lamb martha j r 1826 1893 american historian

Tiểu sử Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh (1890 - 1969)

Tiểu sử Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh (1890 - 1969)

... cho họ Nó ngăn trở họ tiến Trí thức gì? Trí thức hiểu biết Trong giới có hai thứ hiểu biết: hiểu biết tranh đấu sinh sản Khoa học tự nhiên mà Hai hiểu biết tranh đấu dân tộc tranh đấu xã hội ... mơi triệu đồng lời (năm 1925 đợc 17.000.000 đồng) Thử hỏi 17 triệu thằng chủ Tây làm công nhân An Nam làm ra? Dân cày ta ruộng mà cày, mà tụi đồn điền Tây chiếm hết 122.000 mẫu ruộng tốt Trung ... bánh xe trật đờng ray Họ làm chậm trễ chuyến xe Vì vậy, ngời lời biếng có tội với đồng bào, với Tổ quốc Kết chữ Cần nào? Kết chữ Cần to lớn Một thí dụ: Trong 20 triệu đồng bào ta, cho 10 triệu niên...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 21:15

27 763 0
Tài liệu English Style Guide A handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission pptx

Tài liệu English Style Guide A handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission pptx

... or person is not particularly important in the context of your text, an ordinary noun phrase may be more appropriate for subsequent mentions: The Ruritanian Programme for Innovation and Research ... sense: re-cover — recover; re-creation — recreation; re-form — reform; re-count — recount The following are examples of well-used hyphens: user-friendly software; two-day meeting; four-month ... two-thirds completed BUT an increase of two thirds 2.61 Prefixes before proper names Prefixes before proper names are hyphenated: pro -American, intra-EU, mid-Atlantic, pan-European, trans-European...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

94 1,1K 0
ease guidelines for authors and translators of scientific articles to be published in english

ease guidelines for authors and translators of scientific articles to be published in english

... Clearly distinguish your original data and ideas from those of other people and from your earlier publications – provide citations whenever relevant Preferably summarize or paraphrase text from ... Hartley, Françoise SalagerMeyer, Marcin Kozak, Ed Hull, Mary Ellen Kerans, Angela Turner, Will Hughes, Peter Hovenkamp, Thomas Babor, Eric Lichtfouse, Richard Hurley, Mercè Piqueras, Maria Persson, ... you to draw sensible and reliable conclusions • Before you start writing, preferably choose the journal to which you will submit your manuscript Make sure that the journal’s readership corresponds...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2014, 14:09

16 449 0
Kinh Nghiem Hoc English.pdf

Kinh Nghiem Hoc English.pdf

... phob(Greek: fear, extreme fear of, morbid fear of, excessive fear of, irrational fear or terror of something or someone; however, sometimes this Greek element means a strong dislike or hatred for ... (Greek: heart, pertaining to the heart) chromato-, chromat-, chromo-, chrom-, chro-, -chrome, -chromasia, -chromia, -chromatism, chromatic, -chromatically, -chromy (Greek: color) chrono-, chron- ... decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurements) meter-, metro-, metr-, -metrical, -metrically, -metron, -metric, -metrist, -meters, -metry, -metre (Greek: measure) micro-,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2012, 14:15

58 2K 9


... Advertising Manager Arbitrator Area / Regional Manager External Auditor Foreman Graduate Trainee IT Consultant Marketing Manager Official Mediator Official Receiver Sales Representative Security ... cheese around here Basically I'm the most important director in charge of the company I'm Judy Briers I work directly for Liz Hamley, and for her alone I perform various secretarial and administrative ... meet or to need You should therefore try to develop your vocabulary further by reading from a variety of other resources, such as newspapers, magazines, journals and books As a reference source,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:31

82 6,1K 56
Check Your English Vocabulary for Academic English.pdf

Check Your English Vocabulary for Academic English.pdf

... courts a legal b compulsory c binding Because the strikers still refused to return to work, the employers agreed reluctantly to _ their pay offer to the workers a rewrite b revise c reproduce ... other, so try to look for one central meaning Introduction Introduction Word That Go Together Remember also to write down any other words which are often found together with your new word For example, ... sentences here, choose the best word from a, b or c The former West Germany tried to its business approach onto the former East Germany a imprint b enforce c superimpose In a nuclear power station,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:31

81 4,3K 66
Check Your English Vocabulary for Banking & Finance.pdf

Check Your English Vocabulary for Banking & Finance.pdf

... lender / giver or mortgagee The person who borrows money in the form of a mortgage is called a mortgage borrower / taker or mortgagor There are several different types of mortgage in / on the market ... rate 12 Parker Publishing pay their delivery drivers 13 Parker Publishing delivery drivers are on 14 Parker Publishing delivery drivers are 15 Parker Publishing ... free trade ț globalisation infrastructure ț disposable income market forces private sector ț Retail Price Index (RPI) trade barrier ț industrial base ț public sector ț budget surplus natural resources...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:32

