locating the parents of any part elements

Anti-Supernatural Assault Team- Book 1- The Seal of Solomon- Part 1

Anti-Supernatural Assault Team- Book 1- The Seal of Solomon- Part 1

... Arthur West They consist of best people, Arthur could find Their main aim is to find pieces of the Seal of Solomon, so they can stop the demon that is responsible for the end of the world in ... world in 2012 Book tells the story of five pieces of the Seal of Solomon Book 1- Part 1- The Beginning of an End October 1, 2012 81 days remaining Another plane landed on the San Francisco’s airport ... day, there were lots of people everywhere rushing to their gates or trying to get accustomed to the new time zone Some of them had just come to the city, while the others were waiting to either...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 16:13

18 484 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Practical Solution to the Problem of Automatic Part-of-Speech Induction from Text" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Practical Solution to the Problem of Automatic Part-of-Speech Induction from Text" pdf

... each word from the centroid of its closest cluster, and to assign the differential vector to the most appropriate other cluster This process can be repeated until the length of the differential ... alternatively, the agreement with any of the centroids becomes too low This way an ambiguous word is assigned to several parts of speech, starting from the most common and proceeding to the least ... the results of the vector comparisons Fortunately, the problem of data sparseness can be minimized by reducing the dimensionality of the matrix An appropriate algebraic method that has the capability...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

4 433 0


... under the RSX operating system The body of the "construct" clause consists of three "goals" corresponding to the three slots of the DEPLOY template shown in Table These three goals are themse]ves ... which the user can easily and quickly extend This allowed the rapid development of the ATN language and control scheme, as well as the support scheme for the execution of the ERL algorithms These ... description of objects, description of events, and description of text-leve] relations The use of FORTHand the Prolog formalism allowed f a i r ly easy development of the system even without the powerful...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20

4 391 0
steinmetz cp  on the law of hysteresis part 1

steinmetz cp on the law of hysteresis part 1

... taken off By varying the E M F suipplied to the motor, the E ir F of the alternating current was varied, while a variation of the motor field gave the variations of the frequency The curve of E ... the secondaries of a bank of converters, feeding fronm the fine wire coils of these converters the fine wire coils of another bank of converters, and taking current off from the secondaries of ... whether it was a wrong reading of any one of the instruments or a mistake in the calculation Then from the other values of B and H, under the supposition that were proportional to any power x of...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:42

64 756 0
steinmetz cp  on the law of hysteresis part 2

steinmetz cp on the law of hysteresis part 2

... very large and the energy consumed by the electric resistance becomles a great or eveni the greater part of the whole expenditure of energy At the samie time, the temperature of the magnetizing ... connectioni the voltmeter directly measures the E M F induced by the fluctuation of the inagnetism, that is, measures these fluctuationis, while the wattmeter measures the time integral of the product of ... battery sent through the movable coil, the armnature of the Westinghouse dynamo and the rheostat Then the Westinghouse dynamo was started, and it was found that the deflection of the electro-dynamometer...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:42

140 419 0
steinmetz cp  on the law of hysteresis part 3

steinmetz cp on the law of hysteresis part 3

... like the present machine, eveni the largest part of the total loss of ener,gy in the machine With regard to the numnerical values of the coefficient of hysteresis, the observations up to the time ... the 4th power of the E F -E, to the 6th power of the frequency, -Y, and opf the cross-seetion of the magnetic cirauit, 5, and to the 1.6th power of the number of turns, n." Hence, the equivalent ... and to the length of the magnetic circuit 1, inverse proportional to the 4th power of the E F., L to the 6th power of frequeney N and of cross-section of the magnetie circuit S, and to the 1.6th...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:42

47 532 0
Cartoon Eyes are the Soul of any Character. pdf

Cartoon Eyes are the Soul of any Character. pdf

... much of that comes in the eyes and how much comes from the other parts of the face like the mouth Notice how a smile can turn into all different kinds of emotions by adjusting the eyes I think you ... are the most important part of any character because that's where the most emotion is the portrayed Get in front of a mirror and use your own different facial expressions and see how much of that ... if you get them wrong your characters can come off looking flat and emotionless The eyes are one of the places you can have the most freedom with Take a look at the comics section of your local...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 20:20

3 238 0