lock unlock switch power supply and ground circuit inspection

Your PC, Inside and Out: Chassis, Power supply and Motherboard

Your PC, Inside and Out: Chassis, Power supply and Motherboard

... the more efficient the power supply is the less AC power it requires to provide sufficient DC power, meaning lower overall power consumption from the mains and a smaller power bill The earth will ... Modular and Non-Modular (which is more common) They’re very similar and have the same connectors, but with one major difference Read on to find out more! Standard Power Supplies The standard power supply ... can see, a power supply is most efficient at around 50% load; that is to say, this power supply is at its most efficient when providing 275W of power to components The vast majority of power supplies...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 20:35

94 462 0
Tài liệu tiếng anh Điện tử công suất mạch MERS Power supply for pulsed magnets with magnetic energy recovery current switch

Tài liệu tiếng anh Điện tử công suất mạch MERS Power supply for pulsed magnets with magnetic energy recovery current switch

... recovery switch achieves zero voltage switching and zero current switching so that the switching loss is reduced In order to confirm this, switching loss of a magnetic recovery switch and hard switching ... TURN-ON AND TURN-OFF SWITCHING LOSSES III HIGH REPETITION PULSED POWER SUPPLY A Pulsed Current in High Repetition This switch can be applied to a power supply which supplies high-speed and high-repetition ... element in this switch Switching frequency is kHz The rise time of current is delayed compared with hard switching which does not use a switch, because the series circuit The switch circuit becomes...

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 16:11

4 620 1
Tài liệu The Computer Case and Power Supply pptx

Tài liệu The Computer Case and Power Supply pptx

... the switch is set to 115 volts Adhere to the local power requirements when selecting the voltage for the power supply Step Power supplies are rated by wattage, which is usually between 250 and ... What is the power supply rating for the case? _ Step Attach the motherboard standoffs to the case Standoffs are small pegs made of a nonconductive material that helps avoid short circuits by ... mini DIN _ USB (Make sure it matches the connector on the Motherboard) Power Supply AT ATX _ Other _ Power Supply Wattage _ Step Examine the screws that will be used for the case...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

4 373 0
A digitally controlled switch mode power supply based on matrix converter

A digitally controlled switch mode power supply based on matrix converter

... al.: DIGITALLY CONTROLLED SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLY Fig Conventional telecommunication switch mode power supply [1] Fig 125 Proposed digitally controlled switch mode power supply based on matrix ... drives, power quality, and clean power utility interface issues His primary research interests are advance converters for power supplies and motor drives; power quality issues and active power ... 1997 [3] R Redl and A S Kislovski, “Telecom power supplies and power quality,” Proc INTELEC’95, pp 13–21, Nov 1995 [4] P Enjeti and S Kim, “A new dc-side active filter for inverter power supplies...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 00:55

7 395 1
TÀI LIỆU HAY VỀ TÍNH TOÁN PHÂN TÍCH HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN (Power system analysis short circuit load flow and harmonics)

TÀI LIỆU HAY VỀ TÍNH TOÁN PHÂN TÍCH HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN (Power system analysis short circuit load flow and harmonics)

... Motor and Generators Short -Circuit Current of a Rectifier Short -Circuit of a Charged Capacitor Total Short -Circuit Current DC Circuit Breakers Load Flow Over Power Transmission Lines 10.1 Power ... of the power system is isolated We will confine our discussions to the calculations of short -circuit currents, and the basis of short -circuit ratings of switching devices, i.e., power circuit ... of short -circuit duties on switching devices, i.e., high-, medium- and low-voltage circuit breakers and fuses Calculation of short -circuit currents required for protective relaying and coordination...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2014, 12:41

844 6,4K 5
Switch mode power supply (SMPS) topologies 1

Switch mode power supply (SMPS) topologies 1

... primary and what is the maximum duty cycle? Factor (a) determines whether the power supply topology should be buck, boost or buck-boost type Factors (b) and (c) determine whether or not the power supply ... converter is called a two -switch forward converter The basic schematic and switching waveforms of the two -switch forward converter are shown in Figure The switches Q1 and Q2 are controlled by ... to VIN, and the maximum blocking voltage across the switch is VIN When the magnetizing current reaches zero, diodes D1 and D2 become reverse-biased and remain zero for the rest of the switching...

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2015, 15:33

48 381 3
Switch mode power supply (SMPS) topologies 2

Switch mode power supply (SMPS) topologies 2

... of circuit components Both switches, Q1 and Q2, are simultaneously driven by a square wave signal with a duty cycle less than 0.5, as shown in Figure 26 FIGURE 26: SIGNAL DRIVING SWITCHES Q1 AND ... implemented, a short circuit exists and the switches will be destroyed by the very high current flowing through the path from VDC to ground Initially, CB is replaced with a short circuit Design Equations ... shows the voltage on each switch Design Equations and Component Selection INPUT/OUTPUT RELATIONSHIP AND DUTY CYCLE EQUATION 169: V Q = V DC Output Circuit Behavior When both switches are off, since...