81 8K 90
Check Your English Vocabulary for Living in the UK.pdf

Check Your English Vocabulary for Living in the UK.pdf

... appropriate word or words from exercise 1 26 Mr Johnson and Mrs Johnson are getting divorced Mrs Johnson demands to have the house, the car and 75% of Mr Johnson's life savings Mr Johnson disagrees ... Cornwall Dartmoor Edinburgh Glasgow Inverness Kent The Lake District Liverpool Londonderry Neagh Ness Newport Northumberland The North York Moors Omagh Oxfordshire Pembrokeshire Coast Severn ... regular basis Remun is the formal word for money that an employee receives for doing his / her job When we work for more than the normal working time, we say that we work (and therefore earn)...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:32

81 2,9K 24
Check Your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and Idioms.pdf

Check Your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and Idioms.pdf

... verb and an adverb or preposition These adverbs and prepositions are often called particles when they are used in a phrasal verb Most phrasal verbs are formed from a small number of verbs (for ... apart from our rivals Transitive phrasal verbs where the object must come after the particle For example: John takes after his mother Why you put up with the way he treats you? Transitive phrasal ... other expressions that rhyme or alliterate Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using 'run' Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using 'set' Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:32

81 7,4K 101
Visual Studio 2008 - English

Visual Studio 2008 - English

... Lab Objective Làm quen với ngôn ngữ C# Bài tập thực hành C# Page Exercise – Sử dụng môi trường Console Task – Creating the ‘Lab01’ Project Click the Start | Programs | Microsoft Visual ... template Provide a name for the new project by entering “Lab01” in the Name field Click OK Bài tập thực hành C# Page Task – Xuất hình In the Solution Explorer, double click on Program.cs to open ... to open the source code Press Ctrl+F5 to build and run the application, displaying the output in a console window: Press any key to close the console window and terminate the program Task – Nhập...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2012, 10:46

11 562 1
English Grammar in Use

English Grammar in Use

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 10:06

12 3,9K 31


... of a paragraph Disregarding time order, the reporter can arrange his material in the descending order of importance details for the second paragraph and save less important details for succeeding ... “Structure is an art of the performance on content factors of the writers Structurally, the writers can change the orders of the contents of the news story” In fact, the paragraph of a news story ... call to prayer should ring out across Harvard Yard and whether women should be granted separate gym hours (IHT April 22-23, 2008) E.g.2.1.4.d2: The headline: Fight for Basra a struggle for Iraq The...

Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2012, 11:12

62 1,1K 5


... kiểm tra xong,nếu đạt có màu khác với khơng đạt… Ngun tắc dự phòng Các server quan trọng, thường đưuọc lưu trữ thơng tin server thứ ba back up setver Back up server thay cho server server bị trục ... server server bị trục trặc Ngun tắc r thay cho đắt, ngun tác sử dụng trung gian Thay triển khai server mua, để tiết kiệm chi phí, triển khai server miễn phí th server với chi phí r Điều tùy thuộc ... VIỆC Lưu trữ Lưu trữ Lưu trữ Lưu trữ Lưu trữ Lưu trữ User có chức : log in,tạo account mới,xem điểm STT CƠNG VIỆC Login New Account Xem điểm LỌAI CƠNG VIỆC Lưu trữ Lưu trữ Hiển thị Ngồi ra,các chức...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 11:51

9 1,2K 11

... organization framed gender relations through marriage, the division of labour and inheritance practices’’; moreover, in their reading, ‘‘the structure of property can be regarded as a powerful ... heart of Burke’s project for remaking Ireland in an English mold Burke, Edgeworth, and Ireland in the s  Burke’s quarrel with the French Jacobins in the Reflections arises from their repudiation ... historical record suggests by contrast that nineteenth-century Ireland has major discursive importance for contemporary ‘‘English’’ writers: literary critics in English studies have by and large...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

240 1,2K 5


... specific phrase ‘general jurisprudence’ in their writings, and Harold J Berman uses the term ‘integrative jurisprudence’ in similar terms and for the same goal of developing a general approach to ... through, for example, an appreciation of parliamentary sovereignty as opposed to royal tyranny, or a common horror such as the World Revolution of the two world wars 70 Berman, ‘Integrative Jurisprudence’, ... contribute to the current discourse of general jurisprudence by attempting to build a normatively and historically rich general jurisprudence relevant to the global age That it purports to so primarily...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54

378 1,1K 2
7 Secrets for English leaner

7 Secrets for English leaner

... the radio or cassette or television or record PLAY Let it play And you - you nothing Your brain will HEAR, your subconscious will LISTEN and you will LEARN! Secret #5: IMPROVE YOUR VOCABULARY ... listen for you And you will still learn If you listen and try to understand, you may block on one word and get frustrated Don't worry! Just HEAR! Believe me, you will still be learning The important ... practise? When you were a baby, did you understand your own language? When you were weeks old, or months, or year, did you understand everything? Of course not! But you *learned* to understand by *listening*...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 11:46

3 880 14
7 tips for writing in English

7 tips for writing in English

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 11:46

2 3,6K 60