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Tài liệu Troubleshoot and Optimize Windows 8 Inside Out pptx

Tài liệu Troubleshoot and Optimize Windows 8 Inside Out pptx

... Searching in Windows 8 11 Chapter Figure 1-7  Displaying the Administrative tools on the Start screen Searching in Windows Another thing that has changed significantly in Windows ... code stable and reliable while maintaining compatibility with hardware and software that won’t usually have gone through any kind of testing and certification process, and that can interact with ... to work in Refreshing Windows I’ve talked a bit in this chapter about a new feature called Refresh that can effectively reinstall Windows while keeping all your apps, settings, files intact Even...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 05:20

709 2,7K 0
For dummies PHP and MySQL web development all in one desk reference for dummies

For dummies PHP and MySQL web development all in one desk reference for dummies

... .24 Installing PHP 25 Installing on Unix and Linux 26 Before installing 26 Installing 27 Installing on Mac OS X 28 Before installing 28 Installing ... Obtaining all- in- one installation kits 76 Verifying a downloaded file .77 Installing Apache 77 Installing Apache on Windows 77 Installing Apache on a Mac 79 Installing ... 66 Installing MySQL GUI Administration Programs 66 Installing phpMyAdmin 67 Obtaining phpMyAdmin 67 Installing phpMyAdmin .67 Testing phpMyAdmin ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 14:27

675 561 0
Tài liệu HTML, XHTML and CSS All-In-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition docx

Tài liệu HTML, XHTML and CSS All-In-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition docx

... Greetings 345 Comparing literals and variables 347 Including spaces in your concatenated phrases 347 Understanding the String Object 347 Introducing object-based programming ... 715 Building a Cartesian join and an inner join 717 Enforcing one- to-many relationships 719 Counting the advantages of inner joins 720 Building a view to encapsulate the join ... Programming For Dummies, and Game Programming: the L Line He invites your comments and questions at andy@aharris You can visit his main site and find a blog, forum, and links to other books...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 19:20

1,1K 5,9K 0
Sams Teach Yourself Ajax, JavaScript, and PHP All in One potx

Sams Teach Yourself Ajax, JavaScript, and PHP All in One potx

... Ajax, JavaScript and PHP All One in 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46240 USA Sams Teach Yourself Ajax, JavaScript, and PHP All in One Copyright © 2009 by Sams Publishing All rights reserved ... transmits a request in the following format: An opening line Optionally, a number of header lines A blank line Optionally, a message body The opening line is generally split into three parts; ... browser, such as sending server queries and dealing with the returned data, are written in JavaScript, and XML is an increasingly popular means of coding and transferring formatted information used...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:20

383 1,1K 1
laptops all-in-one desk reference for dummies

laptops all-in-one desk reference for dummies

... everything into a very small space, and that doesn’t allow room for a standard mouse and mouse pad Instead, the common designs for pointing devices on a laptop include the following: ✦ Pointing ... mid-installation 91 Losing power mid-installation 91 Failed program or piece of hardware 92 Uninstalling Windows Vista 92 Activating and Registrating 93 Reinstalling ... a Windows XP network .511 Mapping a Folder 512 Mapping in Windows Vista 512 Mapping in Windows XP 513 Sharing Devices and Internet Connections .514 Sharing...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 15:42

761 282 2
Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One 5th Edition pptx

Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One 5th Edition pptx

... “Troubleshooting Your Installation” section Installing MySQL on Windows The MySQL installation process on Windows uses a standard Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) file to walk you through the installation ... through your installation issues CHAPTER Installing and Configuring MySQL In this chapter, you learn the following: How to install MySQL Basic security guidelines for running MySQL ... minimal This allows you to focus on the programming and logic involved in building the structures rather than making these items aesthetically pleasing Part VI, “Administration and Fine-Tuning,”...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 15:20

