lessons from other diseases and future applications

wehn et al (eds.) - rethinking valuation and pricing models; lessons learned from the crisis and future challenges (2013)

wehn et al (eds.) - rethinking valuation and pricing models; lessons learned from the crisis and future challenges (2013)

... respect to other nancial instruments; such as ordinary bonds, options and warrants, and their pricing implies accounting for many sources of risk and dealing with complex evaluation frameworks and models ... information from the third quarter (and the second quarter) that is used for validation and not for the estimation of the NN with the hint model Also, the BS model is a pre-specied non-linearity and ... market crash of 1987 and the credit crisis of 2008) This conclusion may result from the estimation and the pricing ability of non-parametric models being impeded by a regime switch from stable economic...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 16:43

625 1,5K 0
5 twitter lessons from the obama and romney campaigns

5 twitter lessons from the obama and romney campaigns

... high on the list when people clicked on "Big Bird." Build and engage your communit y Find out what people expect and want from your brand As an example, Steele said the Romney campaign posts behind-the-scenes ... statements in real time." Also, Steele pointed out, after Romney announced he would cut PBS's funding and mentioned "Big Bird" during the first debate, "Big Bird" began trending on Twitter Early on, ... Convention, the Obama digital media team tweeted a photo captioned: "This seat's taken." Witty and amusing tweets can show that you don't take yourself or your company too seriously Connect t...

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2014, 15:28

2 328 0
Lessons from the Army''''s Future Combat Systems Program doc

Lessons from the Army''''s Future Combat Systems Program doc

... engineering and architechting (SE&A) experts within the Army The Army has an opportunity to so in the future, pulling from the work accomplished in FCS, and xxiv Lessons from the Army Future Combat ... discussion within and outside the Army Second, identify lessons that the Army should carry away from the FCS experience Some of the lessons from FCS the Army has already begun to learn, and others remain ... however, the lessons from FCS program are similar to those identified in other acquisition studies This study organizes the story and lessons of the FCS program into nine chapters 4 Lessons from the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

374 322 0
lessons from deregulation telecommunications and airlines after the crunch

lessons from deregulation telecommunications and airlines after the crunch

... Lessons from Deregulation This page intentionally left blank Lessons from Deregulation Telecommunications and Airlines after the Crunch Alfred E Kahn ... requirement or be to or from small hub and non-hub airports The condition limited the total number of code-sharing flights between Delta and Continental and between Delta and Northwest to 2,600 ... re-regulation67—as distinguished from safeguards against outright fraud and doubledealing by corporate executives and dishonest accounting, auditing, and appraisals by investment analysts and advisers.68 On...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:55

102 322 0
Báo cáo y học: "Lessons from dynamic cadaver and invasive bone pin studies: do we know how the foot really moves during gait" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Lessons from dynamic cadaver and invasive bone pin studies: do we know how the foot really moves during gait" potx

... be applied to the specimen and its tendons at a magnitude and rate as occurs in gait (or as close as possible) Moving the specimen and loading the individual tendon and tibia/foot structures must ... forces applied to the tibia/plantar surface and residual tendons) is at best an average of a small number of other feet, and certainly not in-vivo data from the foot being tested Invasive in-vivo ... conditions and under local infiltration of anaesthesia There are clear post study protocols for weightbearing and medical support Results and discussion What have we learnt about foot and ankle...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

7 271 0
moloney - how to protect investors; lessons from the ec and the uk (2010)

moloney - how to protect investors; lessons from the ec and the uk (2010)

... intractable, the retail constituency quiescent and unhelpful to the beleaguered regulator, and the empirical and analytical pyrotechnics of law and finance and of law and economics, typically applied to ... Central Bank Working Group on Clearing and Settlement, and part-time Professor of Commercial Law, University of Ghent HOW TO PROTECT INVESTORS Lessons from the EC and the UK NIAMH MOLONEY CAMBRIDGE ... organisational requirements and operating the retail investor and the ec drawing on international experience and experience in the other Member States Why consider the retail markets and retail market...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 21:27

502 847 1
4 project management lessons from building marshmallow and spaghetti towers

4 project management lessons from building marshmallow and spaghetti towers

... marshmallows & tape Tell them to build the tallest structure You’ll discover valuable lessons in team behavior and project management Photo by kjarrett - Creative Commons Attribution License https://www.flickr.com/photos/29304822@N00 ... diverse skills of management & facilitation One gives orders well, the other follows instructions well A good mix of skills and personalities makes a stronger, more effective team Photo by IDEO ... roles before a project starts! b Iterate to innovate faster c Mix skills and personalities on your team d Incentives and experience combined boost performance For more strategies on building...

