finding and using negotiation po
... CHAPTER SEVEN Finding and Using Negotiation Power Why Is Power Important to Negotiators? Seeking power in negotiation ... Personality and Individual Differences • Personal orientation • Cognitive orientation – Ideologies about power • Motivational orientation – Specific motives to use power • Disposition and skills ... an organization: • Legitimate power which is grounded in the title, duties, and responsibilities of a job description and “level” within an organization hierarchy • Power based on the control of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 00:28
... of Kant and Fichte? And in what way might literature, as Schlegel implies, complement the work of philosophy? To grasp this is to understand why literature and philosophy co-operated and competed ... Kant, Fichte and Schelling, and its literary counterparts, the classicism and Romanticism of Goethe, Schiller, Schlegel, Hardenberg-Novalis and others At the end of that dialogue stands the system ... excess The new belief in the cognitive and performative power of art and literature led to an explosion of creativity in aesthetic theory and experimental literature The authoritative tone of Athenaeums-Fragment...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20
... Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations for (i=1;i
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Finding and Fixing Run-Time Bugs pptx
... application is manipulating variable and property values correctly under various circumstances Setting and Using Breakpoints Watching and changing property and variable values are only part of ... Display list causes the Properties and Variable tabs to reflect that movie's current properties and variables Properties tab Clicking this tab displays the names and current property values of the ... button Clicking this button displays a menu of commands pertaining to the Debugger The menu also contains commands for controlling playback and view quality of the movie being debugged Because...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 22:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 2 docx
... (outside North America) a x2 x3 b x1 d c f e 351 9.1 Bracketing and Bisection 352 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations #include #define FACTOR 1.6 #define ... float *x2) Given a function func and an initial guessed range x1 to x2, the routine expands the range geometrically until a root is bracketed by the returned values x1 and x2 (in which case zbrac ... subdivide the interval into n equally spaced segments, and search for zero crossings of the function nb is input as the maximum number of roots sought, and is reset to the number of bracketing pairs...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 3 pptx
... Method, False Position Method, and Ridders’ Method f(x) 356 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations f (x) Figure 9.2.3 Example where both the secant and false position methods will ... both reliability and speed, Ridders’ method is generally competitive with the more highly developed and better established (but more complicated) method of Van Wijngaarden, Dekker, and Brent, which ... REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING: Ralston, A., and Rabinowitz, P 1978, A First Course in Numerical Analysis, 2nd ed (New York: McGraw-Hill), §8.3 Ostrowski, A.M 1966, Solutions of Equations and Systems...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 4 doc
... problem by maintaining brackets on the root and checking where the interpolation would land before carrying out the division When the correction P/Q would not land within the bounds, or when the bounds ... 360 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations x= [y − f(a)][y − f(b)]c [y − f(b)][y − f(c)]a + [f(c) − f(a)][f(c) ... supposed to, and, if it is not, we can intersperse bisection steps so as to guarantee at least linear convergence This kind of super-strategy requires attention to bookkeeping detail, and also careful...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 5 doc
... f(x) and its first derivative f (x) at the point x The Newton-Raphson formula can also be applied using a numerical difference to approximate the true local derivative, 366 Chapter Root Finding and ... (outside North America) 363 9.4 Newton-Raphson Method Using Derivative f(x) 364 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations f(x) Figure 9.4.3 Unfortunate case where Newton’s method enters ... function value as fn and the derivative as df We have included input bounds on the root simply to be consistent with previous root-finding routines: Newton does not adjust bounds, and works only on...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 6 docx
... (outside North America) Given B and C, R and S can be readily found, by polynomial division (§5.3) We can consider R and S to be adjustable functions of B and C, and they will be zero if the quadratic ... coefficients, i=0 and the coefficients a[0 m] The method is to construct an upper Hessenberg matrix whose eigenvalues are the desired roots, and then use the routines balanc and hqr The real and imaginary ... 370 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations f (x) f (x) (a) x (b) Figure 9.5.1 (a) Linear, quadratic, and cubic behavior at the roots of polynomials...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 7 doc
... 380 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations no root here! two roots here f pos g pos M f=0 g pos g= g neg ... let x denote the entire vector of values xi and F denote the entire vector of functions Fi In the neighborhood of x, each of the functions Fi can be expanded Sample page from NUMERICAL RECIPES ... equation (9.6.3) is F(x + δx) = F(x) + J · δx + O(δx2 ) (9.6.5) By neglecting terms of order δx2 and higher and by setting F(x + δx) = 0, we obtain a set of linear equations for the corrections δx that...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 8 ppt
... 384 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations Line Searches and Backtracking When we are not close enough to the minimum of f , taking ... (*func)(float [])) Given an n-dimensional point xold[1 n], the value of the function and gradient there, fold and g[1 n], and a direction p[1 n], finds a new point x[1 n] along the direction p from xold ... Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations for (den=0.0,i=1;i
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Cyber Forensics—A Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Evidence of Computer Crimes ppt
