linolenic acid and omega 3

Báo cáo y học: Esterified Hyaluronic Acid and Autologous Bone in the Surgical Correction of the Infra-Bone Defects"

Báo cáo y học: Esterified Hyaluronic Acid and Autologous Bone in the Surgical Correction of the Infra-Bone Defects"

... Defect combined 1 and 2 walls 32 - 33 7,8 - 5,5 3, 5 - 2,9 6,4 - 6,8 4 ,3 - 2,6 2 40 M 50 50 Defect at 3 walls 35 - 36 7,5 - 5,0 4 ,3 - 3, 8 6 - 6,4 3, 3 - 1 ,3 3 40 M 50 50 Defect at 3 walls 44 - 45 ... 4 ,3 - 3, 1 4 - 4 ,3 3 ,3 - 1,9 4 28 M 60 100 Defect combined 1 and 3 walls 41 - 42 5,8 - 3, 5 2,8 - 2,0 5,8 - 6 3 - 1,5 5 34 F 100 100 Defect combined 1 and 2 walls 11 - 21 7,8 - 7,4 3, 3 ... 3, 0 4 ,3 - 4 4,5 - 4,4 6 36 F 60 40 Defect combined 1 and 3 walls 15 - 16 5,0 - 4,5 2,8 - 2,8 5 - 7 2 ,3 - 1,8 7 44 F 50 20 Defect combined 1,2 and 3 walls 45 - 46 5,0 - 7,8 3, 1 - 3, 9 3, 8...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:35

7 770 0
THÀNH PHẦN hợp CHẤT AXÍT béo và CAROTENOID của gấc   fatty acid and carotenoid composition of gac (momordica cochinchinensisspreng) fruit

THÀNH PHẦN hợp CHẤT AXÍT béo và CAROTENOID của gấc fatty acid and carotenoid composition of gac (momordica cochinchinensisspreng) fruit

... cis total aril 134 2.1−2971.5 82.1−204.4 1546.5 30 53. 6 2.7− 13. 2 509.7−701.2 39 .1−172.6 636 .2− 836 .3 6.1−25 .3 67.0−106.8 mesocarp 0 0 0 0 11 .3 43. 7 5.0−14.6 16 .3 58 .3 25 30 .7 6− 13. 3 a Samples from ... 2 avg % myristic (14:0) 0.5 0.5 0.5 palmitic (16:0) 32 .1 26.4 29.2 palmitoleic (16: 1 ∆ 9 ) 0.2 0 .3 0 .3 stearic (18:0) 3. 2 12.2 7.7 oleic (18:1 ∆ 9) 33 .7 30 .8 32 .3 cis-vaccenic (18:1 ∆ 11 ) 0.9 0.7 0.8 linoleic ... of Vitamin E and omega- 3 fatty acids (21), although our data show only 0 .3- 0.8% linolenic acid (Table 2). Seeds of tropical plants may contain high levels of saturated fatty acids, with palmitic acid...

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 00:08

6 889 4
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Marine toxins and the cytoskeleton: okadaic acid and dinophysistoxins pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Marine toxins and the cytoskeleton: okadaic acid and dinophysistoxins pptx

... residues and loss of cell–cell contacts induced by calyculin A and okadaic acid in human epidermal cells. Exp Cell Res 231 , 1 63 172. 16 Pasdar M, Li Z & Chan H (1995) Desmosome assembly and disassembly ... okadaic acid and calyculin A. Biochem J 30 7, 439 –449. 20 Niggli V, Djafarzadeh S & Keller H (1999) Stimulus- induced selective association of actin-associated proteins (alpha-actinin) and protein ... Halichondria okadaii and Halichondria melanodocia, and it was subsequently shown to be produced by marine dinoflagellates of the genera Dinophysis and Prorocentrum [2 ,3] . DTX1 was confirmed to be 35 S-methylokadaic...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 14:20

7 644 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: The b-1,4-endogalactanase A gene from Aspergillus niger is specifically induced on arabinose and galacturonic acid and plays an important role in the degradation of pectic hairy regions pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: The b-1,4-endogalactanase A gene from Aspergillus niger is specifically induced on arabinose and galacturonic acid and plays an important role in the degradation of pectic hairy regions pdf

... R. P. de Vries, Microbiology, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 35 84 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands. Fax: +31 30 25 136 55, Tel.: +31 30 2 533 016, E-mail: Abbreviations: CREA, carbon ... by HPAEC and MALDI-TOF MS after incubation of 1 mgặmL )1 of potato, onion and soy arabinogalactan with 1 .33 lgặmL )1 GALA at 30 °C, pH 4.5 (McIlvain buffer) for 15 min, 30 min, 2 h and 20 h, ... with 1 .33 lgặmL )1 GALA at 30 C, pH 4.5 (McIlvain buffer) for 15 min, 30 min, 2 h and 20 h, respectively. The incubation was stopped by heating the samples for 5 min at 100 °C. a-L-1 ,3- Arabinofuranosidase...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 01:21

