... waaw and yoo' also stand for the consonants w and y. How can you tell when a waaw stands for w and when it stands for a longuu , and when ayaa' stands for y and when ... able at least to read a menu or a street sign, to understand labels in a supermarket, or to pay their Arab hosts the simple courtesy of being able to read and write the names ... \ C. This form is like the initial form, but with a connector. Also, notice that the isolated and final forms ar e upright, while the initial and medial forms slope to the left. Examples...
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:40
... OLSON AND LAND A Cognitive Strategies Approach to Reading and Writing 279 work; to illustrate procedural knowledge, they asked for instructions as to how to use a hammer to nail the boards together; ... up a reader’s and writer’s mental tool kit (Flower & Hayes, 1981) that is depicted in Figure 1. Because experienced readers and writers go back to go forward and have the knowledge and motivation ... OLSON AND LAND A Cognitive Strategies Approach to Reading and Writing 301 S CHOENBACH, R., GREENLEAF, C., CZIKO, C., & H URWITZ, L. (1999). Reading for understand- ing: A guide to improving reading...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20