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 12:21

14 250 0
Barry berman competing in tough times  business lessons from l l bean, trader joe's, costco, and other world class retailers FT press (2010)

Barry berman competing in tough times business lessons from l l bean, trader joe's, costco, and other world class retailers FT press (2010)

... Lord & Taylor, Tesco-Ireland, and other retailers Download at www.wowebook.com Preface Competing in Tough Times: Business Lessons from L.L.Bean, Trader Joe’s, Costco, and Other World-Class Retailers ... www.wowebook.com To my loving family—my wife, Linda; and our children and grandchildren, Glenna, Paul, Danielle, Sophie, and Joshua; and Lisa, Ben, Philip, and Emily Download at www.wowebook.com This ... candy, snacks and refrigerated products, health and beauty aids, home cleaning supplies, and pet supplies (up from 65.7 percent in 2006).26 Consumables (household chemicals, paper products, candy,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:31

254 614 1
kolb - lessons from the financial crisis; causes, consequences, and our economic future (2010)

kolb - lessons from the financial crisis; causes, consequences, and our economic future (2010)

... Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and other mortgage and MBS insurers About half of all mortgages and MBS were insured by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Many others were insured by other large private financial ... Lien on Wool and Stock Mortgage Act of 1843 (NSW), and the role of security rights for economic development Lessons from the Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences, and Our Economic Future by Robert ... nominal variables of the financial system and the ones in the real economy; from the opacity and complexity of money creation and financial structures; and from the potential for recurring asset...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 13:25

644 543 0
Global perspectives on governance: lessons from east and west

Global perspectives on governance: lessons from east and west

... Business leaders in the east and west who understand the differences and can extract the best from both styles may stand to benefit On the other hand, underestimating the challenge can cause problems ... significant impact they have felt came not from risky lending, but from declining demand from consumers in North America and Europe There was no Asian Lehman Brothers splashed across the headlines, ... sub-prime loans and their variants in the US and elsewhere And there was another contributory factor: the proprietary and even patriarchal link between Asian corporate leaders and their businesses...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 21:30

16 469 0
Tài liệu Women’s Health and Postsocialist Healthcare Reforms: Lessons from Poland and Eastern Europe ppt

Tài liệu Women’s Health and Postsocialist Healthcare Reforms: Lessons from Poland and Eastern Europe ppt

... depleted Poland’s health system, leaving only 203 doctors per 100,000 population—a dismal ratio ranking Poland near the bottom in Europe, and only surpassed by Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Albania, ... for Women and Family Planning argued in an open letter to the Minister of Health, to no avail, that this excludes many women from otherwise available advances in maternity healthcare and constitutes ... biggest and fastest increases in inequality ever recorded” (Milanovic 1998:1) The effects of market reforms in healthcare tell part of this story These reforms, as in the case of Poland and other...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

4 536 0


... Ødegaard and Øyvind Norli for supplying Norwegian data, and Andy Naranjo for providing us with data from Datastream Ongena thanks the Center for Financial Studies in Frankfurt for their hospitality and ... choice of benchmark, averaging method, and various other empirical robustness tests Our findings differ markedly from studies that use similar data from Japan or other East Asian countries For instance, ... initial and seasoned public, rights, and private equity and all convertible bond issues (both and foreign) made by non-financial firms listed on Japanese stock exchanges The numbers come from the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20

47 452 0
Tài liệu An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases doc

Tài liệu An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases doc

... days, and almost a total stop to the secretion of urine, from the time the sickness commenced The case now became totally unmanageable in my hands, and, after a fortnight, I was dismissed, and another ... in caries, and obstinate sore legs DYSPNOEA Pituitosa Sauvages i 657. "Boiled in water, or wine, and drunken doth cut and consume the thicke toughnesse of grosse, and slimie flegme, and naughtie ... water or sugar, doth scoure and clense the brest, ripeneth and bringeth foorth tough and clammie flegme It openeth also the stoppage of the liver spleene and milt, and of the inwarde parts." GERARDE...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 11:20

