... COMMUNICATION ON SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ISSUES… Running head: COMMUNICATION OF SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ISSUES Perceptions of Parents and Adolescents on Communication of Sexual and Reproductive ... 2.2 Adolescent Knowledge about Sexual and Reproductive Health 24 2.3 Adolescent‟s Sexual and Reproductive Health Concerns 26 COMMUNICATION ON SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ISSUES… ... ON SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ISSUES… List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ASRH Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health DHS Demographic and Health Survey FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of
Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2017, 15:10
... Services and Policies Week 1: Sexual and reproductive health services for HIV-positive women: issues of concern and obstacles to care • • Which sexual and reproductive health issues of concern ... their reproductive and sexual health needs Women face significant barriers at the domestic, community, regional and national level in realizing their rights and sexual and reproductive health ... the subject of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) policies, services and human rights for HIVpositive women One forum, moderated by Harvard and Ipas, was open to all professionals and women with
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20
Services for women’s sexual and reproductive health in India: An analysis of treatment-seeking for symptoms of reproductive tract infections in a nationally representative survey
... adolescents’ and children’s health; 2018 Dandona R, Pandey A, Dandona L A review of national health surveys in India Bull World Health Organ 2016;94(4):286 WHO World Health Organization Sexually ... longstanding focus on maternal health and family planning Recent policy highlights the importance of expanding women’s access to a broader range of sexual and reproductive health services However, ... training within primary health care and health and wellness centres should ensure inclusion of women’s non-maternal, gynaecologic health needs, particularly symptoms of infections and menstrual disorders
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 11:06
... Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda—to help journalists educate the public and policymakers on these issues The Vision: Sexual and Reproductive Health for All The right to sexual and reproductive health ... their sexual and reproductive rights and to reduce deaths and injuries of women from unsafe abortion www.ipas.org Population Council’s Reproductive Health Program focuses on improving sexual and reproductive ... To Sexual and Reproductive Health In East Africa 39 40 Population Reference Bureau Sources of Information The following are evidence-based sources of information on sexual and reproductive health
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20
Achieving sexual and reproductive health and rights for women and girls through the HIV response pot
... importance of increased knowledge and understanding of the needs of women and girls in the context of HIV, and the use of such knowledge to create evidence-informed policy, programmes and practices. 3 ... contacts and related links 40 COMMUNITY INNOVATION: SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND RIGHTS THROUGH THE HIV RESPONSE 3 Over the last decade, the interplay between sexual and reproductive health and ... Reproductive Health Service providers in the United States: leading the integration of HIV into sexual and reproductive health and rights services HIV and sexual and reproductive
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20
Gender-based Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Looking at the Health Sector Response in the Asia-Pacific Region doc
... study of young people revealed that 15.8% of gay and bisexual young men and 27.6% of lesbian and bisexual young women reported suicide ideation, compared with 7.5% of heterosexual young men and ... (ARROW) www.arrow.org.my Sexual violence (SV), such as rape and sexual exploitation, often increases in crisis situtions, in cases of forced displacement and breakdown of law and order. In spite of this, sexual and ... (UNFPA) and other national and international partners, 1 aims to improve health outcomes of crisis-aected populations by reducing preventable sexual and reproductive ill health, disability and
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20
... reproductive health of their populations. It starts with a presentation of the RH challenges facing the Region and then goes on to clarify the concepts of Sexual Health, Reproductive Health and Safe Motherhood. ... reproductive health needs of individuals, specific to their age, by improving the course content and methodologies for training health workers in reproductive health and human sexuality, and ... use of this strategic framework by governmental, intergovernmental and nongovernmental agencies and institutions in developing policies and programmes in the field of sexual and reproductive health,
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
Sexual and reproductive health and rights: A position paper pptx
... commitment and approach to achieving those goals. Why are sexual and reproductive health and rights important? 3. Sexual and reproductive health is an essential element of good health and human development. ... that sexual and reproductive health offers. The increased choices and opportunities, especially for women, that come from better and more accessible sexual and reproductive health services and ... reproductive and sexual health and wellbeing by preventing and solving reproductive health problems. It also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relations
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
Young Men’s Sexual AND Reproductive Health: Toward a National Strategy Getting Started potx
... Duberstein Lindberg Sexual and Reproductive Health: What Should Be Achieved? 86 The Content of a Comprehensive Reproductive Health Strategy 89 How to Deliver Sexual and Reproductive Health Services ... full range of clinical and sexual reproductive health services for young men F EDERAL C HALLENGES AND O PPORTUNITIES Promoting the sexual and reproductive health of young men ... Working Group: Young Men’s Sexual and Reproductive Health steering committee TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments 3 Working Group: Young Men’s Sexual and Reproductive Health 4 Summary 9 Why Focus
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 15:20
Parent-young people communication about sexual and reproductive health in E/Wollega zone, West Ethiopia: Implications for interventions doc
... al. Reproductive Health 2012, 9:13 Page 4 of 13 http://www .reproductive- health- journal.com/content/9/1/13 Parent-young people communication about sex and reproductive health In the context of ... puberty (20.1% of males and 14.8% of females) while 5.7% of males and 10.4% of females reported discussing about menstruation. One hundred sev- enty eight (46.6%) of males and 190 (44.8%) of females reported ... aspects like: condom use (6.2% of males and 3.5% of females) and about family plan- ning (8.2% of males and 10% of females). B ut about two- third of males, 231(60.6%), and females, 287(67.8%), reported