9 669 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Reconstruction ofde novopathway for synthesis of UDP-glucuronic acid and UDP-xylose from intrinsic UDP-glucose inSaccharomyces cerevisiae pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Reconstruction ofde novopathway for synthesis of UDP-glucuronic acid and UDP-xylose from intrinsic UDP-glucose inSaccharomyces cerevisiae pptx

... ura3-1 [40] TOY1 As in W303a and leu2 -3: :pRS -30 5-UGD1-VSV-G This study TOY2 As in W303a and trp1-1::pRS -30 4-UXS3-c-Myc This study TOY3 As in W303a and leu2 -3: :pRS -30 5-UGD1-VSV-G, trp1–1::pRS -30 4-UXS3-c-Myc ... the AtUGD1 and AtUXS3 gene expression cassettes from YEp352-GAP-II-UGD1-VSV-G and YEp352-GAP-II- UXS3-c-Myc were inserted into the BamHI sites of pRS305 and pRS304 to yield pRS305-UGD1-VSV-G and pRS304- UXS3-c-Myc, ... 101112 131 4 UDP-Glc UDP-Glc UDP-GlcA 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Time (min) Time (min) W303a TOY1 A260 B 6789101112 131 4 UDP-Xyl 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 UDP-GlcA UDP-GlcA TOY2W303a A260 C 1 234 1 234 AtUXS3 (40...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

13 541 0
Báo cáo khóa học: Characterization of Mesorhizobium huakuii lipid A containing both D-galacturonic acid and phosphate residues ppt

Báo cáo khóa học: Characterization of Mesorhizobium huakuii lipid A containing both D-galacturonic acid and phosphate residues ppt

... A –P H-1 4 .35 ( 8) C-1 102.8 H-1 4.89 ( 2) C-1 92.4 H-1 5.02 ( 3) C-1 94.5 H-2 3. 73 C-2 53. 8 H-2 3. 86 C-2 52.0 H-2 3. 78 C-2 68.2 H -3 3.77 C -3 53. 8 H -3 4. 13 C -3 51.7 H -3 3.95 C -3 71.7 H-4 3. 34 C-4 ... A +P H-1 4 .39 (8.2) C-1 1 03. 1 H-1 4.87 (2.8) C-1 92.8 H-1 4.98 (2.8) C-1 94.9 H-2 3. 72 C-2 54.5 H-2 3. 84 C-2 52.0 H-2 3. 78 C-2 67.9 H -3 3.94 C -3 54.7 H -3 4.08 C -3 51 .3 H -3 3.94 C -3 68.8 H-4 4.01 ... H-4 3. 52 C-4 70 .3 H-4 4.12 C-4 70.5 H-5 3. 22 C-5 nd H-5 3. 93 C-5 71.8 H-5 4.42 C-5 71.0 H-6a 3. 58 C-6 61.4 H-6a 3. 62 C-6 68.8 C-6 nd H-6b 3. 71 H-6b 3. 93 NH-2 7.46 NH-2 7.42 NH -3 7 .38 NH -3 7.41 Fig....

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

13 428 0
Báo cáo Y học: Concerted regulation of free arachidonic acid and hormone-induced steroid synthesis by acyl-CoA thioesterases and acyl-CoA synthetases in adrenal cells pdf

Báo cáo Y học: Concerted regulation of free arachidonic acid and hormone-induced steroid synthesis by acyl-CoA thioesterases and acyl-CoA synthetases in adrenal cells pdf

... cytosolic thioesterase (CTE-I) [33 ,34 ]. CTE-I and MTE-I are members of an acyl-CoA thioesterase family with very long chain and long chain acyl- CoA thioesterase activity [33 ,34 ] that includes four isoforms with ... Chem. 274, 34 317 34 326. 36 . Hunt, M.C. & Alexson, S.E. (2002) The role of acyl-CoA thio- esterases play in mediating intracellular lipid metabolism. Prog. Lipid Res. 41, 99– 130 . 37 . Kim, J.H., ... was cloned and characterized in mouse showing that all isoforms are encoded by three exons spaced by two introns [35 ,36 ]. Like StAR, p 43 is targeted to the inner mitochondrial membrane [15 ,32 ,33 ]. In...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20

