Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 19:20
... 1 Starting Linux Command- Line Administration T o unleash the full power of Linux, as a Linux administrator you will spend most of your time typing commands on the Linux command line, the so-called ... source code of the command. /PTIONS ARE VERY SPECIFIC TO THE COMMAND YOU USE 3OME COMMANDS DONT HAVE ANY OPTIONS and other commands can have more than 50. The i]j command normally gives you a ... important and most useful features. Commands, Options, and Arguments A Linux command normally consists of three parts: the command itself, the command options, and its arguments. For instance,...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15
Accepting Command-Line Options, Switches, and Parameters
... this command uses the value of the LOGNAME variable for the echo com- mand, and sets the value of username to the value of LOGNAME. 32 CHAPTER 5 ■ ACCEPTING COMMAND- LINE OPTIONS, SWITCHES, AND ... troubleshooting so they don’t have to remember all the paths and commands. That could be especially helpful if that support staff is not very proficient with the command line. To modify the sample code for ... another switch, and perform a netstat -a with yet another. This is much like creating a set of command- line aliases to save time by reducing keystrokes for commonly used commands and utilities. Most...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51
Command-Line Editing and History
... Pressing Enter then executes the command. 100 CHAPTER 15 ■ COMMAND- LINE EDITING AND HISTORY When you enter command mode you start at the bottom of your history and press the K key to move back ... path or command, and once you’ve typed a sufficient number of characters for the path or command to be uniquely determined, pressing a special key or key sequence will com- plete the command. For ... as for bash: set -o vi Command and File Completion One additional option, available in both shells, that increases your efficiency at the com- mand line is command and file completion. With this...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51
FreeBSD and Command Line Tools
... looked at the ping and arp commands. These are available from the web interface but they are also available from the command line. To ping another machine from the command line type: freenas:~# ... useful when using the command line but they aren't quite big enough to warrant a section of their own, so I have grouped them all together here. Using ping and arp from the Command Line In chapter ... desktop OS and comes with a full windowing desktop environment. Your First FreeBSD Commands The easiest way to get to the FreeBSD command line is via the FreeNAS console menu. With FreeNAS up and running,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 01:20
imagemagick tricks web image effects from the command line and php
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:10
windows administration at the command line for windows 2003, windows xp, and windows 2000 (2006)
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 21:49
Accessing Files and Directories
... single command line. ã Many commands do not require all three parts. Some examples are: $ cal (Command only) $ cal 1987 (Command and argument) $ date (Command only) $ date -u (Command and option) $ ... (;) enables you to enter multiple commands on a single command line. The semicolon is also referred to as the command separator. Command Format command; command Using the Semicolon $ cd;ls dante ... you can type commands. Commands are instructions which tell the system to perform an action. The general format for Linux commands is: $ command [option (s)] [argument[s]] command Executable...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 09:20
Command-Line E-mail Attachments
... address with the mail com- mand; the tmpfile is then removed. ■ Tip If the uuencode and uudecode commands are not installed on your system, you can find the appro- priate installation package of the ... -z $1 ] then file=$1 CHAPTER 23 ■ COMMAND- LINE E-MAIL ATTACHMENTS 155 ■ Tip If the mimencode utility is not installed on your system, find it by installing the metamail package, which includes ... header instead of specifying the destination address manually. Finally we remove the temporary file for cleanup. 151 ■ ■ ■ CHAPTER 23 Command- Line E-mail Attachments I often send e-mail to myself...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51
Removing Large Files and Log Rolling
... 1104249096 Jun 7 21:22 really_big.log The following command is one, cp /dev/null really_big.log is another, and echo > really_big.log is yet another. All of these commands overwrite a large ... script steps through each of the locally mounted file systems and finds all core files. It determines the applications that created the core files and moves the core files to a central location for ... here is the cp -p command. cp -p $LOGFILE ${LOGFILE}.0 > $LOGFILE fi This command preserves the original file’s ownership and time stamp for the new copy. Thus the new copy maintains the...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51
Scripting from the Command Line
... (mistyped) command in your history and then edit the command sequence using vi-style command- line editing. You can also recall a previously entered miniscript for easy modification and reuse. 1. ... by using a command call within back-ticks (` `). A command string enclosed within back-ticks denotes not the given string, but the string obtained by evaluating the command string and replacing ... To read a file line- by -line where the lines contain more than a single “word,” refer to Chapter 10. 104 CHAPTER 16 ■ SCRIPTING FROM THE COMMAND LINE concurrent package installation on a large...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51
The IDE - Eclipsing the Command Line
... ECLIPSING THE COMMAND LINE 27 9810ch02.qxd 5/15/08 11:04 AM Page 27 Summary Eclipse is an increasingly popular IDE that offers many advantages over the command line. It’s free, and it has an ... the installation process by selecting Help ➤ Software Updates ➤ Find and Install. This br ings up the Install/Update window, shown in Figure 2-4. CHAPTER 2 ■ THE IDE: ECLIPSING THE COMMAND LINE ... The IDE: Eclipsing the Command Line T here are two main ways you can work with Python: through the command line or through an IDE. Both have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. I’m not...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20
SecurePlatform Pro & Advanced Routing Command Line Interface
... Features 234 Command Tokens 234 Command Line Completion 234 Moving About the Command Line 236 Context-Sensitive Help 236 History 237 Disabling/Enabling CLI Tracing 237 Aborting an Executing Command 237 Screen ... Address Commands 314 martian 315 Name 315 Syntax 315 Mode 315 Parameters 315 Description 316 Default 316 Command History 316 Examples 317 Chapter 12 Multicast Overview 320 Multicast Commands 320 clear ... 653 Command History 653 Table of Contents 27 Default 498 Command History 498 Examples 498 neighbor use-med 499 Name 499 Syntax 499 Mode 499 Parameters 499 Description 499 Default 500 Command...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 12:15