... Obtaining Electronic Evidence .118 Recognizing and Meeting Title III Concerns in Computer Investigations .123 Computer Records and the Federal Rules of Evidence .131 Proposed Standards for the ... of Digital Evidence .134 Recovering and Examining Computer Forensic Evidence 140 International Principles for Computer Evidence 141 Chapter 9: Computer Crime Policy and Programs ... Management and Profiling 338 Chapter 8: Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence .338 v Table of Contents List of Exhibits Chapter 9: Computer Crime Policy and Programs...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Interaction of decorin with CNBr peptides from collagens I and II Evidence for multiple binding sites and essential lysyl residues in collagen pot
... decorins and decorin cores, respectively Left lane: standard protein markers and their molecular masses (in kDa) The core protein is present as two bands with apparent molecular masses of 47 and 42 ... type I collagen molecules, and the presence of keratan sulfate PGs at the a and c bands in the overlap zone [23,24] A study using isolated type I procollagen molecules and decorin extracted from ... tendon decorin (lanes and 2) and recombinant decorin (lanes 3–4) we have used in this work, both before (lanes 1,3) and after (lanes 2,4) chondroitinase ABC digestion About 10 lg and lg were analyzed...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:20
... insignificant (Berger, Humphrey, and Pulley 1995) IOThese findings primarily reflect the results of Berger, Hancock, and Humphrey (1993) and DeYoung and None (1995) Akhavein, Swamy, and Taubman (1994) also ... inefficiencies Berger, Cummins, and Weiss (1995) and Humphrey and Pulley (1995) used both the standard profit finction (which takes output prices as given) and a nonstandard profit function (which ... efficiency rank improvements Columns and of Table show the same pre- and post-merger efficiency and profitability ranks and changes in rank for merging banks with in lowest and highest thirds, respectively,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21
Báo cáo khoa học: Interaction between catalytically inactive calpain and calpastatin Evidence for its occurrence in stimulated cells docx
... sheet and detected by a specific mAb that recognizes the DI-DII polypeptide in both native calpain and the fragment that accumulates during trypsin digestion [14,24] (Fig 1A) In Fig 1B we provide evidence ... B), where [B] is the bound ligand concentration, [F] is the free ligand concentration, Bmax is the maximum ligand amount, and k is the affinity constant light signal (7–8-fold) than when calpain ... After saturation, mAb 56.3 was added and the binding of the mAb to calpain was measured as described in Experimental procedures and the legend to Fig 1B and expressed as arbitrary units Alternatively,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and functional evidence for a singular repertoire of BMP receptor signal transducing proteins in the lophotrochozoan Crassostrea gigas suggests a shared ancestral BMP/activin pathway docx
... and functional BMP ⁄ activin pathway in lophotrochozoans, for which a singular and promiscuous type II receptor would be the shared interface for both BMP and activin ligands Results Type I and ... bold and underlined, and the cysteine knot is boxed The second extracellular domain (C2) also contained 10 cysteines and these are also shown in bold and the cysteine knot is boxed The C1 and ... already defined by the ligands and suggests a concerted evolution between ligands and receptors [23] According to the phylogenetic tree shown in Fig 2B, type (I or II) and subtype (TGF-b s.s.,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Towards Finding and Fixing Fragments: Using ML to Identify Non-Sentential Utterances and their Antecedents in Multi-Party Dialogue" ppt
... have used to represent the utterances (In this table, and in this section, we denote the candidate for being a fragment with β and the candidate for being β’s antecedent with α.) We have defined ... were as follows: for the fragmenttask, we used bvb and lbe as baseline, i.e we let the classifier know the length of the candidate and whether the candidate contains a verb or not For the antecedent-task ... computed as follows: for each pair (x, y) of nouns from α and β, Google is called (via the Google API) with a query for x, for y, and for x and y together The similarity then is the average ratio...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22
Finding and Fixing Vulnerabilities in Information Systems docx
... and robustness; techniques that improve intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and self-awareness; techniques for counterintelligence and denial of ISR and target acquisition; and ... input/output [I/O], clients, and servers), networks and communications between and within nodes, and physical locations at various levels within the system’s architecture Finding and Fixing Vulnerabilities ... Eight NEXT STEPS AND DISCUSSION Future Challenges and Opportunities Guiding the Evaluation of Critical Functions and Systems Additional Guidance and Automation: Spreadsheet and Web-Based...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20
Structural investigation of silicon nanowires using GIXD and GISAXS evidence of complex saw tooth faceting
... by facets and the scattering vector ~ normal to these facets is located by angles q aR and u The axis x and z correspond to the plane of the CCD camera (respectively the horizontal and the wires ... to the CCD plane u ¼ 0 , so ~xy q and ~ are in the CCD plane and no correction is needed q ~ ðaR ¼ aM Þ But if u 6¼ 0 ; qxy and ~ are out of the CCD plane and a q correction is needed as tanðaR ... sidewall morphology and Ross et al [5] with saw-tooth faceting They interpret this faceting term of both the role of the geometry and surface energy of the wire and the liquid droplet, and report that...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:37
Bank Funding Structures and Risk: Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis pptx
... al., 2010), and were less likely to fail (Bologna, 2011) A related strand of literature has focused on the role of capital in the capacity of banks to withstand financial crises The evidence indicates ... between their ex-ante risk taking and their capital and liquidity ratios, and a weak connection whatsoever between these and their probabilities of failure Evidence on the contrary would indicate ... stronger structural liquidity and capital buffers on the likelihood of bank failure are not large On the other hand, there is evidence of substantial threshold effects, and the benefits of stronger...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20