86 598 0
Social Marketing and Public Health Lessons from the Field pptx

Social Marketing and Public Health Lessons from the Field pptx

... line) and applications for employment • Improved retention and reduced turnover of current LTC workers • Increased positive recognition and rewards for LTC workers, from the general public and from ... chitlins) Each November and December after that, Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) clinics offered flyers and short lectures emphasizing handwashing and protecting children from exposure to chitterlings ... grandmothers as the appropriate source for the intervention The grandmothers who participated in formative research developed the chitterlings cleaning method for their peers Having the grandmothers...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

80 589 0
Connecting gender and economic competitiveness: lessons from Cambridge''''s high-tech regional economy potx

Connecting gender and economic competitiveness: lessons from Cambridge''''s high-tech regional economy potx

... balance the demands of work with child-care and other home and family commitments, and so increase the ability of female employees to further their own careers and economic well-being, and to contribute ... quotient 30.02 Manufacture of computers and other informationprocessing machinery Manufacture of insulated wire and cable Manufacture of electronic valves, tubes, and other electronic components Manufacture ... interactions, daily and weekly work patterns, informal socialising, intrafirm and interfirm peer relationships, and the nature of dependants and homelife We taperecorded the interviews and later employed...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

21 826 0
Báo cáo khoa học: GHP, a new c-type green heme protein from Halochromatium salexigens and other proteobacteria potx

Báo cáo khoa học: GHP, a new c-type green heme protein from Halochromatium salexigens and other proteobacteria potx

... trypsin (T) and Asp-N endoproteinase (D), and of native protein with Glu-C endoproteinase (S) Amino acids identified by Edman degradation and MS tandem fragmentation are presented in normal and bold ... automated Edman degradation and tandem MS of peptides generated by different digestions on apoprotein and native protein (Table 1) GHP contains 72 amino-acid residues, and the measured mass (Fig ... purifying from the related purple bacterium Halochromatium salexigens, where it is somewhat more abundant, and we have characterized it sufficiently to identify it in other genomes, either from its...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

11 517 0


... manufacturing, running between and 14 per cent in the US, and exceeds other commodity sectors like chemical and allied products and plastics (Butner and Stapley, 1997, p.155-6) In Finland, the capital investment ... away from clear-cutting and towards selective felling and the use of cuttings; and the emergence in the mid-1990s of demands for forest certification (Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and ISO standards) ... values and firm ability to act and react to these values (technology and people in an environment where other organisations provide similar products and services) all become sources (and measures)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

59 1,4K 0
Reproductive intentions and choices among HIV-infected individuals in Cape Town, South Africa: Lessons for reproductive policy and service provision from a qualitative study ppt

Reproductive intentions and choices among HIV-infected individuals in Cape Town, South Africa: Lessons for reproductive policy and service provision from a qualitative study ppt

... health service, and research recommendations: POLICY • There is a need for specific and overt policy that can help to ensure reproductive choice and improved access to contraception and other reproductive ... women and men had not discussed their fertility desires and intentions with a health care provider because of anticipated negative reactions Women tended to see doctors and nurses as handling ... are for the next appointment Clients’ knowledge and experience of reproductive health and HIV prevention and treatment services Contraception and barrier methods of infection prevention Men had...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20

6 553 0
Progestins and the Mammary Gland From Basic Science to Clinical Applications pdf

Progestins and the Mammary Gland From Basic Science to Clinical Applications pdf

... Proceedings 2007-1 Progestins and the Mammary Gland Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium Proceedings 2007-1 Progestins and the Mammary Gland From Basic Science to Clinical Applications O Conneely, ... understood To further our understanding of progestin action in both mammary gland physiology and pathology, and to foster the interaction between basic research and drug development, the Ernst ... networks of epithelial ducts which grow outwards from the nipple and divide into primary and secondary ducts ending with bud structures From these end buds and branching ductal system, terminal ductal...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

211 478 0
Acid in the environment lessons learned and future prospects ertu

Acid in the environment lessons learned and future prospects ertu

... ACID IN THE ENVIRONMENT Lessons Learned and Future Prospects ACID IN THE ENVIRONMENT Lessons Learned and Future Prospects Edited by Gerald R Visgilio and Diana M Whitelaw Goodwin-Niering ... representatives and policymakers, and students and faculty from Connecticut College and other universities This book Acid in the Environment: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects, is based on the papers ... conference were to summarize scientific and policy lessons learned from the attempt to mitigate acid deposition, and to discuss the future of transboundary pollutants and market-based emission control...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:43

330 338 0