list of mobile application companies in india

List of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council ppt

List of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council ppt

... Jacques Maritain FAO Institute of Air Transport ICAO Institute of Higher Management UNIDO Institute of International Law ICAO Institute of Marine Engineers IMO International Academy of Aviation ... Medicine ICAO International Academy of Engineering UNIDO International Academy of Pathology WHO International Academy of Technological Sciences UNIDO International Aeronautical Federation ICAO International ... Association of Oil Gas Producers IMO International Association of Producers of Insurance and Reinsurance IMO International Association of Seed Crushers FAO International Association of Students in Economics

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

104 611 0
Evidence on Interest Rate Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission in India ppt

Evidence on Interest Rate Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission in India ppt

... Operating Framework in India In India, as in most countries, monetary policy framework has evolved in response to and in consequence of financial developments, openness and shifts in the underlying ... evidence, in the international context as well as in India. In section 3, we briefly capture the evolution of monetary policy operating framework in India. In section 4, we discuss the development of ... evolution of monetary policy framework in India can be seen in phases. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was established in 1935. Since the formative years during 1935–1950, the focus of monetary

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 13:20

52 644 1
the significance and performance of listed property companies in vietnam

the significance and performance of listed property companies in vietnam

... drivers in attracting foreign investors to Vietnam Multi national companies are withdrawing part of their investments from China and diversifying into neighbouring countries including ... from both local and international operating/investing in Vietnam with in excess of 20 focusing on property investment. Active investors include those from Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, ... Drivers for growth include the increasing role of the private sector with the declining in manufacturing activity assumed by the state sector from 52 percent in 1995 to 25 percent in 2008. It is

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 21:09

25 467 0
improving organizing controls to enhance financial accounting information quality of the listed companies in the vietnam stock exchange

improving organizing controls to enhance financial accounting information quality of the listed companies in the vietnam stock exchange

... representing 266 non-financial of LCs in HOSE under the List of subsectors in 2012) including: Descriptive analyzing of standardization of FAI, the impact of OIC and ONC to FAIQ of non financial LCs in ... timeliness 4.3.2 Organizing internal control of financial accounting information quality of non-financial listed companies in the Vietnam stock exchange Based on collected data of OIC of non - financial ... accounting information of listed companies in the Vietnam stock exchange By examining the FS of LCs in HOSE in the period of 2008 - 2012, the author finds that FAI diclosured is only at the minimum

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 20:07

24 436 0
factors affecting the use of mobile banking services in hanoi, vietnam

factors affecting the use of mobile banking services in hanoi, vietnam

... Shinhan) 2.2 Mobile Banking Services The rapid growing of mobile service in Asia has created opportunities for new and innovative mobile services The most promising is Mobile finance service including ... factors affecting the use of mobile banking services by consumers in Hanoi; - Analyze the level level of influence of the different factors to the use of mobile banking services in Hanoi; and ... use of mobile banking services; - Determine the differences in the purpose of the use of mobile banking services by customers in Hanoi by gender, age, education, occupation and income; - Determine

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2014, 22:08

23 928 4
Representing asian ness through contemporary dance  case studies of five dance companies in singapore

Representing asian ness through contemporary dance case studies of five dance companies in singapore

... well as teaching and choreography projects in both Singapore and Malaysia. 239 In 2005, after deliberating on the pros and cons of remaining as a nonprofit organization or working as independent ... support in the research and writing of my thesis. I am indebt to the contemporary dance companies and dance artists based in Singapore at the time of my research. It is because of these individuals ... expressions of the Asian identity utilizing and interpreting one or more of the following approaches: interculturalism, multidisiciplinarism and body-centeredness In the concluding chapter,

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2015, 21:31

253 460 0
The impact of mobile application piracy on legitimate sales

The impact of mobile application piracy on legitimate sales

... Accordingly, the main focus of mobile phones has shifted from calling and text messaging to mobile applications. Mobile application is a rapidly developing part of the global mobile market. Mobile application ... benefits the sales of high rating applications but harm low rating ones, showing that word of mouth effect plays important role in promoting decent applications. By interacting pirating download number ... emerging mobile applications. Prior studies have generally concluded that piracy plays important role in the sales declining of creative products. However, the influence of piracy in mobile application

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:55

60 271 0
Consumer behaviors and the Marketing-mix strategy of mobile telecommunications enteprises in Vietnam

