liouville apos s proof of the rodrigues formula

Báo cáo toán học: "An elementary proof of the hook formula" ppt

Báo cáo toán học: "An elementary proof of the hook formula" ppt

... is to show the right side of (1) satisfies the same recursion That is, we wish to show n! (n − 1)! = s λ hλ (s) s µ hµ (s) µ→λ or, more simply, hλ (s) = n s µ hµ (s) s λ µ→λ (2) The proof will proceed ... (5) The proof of (3) is completely combinatorial, the proof of (4) uses nothing more than the fundamental theorem of algebra, and the proof of (5) is a simple geometric argument Proof of (3) The ... To see this last equality, consider first the case where Lm+j is not in the same row as Xi Note that the number of cells in the row of Xi is xi + Similarly, the number of cells strictly west of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:23

14 200 0
Đề tài " A stable trace formula III. Proof of the main theorems" pptx

Đề tài " A stable trace formula III. Proof of the main theorems" pptx

... part of the proof of Lemma 6.3 of [A2] tells us that the spectral expansion of I M εM (f )α satisfies the global multiplier estimate But the spectral expansion of I M εM (f )α is just the sum on the ... argument, the reader can consult the proof of Lemma 5.2 of [A2] and the discussion at the end of Section 10 of [AC].) The terms in the expansion therefore vanish The remaining distribution has its own ... stabilization of each of the terms in the trace formula In the second paper [II], we established a key reduction in the proof of one of the global theorems In this paper, we shall complete the proof of the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

106 348 0
Tài liệu Metropolitan Community College’s Administration of the Title IV Programs doc

Tài liệu Metropolitan Community College’s Administration of the Title IV Programs doc

... COMPASS, COMPASS English as a Second Language (ESL), ASSET, and “Combined English Language Skills Assessment” (CELSA).4 The COMPASS ESL and CELSA tests were used only for ESL students The CELSA ... under this subpart of (1) The test taken by the student; (2) The date of the test; and (3) The student 's scores as reported by the test publisher, assessment center, or State Students Ineligible ... 16 students, the assessment center manually scored the tests For five of those eight students, the assessment center did not ensure that the tests were administered by certified test administrators...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20

65 366 0


... required the USMS to ask permission each day the USMS needed to use the system Ultimately, the FBI disabled five USMS radios because it said there was too much traffic The USMS Chief Inspector for the ... status of these components' LMRs follows 19 For purposes of this audit, obsolete systems are systems that are no longer supported by the manufacturer or the manufacturer is unable to supply spare ... that they can be received by the other systems This allows the agencies to continue using their existing systems but requires twice as much spectrum because each system occupies separate channels...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20

75 381 0
Tài liệu Commodore Barney''''s Young Spies A Boy''''s Story of the Burning of the City of Washington docx

Tài liệu Commodore Barney''''s Young Spies A Boy''''s Story of the Burning of the City of Washington docx

... instant the canoe glided into the obscurity of the shadows cast by the overhanging trees With the disappearance of Darius there came upon me the full sense of my responsibility, for I was the ... Yankees, an' the other is sneakin' in some corner!" There came the sound of hurried footsteps, and then the light of the lantern so far illumined the head of the stairway that I could see Darius, ... it as tough as is deserved These others are prisoners of war; but you two are traitors and spies, therefore must expect to fare according to your deserts." "That 's about the size of it, Amos,"...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 08:20

170 747 0
Đề tài " Proof of the Lov´asz conjecture " docx

Đề tài " Proof of the Lov´asz conjecture " docx

... Acknowledgments The second author acknowledges support by the University of Washington, Seattle, the Swiss National Science Foundation, and the Swedish National Research Council The idea of the proof of the ... t-tuples of d-symbols We let dim ∗ = d, dim ∞ = 0, and we set the dimension of a tuple of d-symbols as the sum of the dimensions of the constituting symbols 5.1 Cohomology groups of Z2 -quotients of ... functor from the induced subcategory of Graphs, consisting of all loopfree graphs, to Z2 -spaces (the category whose objects are Z2 -spaces and morphisms are Z2 -maps) ´ PROOF OF THE LOVASZ CONJECTURE...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

