magnetostrictions along the < ;10 0> ... (rad) 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 −3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 1 Magnitude Undamaged 1/ 4 loss for k 2 Undamaged 1/ 4 loss for k 2 (d) 10 −5 10 0 Magnitude −6 −7 −5 −4 −3 2 1 0 Phase (rad) 10 0 10 1 10 2 Frequency...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 9 pps
... (7) Benzyl (6) Indolyl (8) Isopropyl (5) Methyl (4) (S)-7 4-Hydroxybenzyl 3.8 2. 5 1. 3 1. 6 1. 4 (S)-6 Benzyl 2. 3 3.0 1. 7 1. 6 1. 7 (S)-8 Indolyl 1. 5 1. 8 2. 3 1. 3 1. 4 (S)-5 Isopropyl 1. 2 1. 3 1. 3 2. 2 1. 6 (S)-4 Methyl 1. 0 1. 1 1. 1 1. 1 1. 3 O O N N N N N H H H O O H O O H O O H EGDMA AIBN h υ N N N N N HH + OH O 10 ... (%) Run 1: [poly(ethylene 2, 6 -naphthalenedicarboxylate)] 10 5 .18 26 5 .19 87 −0. 31 20 19 . 720 6 19 .8736 −0.77 30 32. 5057 32. 7 414 −0. 72 40 43 .13 75 43.3 324 −0.45 50 52. 8 020 52. 8549 −0 .10 60 62 .17 84 62. 0543 ... 8.87 72 300 7 .27 09 375 6 .11 58 450 5 .25 85 Run 2 Polyacrylonitrile 22 5 12 .0099 300 8. 21 7 9 375 6.3 0 12 450 5. 310 6 Run 3 Polyglycine 22 5 10 .4083 300 6.7474 375 5. 21 7 7 450 4. 4 12 4 Run 4 Polyisobutylene 22 5 6.3543 300...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 10 ppt
... Pa 2. 8 ì 10 9 2. 6 ì 10 9 2. 4 × 10 9 2. 2 × 10 9 2 × 10 9 1. 8 × 10 9 1. 6 × 10 9 2 ì 10 6 4 ì 10 6 6 ì 10 6 8 ì 10 6 1 ì 10 7 t, sec Figure 15 . Relaxation function of PVDF (direction 1) ( 51) . Y 2 , ... the coefficients of the compliance matrix [C] in Eqs. (2) can be represented such that c 11 = 1/ Y 1 , c 22 = 1/ Y 2 , c 33 = 1/ Y 3 , c 44 = 1/ 2G 23 , c 55 = 1/ 2G 31 , c 66 = 1/ 2G 12 c 12 =−ν 12 /Y 1 =−ν 21 /Y 2 , ... 1/ 2G 12 c 12 =−ν 12 /Y 1 =−ν 21 /Y 2 , c 13 =−ν 13 /Y 1 =−ν 31 /Y 3 , and c 23 =−ν 23 /Y 2 = ν 32 /Y 3 (3) where Y 1 , Y 2 , and Y 3 are the elastic moduli in directions 1, 2, and 3, respectively; G 12 ,G 31 , and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 11 pdf
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 12 doc
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 13 pdf
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Vols 1 and 2) - M. Schwartz (2002) WW Part 14 docx
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21