671 1,6K 0 .PHP & MySQL FOR ® Web Development ALL-IN-ONE DESK REFERENCE DUMmIES ‰ by Janet Valade with Tricia Ballad and Bill Ballad .PHP & MySQL FOR ® Web Development ALL-IN-ONE DESK REFERENCE DU ppt .PHP & MySQL FOR ® Web Development ALL-IN-ONE DESK REFERENCE DUMmIES ‰ by Janet Valade with Tricia Ballad and Bill Ballad .PHP & MySQL FOR ® Web Development ALL-IN-ONE DESK REFERENCE DU ppt

... Obtaining all- in- one installation kits 76 Verifying a downloaded file .77 Installing Apache 77 Installing Apache on Windows 77 Installing Apache on a Mac 79 Installing ... 24 Verifying a downloaded file .24 Installing PHP 25 Installing on Unix and Linux 26 Before installing 26 Installing 27 Installing on Mac OS ... 66 Installing MySQL GUI Administration Programs 66 Installing phpMyAdmin 67 Obtaining phpMyAdmin 67 Installing phpMyAdmin .67 Testing phpMyAdmin ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20

675 533 1
sams teach yourself html css and javascript all in one

sams teach yourself html css and javascript all in one

... Yourself HTML, CSS and JavaScript All One in 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46240 USA Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS, and JavaScript All in One Copyright © 2012 ... 173 Integrating Multimedia into Your Website 178 CHAPTER 9: Working with Margins, Padding, Alignment, and Floating 191 Using Margins 192 Padding ... although we might think all we are doing is opening a web browser, typing in a web address, and instantaneously seeing the content we requested, technology in the background is working hard on our...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:50

608 1,4K 0
game programming all in one - bruno miguel teixeira de sousa and andre lamothe

game programming all in one - bruno miguel teixeira de sousa and andre lamothe

... pages in complete fashion, but we think that Game Programming All in One has definitely come close to being an all- in- one guide that a complete beginner can pick up to learn game programming So ... book wide, and take your time reading and exploring for I really envy the journey that you’re about to go on Learning game programming was probably one of the most interesting and exciting times ... main in line When you try to run a console program, the operating system will call the main function You are defining main in your program as accepting no arguments, or more correctly, no command-line...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:04

993 624 1
Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P2 ppsx

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P2 ppsx

... 77 Updating your laptop’s BIOS .78 Running the Windows XP Upgrade Advisor 79 Taking final steps before upgrading 80 Installing Windows XP 80 Making a clean installation ... mid-installation 91 Losing power mid-installation 91 Failed program or piece of hardware 92 Uninstalling Windows Vista 92 Activating and Registrating 93 Reinstalling ... Memory, and Operating Systems .41 Chapter 4: Doing It Yourself versus Calling in the Cavalry 49 Book II: Setting Up Your Laptop 65 Chapter 1: Installing or Upgrading an Operating System...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 281 0
Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P3 pptx

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P3 pptx

... a Windows XP network .511 Mapping a Folder 512 Mapping in Windows Vista 512 Mapping in Windows XP 513 Sharing Devices and Internet Connections .514 Sharing ... computers in Windows Vista 503 Naming computers in Windows XP 504 Table of Contents xxi Finding your laptop’s IP address in Windows Vista .505 Finding your laptop’s IP address in Windows ... 450 Hiring, Firing, and Wiring 451 Replacing a Laptop Hard Drive 451 Installing a plug -in drive 453 Using a generic drive 454 Taking a quick leap into jumpers...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 233 0
Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P4 ppt

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P4 ppt

... shrinking something big and complex down to something tiny and even more complicated It’s kind of the opposite of the economics of housing: It’s all about the real estate, but in the case of laptops ... the cases and some internal structural components ✦ Making smaller, lighter motherboards based on continually tighter integration of processors, chipsets, and other components ✦ Removing unnecessary ... 59 Calling in the Special Forces 60 Chapter 1: Knowing What You Want, Getting What You Need In This Chapter ߜ Comparing needs and wants ߜ Knowing when the price is right ߜ Deciding whether...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 236 0
Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P5 pptx