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2015, 15:33

108 497 2
On the road towards robust and ultra low energy CMOS digital circuits using sub near threshold power supply

On the road towards robust and ultra low energy CMOS digital circuits using sub near threshold power supply

... Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) low power packaging 1.1 Voltage Scaling for Low -Power Digital Circuits namic power, the leakage power and the short -circuit power The dynamic power results from charging and discharging ... body biasing) sleep and power down modes Circuit level power gating, clock gating logic sizing and logic re-structuring adiabatic logic circuits low power SRAM, DRAM, etc power- ecient DC-DC ... such as latch and register into non-ratioed logic SubJPEG, an ultra low-energy multi-standard JPEG encoder co-processor with a sub/near threshold power supply has been designed and implemented...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:01

158 327 0
Xe ô tô BMW X5 E70 SM 03a_E70 Voltage Supply and Bus

Xe ô tô BMW X5 E70 SM 03a_E70 Voltage Supply and Bus

... FlexRay - a standard in the automotive industry The FlexRay bus system is an industrial standard and is therefore supported and further developed by many manufacturers 37 E70 Voltage Supply and Bus ... “Vertical Dynamics Systems” 38 E70 Voltage Supply and Bus Systems NOTES PAGE 39 E70 Voltage Supply and Bus Systems System Overview 40 E70 Voltage Supply and Bus Systems Legend for System Overview ... behavior of the voltage curve in response to unlocking and starting the vehicle Phase 1: Driver unlocks the car, the CAS control unit activates the K-CAN and the PT-CAN, the voltage level in the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2012, 13:48

53 639 6
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

... máy tính Bước Một lý cho việc PSU không hoạt động bạn chưa cắm đầu power switch Đầu power switch, thường đóng dấu PW PW_ON hay POWER SW, từ phía trước thùng máy đến mainboard Tuy nhiên, trường ... dễ bị bung ra) Vị trí cắm power switch in mainboard, bạn tham khảo tài liệu kèm với mainboard không tìm thấy chân cắm Bước Bạn khởi động cách chập hai chân nút power switch mainboard tua-vít, ... thử tắt máy khởi động lại Nếu máy khởi động lần thử thứ hai thứ ba tín hiệu Power_ OK (hoặc Power_ Good) Khi có tín hiệu Power_ OK, mainboard hiểu PSU ổn định, không mainboard không khởi động để tự...

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2013, 11:36

52 1,1K 5
Children’s Health Deficits due to Diarrhoea: Effects of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Slums with Different Water Logging Conditions

Children’s Health Deficits due to Diarrhoea: Effects of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Slums with Different Water Logging Conditions

... Short-term and Heavy rainy, SDG: Short-term and Drainage, LSD: Long-term and Stagnant, LHT: Long-term and Heavy rainy, LMK: Long-term and Monsoon flood, PDL: Persistent and Drainage, PHS: Persistent and ... water supply and (c) sanitation systems and attitudes for (d) water treatment at home, (e) children’s defecation habits and (f) hygiene practices Note: Communities code name, SRM: Short-term and ... LHT LMK PDL PHS PSM NCD Hand washing with soap before eating Hand washing without soap before eating No hand washing before eating Hand washing after defecation with soap Hand washing after defecation...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

15 703 0
Electronics - Digital Control of Switching Power Supply

Electronics - Digital Control of Switching Power Supply

... and the input power factor (PF) and total harmonic distortion (THD) are poor IEC 1000-3 and IEEE 519 standards specify link as harmonic compliance and THD To comply with the corresponding standards ... controller can guarantee higher bandwidth and higher switching frequency for ac/dc power supply References [1] Jigna Patel, "The Hottest Markets for External Power Supplies Now ans a Look at ... Merchant Markets and Applications for Internal AC/DC Switching Power Supplies and DC/DC Converters", APEC’00, pp 59-63, 2000 [3] P C Todd, “UC3854 Controlled Power Factor Correction Circuit Design,”...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 16:15

11 535 1
SIEMENS SIMATIC power controller and 3 phase stepping motors

SIEMENS SIMATIC power controller and 3 phase stepping motors

... 01.97 The FM-STEPDRIVE power controller has interfaces, switches and indicating elements arranged on the front panel as shown in figure 2-1 The interfaces and parameter switches are visible when ... reduction (to 60 % at motor standstill) LED status indicators To indicate readiness and any malfunctions (short -circuit between motor phases, supply overvoltage/undervoltage, power controller overtemperature) ... time > 10 ms at motor standstill Maximum power loss Intermediate circuit connection 80 W Intermediate circuit voltage 160 V to 485 V DC Open-close cycle (during operation and after fault rectification)...

Ngày tải lên: 21/11/2013, 13:45

62 646 0
Tài liệu Power Supply Block Diagram ppt

Tài liệu Power Supply Block Diagram ppt

... LM317 Regulator Circuits Circuit with pass transistor and current limiting H Chan; Mohawk College Circuit to give 0V output voltage 36 Block Diagram of Switch- Mode Regulator Switch- It converts ... Regulator Circuits (a) Circuit with capacitors to i t improve performance f H Chan; Mohawk College (b) Circuit with protective diodes di d 34 Notes on Basic LM317 Circuits The function of C1 and C2 ... essential circuit elements are: a zener h i l i i l reference, a pass or shunt transistor, a sensing circuit, and an error/amplifier circuit Equation indicates that Vo depends on R2, R3, and VZ...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 23:15

53 403 1
Single phase uninterruptible power supply based on z source inverter

Single phase uninterruptible power supply based on z source inverter

... –S4 ), and a filter (Ls and Cs ) Table I shows a total of nine switching states and their vector representations, where the switching function Sx (x = 1, 2, 3, or 4) is defined as when switch Sx ... degree in power systems and the Ph.D degree in power electronics from Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China, in 2001 and 2006, respectively He is currently with Hefei Sungrow Power Supply ... “Modeling, simulation and analysis of an uninterruptible power supply, ” in Proc 20th Int Conf Ind Electron., Control Instrum., Sep 5–9, 1994, vol 1, pp 485–490 [25] A Moriyama, I Ando, and I Takahashi,...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:12

8 428 1

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