land management systems software

Content Management Systems

Content Management Systems

... Management Systems Content management is a broad field that encompasses a wide range of software applications. Document management, imaging, product data management, digital media and asset management, ... 374 Download at Boykma.Com 359 CHAPTER 15 Content Management Systems O NE OF THE MOST COMMON uses of a portal is to provide an interface to content management systems (CMSs). Some users may need to get ... asset management, knowledge management, and web content man- agement are some of the different types of content management systems. Usually, all of these different systems are grouped together...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20

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Introduction to cost management systems

Introduction to cost management systems

... issues relate to modifications in cost management systems. The modification of existing systems is discussed next. Chapter 2 Introduction to Cost Management Systems 61 CMS IMPLEMENTATION Once the ... focus of cost management systems? 27. What are feeder systems and why are they important in the design of a cost management system? 28. Which is most important in the design of a cost management ... focus management attention on organizational activities, product life cycles, integrating cost management and performance mea- surement, and integrating investment management and strategic management. APPENDIX 18 Berliner...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 09:13

34 403 0


... Glass, Software Runaways: Lessons Learned from Massive Software Project Failures, Prentice Hall, 1998, p. 259. 9. R. L. Glass, “Talk About a Software Crisis — Not!”, The Journal of Systems and Software ... thoroughly. 3.1. Knowledge management technology in software engineering Many tools have been designed to support knowledge management in software development, for example the Experience Management System ... “Knowledge management in software engineering projects”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE’99, 1999, pp. 20–27. 65. P. Br¨ossler, “Knowledge management at a software...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:33

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Tài liệu Centralized Versus Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management Systems doc

Tài liệu Centralized Versus Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management Systems doc

... e.g. transaction processing systems, data base systems, data warehouses, document and content manage- ment systems, messaging systems and personal (or group) information management systems as well as ... of experience management systems, (3) the creation of corporate knowledge directories, taxonomies or ontologies, (4) expertise locators, yellow and blue pages as well as skill management systems, ... corporate knowledge. Journal of Knowledge Management 5(1): 94–106. Meso P, Smith R. 2000. A resource-based view of organi- zational knowledge management systems. Journal of Knowledge Management 4(3): 224–234. Nedeß...

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Tài liệu Knowledge Managing and Knowledge Management Systems in Inter-organizational Networks pdf

... advantage. Knowledge management systems (KMS) refer to a class of information systems applied to managing individual and organizational knowledge pro- cesses and flows. They are ICT-based systems developed ... Studies 19(4): 549–583. Pentland BT. 1995. Information systems and organiza- tional learning: the social epistemology of organiza- tional knowledge systems. Accounting, Management and Information ... Infor- mation Systems: 694–700. Vienna, Austria. July 3–5. Tsui E. 2003. Tracking the role and evaluation of com- mercial knowledge management software. In Handbook on Knowledge Management 2:...

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Tài liệu Mechanisms for Knowledge Management Systems Effectiveness: An Exploratory Analysis pptx

... Creation Information systems Knowledge-based systems Knowledge management systems Figure 1 Knowledge management systems foundations KMS Dynamic systems Process oriented systems Integrated systems Locate ... be classified into three cate- gories: dynamic systems, process-oriented systems and integrative systems (Figure 2). Dynamic knowledge management systems Dynamic KMS support mainly interactive ... and Process Management RESEARCH ARTICLE Knowledge Management Systems Effectiveness 207 Teece D, Pisano G, Shuen A. 1997. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Jour- nal...

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Tài liệu Concepts in Configuration Management Systems pptx

... Configuration Management cerning support for software configuration management Software CM is a discipline for controlling the evolution (CM) in environments and tools. This paper’s intent is to of software ... changes merged; and sub- systems can be combined with other subsystems. An I.15 Software Management System (SMS) activity table specifies which versions of which subsystems SMS from BiiN provides ... geographically References dispersed software teams use the same CM system for local CM and for system integration? This is a major problem in 1. Software Maintenance & Development Systems, Inc. Aide-De-Camp Software Management...

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Tài liệu Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Materials and Land Management Practices docx

Tài liệu Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Materials and Land Management Practices docx