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P5 pptx

... look-alike suburbs that were being constructed at the time The song goes on, “There’s a green one and a pink one, and a blue one and a yellow one, ” and don’t you know, they all look just the same So ... that had been inserted into teletype and similar machines One of the first new keys was Escape, which was basically a way to wave your hand in the machine’s face and say “Stop” when things started ... and then customize the rest yourself Depending on the machine’s design, you might add some parts for installation within compartments on the case And then there is the amazing and evolving...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 296 0
Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P6 pptx

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P6 pptx

... everything into a very small space, and that doesn’t allow room for a standard mouse and mouse pad Instead, the common designs for pointing devices on a laptop include the following: ✦ Pointing ... bit of intelligence in the computer can tell the difference between a small push and a determined shove, translating that into small or large movements On IBM and Lenovo laptops, the pointing stick ... releasing it quickly while the machine is running may put the system into hibernation And you may also be able to initiate an automated orderly shutdown of a running machine by pressing and holding...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 267 0
Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P7 doc

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P7 doc

... Microprocessors, Memory, and Operating Systems In This Chapter ߜ Meeting the mother of all boards ߜ Delving into a bit of binary ߜ Deciding whether to get the latest operating system Y ou can see ... that lets you interact with the machine by pointing at almost anything on the screen and clicking a mouse All this wonderful stuff requires the creation, recording, management, and movement from ... billions of 0s and 1s per second The following principal components deliver the horsepower Macromanaging the microprocessor Today, nearly all laptops use a CPU designed and built by Intel or AMD...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 271 0
Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P8 pps

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P8 pps

... to bring them screaming and kicking into the new age Chapter 4: Doing It Yourself versus Calling in the Cavalry In This Chapter ߜ Fixing your own laptop ߜ Calling in the experts ߜ Sending in the ... operating system The remaining machines use either an antique version of Windows (including Windows 98, Windows NT, or Window ME) or one of the alternative operating systems, including Linux Why ... operating system, and let the operating system read the software and device drivers and make everything hunky-dory in Computerland Feeling the Need for Speed 47 In other words, Windows Vista and...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 270 0
Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P9 docx

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P9 docx

... problem, including difficulties with the operating system and installed software 62 Calling in the Special Forces You may find these features in a deluxe plan: ✦ Accident protection A standard ... all, are they won’t resell this machine as if it were new Instead, they’ll refurbish it This usually includes electronically wiping the hard disk clean, reinstalling the operating system and ... machine or first put it into use And this particular warranty applies only to customers in the United States and its territories, Latin America, and the Caribbean; those fine folk in Canada and...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 251 0
Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P10 pps

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P10 pps

... Windows Vista Upgrade 82 Installing Windows Vista .87 Oops, I Did It Again: Vista Installation Problems .89 Uninstalling Windows Vista 92 Activating and Registrating ... Clearing Up Windows 67 Keeping the Windows Update Closed 69 Seeing the Windows Experience 71 Upgrading to Windows XP 76 Installing Windows XP 80 Seeing ... 149 Being Wary of the Metadata 152 Chapter 1: Installing or Upgrading an Operating System In This Chapter ߜ Clearing up Windows ߜ Upgrading to Windows XP ߜ Upgrading to Windows Vista...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 259 0
Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P11 pdf

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P11 pdf

... upgrade candidates Installing or Upgrading an Operating System Running the Windows XP Upgrade Advisor Book II Chapter 80 Installing Windows XP Taking final steps before upgrading You’re really going ... Windows Experience helps pinpoint a machine’s weakest link Book II Chapter Installing or Upgrading an Operating System The score is automatically calculated when Windows Vista is first installed ... Chapter Installing or Upgrading an Operating System Once you install the OS, install your software applications and test them out The final step is to load your data back onto the drive; putting...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 579 0
Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P12 pps

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P12 pps

... Chapter Installing or Upgrading an Operating System Installing Windows Vista A classic cartoon is regularly used in business, design, and other training classes (I know, because I use it all the ... in case the power goes out Book II Chapter Installing or Upgrading an Operating System Uninstall any antivirus program Restart the computer Try installing the new operating system 92 Uninstalling ... online, go to and search for information about the error Make a call depending on your installation type: • If you’re installing new, call Microsoft • If you’re restoring, call...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 316 0