44 329 0
The Filmmaker's Book of the Dead: How to Make Your Own Heart-Racing Horror Movie

The Filmmaker's Book of the Dead: How to Make Your Own Heart-Racing Horror Movie

... Blatty s adaptation of his novel THE EXORCIST (1973) is the scariest movie made on the subject of demonic possession It has had the most psychological impact on its a ­ udience since its release ... think of ourselves as masters of our universe: we’ve landed on the Moon, split the atom, and tamed the beasts of nature Seeing ourselves as anything less than perfect or at the bottom of the food ... imprison us and frustrate our curiosity about the infinite ­ osmic spaces beyond the radius of c our sight and analysis These stories frequently emphasise the element of horror because fear is our...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:30

329 797 0
Đề tài " A proof of the Kepler conjecture " pdf

Đề tài " A proof of the Kepler conjecture " pdf

... structure of the proof Statement of theorems Basic concepts in the proof Logical skeleton of the proof Proofs of the central claims Construction of the Q-system 2.1 Description of the Q-system 2.2 ... bisector of any edge of Q, then it lies in the V -cell of the closest vertex of Q Proof The segment to any other vertex v crosses a face of the simplex Such faces are barriers so that v is obstructed ... The Q-system is a collection of simplices whose vertices are points of the packing Λ The Q-system is reminiscent of the Delaunay decomposition, in the sense of being a collection of simplices...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

122 331 0


... types: linguistic awareness, psycholinguistic awareness, discourse awareness, communicative awareness, sociolinguistic awareness and strategic awareness • Linguistic awareness where the aim is ... approach and the steps it entails are important in diminishing or preventing students’ problems in writing? On the basis of these questions, the following hypothesis is put forward: If learners are ... randomization process later on) to be given the questionnaire The aim of the learners’ questionnaire is to gauge the students’ level of awareness of the writing process and the writing techniques underlying...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20

109 614 1


... Descriptions Task Task Description Propulsion The MSL propulsion subsystem comprises two independently operated subsystems: cruise stage (CS) propulsion and the descent stage (DS) The CS propulsion subsystem ... incurring the resultant costs, NASA s Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate should reassess the sufficiency of the Project s funding based on our calculations In addition, the MSL ... Project s history of cost estimation, reassess the sufficiency of available reserves, and adjust funding accordingly Management s Response The Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20

52 391 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Functional bracing for delayed union of a femur fracture associated with Paget''''s disease of the bone in an Asian patient: a case report" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Functional bracing for delayed union of a femur fracture associated with Paget''''s disease of the bone in an Asian patient: a case report" pot

... biological osteosynthesis has gained a reputation in fracture treatment Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) techniques minimize the extent of soft tissue trauma to the injury zone, theoretically ... techniques of internal fixation This unusual case of delayed union of the femur fracture associated with Paget 's disease of the bone for which functional bracing was ultimately successful illustrates ... involving the entire femur of the fracture (Figure 5), the patient is able to walk unaided with a single T-cane Discussion Although Paget 's disease of the bone is a relatively common disease in Australia,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

4 403 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Bijective proofs of the hook formulas for the number of standard Young tableaux, ordinary and shifted" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: " Bijective proofs of the hook formulas for the number of standard Young tableaux, ordinary and shifted" pptx

... other proofs not Secondly, the same idea also works to provide a bijective proof of the hook formula for the number of shifted standard Young tableaux (and its q-analogue; see the Theorem in section ... bijective proof for the shifted hook formula has been given before On the other hand, our proofs are still not satisfactory in that they involve the involution principle The outline of the paper is as ... for the set X, the signed weight w, the subsets XL and XR , and the involutions iL and iR Of course, OL and OR should correspond to XL and XR , respectively, the latter being subsets of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