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20
Universal access to sexual and reproductive health services pptx
... sexual and reproductive health: www.eldis.org /health/ sexrepro/soccul.htm See also: Sexual and reproductive health and rights key issues guide section on obstacles to realising sexual and reproductive ... 10 [...]... Health sector reforms and sexual and reproductive health Accountability, participation and good governance critical to health sector reform and sexual and reproductive ... prevention and healthcare, limit people’s ability to make choices regarding their own sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Whilst the importance of reproductive health has been acknowledged
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20
... into the sexual and reproductive rights and needs of women displaced by war and armed conflict The basic assumption of the guide is that sexual and reproductive rights are human rights, and more ... Service Package Non-governmental organization Primary Health Care Reproductive Health Sexual and Reproductive Health Sexually Transmitted Disease Sexually Transmitted Infection United Nations High ... COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH OF SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS AND NEEDS OF WOMEN DISPLACED BY WAR AND ARMED CONFLICT A Practical Guide for Programme Officers Marleen Bosmans, Prof Dr Marleen Temmerman
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu The Contribution of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services to the Fight against HIV/AIDS: A Review pptx
... the health sector has looked to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) programmes for leadership and guidance in preventing transmission, and more recently in offering some aspects of treatment and ... essential for addressing sexual and reproductive health: ensuring contraceptive choice and safety, improving maternal and newborn health, reducing sexually transmitted and other reproductive tract ... Integration of sexual and reproductive health services: a health sector priority [editorial] Reproductive Health Matters 2003;11(21):6–15 Wawer MJ, Sewankambo N, Serwadda D, et al Control of sexually...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents perinatally infected with HIV in Uganda pptx
... particular sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescent girls with HIV, ensuring the availability of age-appropriate information and counseling on sexual and reproductive health and safer sexual ... Guidelines and Service Standards for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (MoH, 2006), for instance, defines adolescent SRH as one of the components of reproductive health and considers sexuality ... Standards for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Kampala, Uganda Ministry of Health (MOH) [Uganda] and ORC Macro 2006 Uganda HIV/AIDS SeroBehavioural survey 2004-2005, Calverton, Maryland,...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Sexual and Reproductive Health of Persons Aged 10–24 Years — United States, 2002–2007 ppt
... 1Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC 2Office of Analysis and Epidemiology, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC 3Office of ... range of health outcomes (i.e., sexual risk behavior, pregnancy and births, STDs, HIV/AIDS, and sexual violence), highlighting the magnitude of the threat to young persons’ sexual and reproductive ... strategies, and continued monitoring of sexual risk behavior and reproductive health outcomes Acknowledgments The following members of the Workgroup on Adolescent Sex and Reproductive Health Surveillance...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malawi: Results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents pdf
... (33% of females and 27% of males) and being afraid (32% of females and 16% of males) Approximately 70% of the respondents had heard about voluntary counseling and testing and while the majority of ... seeking sexual and reproductive health services and information; and provide new information about what very young adolescents (aged 12–14) know and with respect to sexual and reproductive health ... overview of the results of this survey on sexual and reproductive health of 12–19-year-old females and males in Malawi in 2004 Results are mainly descriptive of the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20
Advancing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Human Rights of People Living With HIV pdf
... collaboration – all of which can undermine sexual and with HIV of their sexual and reproductive health and rights reproductive health and the enjoyment of human rights Building up health systems, and improving ... health and rights The Guidance Package promote their sexual and reproductive health and rights is casts a wide net, examining the sexual and reproductive focused largely on reform of health and ... attention given to the benefits of better integrating a satisfying, safe and healthy sexuality and reproductive HIV and sexual and reproductive health information and health This Guidance Package...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20
Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Women and Adolescent Girls living with HIV pdf
... awareness, and policy and programmatic gaps, regarding the rights and health needs of HIV-positive women and adolescent girls There is unevenness of health providers’ understanding of SRH of women ... treatment and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services that can allow women to maintain control over their lives and exercise their rights Through lack of access and stigma and discrimination, ... and update on by 2005 UNFPA/World Health Organization 2006, Sexual and Reproductive Health of Women Living with HIV: Guidelines on care, treatment and support for women living with HIV/AIDS and...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ghana: Results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents doc
... responsibilities, and perceptions of adolescent sexual and reproductive health 11 Guttmacher Institute Reproductive Health Situation of Adolescents in Ghana As part of this project, a comprehensive overview of ... framework of adolescent sexual and reproductive health (Chart 2.1) guided the content of the survey questionnaire and ensured that data on the social environment, knowledge, attitudes, sexual and reproductive ... HIV/AIDS: knowledge and sources of information, knowledge of and experience with voluntary counseling and testing; • Other STIs: knowledge of and experiences with other STIs, information on sources of...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20
Sexual and reproductive health of women living with HIV/AIDS pot
... understanding of human sexuality and sexual behaviour and has increased willingness to address sexual health in a frank and direct manner Sexual health, the state of physical, emotional, mental and ... reproductive health of women living with HIV/AIDS 12.05.2006 08:49:13 2 Sexual and reproductive health of women living with HIV/AIDS 2.1 Promoting sexual health 2.1.1 HIV and sexuality The HIV pandemic ... should address the sexual and reproductive health needs of women and encourage twoway referral links Full integration of HIV-related interventions within sexual and reproductive health services...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 12:20