learners‟ past learning experience learning attitudes learning strategies and learning experience

(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

... between production strategies, communication strategies and learning strategies Tarone (1980b) considers the first two of these strategies of language use”, and refers to learning strategies as "an ... Management and Planning Strategies • Cognitive Strategies • Communicative - Experiential Strategies • Interpersonal Strategies • Affective Strategies a Management and Planning Strategies These strategies ... Social- affective strategies Social strategies Cognitive strategies Affective strategies Interpersonal strategies Cognitive strategies Cognitive strategies Memory strategies Compensation strategies...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 00:23

83 624 0
Báo cáo "Learner strategies and language learning " potx

Báo cáo "Learner strategies and language learning " potx

... summarized in this stable (Rubi and Wenden [1]: Table Rubin and Wenden’s classification of learning strategies Learning strategies Communicat ion strategies Social strategies Clarification/Verification ... lessons about learning strategies only - Students should be given hands-on experience to experiment and to see how the strategies work - The following is the illustration of how some strategies ... simple and comprehensible, is slightly different O'Malley et al [4] divide language learning strategies into three main categories: Metacognitive Strategies: strategies which require planning for learning, ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 10:20

6 213 0


... speaking and writing Indirect language learning strategies  Metacognitive strategies: Centering your learning, arranging and planning your learning, evaluating your learning  Affective strategies: ... performance, and Strategies for organizing learning Similar to Dansereau (1987), Oxford (1985) divides learning strategies into Primary strategies and Support strategies On the other hand, O‟Malley ... unique framework of defining and classifying learning strategies Most researchers define learning strategies as learners‟ actions and/ or behaviors to facilitate the learning process In reality,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:26

91 1,3K 3
Problems faced by Vietnamese learners in learning IELTS listening = Những khó khăn của học viên Việt Nam khi học kỹ năng nghe của bài thi IELTS

Problems faced by Vietnamese learners in learning IELTS listening = Những khó khăn của học viên Việt Nam khi học kỹ năng nghe của bài thi IELTS

... improve the skill Learners‟ learning habit The table below shows the learners‟ learning frequency and the time they spent practicing listening (question and 6) Learning frequency No of ... spent from to 10 years learning English and 30% (15 learners) had been learning it for from to years 14% of the total population had from to years experience of learning English and only learners ... little experience of learning IELTS Learners' experience of learning English in years 12% 14% 2-4 years 5-7 years 8-10 years 30% Over 10 years 44% Pie chart 1: Learners’ experience of learning...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:26

48 1,4K 2
The relationship between language learning strategies and English proficiency of 4th year students at felte, ULIS, VNU

The relationship between language learning strategies and English proficiency of 4th year students at felte, ULIS, VNU

... RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Frequency of language learning strategy use 36 4.2 The correlation between students’ language learning strategies and their English proficiency 46 4.3 Key strategies and ... pp.315-350 Mayer, R (1988), Learning strategies: An overview In Weinstein, C., E Goetz, & P 30 Alexander (Eds.), Learning and Study Strategies: Issues in Assessment, Instruction, and Evaluation (pp 11-22), ... Oxford, R L (2003a), Language learning styles and strategies: An overview, GALA, pp 1-25 Oxford, R L (2003b), Language learning styles and strategies: Concepts and relationships, IRAL, 41, pp...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41

7 486 1
The relationship between the use of vocabulary learning strategies and learner autonomy of the first year non-major English students at Thainguyen University of Technology

The relationship between the use of vocabulary learning strategies and learner autonomy of the first year non-major English students at Thainguyen University of Technology

... use of students’ vocabulary learning strategies and the learner autonomy is Aims of the study The study is aimed at improving the use of vocabulary learning strategies and the learner autonomy by ... first year students’ use of vocabulary learning strategies, and thereby fostering the learner autonomy to higher learning outcome expectations For both practical and theoretical reasons, there is ... find learning vocabulary a difficult task, so they have to depend on teachers and dictionaries so much that their scores in English learning are not high As mentioned, language learning strategies...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41

