... improvements in Java EE 6 Deliverables The Java EE 6 platform was developed as Java Specification... configuration, and relying heavily on annotations makes the Java EE 6 platform easy ... the Java EE 6 platform, as listed in Appendix EE. 6 of the platform specification These components include Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Servlets, JavaServer Faces (JSF), Java API for ... all Java EE licensees for testing their respective implementations What’s New in Java EE. .. Messaging (JAXM) 1.3 • JSR 93: Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) 1.0 • JSR 101: Java
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 17:20
Java EE 6 Pocket Guide potx
... the Java EE 6 platform, as listed in Appendix EE. 6 of the platform specification These components include Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Servlets, JavaServer Faces (JSF), Java API for ... JSR 101: Java API for. .. platform, and easy-to-understand code samples will be used throughout to demonstrate improvements in Java EE 6 Deliverables The Java EE 6 platform was developed ... many others... for the Java Platform 2.0 • JSR 222: Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.2 • JSR 224: Java API for XML Web Services (JAXWS) 2.2 • JSR 311: Java API for RESTful Web
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 19:20
... with MockMaker 6. 6.1 Problem You want to automatically generate a mock object from any Java interface. 6. 6.2 Solution Use MockMaker, available from http://www.mockmaker.org. 6. 6.3 Discussion ... refid="classpath.mockmaker"/> <arg line="javax.swing.event.TableModelListener"/> < /java& gt; </target> 6. 6.4 See Also Recipe 6. 2 and Recipe 6. 3 show how to hand-code mock objects ... fail("Expected DataSourceException"); } catch (DataSourceException expected) { } } 6. 7.4 See Also This method was taken from Example 6- 8 earlier in this chapter. 6. 8 Testing Server-Side
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21
excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 6 potx
... Cell E6 becomes: =INDEX(StdCap!B4:B 16, (MATCH(Cap,StdCap!B4:B 16) +1),1) Having calculated the standard capacitance, we need to reevaluate the input waveform Cells F13 to F53 contain the formula ... If we take a formula for a curve and evaluate it for a number of points, we can use these points as the values for Y1 and Y2 and so calculate the area. Figure 10-21 shows the formulas used ... created the top of the worksheet to include all the parameters that are needed (see Fig - ure 10-24), and the cells C3 to C9 have been suitably named. Only the nominal transformer voltage is required
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20
modern java ee design patterns buiding scalable architecture for sustainable enterprise development
... He has been working with Java EE servers from different vendors for more than 14 years and talks about his favorite topics relating to Java EE at conferences all over the world He has been a principal ... doesn’t even have to be on one platform or language If you are grounded in Java EE, you’ve already seen some recom‐ mendations and platform-specific thoughts for working with micro‐ 49 services ... Modern Java EE Design Patterns Building Scalable Architecture for Sustainable Enterprise Development Markus Eisele Modern Java EE Design Patterns Building Scalable Architecture for Sustainable
Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 11:11
Sun certified enterprise architect for java EE study guide
... 153 1 86 Index H Helm, Richard, 100 heterogeneity, 24 horizontal scalability, 30 horizontal scaling, 21 I integrating integration, 16, 75 Java to non -Java, 76 JCA, 77 Java to Java, 75- 76 Java to ... API, 61 , 72 JAXB (Java API for XML Binding), 72 JAXR (Java API for XML Registries), 73 JCA (Java Connector Architecture), 74, 77 JMS (Java Messaging Service), 73- 76 Johnson, Ralph, 100 JPA (Java ... Persistence API (JPA) in EJB 3.0, 56, 63 -64 Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL), 40 Java to non -Java integration, JCA, 77 JavaServer Faces (JSF), 41 standard usage, 43 JavaServer Pages (JSP), 39 standard
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2019, 15:35
