leftovers the top ten topics we didn apos t cover

The Top Ten Rules for Writing Killer Cover Letters

The Top Ten Rules for Writing Killer Cover Letters

... if it were a form letter The handwritten salutation at the start of Letter 2-1 suggests that the writer prints many copies of this letter and simply adds the recipient’s name before mailing it ... opportunities Sincerely, The difference between Letters 2-3 and 2-4 is not in the wording The content of both letters is identical The difference is in the formatting Letter 2-4 employs many of the ... the same letter, you’ll see the differences—and the improvements they make in the effectiveness of the letter LETTER 2-2: RESUME COVER LETTER SENT IN RESPONSE TO ADVERTISEMENT (BETTER) Terry Muldour...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

11 763 1
Tài liệu The top ten algorithms in data mining docx

Tài liệu The top ten algorithms in data mining docx

... and categorical attributes, the test values are simply the different possible instantiations of that attribute For numerical attributes, the threshold is obtained by sorting on that attribute and ... three values for Outlook), D denotes the entire dataset, Dv is the subset of the dataset for which attribute Outlook has that value, and the notation | · | denotes the size of a dataset (in the ... root node that represents the entire, given dataset and recursively split the data into smaller subsets by testing for a given attribute at each node The subtrees denote the partitions of the original...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 01:20

206 947 1
Reuters.business.insights.the.top.10.global.insura nce.companies.sept.2004.ebook-tlfebook

Reuters.business.insights.the.top.10.global.insura nce.companies.sept.2004.ebook-tlfebook

... the fact that unit-linked policies can take advantage of the stock market performance, they have the potential for greater and faster growth than other products such as with-profits endowments ... joint products Despite problems with Dresdner, the extensive distribution network that came with the acquisition as well as 38 TLFeBOOK the fact that through this acquisition Allianz has entered ... the company bought the former state insurer of East Germany and then began to expand into the Eastern European market In 1999, Allianz started to expand into the Asian market with its first targets...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2012, 16:16

131 571 0
Phân giải nhập nhằng thực thể có tên dựa trên các ontology đóng và mở

Phân giải nhập nhằng thực thể có tên dựa trên các ontology đóng và mở

... iterative step will be used to disambiguate the remaining ones in the next iterative steps Experiments are conducted to evaluate and show the advantages of the proposed methods Besides, this thesis ... heuristics and statistics The common novelty of the proposed methods is disambiguating named entities iteratively and incrementally, including several iterative steps Those named entities that are ... trang thể loại Trang thực thể Mỗi trang thực thể định nghĩa mô t thực thể khái niệm, gọi chung thực thể Để dễ theo dõi, đồng trang thực thể Mỗi thực thể xác định nhan đề (title) trang mô t nó,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 12:04

164 446 9
Luận án: Phân giải nhập nhằng thực thể có tên dựa trên các ontology đóng và mở

Luận án: Phân giải nhập nhằng thực thể có tên dựa trên các ontology đóng và mở

... iterative step will be used to disambiguate the remaining ones in the next iterative steps Experiments are conducted to evaluate and show the advantages of the proposed methods Besides, this thesis ... heuristics and statistics The common novelty of the proposed methods is disambiguating named entities iteratively and incrementally, including several iterative steps Those named entities that are ... trang thể loại Trang thực thể Mỗi trang thực thể định nghĩa mô t thực thể khái niệm, gọi chung thực thể Để dễ theo dõi, đồng trang thực thể Mỗi thực thể xác định nhan đề (title) trang mô t nó,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2013, 14:42

164 602 3
Top-Ten Success and Self Improvement Tips

Top-Ten Success and Self Improvement Tips

... casually try to let them talk, learn something from them, ask their advice Don t entertain them with your brilliance See other people, however unlikely, as opportunities to be ”mined” THEY WILL ... with practice • Study your Weaknesses and Attack them Aggressively You don t usually don t need to worry about your strengths they take care of themselves You’ll get more satisfaction from attacking ... if what you are doing is ”unimportant”), always something tidying, rearranging, take things out to the car so you don t forget them, the more you the MORE energy you will have This is the reverse...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15