9 470 0
Báo cáo Y học: A polymer with a backbone of 3-deoxy-D-glycero -D-galacto -non-2ulopyranosonic acid, a teichuronic acid, and a b-glucosylated ribitol teichoic acid in the cell wall of plant pathogenic Streptomyces sp. VKM Ac-2124 pdf

Báo cáo Y học: A polymer with a backbone of 3-deoxy-D-glycero -D-galacto -non-2ulopyranosonic acid, a teichuronic acid, and a b-glucosylated ribitol teichoic acid in the cell wall of plant pathogenic Streptomyces sp. VKM Ac-2124 pdf

... 2.20 3. 95 3. 55 4.01 4.08 3. 96 3. 93 3. 83 (D) 4.55 3. 31 3. 50 3. 38 3. 39 3. 80 3. 66 Polymer III (E) 4.09 3. 97 3. 96 3. 81 4.18 4.17 4.09 (F) 4.66 3. 32 3. 50 3. 40 3. 43 3.90 3. 72 * or 2); CH 3 CON, d1. 93 and ... H-1Â H-2 H -3 H -3 ax H -3 eq H-4 H-5 H-5Â H-6 H-6Â H-7 H-8 H-9 H-9Â Polymer I 6)-a- D -Glcp-(1 (A) 5.07 3. 36 3. 58 3. 40 3. 69 3. 98 3. 88 fi4)-b- D -ManpNAc3NAcA-(1fi (B) 4.90 4.40 4 .33 3. 93 4. 03 Polymer ... the observation of the correlation peaks H-1(D)/H-8(C )and H-1(D)/H-9(C)andH-1(D)/H-9Â(C) at 4.55 /3. 96 p.p.m and at 4.55 /3. 93 and 3. 83 p.p.m. in the ROESY spectrum and the correlation peak H-1(D)/C-8(C)at4.55/ 79.40...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20

6 561 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Polysaccharide binding sites in hyaluronate lyase – crystal structures of native phage–encoded hyaluronate lyase and its complexes with ascorbic acid and lactose docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Polysaccharide binding sites in hyaluronate lyase – crystal structures of native phage–encoded hyaluronate lyase and its complexes with ascorbic acid and lactose docx

... the subsites of ascorbic acid and lactose binding in HylP2. I 334 H 338 A B α-helical C-terminal A C B K309 K320 region Triple-stranded β - helix (TSβH)region Subsite 3 Subsite 2 G109 A122 -S129 Q191 -S199 Subsite ... 3. 0 O6Â W A101 a 2.7 W A101 a Phe B197 O 2.5 Ser B198 O c 3. 3 Asn A1 83 O d1 3. 3 O4 Asn A186 N d2 2.9 O6 Asn A186 O d1 3. 0 Thr B204 O c1 3. 2 Molecule 3 O1Â Arg A277 NH2 2.5 O2Â Arg A279 NH1 3. 3 W ... water molecules, W 73, W101 and W1 03. The third lactose molecule is located near the b-strands b11, b12 and b 13 (Table 3) . It interacts with GlyA2 23, AsnB241, GlnC261, TyrC264, ArgA277 and ArgA279....

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21

11 517 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Salicylic acid and the hypersensitive response initiate distinct signal transduction pathways in tobacco that converge on the as-1-like element of the PR-1a promoter pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Salicylic acid and the hypersensitive response initiate distinct signal transduction pathways in tobacco that converge on the as-1-like element of the PR-1a promoter pot

... of transgenic lines containing the )906PR1a, the )1 533 PR1a, or the )1 533 as-1 (two plants each from lines 31 3–6 and 31 3–7) promoter constructs and floated on water or on 1 m M SA. Immediately after ... Germany. (Received 29 July 20 03, revised 9 October 20 03, accepted 22 October 20 03) Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 4876–4886 (20 03) Ó FEBS 20 03 doi:10.1046/j.1 432 -1 033 .20 03. 038 88.x higher GUS activities ... )906PR1a[GUS], 539 .9 units for )1 533 PR1a[GUS], 261.6 units for 31 3–6/A,B, and 921.7 units for 31 3–7/A,B, respectively. (B) Immunodetection of PR-1 proteins in extracts from SA treated and TMV infected...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:21

11 452 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Redox reaction between amino-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)methyl phosphonic acid and dopaquinone is responsible for the apparent inhibitory effect on tyrosinase doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Redox reaction between amino-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)methyl phosphonic acid and dopaquinone is responsible for the apparent inhibitory effect on tyrosinase doc

