learning autocad civil 3d 2010 pdf download

Tài liệu Introducing AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 pdf

Tài liệu Introducing AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 pdf

... used AutoCAD- based products, including Land Desktop, Civil Design, Raster Design, Autodesk Map, and Civil 3D. Dana began instructing Civil 3D users in October 2004, and since then has used Civil ... default Civil 3D Imperial tool palette Figure 2.16 The Imperial Park- ing tools palette 73163c02.indd 33 9/2/08 5:58:23 PM Chapter 1 Welcome to the Civil 3D Environment To paraphrase, Civil 3D ... interface of Civil 3D, the various palettes that are part of Civil 3D tasks, and some parts of the interface that are new to 2009 in general. You’ll learn how to create a new Civil 3D- based drawing...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 05:20

322 1,5K 19
mastering autocad civil 3d 2010

mastering autocad civil 3d 2010

... Dirty: The Basics of Civil 3D Understanding Civil 3D s controls and operation is critical to mastering it. With its dizzying array of options and settings, getting Civil 3D to look and feel comfortable ... multitude of learning oppor- tunities. Designed to help you get past the steepest part of the learning curve and teach you some guru-level tricks along the way, Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 should ... You Looked in the Help File Lately? The AutoCAD Civil 3D development team in Manchester, New Hampshire, has worked hard to make the Help files in Civil 3D top notch and user friendly. The Help...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 17:18

915 1,1K 1
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 Essentials

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 Essentials

... www.sybex.com/go /civil3 d2014essentials. 2 Chapter1ãNavigatingtheAutoCADCivil3DUserInterface I Using the Transparent Commands toolbar I Using the Inquiry Tool Getting to Know the Civil 3D User Interface To ... individual sheets, and creat- ing multiple sheets. Appendix: AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 Certification Provides information about AutoCAD Civil 3D certification as well as how this book will help you to ... specific results, and discussing those results. How does this translate to the AutoCAD đ Civil 3D đ software? Civil 3D has a unique, dynamic environment that is all about leveraging interactions...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 09:59

418 1,1K 3
Tài liệu AutoCAD 3D Tutorials pdf

Tài liệu AutoCAD 3D Tutorials pdf

... in 3D: AutoCAD 3D Tutorial - 47 - AutoCAD 3D – Chapter 6 3D Orbit AutoCAD 3D Tutorial - 28 - AutoCAD 3D – Chapter 4 Z Coordinates AutoCAD 3D Tutorial - 7 - 1.5 Preset 3D ... Wireframe, 3D Wireframe, 3D Hidden, Realistic, or Conceptual options. AutoCAD 3D Tutorial - 2 - AutoCAD 3D – Chapter 1 3D Interface AutoCAD 3D Tutorial ... AutoCAD 3D Tutorial - 26 - 3.4 Visual Styles Panel AutoCAD 3D Tutorial - 10 - Orbit Look AutoCAD 3D Tutorial - 12 - Steering Wheel Settings AutoCAD...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 19:20

228 778 12
Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 1 ppt

Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 1 ppt

... ©2009Autodesk,Inc.Allrightsreserved. ExceptasotherwisepermittedbyAutodesk,Inc.,thispublication,orpartsthereof,maynotbereproducedin anyform,byanymethod,foranypurpose. Certainmaterialsincludedinthispublicationarereprintedwiththepermissionofthecopyrightholder. Trademarks ThefollowingareregisteredtrademarksortrademarksofAutodesk,Inc.,intheUSAandothercountries:3DEC(design/ logo),3December,3December.com, 3ds Max, ADI, Alias, Alias (swirl design/logo), AliasStudio, Alias|Wavefront (design/ logo), ATC, AUGI, AutoCAD,  AutoCAD Learning ... with AutoCAD LT. The location of the files will be the same whether you are using AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT. The name of the shortcut for the online version of the exercises is named Learning AutoCAD ... 4 ■ Chapter 1: Taking the AutoCAD Tour AutoCAD is shown here with the 2D Drafting & Annotation workspace active. AutoCAD is shown here with the 3D Modeling workspace active. ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