Sun certified enterprise architect for java EE study guide
... 153 1 86 Index H Helm, Richard, 100 heterogeneity, 24 horizontal scalability, 30 horizontal scaling, 21 I integrating integration, 16, 75 Java to non -Java, 76 JCA, 77 Java to Java, 75- 76 Java to ... API, 61 , 72 JAXB (Java API for XML Binding), 72 JAXR (Java API for XML Registries), 73 JCA (Java Connector Architecture), 74, 77 JMS (Java Messaging Service), 73- 76 Johnson, Ralph, 100 JPA (Java ... Persistence API (JPA) in EJB 3.0, 56, 63 -64 Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL), 40 Java to non -Java integration, JCA, 77 JavaServer Faces (JSF), 41 standard usage, 43 JavaServer Pages (JSP), 39 standard
Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2019, 08:56
Chapter 6 reasons for incentives
... are frequently paid a premium for their efforts. Chapter 6. Reasons for Firm Incentives 5 effective than markets, then firms would never exist – would have no reason for being, meaning that no ... (September-October 1989), pp. 64 -65 . Chapter 6. Reasons for Firm Incentives 8 standard approach is useful, but we also believe it leaves out a lot of interesting forces at work on managers within ... three workers pulled on the rope, the individual effort averaged 84 percent of the effort expended by one worker. With eight workers pulling, the average individual effort was one-half the effort
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 15:18
Java™ Extreme Programming Cookbook potx
... with Java for a few reasons. Most important is the speed with which Java compiles. XP relies on test-first development in which programmers write tests for code before they write the code. For ... Section 6. 5. Testing JDBC Code Section 6. 6. Generating Mock Objects with MockMaker Section 6. 7. Breaking Up Methods to Avoid Mock Objects Section 6. 8. Testing Server-Side ... Chapter 6. Mock Objects Section 6. 1. Introduction Section 6. 2. Event Listener Testing Section 6. 3. Mock Object Self-Validation Section 6. 4. Writing Testable
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 12:20
CHAPTER 5 Macros and subprograms - CHAPTER 6 Examples for subsystems within microcontroller potx
... be selected As can be seen above, first four macros not have parameters However, parameters can be used if needed This will be illustrated with the following macros, used for changing direction ... defined for each of these The program itself is quite simple; it first adds lower bytes of variables PAR1 and PAR2, then it adds higher bytes If two lower bytes total exceeds 255 (maximum for a ... with extension INC (abbrev for INCLUDE file) The following image shows the file bank.inc which contains two macros, bank0 and bank1 Macros Bank0 and Bank1 are given for illustrational purposes
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 07:20
Lập trình Java - chương 6 ppsx
... 6. 5 minh hoạ các vẽ polyline Chương trình 6. 5 import java. awt.*; class PolyLines extends Frame { int x1[] = {50, 75, 95, 115, 135}; int y1[] = {50, 30, 60 , 75, 60 }; int x2[] = {67 ... chương trình trên: Hình 6. 8 Polygon 6. 6 Điều khiển màu Trong Java, chúng ta điều khiển màu... dùng 3 màu chính là đỏ (red), xanh lá cây (green), xanh dương (blue) Java sử dụng mô kiểu màu ... Chương trình 6. 1 hiển thị một chuổi ở dòng 70 và cột 80: Chương trình 6. 1 import java. awt.*; import java. applet.*; public class Applet1 extends Applet { int num; public void init() { num = 6; } public
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20
Active Directory Cookbook for windows server 2003- P1 pps
... Find More Information Approach to the Book If you are familiar with the O'Reilly Cookbook format that can be seen in other popular books, such as the Perl Cookbook, Java Cookbook, and ... contains detailed information about the problem or solution. The see also section contains references to additional sources of information that can be useful if you still need more information after ... 6 • Chapter 8, covers creating computers, joining computers to a domain, resetting computers, and locating computers that match certain criteria (e.g., have been inactive for a number of weeks).
