Ivor horton beginning visual c++ 2008
... 909 The MFC Collection Classes 909 Types of Collection 910 The Type-Safe Collection Classes 911 Collections of Objects 911 The Typed Pointer Collections 920 Using the CList Template Class 923 Drawing ... 605 Function Objects 605 Function Adapters 606 The Range of STL Containers 606 Sequence Containers 607 Creating Vector Containers 608 The Capacity and Size of a Vector Container 611 Accessing ... Template Class 923 Drawing a Curve 924 Defining the CCurve Class 925 Implementing the CCurve Class 927 Exercising the CCurve Class 929 Creating the Sketch Document 929 Using a CTypedPtrList Template...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:09
Beginning Visual C# 2010 docx
... the techniques involved. Beginning Beginning Visual C# đ 2010 Visual C# đ 2010 Karli Watson, Christian Nagel, Jacob Hammer Pedersen, Jon D. Reid, Morgan Skinner BEGINNING Visual C# 2010 Karli ... Defining Classes CHAPTER 10: Defining Class Members CHAPTER 11: Collections, Comparisons, and Conversions CHAPTER 12: Generics CHAPTER 13: Additional OOP Techniques CHAPTER 14: C# Language ... you how to program confidently with useful code in C# 2010. Beginning Visual C# 2010: ã Explains basic C# 2010 syntax, including variables and expressions ã Reviews generics and explains how...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20
... performance, you can write your C+ + code to access the Windows API directly. C+ + code that executes with the CLR is described as managed C+ + because data and code is managed by the CLR. In CLR programs, ... 520 Inheritance in C+ +/CLI Classes 520 Interface Classes 526 Defining Interface Classes 527 Classes and Assemblies 531 Visibility Specifiers for Classes and Interfaces 531 Access Specifiers for Class ... languages including Visual Basic, C# , and of course C+ +. The specification of the CLR is now embodied in the European Computer Manufacturers (ECMA) standard for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI),...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20
Ivor horton beginning c from novice to professional
... your computer. Be careful!! The \a sequence represents the “bell” character. Table 1-1 shows a summary of the escape sequences that you can use. Table 1-1. Escape Sequences Escape Sequence Description \n ... represents one character: a newline character. The backslash (\) is of special significance in a text string. As we saw before, it indicates the start of an escape sequence. Escape sequences are used ... PROGRAMMING IN C compiler, such as placing a double quote, which you would normally use to delimit a string, within a string. The character following the backslash indicates what character the escape...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:09
Visual C# 2010 Recipes solution_6 pdf
... \Chapter13\Recipe13-05\Recipe13-05.cs:line 85 at Apress.VisualCSharpRecipes.Chapter13.Recipe13_05.Main() in C: \Users\Adam\ Documents\Work \C# Cookbook\Repository\CSH ARPRECIPES\SourceCode\Chapter13\Recipe13-05\Recipe13-05.cs:line ... System.InvalidOperationException: Team modified at Apress.VisualCSharpRecipes.Chapter13.Team.TeamMemberEnumerator.MoveNext() in C: \Users\Adam\Documents\Work \C# Cookbook\Repository\CSHARPRECIPES\SourceCode \Chapter13\Recipe13-05\Recipe13-05.cs:line ... resources because you cannot call an object’s finalizer directly, and you have only limited control over the activities of the garbage collector using the System.GC class. CHAPTER 13 ■ COMMONLY...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Ivor Horton’s BeginningVisual C++ 2008 phần 4 pdf
... destructor does is to display a message showing that it was called. The output is: Constructor called. Constructor called. Constructor called. Constructor called. Constructor called. Constructor called. Constructor ... called. Constructor called. Volume of cigar is 40 Volume of boxes[2] is 1.21 Destructor called. Destructor called. Destructor called. Destructor called. Destructor called. Destructor called. Destructor ... of CBox objects declared CBox cigar(8.0, 5.0, 1.0); // Declare cigar box CBox match(2.2, 1.1, 0.5); // Declare match box CBox* pB1 = &cigar; // Initialize pointer to cigar object address CBox*...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Lập trình Windows với MFC Visual C++ 6.0 pdf
... đó chép phần nội dung thích hợp c a DC ảo sang DC th c. - Chiều rộng DC ảo bằng chiều rộng DC th c. Chiều cao DC ảo bằng chiều cao DC th c + 2 lần chiều cao một dòng chữ trên DC. - Viết c c ... Cho phép kt hp mt c ch hp lý c c canh chnh trong vùng hình ch nht gii hn. C c thông s canh chnh c th là: DT_CENTER : Chnh gia theo chiu ngang DT_VCENTER : Chnh gia theo chiu ... ụ, kích th c ca c a s, lpRect ch ụn bin kiu RECT cha kt qu. ̇ void ( LPRECT lpRect ); Ly thông tin ta ụ, kích th c vùng client c a c a s, lpRect ch ụn bin RECT cha...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 22:20
beginning visual c#
... 905 Hosting 906 WCF Programming 906 The WCF Test Client 914 Defining WCF Service Contracts 917 Data Contracts 918 Service Contracts 918 Operation Contracts 919 Message Contracts 920 Fault Contracts 920 Self-Hosted ... Services 637 A Hotel Travel Agency Application Scenario 638 A Book Distributor Application Scenario 638 Client Application Types 639 Application Architecture 639 Web Services Architecture 640 Calling ... 884 Summary 895 CHAPTER 26: WINDOWS COMMUNICATION FOUNDATION 899 What Is WCF? 900 WCF Concepts 901 WCF Communication Protocols 901 Addresses, Endpoints, and Bindings 902 Contracts 904 Message...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 17:57
visual c# 2010 recipes (apress)
... System.Diagnostics; namespace Apress.VisualCSharpRecipes.Chapter01 { class Recipe01_06 { [Conditional("DEBUG")] public static void DumpState() { Visual C# 2010 Recipes: A ... Public key is 07020000002400005253413200040000010001002b4ef 3c2 bbd6478802b64d0dd3f2e 7c6 5ee 6478802b63cb894a782f3a1adbb46d3ee5ec5577e7dccc818937e964cbe99 7c1 207 6c1 9f2d7 ad179f15f7dccca 6c6 b72a ... to compile the HelloWorld.cs source file (from recipe 1-1) if the ConsoleUtils class is contained in the ConsoleUtils.dll library, use the command csc /reference:ConsoleUtils.dll HelloWorld.cs....
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:46
Tài liệu Practical Database Programming With Visual C#.NET- P2 pdf
... the OdbcDataAdapter with its associated OdbcCommand and OdbcConnection objects. For Oracle databases, use the OracleDataAdapter with its associated OracleCommand and OracleConnection objects. ... Provider Database Transaction Command ExecuteReader Parameters ExecuteNonQuery ExecuteScalar DataSet DataRelationCollection ConstraintCollection DataTable DataRowCollection DataColumnCollection Your A pplication Figure 3.2 Another architecture of ADO.NET 2.0. c0 3.indd ... instance or an object based on this class. Depending on your applications, you can create a global connection instance for your entire project or you can create some local connection objects...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20