5 302 0
Tài liệu Trên đỉnh núi của động Từ Thức(Over the top of Tu Thuc) pdf

Tài liệu Trên đỉnh núi của động Từ Thức(Over the top of Tu Thuc) pdf

... Sơn – Thanh Hóa http://mba-programming.blogspot.com http://mbaprogram.travellerspoint.com/ March 1, 2010 Page Nga Sơn – Thanh Hóa http://mba-programming.blogspot.com http://mbaprogram.travellerspoint.com/ ... Hóa http://mba-programming.blogspot.com http://mbaprogram.travellerspoint.com/ March 1, 2010 Page Nga Sơn – Thanh Hóa http://mba-programming.blogspot.com http://mbaprogram.travellerspoint.com/ ... Sơn – Thanh Hóa http://mba-programming.blogspot.com http://mbaprogram.travellerspoint.com/ March 1, 2010 Page Nga Sơn – Thanh Hóa http://mba-programming.blogspot.com http://mbaprogram.travellerspoint.com/...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 20:15

11 545 0
Tài liệu Selecting the Top n Rows in a DataTable doc

Tài liệu Selecting the Top n Rows in a DataTable doc

... rows with the largest Freight value involves several steps First, sort the DataView on the Freight field in descending order; this places the top n records at the top of the view Next, get the Freight ... System.EventArgs e) { // This example will select the top n freight values // Set the field name variable String topNFieldName = FREIGHT_FIELD; int topN = 0; try { topN = Convert.ToInt32(topNTextBox.Text); ... where there might be duplicate values in the nth record This would be used instead of the technique just outlined However, the technique shown requires no sort other than on the top n column The...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

4 332 0
Tài liệu Top Ten về ô nhiễm môi trường ppt

Tài liệu Top Ten về ô nhiễm môi trường ppt

... việc chọn vị trí đổ ch t thải bể ph t làm không t t nên ch t độc t c nhân gây bệnh ngấm vào nguồn nước ngầm Cạnh loại dầu máy thải, ch t tẩy rửa t hộ gia đình thuốc bảo vệ thực v t, phân hóa ... kẽm bị thải môi trường M t lượng lớn a x t- sunfuaric sử dụng để chế biến Ch t thải rắn độc hại gây hại đến môi trường Thông thường người h t thở ch t độc hại chúng thâm nhập vào chuỗi thực phẩm ... ch t thải chuyện Quá trình khai thác Uran không t o ch t thải phóng xạ nguy hiểm, lại t o lượng lớn ch t thải có lượng phóng xạ t ơng đối thấp Những nước sản xu t Uran với khối lượng lớn thường...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 07:20

8 1,7K 20
Tài liệu Top Ten Ways to Find Job Leads doc

Tài liệu Top Ten Ways to Find Job Leads doc

... specific positions because companies have paid them to so will be your best bet They may not have any work that you’re suited for but if they come across something with your name on it, then they will ... may not work with entry-level candidates, depending upon your qualifications and specialization, you may want to contact them because it can t hurt Employment agencies that are looking to fill ... development office Counselors in this office may be able to give you the latest scoop on openings or they can refer you to resources that can They can show you company directories that tell who...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 00:20

2 275 0
Tài liệu Taxes and the Economy: An Economic Analysis of the Top Tax Rates Since 1945 docx

Tài liệu Taxes and the Economy: An Economic Analysis of the Top Tax Rates Since 1945 docx

... investment ratio (investment divided by potential GDP) and the top tax rates The fitted values suggest there is a negative relationship between the investment ratio and top tax rates But regression ... Under both definitions of the rich, the fitted values suggest that there is a strong negative relationship between the top tax rates and the income shares accruing to families at the top of the income ... interest are the statutory top tax rates for ordinary income and capital gains The top marginal tax rate is denoted by MTR and the top capital gains tax rates is denoted by KTR The top tax rate variables...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20

23 456 0
Reproductive contributions of Taiwan''''s foreign wives from the top five source countries pot