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:20
Active Directory Cookbook for windows server 2003- P2 pps
... the object (one per line). For object deletions, you do not need to specify any other attributes. And for object modifications, you need to specify at least three more lines. The first should ... administrators need to know. Now that Active Directory has been around for a few years, a significant user base has been built, which has led to other great resources of information. This section ... rallen-xp) Recipe 1.5 Where to Find More Information While it is my hope that this book provides you with enough information to perform most of the tasks you need to do to maintain your Active Directory
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:20
Active Directory Cookbook for windows server 2003- P3 docx
... have been established for the domain (see Recipe 2.22 for more details). For more information on how to demote a domain controller, see Recipe 3.3. 2.4.3 Discussion The "brute force" ... in Child Domain Does Not Succeed) Recipe 2 .6 Finding the Domains in a Forest 2 .6. 1 Problem You want a list of the domains in a forest. 33 2 .6. 2 Solution 2 .6. 2.1 Using a graphical user ... levels. For more information on Windows Server 2003 functional levels, see Recipe 2.13 and Recipe 2.14. 38 2.9.4 See Also Recipe 2.13 for raising the functional level of a domain, Recipe 2.14 for
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:20
Active Directory Cookbook for windows server 2003- P4 ppt
... create a transitive trust between two AD forests. This causes the domains in both forests to trust each other without the need for additional trusts. 2. 16. 2 Solution 2. 16. 2.1 Using a graphical user ... Server 2003) Recipe 2. 16 Creating a Transitive Trust Between Two AD Forests This recipe requires the Windows Server 2003 forest functional level in both forests. 2. 16. 1 Problem You want ... forest trust scenario. To create a forest trust, you need to use accounts from the Enterprise Admins group in each forest. 49 Figure 2-5. Trust necessary for two Windows Server 2003 forests
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:20
Active Directory Cookbook for windows server 2003- P6 ppsx
... hardware, see Recipe 3 .6 for manually removing a domain controller from Active Directory. 3.3.4 See Also Recipe 3 .6 for removing an unsuccessfully demoted domain controller, Recipe 3.17 for disabling ... installation. See Recipe 3.4 for more details. 65 3.1.4 See Also Recipe 2.1 for creating a new forest, Recipe 2.3 for creating a new domain, and MS KB 238 369 (HOW TO: Promote and Demote Domain Controllers ... series of screens that collects information about the forest and domain to promote the server into. There are several options for promoting a server: • Promoting into a new forest (See Recipe
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Java EE 6 Cookbook for Securing, Tuning, and Extending Enterprise Applications docx
... www.packtpub.com /java- ee6 -securing- tuning-extending-enterprise- applications -cookbook/ book Java EE 6 Cookbook for Securing, Tuning, and Extending Enterprise Applications Java Platform, Enterprise Edition is a widely used platform for enterprise server ... for testing various Java EE technologies, including JPA, EJB, JSF, and web services. For More Information: www.packtpub.com /java- ee6 -securing- tuning-extending-enterprise- applications -cookbook/ book ... em.close(); } For More Information: www.packtpub.com /java- ee6 -securing- tuning-extending-enterprise- applications -cookbook/ book Enterprise Testing Strategies 134 Step 6: We need to verify...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 00:20
Java EE 6 Cookbook for Securing, Tuning, and Extending Enterprise Applications pdf
... of the Java EE 6 APIs in the web container: The green boxes denote the new APIs added to Java EE 6. 3. Next, we examine the availability of the Java EE 6 APIs in the EJB container: The green boxes ... feel free to skip this chapter with the ability to return to it for reference. Pruning old APIs Before diving into new APIs, we need to understand what has been marked for removal in Java EE ... availability of the Java EE 6 APIs in the application client: The green box denotes the new API added to Java EE 6. We will now cover each of the items marked for deletion, why it was marked for deletion,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu The Java EE 6 Tutorial Basic Concepts Fourth Edition pptx
... Injection for the Java EE Platform (JSR 299), informally known as CDI Java EE 6 Platform Highlights The Java EE 6Tutorial:Basic Concepts4 Download from www.wowebook.com www.it-ebooks.info ptg Java EE ... 30 Java EE 6 APIs in the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6. 0 31 Java Database Connectivity API 31 Java Naming and Directory Interface API 31 JavaBeans Activation Framework 32 Java API for ... simplied packaging. The Java EE 6 platform includes the following new features: ■ Proles: congurations of the Java EE platform targeted at specic classes of applications. Specically, the Java EE 6 platform...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 05:20
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