java ee 7 recipes
... is used to submit the values to the form action, and the other is used to reset the form fields to blank The form action is the name of the servlet that the form values will be passed to as parameters ... other servlets based upon the task that needs to be accomplished Furthermore, you want the requests to be handed off without redirecting the client to another site, and therefore, the URL in the ... and configure the database for use with the book sources using either of those database choices prior to working with the sources The database configuration involves creation of a database schema...
Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 14:28
... sensitive data, metadata, and the new destination for the AB Then, it creates an AB and gives it the input of the user The AB transforms the user input to its own attributes, which compose the AB’s ... particular service then the same data needs to be used and disclosed every time for the same service There is no need to disclose another item of PII to that service 3) Disclosure history: This can ... sensitive data Then, it verifies the AB’s signed hash value by comparing it to the computed hash value If the verification fails, AB apoptosizes (Step 5); otherwise, the AB decrypts its sensitive data...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:43
... ect) click on the email and then options, and then properties, and it should be there.(This was for a 4th gen browser, IE 4.0 I assume that you can find it yourself on others) If the victim has ... since then, then this wont work, naturally The second method I have seen work is to get in those shitty chat rooms, and they usually have a user info tab, and that will usually tell you the ip ... The first method you can try is try to get the bastard to send you an email if you are using Winblows 95, and i assume most of you are(boy, i love those GUI's .lol) look at the message...
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 19:15
Ebook - Becoming An Extraordinary Manager: The 5 Essentials for Success - “Trở thành Người quản lý tuyệt vời: 5 điều cần thiết để thành công”
... believed them I got their managers together and presented them with some standard topics They said they weren’t the ones who needed training They said they were perfect in every way and their directors ... it to the top are paid perhaps 200 times what people at the bottom make If you’re good enough to make it to the top, you should be paid 200 times what people at the bottom are paid People at the ... happens to These are the victims The ‘‘Woe is me!’’ people They claim they have such terrible luck In truth, they make their own bad luck You hate to even say ‘‘Hi!’’ to them That’s the only...
Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2013, 01:05
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Entity-Mention Model for Coreference Resolution with Inductive Logic Programming" pdf
... mention belongs to an entity) based on the sum of its distances to all the nodes in the partition (i.e., the sum of the probability of the active mention co-referring with the mentions in the entity) ... entertains the example Next, it tries to search for a clause more general than the bottom one The best clause is added to the current theory and all the examples made redundant are removed The procedure ... related to mj and each mention mk in ei j The predicates for the properties of mk correspond to the features in the second part of Table (removing the suffix mk), while the predicates for the relationships...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Modeling Local Coherence: An Entity-based Approach" doc
... decomposition to reduce the semantic space to 100 dimensions obtaining thus a space similar to LSA We represented the meaning of a sentence as a vector by taking the mean of the vectors of its words The ... Microsoft, and the company, but should still be mapped to a single entry in the grid Table exemplifies the entity grid for the text in Table when coreference resolution is taken into account To automatically ... sentences, without taking into account the properties of the entities that contribute to the overlap Not surprisingly, the difference between the two methods is more pronounced for the second task — summary...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Generating Templates of Entity Summaries with an Entity-Aspect Model and Pattern Mining" potx
... subtopics they pertain to Here we call these subtopics the aspects of a summary template The Task Given a collection of entity summaries from the same entity category, our task is to automatically ... On the other hand, document words are entity-specific and therefore should not appear in the generic template patterns; instead, they correspond to template slots that need to be filled in Furthermore, ... patterns, we map each pattern back to one of the sentences that contain the pattern to order the tree nodes according to their original order in the sentence In the end, for each summary collection,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Entity-Level Approach to Information Extraction" pot
... modifiers At the other extreme, setting αr to indicates the property isn’t particular to the entity itself, but rather always drawn from the underlying role distribution We set αr to for pronoun ... mentions to labeled spans if the head of the mention matches the labeled span 10 We scaled expected counts from the unlabeled data so that they did not overwhelm those from our (partially) labeled data ... add ‘junk’ roles to our model to flexibly model entities that not correspond to annotated template roles During training, extracted mentions which are not matched in the labeled data have posteriors...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 16:20
Bull Feather Chronicles: Conversations with an Intuitive Manager ppt
... Europe), their culture tells them not to stand out, not to be noticed, not to outperform their colleagues But this tends to chill down when the rewards and recognition starts coming not only ... demotivating the others? Andy: No, no, no! That's the bull feathers excuse managers use when they're too lazy to work the system to get rewards for their people! If you want to know who the star ... supporting each other Woody: The bottom line? Andy: Bosses need to be with their people, not distant from them Bosses need to be there to pay attention to individual performers and to praise the team...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 01:21
Bull Feather Chronicles:Conversations with an Intuitive ManagerByDr. Woody Sears ppt
... Europe), their culture tells them not to stand out, not to be noticed, not to outperform their colleagues But this tends to chill down when the rewards and recognition starts coming not only ... demotivating the others? Andy: No, no, no! That's the bull feathers excuse managers use when they're too lazy to work the system to get rewards for their people! If you want to know who the star ... supporting each other Woody: The bottom line? Andy: Bosses need to be with their people, not distant from them Bosses need to be there to pay attention to individual performers and to praise the team...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu An Introduction to Windows Server 2008 Server Manager pdf
... (It's Microsoft software—there's usually more than one way to the same thing.) The way to see this Server Manager overview is to click the topmost node in the navigation pane the one titled "Server ... choose to install the Network Policy Server without installing the Routing service Figure Pick and choose from the services you need for a given role For another example, if you choose to install the ... able to almost everything they need to from this one console Of course, like other MMC consoles, you have the flexibility to create your own customized version of this tool, but I'd recommend spending...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15
Ebook - How to be an Even Better Manager
... action themselves as well as through other people They will get support, advice and assistance from their staff, but in the last analysis they are on their own They have to make the decisions and they ... hedgehogs, they want to get together, it’s only their prickles that keep them apart Words may sound or look precise, but they are not All sorts of barriers exist between the communicator and the receiver ... setting up and staffing the most appropriate organization to achieve the aim Motivating – exercising leadership to motivate people to work together smoothly and to the best of their ability as part...
