lean six sigma tools and techniques ppt



... Financial Analysis: Tools and Techniques production, carefully calibrated against quality standards and relative contribution from products and services, or cost effectiveness standards that encourage ... finance and accounting and provides an accessible, self-contained overview of the essential financial management concepts and tools. Countless students have found the book an understandable and useful ... peers and the market as a whole, as we’ll discuss in Chapters 4 and 12. hel78340_ch02.qxd 9/27/01 10:59 AM Page 23 2 Financial Analysis: Tools and Techniques For many years the purpose and contribution...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

510 466 1
Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 1 ppt

Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 1 ppt

... of Six Sigma, the need for Six Sigma, Sigma Levels and motivation for Six Sigma, Lean thinking, Lean Six Sigma, DMAIC methodology, Six Sigma and Lean tools, and case studies on Lean Six Sigma ... Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences 2 Many organizations have achieved phenomenal success by implementing Lean Six Sigma. Lean and Six Sigma are conceptually ... Sandra Healy and Michael Wallace Chapter 9 Adapting Lean Processes for the Hospital/Surgical Environment 171 Jaideep J Pandit and Meghana Pandit Six Sigma Projects and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20

15 299 0
Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 3 pptx

Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 3 pptx

... discussed the history of Six Sigma and Lean thinking and important steps in implementing Lean Six Sigma like DMAIC methodology. Some of the important Six Sigma and Lean tools were discussed with ... (2008). Design for Six Sigma (DFSS): lessons learned from world-class companies”, International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, Vol.4, No.1, 2008 iSixSigma- as iSixSigma-magazine ... Motorola, GE, Toyata, and Xerox to name a few. By integrating tools and processes of Lean and Six Sigma, we’re creating a powerful engine for improving quality, efficiency, and speed in every...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20

15 305 0
Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 4 pptx

Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 4 pptx

... was equivalent to a Six Sigma level of capability. Since it’s first introduction, Six Sigma has continued to evolve over time and has been adopted throughout the world as a standard business practice. ... communication and rewards were affected by lack of mutual respect and trust and thus impeded the progress of the organization during the design and implementation of techniques for LM, and (Steud ... techniques: a. Planning and Analysis / Documentation and Program / Plan Implementation, b. Methodology for the implementation of techniques, c. Reducing the time of model change, Six Sigma...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20

15 424 0
Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 8 ppt

Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 8 ppt

... objective was to reduce process variation with the Six Sigma methodology and thus attain a Cpk ≥1.67 to control the tooling. Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences 108 when the thickness ... cause and effect Matrix was developed and is shown in Table 9. It indicates that tooling is the main factor that explains the dispersion in the distance that separates coil and Six Sigma ... another Six Sigma implantation, in this case to reduce distortion in the sound of the horn. Successful Projects from the Application of Six Sigma Methodology 107 the adhesives and the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20

15 365 0
Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 9 pptx

Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 9 pptx

... business and IT, as such six sigma s focus on business results maps to service management focus on business objectives. 6. Six sigma tools for service management In general the tools and techniques ... multiple tools, including monitoring and management tools. IT organizations can and do maintain historical and current service and process quality data which are relevant for applying six sigma ... characteristics of six sigma for service management Some of the key characteristics of six sigma methods and tools that are relevant for Business and IT service management and service quality...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20

15 352 0
Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 11 pptx

Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 11 pptx

... http://www.intechweb.org/books/show/title/quality- management -and -six- sigma Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences 146 measurements made by one inspector” and Reproducibility indicates “how reproducible ... Quentin Brook. Six Sigma and Minitab, A toolbox Guide for Managers, Black Belts and Green Belts, QSB consulting, www.QSBC.co.uk Jeannine M. Siviy (SEI), Dave Halowell (Six Sigma advantage). ... Ireland 1. Introduction Six sigma is a highly disciplined process that focuses on developing and delivering near- perfect products and services consistently. Six sigma is also a management...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20

15 286 0
Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 12 pptx

Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 12 pptx

... (2009), The Certified Six- Sigma Handbook, ASQ Quality Press, Second Edition. Wheeler D., Lyday R., (1989), Evaluating the Measurement Process, SPC Press. Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences ... indicated in the array above. Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences 168 board and test system are used to test the parts. The data from row 1 and rows 5 through to 7 is analysed ... design and the blocked design. The repeatability is taken as the largest value obtained from either designs. Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences 158 Note that for cycle time and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20

15 329 0