5 476 1
Essays on firms knowledge search, learning strategies and product innovation

Essays on firms knowledge search, learning strategies and product innovation

... firms’ learning strategies and their product innovation A typology of learning strategies is proposed that considers both learning approaches (“explorative learning or “exploitative learning ) and ... 3.2 Theory and Hypotheses 77 3.2.1 Specific knowledge and generic knowledge 77 3.2.2 Learning approach and learning locus: a typology 82 3.2.3 Learning strategy and product ... does learning lead to better performance, e.g financial performance and product innovation? 1.1.1 External, internal learning and knowledge search The balance of external learning and internal learning...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 10:52

153 177 0
Language Teaching Strategies and  Techniques Used to Support Students  Learning in a Language other than Their  Mother Tounge

Language Teaching Strategies and Techniques Used to Support Students Learning in a Language other than Their Mother Tounge

... support in finding ways of constructing links and communicating their understanding and experiences to others (Bennett and Dunne 1994) Learning to things and learning to think are both helped by interacting ... teacher or the strategies and that they employed The variables considered included the language learning and training experiences of each participant, participant’s language teaching and learning beliefs, ... their understanding of language teaching and emphasizes the importance of using such strategies and techniques as scaffolding and drawing upon prior knowledge The following strategies and techniques...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2016, 19:37

16 581 0
E-learning, experiences and future pptx

E-learning, experiences and future pptx

... e -learning trends, e -learning standards, technologies and e -learning systems provided as e -learning solutions, and evaluation of e -learning effectiveness in order to provide a thorough understanding ... effectiveness in e -learning environment); (18) learning outcomes Recommendation is to use the defined e -learning indicators as starting point when developing e -learning E -learning, experiences and future ... approach to developing e -learning software solutions  Connect e -learning indicators with each e -learning software solution approach and learning theory and design  Analyse and discuss the data...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 05:20

460 194 0
integrated learning experiences in the machine design course

integrated learning experiences in the machine design course

... process and etc Teaching and learning activities Machine design project Relation MDP with CDIO Standards Standard – Design - Implement Experiences Standard - Engineering Workspaces Standard - ... project and has implemented two and half years and conducted some subjects in the active learning methods, experiential learning methods, integrated learning across design-implement experiences ... Standard - Engineering Workspaces Standard - Integrated Learning Experiences Standard - Active Learning Standard 11 - Learning Assessment And all engineering skills Machine design project Levels...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2015, 07:58

41 216 0


... unavoidable their experiences in both academic study and social life They included difficulties in listening and speaking, difficulties in understanding slang, idioms, common vocabulary, and topics ... study aims to explore the learning experiences of Vietnamese master students in the field of engineering at a Taiwan university to offer a well-known perception of learning experiences for Vietnamese ... by Chinese students in Australia, Zhang and Mi (2009) pointed out another look at these (Source: Taiwan MOE, 2008 and 2010) Literature review on learning experiences of international students issues...

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2017, 21:41

11 233 0
Acquiring search expertise  learning experiences and threshold concepts

Acquiring search expertise learning experiences and threshold concepts

... with and having an impact on the information environment In order to understand and describe these concepts, the study explored the learning experiences of professional searchers and also the experiences ... explore and further our understanding of the learning experiences of the participants and the themes that emerged from the data The literature review is organized into three main sections and within ... Backdrop: Novices and Experts  Novice-expert research  Reflection as a learning practice of experts  Expertise at learning The Framework: Threshold Concept Theory and Learning  What is learning ?...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2017, 11:32

336 469 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Treatment results for hypopharyngeal cancer by different treatment strategies and its secondary primary- an experience in Taiwan" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Treatment results for hypopharyngeal cancer by different treatment strategies and its secondary primary- an experience in Taiwan" pptx