...  Carbondioxide(CO 2 )isabsorbedby land andvegetationthroughtheprocessofphotosynthesis.The netemissionsarenegative(sequestration)andsubstantial,offsettingapproximately884MMTCO 2 E,or approximately13%oftotalemissionsin2006. 114 Thecarbonsequestrationandstorageprovidedby land canbepreservedthoughsustainable land management practices,andcanbeenhancedby restorationof land, suchasreforestationofcontaminated land.   Theemissionsestimateforthe land basedcarbonsinkisgivenbytheInventory.Specifically,Chapter7, Land Use, Land UseChange,andForestry,providesanassessmentofthenetGHGfluxresultingfrom theusesandchangesin land typesandforestsintheU.S.,includingnetemissionsfromforestland remainingforestland,croplandremainingcropland, land convertedtocropland,grasslandremaining grassland, land convertedtograssland,settlementsremainingsettlements,landfillyardtrimmings,and ... September2009 vehiclemilestraveledincreasedby42%,whichagainishigherthantherateofpopulationgrowthand duelargelytotheincreaseindeveloped land. 70 Despiteimprovementsmadeinvehiclefuelefficiency sincethe1970s,GHGemissionsfromthetransportationsectorhaveincreasedinrecentyears,inpart duetotheincreaseintotalvehicle‐milestraveled. 71   Smartgrowthapproaches—suchasreuseofproperty;infill,compact,andmixed‐usedevelopment; andthecleanupandredevelopmentofcontaminatedproperty—reducedevelopmentpressureon greenfields.Compact,mixed‐usedevelopmentmakesiteasierforresidentstowalk,bike,taketransit, ordriveshorterdistances,whichhelpsreducevehicle‐milestraveledandhencetheGHGemissions associatedwithlocaltravel.Inaddition,moresustainable land useanddevelopmentatthelocaland statelevelsthatprioritizesenergyefficiency,reducedenergyconsumption,andreducedmaterial consumptioninbuildingandinfrastructureconstructioncanfurtherreduceGHGemissions.  Land revitalizationpracticespromotethecleanupandreuseofcontaminated land. Byconsideringthe impactof land management throughoutitslifecycle,theUnitedStatescanrealizesignificant reductionsinGHGemissions.Decisionsatthelocal,state,orfederallevelrelatedtothecleanup, restorationand/orreuseofcontaminated land (i.e., land revitalization)canalsoreduceGHGemissions. OSWER’srolein land management isfocusedonpreventing land frombecomingcontaminatedandon thecleanupandreuseof land thathasbeencontaminated.Throughtheseprograms,EPAcurrently tracksmorethan488,000contaminatedorpotentiallycontaminatedsitescoveringalmost15million acresacrossthecountry. 72 ManyofthesesitesrequiresometypeofcleanupinvolvingEPAand/orits federal,state,tribal,andlocalpartnersbeforethepropertycanbereused.Todate,EPAhashelped makemorethan917,000acresofpreviouslycontaminated land readyforreuse. 73 However,itshould benotedthatEPAdoesnotdeterminethenewuseofEPA‐trackedsites;reusedecisionsfor contaminated land, includingEPA‐trackedcontaminated land, aremadebyindividualpropertyowners andinaccordancewithlocalandstate,tribal,andfederal land useregulationsandanyrequirementsof theapplicablecleanupprogram.  EPAandotherorganizationsinvolvedwithcleaningupcontaminated land mayfindopportunitiesto employcleanuptechniquesthatprovideanequivalentlevelofenvironmentalandhumanhealth protectionwhileemittingloweramountsofGHGsthrough:1)optimizingremediesandtreatment systems bothfornewandexistingremedies;2)usingalternativeenergyderivedfromcleanerand renewableenergysources;and3)accountingforthetechnicalneedsofpotentialreuseoptionsand incorporatingthemthroughoutthecleanupprocessestofacilitatesustainablereuseoftheproperty andpreservationofgreenfields. 74   Sequesteringcarbononthesesitesisanotherpotentialbenefitfromsomecleanupandreuse activities—particularlyonformerminelands.Atsomesites,organicsoilamendmentscanbeusedto remediatethesite,boostingtheamountofcarbonsequesteredinthesoilandenhancingvegetation ...  REDUCINGORAVOIDINGGHGEMISSIONSTHROUGH LAND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Land management describeshowwemanageanduse land toprovideopenspaceandhabitat,food, naturalresources,andplacesforpeopletolive,work,andrecreate.EPApromotesintegrated land management strategiesthatuse land asproductivelyandsustainablyaspossiblebypromotingsmart growth,preventingandminimizingtheoccurrenceofcontaminationandbycleaningup,reusing,and restoringcontaminated land forbeneficialreusebycommunities. 67   AsdescribedinBox7, land management hasthreekeycomponents: land protection,sustainable land use,and land revitalization.Similartothematerials management approachesthatcanbeusedinthe materialflow, land management approachescanbeusedtoreduceGHGemissionsbyimproving practiceswithinoracrosseachofthesecomponents. Land protectionpracticeslimithowmuch land is contaminatedeachyear.When land iscontaminated,itshouldbe cleaneduptolevelsprotectiveofhumanhealthandthe environment. Land...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20

98 501 0
Quality Management Systems doc

Quality Management Systems doc

... success, quality management systems allow organizations to keep up with and meet current quality levels, meet the consumer’s Quality Management Systems 265 TLFeBOOK education of management is going ... and report back to management. This is usually done on a regular basis, and reports are produced for the employees. SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES 282 TLFeBOOK 14 Quality Management Systems F or more than ... to established requirements within an organization. What Is a Quality Management System? A quality management system is a management technique used to communicate to employees what is required...

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... DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ARJEN P. DE VRIES Centre for Telematics and Information Technology University of Twente The Netherlands 2 CONTENT AND MULTIMEDIA DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS easy ... DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS [EN94]. Although initially the idea of relational database management systems was perceived too theoretical by the majority of practisioners, prototype relational systems appeared ... supportfor virtualmem- ory management; modern operating systems provide the client with the possibility to advice on the buffer-policy. Relational database systems can be viewed as systems that have applied...

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... FLEXIBLE FRONT-END FOR DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Marjorie Templeton System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, CA. EUFID is a natural language frontend for data management systems. It is modular ... is used in the generatlon of the query to the data management system. 4. INTERMEDIATE LANGUAGE EUFID is adaptable to most data management systems with- out changes to the central modules. ... base, or the same view of a restructured data base. It can be interfaced with various data management systems currently it can access a relational data base via INGRES or a network data base...

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