Consumer behaviors and the Marketing-mix strategy of mobile telecommunications enteprises in Vietnam

... mix of Vietnamese mobile enterprises The objects of research include mobile service consumers in Vietnam and mobile enterprises which have operated in Vietnam since 2008 (including Mobifone, Vinaphone, ... SYNTHESIS OF DATA ON THE MARKETING MIX OF THE VIETNAMESE MOBILE ENTERPRISES IN THE PERIOD OF 2008–2013 4.2 Analysis of the marketing mix of the Vietnamese mobile enterprises in the period of 2008–2013 ... sections of VNPT in five big cities and provinces (Hanoi, Hue, Ho Chi Minh City, Ninh Binh, and Binh Duong) and administers the investigation to 860 households in these places Analysis of external

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2016, 23:40

12 244 0
Determinants of capital structure of listed construction companies in vietnam”

Determinants of capital structure of listed construction companies in vietnam”

... Determinants of corporate borrowing Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 5, pp 147– 176 Myers S.C and Majluf N (1984) Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors ... Al-Tally, H.A (2014) An Investigation of the Effects of Financial Leverage on Firm Performance in Saudi Arabia’s Public Listed Companies Doctoral Thesis, Victoria Graduate School of Business, Australia ... THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN VIETNAM 28 2.1 Overview of the Construction Industry in Vietnam 28 2.2 Determinants of Capital Structure of the Construction Enterprises in Vietnam

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2016, 15:57

78 602 0
Determinants of capital structure of listed construction companies in vietnam

Determinants of capital structure of listed construction companies in vietnam

... Determinants of corporate borrowing Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 5, pp 147– 176 Myers S.C and Majluf N (1984) Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors ... The research paper of Zarariah S et al (2011) was conducted to find the impacts of determinants on capital structure of 43 listed Malaysian construction companies in the period of years from 2001 ... to assess the impacts of determinants of capital structure on leverage ratio of construction industry in Vietnam The assets and investments of these companies in the sector are especially large

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2016, 17:22

75 315 0
Effects of negative and positive switching barriers to customer satisfaction and customer retention a study of mobile service users in vietnam

Effects of negative and positive switching barriers to customer satisfaction and customer retention a study of mobile service users in vietnam

... RETENTION A STUDY OF MOBILE SERVICE USERS IN VIETNAM MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION THESIS Ho Chi Minh City – 2011 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HOCHIMINH CITY -oOo ... likely to try maintaining their market share by focusing on retaining current customers It’s also obvious that when competition and the costs of acquiring new customers increase, companies will ... of a particular operator, their long-term links with the focal operator are of greater importance to the success of the company By having this in mind, customer retention is critical in the mobile

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2017, 21:14

97 411 0
The factors affecting customer satisfation and loyalty of mobile telecommucation service in ho chi minh city

The factors affecting customer satisfation and loyalty of mobile telecommucation service in ho chi minh city

... TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE IN HO CHI MINH CITY MASTER OF BUSINESSADMINISTRATION THESIS Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business ... AFFECTING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY OF MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE IN HO CHI MINH CITY ID: 22110005 MASTER OF BUSINESSADMINISTRATION THESIS SUPERVISOR: DR TRAN HA MINH QUAN Ho Chi Minh ... motivations for maintaining relationships with service providers Journal of Retailing, 73(1), 15–37 Colgate, M., & Lang, B (2001) Switching barriers in consumer markets: An investigation of the financial

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2017, 21:23

77 437 1
Determinants of Dividend Payout Policy A Case of Nonfinancial Listed Companies in Vietnam

Determinants of Dividend Payout Policy A Case of Nonfinancial Listed Companies in Vietnam

... for the company in reinvesting, expanding scale, and approaching a larger project for the development of business networks However, maintaining a major proportion of retained earnings also makes ... policy, including: the profitability of the business, the financial leverage, the number of operating years, and the internal holding rate of managers [1] Al-Twaijry (2007) studied Malaysian emerging ... consider increasing or decreasing dividends during a long term period of unsustainable growth (decline) to avoid unexpected fluctuations in dividends, thereby maintaining and achieving a rate

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2017, 21:10

11 124 0
Financial access of the urban poor in india a story of exclusion (springerbriefs in economics)

Financial access of the urban poor in india a story of exclusion (springerbriefs in economics)

