... code base to determine any incompatibilities. In- Place Upgrade An in- place upgrade allows you to install SQL Server 2008 over the top of an existing SQL Server 2000 or 2005 instance. SQL Server ... edition of SQL Server 2008 supports the installation of multiple instances on a single machine. Upgrading to SQL Server 2008 You can upgrade from SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server ... guration settings, Windows services, and other SQL Server objects. SQL Server 2008 supports the installation of up to 50 instances on SQL Server on a single machine. You can install one instance...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
BUSINESS GUIDE TO PAPER REDUCTION: A Step-by-Step Plan to Save Money by Saving Paper potx
... access to internet and intranet. (Intranet refers to an internal website/ communication system). Challenges Large initial financial and labor investment. May require training. Increased ... Examples include making forms available on the internet instead of pre-printed or providing online billing to customers. The greatest environmental gains can be reached by reducing the ... access to all of its banking centers. Over the long run they expect significant savings from reducing costs by making banking forms down-loadable instead of requiring the branches to maintain inventories...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:21
Microsoft ASP .NET Step by Step by G. Andrew Duthie
... Tracing and Debugging ASP. NET Applications Appendix A - Migrating from ASP to ASP. NET Appendix B - Additional Code Listings Index List of Sidebars Microsoft ASP. NET Step by Step ... keeping with the customizable nature of the Visual Studio .NET IDE- all toolbars may be customized by adding- removing- or rearranging buttons- moving toolbars- and showing or hiding toolbars. Note ... basics of ASP. NET at your own pace with this comprehensive, instructional resource. Table of Contents Microsoft ASP. NET Step by Step Finding Your Best Starting Point Part I - Getting...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 22:15
hướng dẫn kiếm tiền với dropshipping step by step by khuê trần
Ngày tải lên: 30/06/2014, 19:23
Tài liệu Connecting to SQL Server Using Integrated Security from ASP.NET ppt
... Connecting to SQL Server Using Integrated Security from ASP. NET Problem You want to coordinate Windows security accounts between an ASP. NET application and SQL Server. Solution Connect to SQL ... Connect to SQL Server from ASP. NET using Windows Authentication in SQL Server. Discussion Connecting to a SQL Server database provides two different authentication modes: Windows Authentication ... same domain so that their credentials are available to IIS. The following areas of the application need to be configured: ã Configure the ASP. NET application so that Integrated Windows Authentication...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15
02 write it in arabic a workbook and step-by-step guide to writing the arabic alphabet
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:40
Tài liệu LINQ to SQL Tutorial ppt
... lệnh SQL trong một bài viết khác. 2009 LINQ to SQL Tutorial From ScottGu blog Đào Hải Nam LINQ to SQL Tutorial 45 Bắt đầu từ bản Beta2 của .NET 3.5, LINQ to SQL ... giúp bạn làm quen với LINQ. Tôi sẽ tiếp tục các bài viết này để giúp bạn khám phá LINQ to SQL một cách chi tiết hơn. LINQ to SQL Tutorial 46 Một tin tốt là LINQ to SQL có một mô hình ... dùng LINQ to SQL DataContext, và tất cả các thay đổi đó sẽ được lưu vết lại. LINQ to SQL Tutorial 14 1. Tạo ra một mô hình dữ liệu LINQ to SQL Bạn có thể thêm một mô hình dữ liệu LINQ to...
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your First Business Website pdf
... Registering Your Domain Name 4. Choosing A Hosting Company 5. Transferring Your Domain Name 6. Introduction To Joomla! 7. Installing Joomla! 8. Using Joomla! 9. If It's Too Good Too Be True ... add my own content? You need to gain access to the Administrator Back-end of your website. To do this you need to type your domain name followed by /administrator. So your url will look like ... 5 Transferring your domain name How do I transfer my new Domain Name to my hosting company? I will use Hostgator as my example to explain this. Other web hosting companies may vary slightly. After buying...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 02:15
Tài liệu Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started with Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 3.0 pptx
... client-side targeting. Server-side targeting involves manually adding each computer to its group by using WSUS. Client-side targeting involves automatically adding the clients by using either Group ... computers into groups by using the method you chose in step 1. This section explains how to use server-side targeting and manually move computers to their groups by using the WSUS Administration ... you are installing runs Windows Server 2003. 7. If you do not wish to use Windows Internal Database, you must provide a SQL Server instance for WSUS to use, by clicking Using an existing database...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 00:20
Learning PHP, MySQL, and javascript a step by step guide to creating dynamic websites
... Command Line 158 Starting the Command-Line Interface 159 Using the Command-Line Interface 163 MySQL Commands 164 Data Types 168 Indexes 177 Creating an Index 178 Querying a MySQL Database 183 Joining ... 216 Using ROLLBACK 216 Using EXPLAIN 217 Backing Up and Restoring 218 Using mysqldump 219 Creating a Backup File 220 Restoring from a Backup File 222 Dumping Data in CSV Format 222 Planning Your ... setup by entering the following into your browser’s address bar: http://localhost:8888 Figure 2-9. The MAMP application in your Applications folder and after copying to your desktop Installing...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 15:00
Tài liệu LINQ to SQL Tutorial pdf
... hàng: LINQ to SQL đủ thông minh để có thể chuyển biểu thức LINQ ở trên thành câu SQL dưới đây khi nó được thực thi: LINQ to SQL Tutorial 40 (Add đã được thay đổi bằng InsertOnSubmit ... hình dữ liệu LINQ to SQL giống như dưới đây: Trong bài này, tôi sẽ đi vào chi tiết cách tạo ra một mô hình dữ liệu LINQ to SQL giống như trên. LINQ to SQL, cũng như LINQ to SQL, và tất cả ... dự án ASP. NET. 1. Mô hình hóa CSDL Northwind dùng LINQ to SQL Trong phần 2 của loạt bài này, tôi đã đi qua các bước để tạo một mô hình các lớp LINQ to SQL bằng cách dùng trình LINQ to SQL có...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 21:20
Tài liệu Step-by-Step Guide for Creating and Testing Connection Manager Profiles in a Test Lab doc
... VPN Connection page, click the Internet interface in Network interfaces, and click Next. 7. On the Network Selection page, click the CorpNet interface in Network Interfaces, and click Next. 8. ... Authentication Service 1. Install Internet Authentication Service as a subcomponent of the Networking Services component. 2. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Internet Authentication ... connection to the intranet segment as CorpNet, and rename the connection to the Internet segment as Internet. 3. Configure the CorpNet connection with the IP address of, the subnet mask...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 15:20
A Step By Step Guide To Getting Your Financial Life On Track pot
... www.financial-advice-for-beginners.com, All Rights Reserved. A Step By Step Guide To Getting Your Financial Life On Track investing calculator on our website. 4.2 Invest in the Market to Reach ... www.financial-advice-for-beginners.com, All Rights Reserved. A Step By Step Guide To Getting Your Financial Life On Track Step 5 – Learn How to Make More Money The last and final step to building your financial house! Congratulations ... on your financial goals and your investment risk tolerance. 3. Begin investing this month. The sooner you start investing, the sooner you will begin accumulating wealth in your savings plan. For...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:20