9 381 0
Báo cáo toán học: "A Short Proof of the Rook Reciprocity" pps

Báo cáo toán học: "A Short Proof of the Rook Reciprocity" pps

... cancel out of the above sum, because they are counted once for each subset of S, with alternating signs Thus what survives is the set of placements of d non-taking rooks on the extended board such ... or on the extra rows) such that no two rooks can take each other in the final configuration By inclusion-exclusion, we see that the resulting configurations in which the set S of rooks on B is nonempty ... = k=0 B First assume x is a positive integer Add x extra rows to [d] × [d] Then rk (x + d − k)d−k is the number of ways of first placing k rooks on B and then placing d − k more rooks anywhere...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

2 349 0
Báo cáo toán học: " A Purely Combinatorial Proof of the Hadwiger Debrunner (p, q) Conjectur" docx

Báo cáo toán học: " A Purely Combinatorial Proof of the Hadwiger Debrunner (p, q) Conjectur" docx

... that half the points of Q are on each of its sides Consider the |Q|2 /4 points of intersection of line segments joining points on opposite sides of H with H itself Since H has dimension d − 1, ... + sets meet, does not hold His argument is a generalization of the simple proof of Helly s Theorem in one dimension We digress to give this proof Lemma 3A Given a set of closed finite intervals ... based on Wegner s Theorem (which is essentially the contents of the two observations in the the electronic journal of combinatorics (no 2) (1997), #R1 proof of this remark), was used It does...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22

8 380 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Proof of the Alon-Tarsi Conjecture for n = 2r p" docx

Báo cáo toán học: " Proof of the Alon-Tarsi Conjecture for n = 2r p" docx

... sgn(L) for any L of order p and any g ∈ G Let R be any set of representatives of the orbits of G in FDLS(p), and let S be a set of representatives of those orbits of size not divisible by p Then ... prime The Result The approach is the same as in [2] Let Sn be the symmetric group on {0, 1, , n−1} and let In = Sn × Sn × Sn This group acts on the set LS(n) of latin squares of order n by ... G-autotopism group divisible by p is G-isotopic to N, so there is only one isotopy class in the sum (8), and its size is not divisible by p Therefore, fdels(p) − fdols(p) ≡ |NG|sgn(N) (mod p) (9) the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22

5 217 0
Báo cáo toán học: "A Proof of the Two-path Conjecture" pps

Báo cáo toán học: "A Proof of the Two-path Conjecture" pps

... C2 becomes a path from y0 to yn Neither of these paths is the original X or Y Since G has 2n edges and is the edge-disjoint union of these two paths, one of the paths has length at least n It ... assume that sThe approach above no longer works, since now the points of intersection need not occur in the same order on X and Y Suppose first that the intersection contains an endpoint of ... union of two paths of length with common endpoints In the first case, the graph has twelve paths of length 3; in the second there are six such paths The two-path conjecture arose in a problem on...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:23

3 359 0
Báo cáo toán học: "A Concise Proof of the Littlewood-Richardson Rule" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "A Concise Proof of the Littlewood-Richardson Rule" pdf

... leaving the remainder of T unchanged Since this involves changing some subset of the entries of T

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:23

4 253 0
Báo cáo toán học: "A Combinatorial Proof of the Sum of q-Cubes" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: "A Combinatorial Proof of the Sum of q-Cubes" pptx

... cubes formula In addition, as there are classical results for sums of other powers of integers, it would be natural to develop q-analogues of those theorems To the best of our knowledge, there ... maintains some of the combinatorial properties of the classical formula, one might hope for a simpler formula For this reason it may be of interest to investigate other q-analogues of the sum of cubes ... about a proof described to him by N.M Ferrers The Ferrers shape of a partition is an array of boxes, left justified, in which the number of boxes in the first row is equal to the size of the first part,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:20

6 299 1