... (continued) 7  Understanding the Nature of Financial Exclusion … 90 Table A7.2  (continued) Category Type of business Daily profit range Total family income Age Type of shelter Financial inclusion ... Chair Professor at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, India Having obtained her Ph.D from the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, Prof Meenakshi has wide ranging publications ... District Income in India? ?? was published by Macmillan She has served as visiting faculty in a number of universities in Europe and the USA Her areas of interest include issues related to banking and credit,

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 09:52

105 52 0
Master Thesis in Economics: Analyzing the Commercialization of Micro Financing Business in India

Master Thesis in Economics: Analyzing the Commercialization of Micro Financing Business in India

... opportunities of commercialization of micro financing institutions: 28 2.7.2 Setbacks of commercialization of micro financing institutions: 30 2.8 Present scenario of micro financing institutions in India: ... Participants’ opinion regarding the reorganization of microfinance in India 51 Figure 17: Participants’ Opinion regarding the commercialization of microfinance in 53 India Figure 18: Participants’ opinion ... commercialization of microfinance in 52 India Table 13: Participants’ opinion regarding the impact of political instability on 54 microfinance List of figure Figure 1: Structure of the Study 12

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 17:43

87 14 0
the relationship between corporate social responsibility implementation and the development of five selected companies in hanoi

the relationship between corporate social responsibility implementation and the development of five selected companies in hanoi

... Thi Vai river); food poisoning (case of Melamine infected in infant milk); and other cheating in selling products to customers (the fraud in selling fuel) After suffering these cases, society requires ... Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business” concept of TBL was coined In TBL concept, theorist mentions three bottom lines, which are economic line, social line and environmental line Figure 2.2 ... during answer the questionnaire, they can be in university, at home, in office But first of all, a sampling of questionnaire will be tested in small group 3.7 Sampling The questionnaire is going...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

67 845 0
sams teach yourself html5 mobile application development in 24 hours (2012)

sams teach yourself html5 mobile application development in 24 hours (2012)

... HOUR 20: Offline Web Applications 341 Building Offline Apps and Converting Apps to Work Offline 341 The Cache Manifest Using DOM Events and Properties for Offline Apps ... Building a Mobile Web Application Building a Site that Works on All Devices 85 Deciding on What Type of Application You Want Building the Application in HTML 85 86 89 Using CSS ... Kyrnin Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development 24 Hours in 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46240 USA Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:01

492 777 0
Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours pot

Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours pot

... HOUR 20: Offline Web Applications 341 Building Offline Apps and Converting Apps to Work Offline 341 The Cache Manifest Using DOM Events and Properties for Offline Apps ... Building a Mobile Web Application Building a Site that Works on All Devices 85 Deciding on What Type of Application You Want Building the Application in HTML 85 86 89 Using CSS ... Jennifer Kyrnin Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development 24 Hours in 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46240 USA Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

492 1,2K 1


... AWDH, Bin Laden, Osama, Mohamed (3) BIN LADEN, Usama (4) BIN LADIN, Osama (5) BIN LADIN, Osama, bin Muhammad, bin Awad (6) BIN LADIN, Shaykh, Usama (7) BIN LADIN, Usama (8) BIN LADIN, Usama, bin ... moving recruits to Al-Qaida training camps in South Asia In Jan 2008, convicted in absentia by the Bahraini High Criminal Court for financing terrorism, undergoing terrorist training, facilitating ... CONSOLIDATED LIST OF FINANCIAL SANCTIONS TARGETS IN THE UK Page 12 of 76 Koumkal, Kumkal, Merlin and Tinet In custody in France as of May 2004 Sentenced to 25 years imprisonment in France in 2007 Listed...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

76 1,4K 0


... Export Spillovers: An Analysis of Indian Manufacturing Industries Chiara Franco and Subash Sasidharan * Working Paper 50/2010 Reforming Indirect Taxes in India: Role of Environmental Taxes D K Srivastava ... version of the paper is as a Cambridge University Discussion paper no 43(2009) Introduction The Ganga is a major river in India, flowing east through northern India into Bangladesh Its basin covers ... Working Papers Recent Issues * Working Paper 41/2009 Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Tall and Not So Tall Women of India Brinda Viswanathan and Viney Sharma * Working Paper 42/2009 Inter-State...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20

40 473 1