... to 3, 4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde. The same phenomenon occurs for 3, 4-dihydroxymandelic acid [24,29 33 ], whereas the o-quinone generated from a- (3, 4- dihydroxyphenyl)-lactic acid decomposes to 3, 4-dihydroxy- acetophenone ... from Aspergillus albus. Agric. Biol. Chem. 43, 133 7– 133 8. 13. Lejczak, B., Kafarski, P. & Makowiecka, E. (1987) Phosphonic analogues of tyrosine and 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa) influence ... phosphorus trichloride, amides and aldehydes or ketones in acetic acid (Oleksyszyn reaction). Liebigs Ann. Chem. 4, 33 1 33 4. 16. Lejczak, B., Dus, D. & Kafarski, P. (1990) Phosphonic and phosphinic acid analogues...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 09:20

7 534 0
Separation of acetic acid and water by distillation  effect of calcium chloride addition

Separation of acetic acid and water by distillation effect of calcium chloride addition

... 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18A 19 20 21 22 23 25A 26 27 28 29A 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9 .3 10.1 9.7 9.4 9.6 9.5 19.7 19 .3 20.0 ... 29.8 29.2 31 .0 30 .4 31 .6 37 .6 40.1 35 6 39 .1 36 .8 36 .2 44.7 45.1 45.8 49.5 53. 4 53. 2 60 .3 60.5 61.0 91.9 74.5 61.9 44.2 23. 6 10.6 85 .3 76.5 62.5 41 .3 26.5 11.8 ... 28.1 15 .3 93. 5 83. 6 79.8 48.7 32 .1 91.0 86.0 71.7 55.1 36 .5 18.4 84.8 73. 4 57.1 90.4 88.6 97.0 98.5 91.2 85.5 93. 9 81.5 71.9 56.5 34 .6 17.4 83. 7 73. 5 59.7 39 .6 25.4...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 08:42

4 422 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Implantation of neural stem cells embedded in hyaluronic acid and collagen composite conduit promotes regeneration in a rabbit facial nerve injury model" doc

báo cáo hóa học:" Implantation of neural stem cells embedded in hyaluronic acid and collagen composite conduit promotes regeneration in a rabbit facial nerve injury model" doc

... forebrain ischemia. Neurosci Lett 20 03, 34 3:129- 133 . 5. Evans GR, Brandt K, Katz S, Chauvin P, Otto L, Bogle M, Wang B, Meszlenyi RK, Lu L, Mikos AG, Patrick CW Jr: Bioactive poly(L- lactic acid) conduits seeded ... HA-collagen scaffold, NSC and HA-collagen scaffold, and NT -3- supplemented HA- collagen composite scaffold (Figure 3B). Fascicles and nerve fibers were more remarkable and organized in rab- bits ... contributions HZ and TWY collected and analyzed data. KST interpreted data and wrote the manuscript. CRS, JL and HH acquired data. FZC analyzed and interpret data. YHA designed the study and approved...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20

11 1K 0


... the amphibolic character of the citric acid cycle; and Understand the reactions that replenish citric acid cycle intermediates. 9 FIG. 03: Citric acid cycle is the central metabolic pathway ... ATP, the energy currency of the cell. 43 FIG. 17: Tracking carbon 33 REACTANTS AND PRODUCTS Acetyl-CoA is further oxidized in the citric acid cycle. As you learn each step in the reaction ... amphibolic 11 FIG. 04: Main purposes of CAC 23 ANABOLISM AND CATABOLISM Many citric acid cycle intermediates serve the cell as both reaction precursors and reaction products. For example, a-ketoglutarate...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 13:20

94 551 0
Acid Béo Omega-3 có thể Hữu Ích Cho Bảo Vệ Tim Mạch pot

Acid Béo Omega-3 có thể Hữu Ích Cho Bảo Vệ Tim Mạch pot

... định và liều acid béo omega- 3 cho sức khỏe tim mạch. Trong bản tái duyệt này, từ ngữ acid béo omega- 3 chỉ đề cập đến DHA và EPA vì chứng cứ có lợi cho tim mạch từ acid béo omega- 3 nguồn Dầu ... Cho Bảo Vệ Tim Mạch Acid béo omega- 3 hay n -3 là những acid béo có dấu nối đôi ở vị trí carbon thứ 3 kể từ gốc methyl cuối cùng của chuỗi carbon. Ba acid béo omega- 3 quan trọng trong ngành ... tranh hấp thụ giữa acid n -3 và n-6, do đó trong khi dùng acid béo omega- 3 nên tránh hay giảm dùng thức ăn có dầu mỡ kể cả từ nguồn thực vật. Ds Lê Văn Nhân Acid Béo Omega- 3 có thể Hữu Ích...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 16:20

5 291 0