Ngày tải lên: 29/12/2013, 21:33
... action themselves as well as through other people They will get support, advice and assistance from their staff, but in the last analysis they are on their own They have to make the decisions and they ... hedgehogs, they want to get together, it’s only their prickles that keep them apart Words may sound or look precise, but they are not All sorts of barriers exist between the communicator and the receiver ... setting up and staffing the most appropriate organization to achieve the aim Motivating – exercising leadership to motivate people to work together smoothly and to the best of their ability as part...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo khoa học: " Named Entity Recognition using an HMM-based Chunk Tagger" pptx
... data For each experiment, we have the MUC dry-run data as the held-out development data and the MUC formal test data as the held-out test data For both MUC-6 and MUC-7 NE tasks, Table shows the ... Actually, the experiments show that the contribution of f comes from where there is no explicit indicator information in/around the NE and there is no reference to other NEs in the macro context of the ... current word is at the beginning/in the middle/at the end of an entity 2) Entity Category: EC This is used to denote the class of the entity name 3) Word Feature: WF Because of the limited number...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20
The Coaching Handbook: An Action Kit for Trainers & Managers potx
... does not wish to participate you cannot be successful Together you will need to agree how this decision is communicated to the line manager; either the coachee talks to the manager, you talk to the ... to make notes, explain to your coachee what you are writing and the reasons for writing it as people worry about what might happen to the notes Another option is to ask the coachee to write the ... perceive the objectives to be and send them to the coachee for comments – they can then be discussed, either at another meeting or over the telephone If you choose to correspond about the objectives...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:20
A Manager’s Guide to Leadership An action learning approach 2nd edition
... other Their conversation led to HIV/AIDS, and this led to another meeting, this time involving some of the other midwives in the area The meeting became a regular one open to all midwives in the ... perspective Notice that when you … … approach the Characteristics pole, you move towards the individual and the personal qualities of leadership … … but when you move towards either the Challenges or the ... individuals, but they not always work well together The challenges we face demand the concerted efforts of everyone in the situation Enabling talented people to work better together is a critical...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 21:29
Management in India: Grow from an Accidental to a Successful Manager in the IT & Knowledge IndustryA real-world, practical book for a professional in his journey to becoming a successful manager in IndiaRahul Goyalprofessional expertise distilled doc
... introduced The current systems may be negatively impacted The manager will need to sell the idea and get the buy-in from the top management and his/her own team The manager will need to develop the ... being of the team depend on the conduit The conduit (you) has the ability to color the picture in any shade; how big or small and also control the view of the picture to smaller or bigger The conduit ... impact the work • Status of dependencies • Monitor people and other resources Some managers mistake this to be the primary role and drive through monitoring They become status managers Their primary...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Effective Two-Stage Model for Exploiting Non-Local Dependencies in Named Entity Recognition" pdf
... about the label to be assigned to another occurrence of a similar token sequence, the system can gain significantly by using the information about the label assigned to the former occurrence, to ... common tokens • Entity-majority features: These refer to the majority label assigned to the particular entity in the document/corpus Eg: Suppose we • Superentity-majority features: These refer to the ... encourage the second CRF to switch the labels of all occurrences of the token sequence to Location, it would not strongly discourage the CRF from labeling these as Organization, since there would...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 01:20
báo cáo sinh học:" An experience of virtual leadership development for human resource managers" ppt
... managers together and give them the skills and tools to scan their environments, focus on priority challenges, align and mobilize resources, address challenges and produce results Around the world, ... individually, they may find it difficult to generate support for change when they return to their workplaces pendently on the VLDP Web site with the ... consistency They have identified and learnt to better advertise the benefits of working for their organization They say these changes were possible because of the leadership skills they gained through the...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20