... Contents jaxp.jar ● javax .xml. parsers ● javax .xml. transform ❍ javax .xml. transform.dom ❍ javax .xml. transform.sax ❍ javax .xml. transform.stream Interfaces crimson.jar ● org .xml. sax ❍ org .xml. sax.helpers ❍ ... for Java developers who need to manipulate XML- based data. For more information on DOM4J, see http://www.dom4j.org. JAXM: Java API for XML Messaging http:/ /java. sun.com /xml/ jaxp-1.1/docs /tutorial/ overview/3_apis.html ... associated XML APIs. The first step is to understand where JAXP fits in with respect to the major Java APIs for XML: JAXP: Java API for XML Parsing This API is the subject of the present tutorial. ...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 12:15
... validation logic into a Web service and modify the Web Form so that it calls the Web service to validate the credit card information. Creating a Web Form You can create a Web Form by opening Visual ... an ASP.NET Web Form that collects and validates credit card information. The Web Form allows users to enter their credit card information, and then it informs users whether the information they ... replacement for FTP; it is to demonstrate the power and flexibility of Web services and the robustness of the .NET platform. Creating the WebFileShare Web Service The WebFileShare Web service...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20
building xml web services for the microsoft .net platform
... support for Web services to a particular platform. I will discuss two Web service implementations for the .NET platform, ASP.NET and Remoting, later in the book. Đ Component services The Web services ... not defined by Web services. Two of the more noticeable omissions are a well-defined API for creating and consuming Web services and a set of component services, such as support for distributed ... advertise and locate Web services. UDDI allows users to search for Web services using a host of search criteria, including company name, category, and type of Web service. Web services can also...
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 09:15
Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform phần 1 ppsx
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22
Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform phần 2 pps
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22
Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform phần 3 pot
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22
Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform phần 4 ppsx
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22
Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform phần 5 ppsx
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22
Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform phần 6 ppsx
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22
Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform phần 7 pot
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22
Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform phần 8 potx
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22
Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform phần 9 ppsx
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22
Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform phần 10 potx
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22
[Tài liệu cũ] XML Web Services Security
... Amster dam XML Web Services Secu rity Slide2_11 Web services features – three stacks March 27, 2003 . Vrije Univer siteit, Amster dam XML Web Services Secu rity Slide2_24 Open Grid Services Architecture ... Amster dam XML Web Services Secu rity Slide2_4 XML Basics: DTD, Schema, XML Protocol, etc. DTD is document-oriented ã Like HTML Schema is data-oriented ã XML Signature ã SAML Basic XML Protocol(s) ã XML- RPC ã SOAP XForms, ... ã Web Services Security ã OGSA Security ã XML Web Services technology for IIDS - Discussion March 27, 2003 . Vrije Univer siteit, Amster dam XML Web Services Secu rity Slide2_27 Authentication Traditional...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:27
The Simple API for XML (SAX)
... Section 4 – The Simple API for XML (SAX) Tutorial – XML Programming in Java 16 Section 4 – The Simple API for XML (SAX) The Simple API for XML SAX is an event-driven API for parsing XML documents. In ... Section 4 – The Simple API for XML (SAX) Tutorial – XML Programming in Java 18 A note about SAX interfaces The SAX API actually defines four interfaces for handling events: EntityHandler, ... <last-name> tag 7. A character event for the characters “Shakespeare” 8. An endElement event for the <last-name> tag Tutorial – XML Programming in Java Section 4 – The Simple API for XML (SAX) 19 public...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 04:20
Sử dụng XML Web services
... dụng XML Web Services 7.1 Tạo XML Web Service Trước khi tạo .NET Compact Framework XML Web service client, XML Web Service client phải sử dụng được. Trong phần này chúng ta tạo một Web service, ... WebServiceAttribute ứng dụng vào Web service, QuotableQoutes Web service có thể được dịch và thử. Nhấn phím F5 để dịch và gỡ lỗi XML Web service. QuoteService đưa đến trang Web. Trang Web ... sử dụng kiểu DataSet : - Thay đổi XML Web service để sử dụng DataSet chuẩn. - Thay đổi XML Web Service để đưa ra DataSet chuẩn. - Tạo một XML Web service mới sử dụng kiểu DataSet ...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 21:20
Developing XML Web Services Using Microsoft Visual C#™ .NET Beta 2
... Nonstandard Web Service Overview 1 HTML Screen Scraping Web Services 2 Aggregating Web Services 13 Lab 9: Implementing an Aggregated Web Service 17 Review 28 Developing XML Web Services ... 4:35 Module 6: Publishing and Deploying Web Services 4:35 5:05 Lab 6: Publishing and Finding Web Services in a UDDI Registry Developing XML Web Services Using Microsoftđ Visual C# .NET ... argument names or placeholders for variable information. Italic is also used for introducing new terms, for book titles, and for emphasis in the text. Title Capitals Indicate domain names,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15
Tài liệu Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET MCSD/MCAD/MCDBA Version 5.0 pptx
... application named TKWebApp. To TKWebApp, you add a Web reference to an XML Web service named UserService. UserService consists of a Web method named RetrieveUserInfo. This Web method takes a userID ... string, since the web page may and the web service may not be located in the same directory. Note: XML Web service discovery is the process of locating and interrogating XML Web service descriptions, ... which is a preliminary step for accessing an XML Web service. Programmatic discovery can be enabled when an XML Web service publishes a .disco file, which is an XML document that can contains...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16
Tài liệu Creating and Managing Microsoft XML Web Services ppt
... service failures or to services being unavailable. ■ XML data types The data type used with XML Web Services is XML. XML is used in all areas of XML Web Services. For a refresher in XML, see Appendix ... information about your XML web services to anyone on the network, so you should use dynamic discovery only for development environments. Proxies for XML Web Services The consumer of an XML web ... page forms the basis for unit testing of the XML web service. For more information on unit testing and debugging of XML web services, see Chapter 7. One thing you need to do with the XML web service...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Consume XML Web Services ppt
... re-establish the Web reference for the Web Service that is used for this example. Locate where you have installed SecurityWebServices and set the reference. When you run the project, the first form ... switchboard with each of the How-Tos listed for this chapter. Click on How-To 13.3. The form for How-To 13.3 opens. If you type FSBarker for the User and Test for the Password, you get a message box ... consume, this Web Service in another application? Technique To use a Web Service, you need to create a reference to it. Setting Up the Web Reference to the Web Service To set up a Web reference,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17