lesson plans for teachers of english as a foreign language

Test  of English  as a  Foreign Language for Internet-Based Testing: Information and Registration BULLETIN

Test of English as a Foreign Language for Internet-Based Testing: Information and Registration BULLETIN

... Albanian AMA Amharic ARA Arabic ARM Armenian ASM Assamese AZE Azerbaijani BAM Bambara BAK Bashkir BAQ Basque BEL Belarusian BEM Bemba BEN Bengali BER Berber BIK Bikol BOS Bosnian BUL Bulgarian BUR ... Kurukh KUS Kusaiean LAO Lao LAV Latvian LIN Lingala LIT Lithuanian LUA Luba-Lulua LUO Luo MAC Macedonian MAD Madurese MLG Malagasy MAY Malay MAL Malayalam MLT Maltese MAR Marathi MAH Marshallese MEN ... Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Rwanda, Sao Tome and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:41

28 765 2
Tài liệu Test of English as a Foreign Language doc

Tài liệu Test of English as a Foreign Language doc

... Andorra 010 Angola 011 Anguilla 012 Antigua and Barbuda 015 Argentina 016 Armenia 017 Aruba 020 Australia 025 Austria 029 Azerbaijan 030 Azores 035 Bahamas 040 Bahrain 045 Bangladesh 050 Barbados 094 ... for any depart- ment not listed. 001 Afghanistan 003 Albania 005 Algeria 007 American Samoa 008 Andorra 010 Angola 011 Anguilla 012 Antigua and Barbuda 015 Argentina 016 Armenia 017 Aruba ... Lithuania 345 Luxembourg 347 Macau 348 Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of 350 Madagascar 353 Madeira Islands 355 Malawi 360 Malaysia 361 Maldives 363 Mali 365 Malta 367 Northern Mariana Islands 368...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:21

36 870 0
Testof English as a Foreign Language™ Information and Registration BULLETIN for Computer-based and Paper-based Testing pptx

Testof English as a Foreign Language™ Information and Registration BULLETIN for Computer-based and Paper-based Testing pptx

... American Samoa 008 Andorra 010 Angola 011 Anguilla 012 Antigua and Barbuda 015 Argentina 016 Armenia 017 Aruba 020 Australia 025 Austria 029 Azerbaijan 030 Azores 035 Bahamas 040 Bahrain ... Malagasy 345 Malay 346 Malayalam 159 Malinke-Bambara- Dyula 455 Maltese 348 Marathi 607 Marshallese 162 Mende 362 Minangkabau 341 Mongolian 128 Moré 608 Nauran 351 Nepali 456 Norwegian 131 Nyanja 353 ... of Management 03 - Law Schools HUMANITIES 11 Archaeology 12 Architecture 26 Art History 13 Classical Languages 28 Comparative Literature 53 Dramatic Arts 14 English 29 Far Eastern Languages...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20

28 970 0
Teaching English as a foreign language to large, multilevel classes ppt

Teaching English as a foreign language to large, multilevel classes ppt

... everything laid out in black and white, with all the details squared away. Paul was organized too, but if a lesson wasn't going well, his instinct was to try other ideas and change his plans in ... They enjoy analyzing the structures of English, taking the language apart and putting it back together again. They appreciate a straight-up approach to grammar, explaining the rules and also the ... the Peace Corps, Kathleen had taught English as a second language to large classes of refugees and immigrants in Los Angeles. Her students had included Russian artists, Salvadoran migrant workers,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20

147 673 1
Investigating Writing Sub-skills in Testing English as a Foreign Language: A Structural Equation Modeling Study doc

Investigating Writing Sub-skills in Testing English as a Foreign Language: A Structural Equation Modeling Study doc

... Second Language Investigating Writing Sub-skills in Testing English as a Foreign Language: A Structural Equation Modeling Study Vahid Aryadoust National Institute of Education, Singapore arya2004v@yahoo.com ... Ahour, T., & Mukundan, J. (2009). Analytic assessment of writing: Diagnosing areas of strength and weakness in the writing of TESL undergraduate students. Iranian Journal of Language ... terms associated with the measured variables in, say, the Making Argument task can correlate. This can neutralize the potential influence of the Halo effect that might have been a reason why...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20