... type of combination between chemotherapy and radiotherapy The five-year overall survival rate and DSS rate were 20.5% and 29.2% for the CT/RT group and 43.1% and 53% for the CCRT group, respectively ... contributions MFC and JTC designed and coordinated the study Patient accrual and clinical data collection was done by all authors Data analysis and treatment data collection was done by MFC and JTC MFC ... rate and p = 0.397 for DSS) Besides, when confine the patients into stage III and IV, there is no significant difference between OPIT group and radical surgery group in overall survival rates and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 09:20

8 256 0
Learners’ attitudes towards native and nonnative English speaking instructors = Thái độ của người học đối với giáo viên bản ngữ và giáo viên người Việt

Learners’ attitudes towards native and nonnative English speaking instructors = Thái độ của người học đối với giáo viên bản ngữ và giáo viên người Việt

... skills, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, learning strategies, culture and civilization, attitudes and assessment, and this with respect to primary, secondary and tertiary education, as differences ... grammar and learning strategies, students expressed favorable attitudes to NNES instructors On the other hand, NES instructors were given more positive attitudes to their teaching pronunciation and ... language, able to make learning relevant and fun, good at motivating students, able to encourage independent learning and thinking, sensitive and responsive to students‟ needs, and able to respect...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:37

57 540 0
Teacher questioning strategies and Classroom interaction in Ly Thai To school

Teacher questioning strategies and Classroom interaction in Ly Thai To school

... as pupils’ attitudes towards questioning and answering behavior in the classroom and the questioning strategies used by the teacher; need to be considered, too 3.2.2 Pupil attitudes and interaction ... that of an active teacher and passive learners The teaching and learning is characterized by a set syllabus and textbook required to be completed within a limited time and to serve for the purpose ... English teachers and teacher educators are worth discussing First, both display and referential questions have important functions to perform in language teaching and learning, and will thus always...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44

37 634 2
 B-to-B Marketing in 2009:Trends in Strategies and Spending

B-to-B Marketing in 2009:Trends in Strategies and Spending

... Marketing in 2009: Trends in Strategies and Spending ATTITUDINAL AND BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS 29 B-to-B Marketing in 2009: Trends in Strategies and Spending Responses, Attitudes and Their Implications Finally, ... 2009: Trends in Strategies and Spending CURRENT MARKETING TACTICS AND BUDGET ALLOCATIONS 14 B-to-B Marketing in 2009: Trends in Strategies and Spending Tactics, Budget Allocations and Expectations ... surveyed on a number of issues and questions related to current and anticipated marketing strategies, tactics, budget, attitudes, and administration, as well as current and predicted changes in response...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2013, 16:17

38 337 1
Tài liệu Public attitudes to inflation and interest rates docx

Tài liệu Public attitudes to inflation and interest rates docx

... strong observed growth rates of nominal demand, money and asset prices Research and analysis Public attitudes to inflation and interest rates Understanding the likely future path of inflation ... recent trends in public attitudes to inflation and, in particular, what might help to explain the pickup in inflation expectations between 2005 and 2006 Recent trends in public attitudes to inflation ... Research and analysis Public attitudes to inflation and interest rates next section discusses why the two may be related in more detail Chart Individual views of inflation perceptions and expectations(a)...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 05:20

16 414 0
Tài liệu Public attitudes to inflation and interest rates doc

Tài liệu Public attitudes to inflation and interest rates doc

... Research and analysis Public attitudes to inflation and interest rates The second section summarises the public’s attitudes to interest rates and the conduct of monetary policy ... 8695 Driver, R and Windram, R (2007), ‘Public attitudes to inflation and interest rates’, Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, Vol 47, No 2, pages 208–23 Joyce, M, Sorensen, S and Weeken, O (2008), ... of England and Bank/GfK NOP survey The rise in households’ inflation expectations in the most recent quarter was somewhat larger than the rise in the MPC’s Research and analysis Public attitudes...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 05:20

9 457 0