33 412 1
Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 2 doc

Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 2 doc

... at the top of the AutoCAD window. If you are using AutoCAD LTđ, while you might see slight interface differences, every attempt has been made to retain the fidelity of the learning experience ... correct input fields. Press ENTER to complete the Copy command. 36 ■ Chapter 1: Taking the AutoCAD Tour Exercise: Zoom and Pan in the Drawing In this exercise, you open an existing ... the onscreen exercise. In the onscreen list of chapters and exercises, click Chapter 1: Taking the AutoCAD Tour. Click Exercise: Zoom and Pan in the Drawing. 1. Open C_Displaying-Objects.dwg. ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

46 447 0
Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 3 docx

Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 3 docx

... multiline, polyline segment, spline, region, or ray, or to the closest corner of a trace, solid, or 3D face. Midpoint: Snaps to the midpoint of an arc, elliptical arc, line, ... ENTER, you will see a list of Undo options at the Command line prompt. If you are working in the AutoCAD Classic workspace the Undo and Redo buttons include down arrows that reveal lists which ... ellipse, elliptical arc, line, multiline, polyline, ray, spline, or xline) that do not intersect in 3D space but may appear to intersect in the current view. Parallel: Draws...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

46 316 0
Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 4 docx

Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 4 docx

... If you work primarily with metric units, then you should use the default decimal unit setting. ■ AutoCAD is accurate 14 decimal places (1.00000000000000). What you see for units precision will be ... an incorrect letter at the select object prompt, such as the letter y (which is not an option), AutoCAD will display the entire list of options as shown in the example below. Selecting...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

46 344 0
Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 6 doc

Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 6 doc

... (see below) and whether the layer will Plot or not. Color: Select a color from the AutoCAD Color Index. Note that the Color white will print black and be displayed black on a white ... template used. Every drawing will contain the default layer 0. Layer 0 cannot be renamed or deleted. AutoCAD uses that layer to establish predictable behaviors for objects such as blocks, regardless ... In this lesson you adjust object properties on several different types of objects. You begin by learning about the Quick Properties panel, how to access it and how to control its visibility and behavior....

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

46 334 0
Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 7 potx

Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 7 potx

... Properties ■ 275 Object Properties - Line Warning! The 3D Visualization group show in the previous image is not available in AutoCAD LT. Definition of Object Properties Object properties...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

46 343 0
Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 8 pot

Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 8 pot

... subtract a specified region from the total volume. ■ When using the Volume tool, you may select 3D solids or 2D objects. However, if you select a 2D object you must specify a height for that object. ■ ... and from the XY plane, and their delta values (distance traveled along each axis) in both 2D and 3D planes. The information is presented to you on the command line in the format shown below. You ... Measuring enables you to obtain geometric information from such things as arches, room areas, polylines, and 3D solids. 324 ■ Chapter 4: Drawing Organization and Inquiry Commands Exercise: Use Linetypes ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

46 299 0
Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 9 pot

Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 9 pot

... arcs, or open polylines. Importing geometry from other programs or 2D geometry that originated in a 3D model could result in geometry that appears to be correct but, on closer examination, contains unwanted...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

46 252 0
Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 2 phần 1 potx

Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 2 phần 1 potx

... ©2009Autodesk,Inc.Allrightsreserved. ExceptasotherwisepermittedbyAutodesk,Inc.,thispublication,orpartsthereof,maynotbereproducedin anyform,byanymethod,foranypurpose. Certainmaterialsincludedinthispublicationarereprintedwiththepermissionofthecopyrightholder. Trademarks ThefollowingareregisteredtrademarksortrademarksofAutodesk,Inc.,intheUSAandothercountries:3DEC(design/ logo),3December,3December.com, 3ds Max, ADI, Alias, Alias(swirldesign/logo), AliasStudio,Alias|Wavefront(design/ logo), ATC, AUGI, AutoCAD,  AutoCAD Learning ... Preparation 001B1-050000-CM01A April 2009 Learning A utoCAD đ 2010, Volume 2 Using hands-on exercises, learn the features, commands, and techniques for creating, editing, and printing drawings with AutoCAD đ 2010 and AutoCAD ... written and created training material for AutoCAD , Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD Mechanical, Mechanical Desktopđ, and Autodeskđ Impression. AutoCAD đ 2010 Autodesk Official Training Guide Essentials Autodesk...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

28 515 1