20 585 0


... introductory paragraph, three paragraphs as the body and a concluding paragraph. This course was delivered entirely in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) with a duration of one hundred minutes for each ... SCAFFOLDING AN EFL (ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE) ‘EFFECTIVE WRITING’ CLASS IN A HYBRID LEARNING COMMUNITY Agus Santoso, S.Pd., M .A. B .A. , Satya Wacana Christian University, 1990 M .A. , ... response to the language- centred methods. They treat language as having to take consideration of the learners’ needs, wants and situations. The learners, as the central aspect of learning, are provided...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20

245 1,2K 2
A study on the techniques for improving reading skills to non major students of english at haiphong foreign language center, haiphong university

A study on the techniques for improving reading skills to non major students of english at haiphong foreign language center, haiphong university

... international schools, learners at HFLC, regardless of their ages, always strive for a good command of English as they are well aware of their learning purposes. Learners of English, naturally and ... situation of teaching and learning reading at Haiphong Foreign Language Center - Haiphong University. Time and efforts have been spent on accumulating information about teachers and their teaching ... nature of reading, states reading classification, and introduces what effective reading is and the approaches to teach effective reading. Chapter two elaborates the analysis of current situation...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:43

44 1,1K 5
English as a Second Language Learners: A Guide for ESL Specialists doc

English as a Second Language Learners: A Guide for ESL Specialists doc

... tograduate from a Canadian high school and go on to graduate from a Canadian high school and go on tograduate from a Canadian high school and go on to graduate from a Canadian high school and ... Prototype Oral Interview ã Table 4.12 in O’Malley, J. Michael and Lorraine Valdez- Pierce, Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners: Practical Approaches for Teachers (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, ... Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners: Practical Approaches for Teachers (Reading, MA: Addison- Wesley, 1996), p. 77 ã ITPIndividual Proficiency Test (Ballard) (4 to 6) ã Analytic Oral Language Scoring...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20

62 780 1
Tài liệu English as a Second Language Standards docx

Tài liệu English as a Second Language Standards docx

... Education Special Programs Branch 7 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE  STANDARDS Introduction Definition of an ESL Student  ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE i students are those whose primary language( s), or language( s) ... 0-7726-4550-7 1. English language  Study and teaching as a second language - British Columbia. 2. English language  Study and teaching as a second language - Standards - British Columbia. I. British ... demonstrates awareness of sound-symbol relationships at the beginning of words  ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE  STANDARDS 4 English as a Second Language Standards 2001 Ministry of Education Special...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

62 728 1
Tài liệu Supporting Children Learning English as a Second Language in the Early Years (birth to six years) docx

Tài liệu Supporting Children Learning English as a Second Language in the Early Years (birth to six years) docx

... first language at home, while learning English as a second language in child care or family day care. Children learning English as a second language need explicit modelling and language teaching, ... Support for English as a second language and Multicultural Education Interpreting and translating services Resources Available 17 Supporting Children Learning English as a Second Language in the Early ... language Global Books Sydney www.globallanguage.com.au/contact_global _language. php Carry a large supply of bilingual and dual language books and CDs. Book Garden, NSW thebookgarden.com.au Children’s...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

31 1K 2


... Aboriginal languages of Australia, the Indian languages of Canada and the USA, and some of the Celtic languages. Although often too late, in certain instances the decline of a language has been ... 39 Australia and New Zealand 40 South Africa 43 South Asia 46 Former colonial Africa 49 South-east Asia and the South Pacific 54 A world view 59 v Why a global language? complex realities of a ... by law against what 22 English as a global language Second edition DAVID CRYSTAL Why a global language? their attitudes towards other languages. Perhaps those who have such a language at their...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20

33 815 3
English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development: A Resource Guide pdf

English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development: A Resource Guide pdf

... variety of teaching approaches and strategies (e.g., an informal classroom atmosphere, active learning, the use of games as a learning activity, activities that involve asking questions of a teacher) – ... students, in English or a shared first language – state basic information about the neighbourhood, munici- pality, province, and Canada – participate in all regular class activities – participate in ... presentation – learn effectively from a variety of teaching approaches and strategies (e.g., an informal classroom atmosphere, active learning, the use of games as a learning activity, activities that...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20

126 519 0

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