... similar to what you had before you typed python. If not find out why. 9. Learn how to make a directory in the Terminal. Search online for help. 10. Learn how to change into a directory in the Terminal. ... want them to input using the keyboard while the script is running, then use raw_input(). Are the command line arguments strings? Yes, they come in as strings, even if you typed numbers on the ... The Hard Way Is Easier This simple book is meant to get you started in programming. The title says it's the hard way to learn to write code; but it's actually not. It's only the...
Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2014, 21:04
... not find out why. 9. Learn how to make a directory in the Terminal. Search online for help. 10. Learn how to change into a directory in the Terminal. Again search online. 11. Use your editor to ... that to understand many of my descriptions you need to know how to do programming already. The way I solve this is I make you do something, and then I explain it later. When you run into these kinds ... What these two characters do is put a new line character into the string at that point. This use of the \ (back-slash) character is a way we can put difficult -to- type characters into a string. There...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 11:41
Learn python the hard way2nd edition
... """ 11 33 Learn Python The Hard Way, Release 2.0 9. Learn how to make a directory in the Terminal. Search online for help. 10. Learn how to change into a directory in the Terminal. Again search online. 11. ... that print doesn’t end the line with a newline and go to the next line. 35 Learn Python The Hard Way, Release 2.0 30 Exercise 8: Printing, Printing Learn Python The Hard Way, Release 2.0 Cheese ... pointing out the differences. Programmers have invented tools to make this even easier, but we won’t be using any of these. You first have to train your brain the hard way, then you can use the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 23:00
Leadership the Hard Way: Why Leadership Can’t Be Taught and How You Can Learn It Anyway
... turbulence. In the way that it illustrates the three principles described in the preced- ing chapters, it is also a compelling conclusion to the fi rst half of the book. Leadership the hard way is ... of the fall only slows the plane down even more, leading to a stall. Instead, the counterintuitive action a pilot needs to learn is to push down on the controls — in other words, to make the ... obstacles they would ruin their chances for getting their project approved. In fact, the precise opposite turned out to be the case. The more they surfaced the key risks and uncertainties, and the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:03
learn to program, the pragmatic programers (2005)
... a good thing, because maybe you don’t want to convert the integer into a string, you know? Maybe y ou want to convert the string into an integer. It’s the whole “2 plus 5 adding up to 7 or 25” ... have been insensitive to bring it up otherwise. To store the string in your computer’s memory for use later in your program, you need to give the string a name. Programmers often refer to this ... formatting. The first, center, adds spaces to the beginning and end of the string to make it centered. However, just like you have to tell the puts method what you want it to print, and the + method...
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 14:42
French learn to communicate in 24 hours
... will be pin- pointed to give you a greater understanding and command of the lan- guage. The rules you learn in these lessons can then be applied to accom- plish any of the tasks in the ones that ... gifted. Gender-Changing Singular Nouns Changing the gender of a noun can be as easy as adding an e to the mas- culine form to get the feminine form: ami (ah-mee) amie (ah-mee) friend cousin (koo-zaN) cousine ... (post office) pohst le tour (tour) la tour (tower) toor Some nouns are always masculine or feminine no matter the sex of the person to whom you are referring: COUNTDOWN TO FRENCH 20 02 (015-028)...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 11:13
Countdown To French Learn to communicate in 24 hours
... gifted. Gender-Changing Singular Nouns Changing the gender of a noun can be as easy as adding an e to the mas- culine form to get the feminine form: ami (ah-mee) amie (ah-mee) friend cousin (koo-zaN) cousine ... (post office) pohst le tour (tour) la tour (tower) toor Some nouns are always masculine or feminine no matter the sex of the person to whom you are referring: COUNTDOWN TO FRENCH 20 02 (015-028) ... of being and is generally shown in its infinitive, the basic to form: to live, to laugh, to love. An infinitive is the form of the verb before it has been conjugated. Conjugation refers to changing...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 08:15
Tài liệu Learn to Write in English ppt
... "best". (14) The expression "add happiness into" is unnatural. If the writer keeps the idea of "adding happiness", then the word " ;in& quot; instead of "into" is ... along the way. Today, information and knowledge are growing to the extent that no individual can master everything. Cooperation (5) makes us learn a lot of from each other. Only by combining the ... when the beginning of the sentence prepares the way for the middle, and the middle for the end, the whole forming a kind of ascent. This ascent is called " climax." 40. When the thought...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 13:15
Learn to Program (2nd edition) potx
... did—not about how to program, of course, but about the way we learn programming and about learning in general. Perhaps the most important principle in teaching programming is to separate concepts ... probably a good thing, because maybe you don’t want to convert the integer into a string, you know? Maybe you want to convert the string into an integer. It’s the whole “2 plus 5 adding up to 7 or 25” ... up otherwise. To store the string in your computer’s memory for use later in your program, y ou need to give the string a name. Programmers often refer to this pr ocess as assignment, and they...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20
So You Want to Learn to Program? potx
... menu. Drawing with Lines: The next drawing statement is line. It will draw a line one pixel wide, of the current color, from one point to another point. Program 12 shows an example of how to use the ... 11 “Run” in the tool bar. The text output area should now show “hello” on the first line and “there” on the second line. print expression print expression; The print statement is used to display ... numbers on the text output area of the BASIC-256 window. Print normally goes down to the next line but you may print several things on the same line by using a ; (semicolon) at the end of the expression. The...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20
Learning Perl the Hard Way pptx
... (my $line = <FILE>) { read_line $line; } } As read_file gets each line from the file, it invokes read_line to process the line. read_line uses the split operator to break the line into words, ... line uses chomp to remove the newline character from the end of the word. The last line makes the entry in the dictionary. Now we can check whether a word is in the dictionary by checking whether ... it prints the contents of the file, using print file. Exercise 1.3 The operator -d tests whether a given file is a directory (as opposed to a plain file). The following example prints “directory!”...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20
countdown to spanish learn to communicate in 24 hours
... sah-loo-dahr to greet *telefonear teh-leh-foh-neh-yahr to phone *terminar tehr-mee-nahr to end tirar tee-rahr to throw tocar toh-kahr to touch, play (an instrument) tomar toh-mahr to drink, take *usar ... -er verbs, drop the -er from the infinitive and add the following endings, indicated in bold, for the sub- ject pronouns listed. The following table shows you how the verb comer (to eat) looks ... struc- ture will be pinpointed to give you a greater understanding and com- mand of the language. The rules you learn in these lessons can then be applied to accomplish any of the tasks in the lessons...
Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2014, 13:13
Things I Learned The Hard Way: The business adventures of a freelancer
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 21:42
in what ways and to what effect did the british cinema of the second world war mobilize support for th
... suffering that continued around the audience daily. Cinemas were open daily varying their programme weekly. 'It took a war to compel the British to look at themselves and find themselves interesting'4 ... to stay in their seats as they felt safer in the cinema than in their own homes due to the structure of the buildings. The use of 'story' documentary was popular in portraying real situations, ... once again and pay attention to the fact that they needed to remain united in order to win the war. The film also had a second equally important role. To project an image of Britain across the world....
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:04