Reproductive contributions of Taiwan''''s foreign wives from the top five source countries pot

... allows the user to introduce the attributes of the alternatives in the choice set to be part of the explanatory variables Thus, it allows the user to test a hypothesis like "better educated migrants ... constraints of this context The effects of these constraints were particularly strong on the wives from the two countries with the highest fertility (Indonesia and the Philippines) so that their LTFRs ... children The effects of husband’s educational attainment on LTFR were mostly either rather modest or nonexistent They were nonexistent for the Thais and the Filipinas Its only moderate effect was...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

40 453 0


... against the wire The weather being intensely cold, the man soon died from exposure These two incidents illustrate the two extremes in the attitude of the Huns towards the British One was a brutal ... interest and curiosity that many attach thereto, there is no significance in the selection of the day, and there is little if anything associated with the events of Sunday at the Front to distinguish ... are' materialized to the evident satisfaction of all Few, if any, cared as to our probable destination; the chief interest centred in the fact that we were to start for the Front The time spent Somewhere...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:21

81 257 0


... United States United States United States United States United States Guernsey United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States ... Kingdom United States The Netherlands United States United States Germany United States United States United States United States United Kingdom France Australia United States United States United Kingdom ... Asset Management Apax Partners Adams Street Partners Australia United States United States The Netherlands United States Germany United States United States United States United States United States...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 13:20

122 350 0
Top Ten Tips for a Healthy, Glowing Skin potx

Top Ten Tips for a Healthy, Glowing Skin potx

... the widely debated topics in the area of nutrition today is chocolates Some say that chocolate does affect the condition of the skin, while others say it doesn t Whatever the result may be, the ... exfoliant on the skin on the face The main reason for this precaution is that the facial tissue is more sensitive and finer than those tissues of the body Today, there is a myriad of exfoliating ... It is noted that sometimes, these oily deposits on the hair can be transferred to the skin which eventually causes the skin to develop acne or any disorder Tip #7: Avoid Too Much Exposure to the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20

5 358 0
Ưu thế của tên miền Việt Nam docx

Ưu thế của tên miền Việt Nam docx

... bi t google.com.vn ) ưu tiên li tt n miền có mã quốc gia “.vn” lên trước search Vi t Nam Ví dụ: Nếu bạn t m kiếm t “Viettel” chương trình t m kiếm đưa web có t n miền viettel.com.vn trước ... ph t triển t ng nhanh với số lượng lớn nước quanh ta, xu hướng t t yếu để ph t triển công nghiệp nội dung Internet cộng đồng t ơng lai gần Lợi ích t m kiếm quảng bá: Hầu h t chương trình t m ... Được Hệ thống trung chuyển Internet nước - VNIX VNNIC phục vụ: Sử dụng t n miền”.vn”, lưu trữ máy chủ có địa IP Vi t Nam hệ thống trung chuyển Internet Quốc gia VNIX t động trung chuyển t t lưu...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 07:20

4 217 0
Lessons Learned from the Field: Where do we go from here? docx

Lessons Learned from the Field: Where do we go from here? docx

... associated with abnormalities in the genital tract Most women said that they would talk to traditional healers as the first line of help if they felt they had a problem Most of the methods that traditional ... predictive of the occurrence of RTI We then tried to determine whether these results might relate to the fact that the women did not know what to look for in terms of symptoms and/or to their behavior ... development of prevention and treatment strategies There are a few things that we can say with confidence We know that there exists widespread incidence of RTIs and that the specific patterns of these...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

77 304 0
Central Bank Credit to the Government: What Can We Learn from International Practices? pdf

Central Bank Credit to the Government: What Can We Learn from International Practices? pdf

... in the event that the term of the claims has to be extended, propose the application of the term extension of such claims at the latest 30 (thirty) days prior to the due date of such claims Title: ... shall not loan to the state directly for the purposes of funding the state budget deficit 16.2 In the event of a short-term liquidity shortfall in the state budget, the National Bank may extend ... empower the government to decide, or may leave room for negotiations between the two parties The key parameter at stake is the interest rate The government may be required to pay market interest...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

44 411 0