iridium iii complexes hybrid langmuir blodgett films for photosensing

hybrid metal oxide and multiwall carbon nanotube films for low temperature gas sensing

hybrid metal oxide and multiwall carbon nanotube films for low temperature gas sensing

... 50 ppm of CO (i.e., 0.4) for MWCNT/WO3 hybrid films [9] Table shows that the sensitivity towards CO of tungsten oxide hybrid films is higher than the one of tin oxide hybrid films All sensors were ... responsiveness of hybrid sensors operated at room temperature The lack of responsiveness observed for TiO2 -based hybrid sensors can be associated to the non-appropriateness of this metal oxide for detecting ... Responsiveness results are summarized in Fig In order to further evaluate the performance in gas sensing for the different hybrid materials investigated, the sensitivity defined as the ratio between...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 16:48

6 589 0
Tài liệu A Hybrid Neural Fuzzy System for Statistical Process Control docx

Tài liệu A Hybrid Neural Fuzzy System for Statistical Process Control docx

... work for various applications, data transformation is necessary to standardize the raw data into the value range that both neural network components can work with Formulas for data transformation ... chosen node provides the information for the shift magnitude 18.4 Design, Operations, and Guidelines for Using the Proposed Hybrid Neural Fuzzy Control Chart The proposed hybrid neural fuzzy control ... Operations, and Guidelines for Using the Proposed Hybrid Neural Fuzzy Control Chart 18.5 Properties of the Proposed Hybrid Neural Fuzzy Control Chart 18.6 Final Remarks Abstract A hybrid neural fuzzy...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 01:20

22 716 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Hybrid Convolution Tree Kernel for Semantic Role Labeling" pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Hybrid Convolution Tree Kernel for Semantic Role Labeling" pptx

... all valid Therefore, the new kernel Khybrid is valid We name the new kernel hybrid convolution tree kernel, Khybrid The aim of our experiments is to verify the effectiveness of our hybrid convolution ... does not perform well Affected by this, the PAF kernel cannot perform well, either However, in our hybrid method, we can adjust the compromise Figure 4: Comparison between PAF and Hybrid Convolution ... that our hybrid convolution tree kernel outperforms the PAF kernel It empirically demonstrates that the weight linear combination in our hybrid kernel is more effective than PAF kernel for SRL...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20

8 390 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Reactions of gold(III) complexes with serum albumin docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Reactions of gold(III) complexes with serum albumin docx

... anticancer ruthenium (III) complexes and of auranofin with plasma proteins [19–21] Very scarce information exists on the reaction of gold (III) complexes with proteins In fact gold (III) complexes generally ... histidines as the probable binding site for gold (III) complexes: the reaction with imidazole Imidazoles of surface histidines are good candidates as donors for the gold (III) centre To elucidate this issue ... provide at least qualitative information on the strength of the interactions between gold (III) complexes and BSA Buffered solutions of the individual gold (III) complexes and BSA were prepared,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20

7 389 0


... 1975, and again for a major retrospective of his work in 1979, when The Marriage of Maria Braun was one of the most commercially successful foreign-language films The year before, it had been ... seemed to be the entire work-force of Germany's giant UFA film corporation.' On the export side: American films have dominated German screens at least since 1922, and except for the years between 1933 ... discovered their love for America and their passion for the Hollywood cinema The young Wenders and Fassbinder in particular, but scores of other directors, too, found consolation for their adolescence...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20

20 426 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Hybrid FIB milling strategy for the fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures on semiconductor substrates" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Hybrid FIB milling strategy for the fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures on semiconductor substrates" potx

... routinely used now for investigations towards the improvement of LED and photodetector performance, the above-described effect may be very significant in determining a final performance of devices ... removed via a combination of imaging and patterning Finally, for structure E, 70 nm Figure SPPC hybrid milling routine (a) Schematic of the hybrid milling routine employed (b,d) SEM images and (c,e) ... Figure Hybrid milling optical characterisation (a) Zero-order transmission spectra of the SPPCs in structures A-E (b) Transmission dispersion measured for SPPCs fabricated using optimum hybrid...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

5 500 1
Báo cáo hóa học: " Electrospray deposition of polymer thin films for organic light-emitting diodes" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Electrospray deposition of polymer thin films for organic light-emitting diodes" pot

... reduced current of electrosprayed films can therefore be attributed to the conformation of the polymer Keywords: organic light-emitting diodes; electrospray, polymer, conformation Introduction During ... applicable to large-area device fabrication Much effort has been made for solution process development that can form nanoscale-thin organic films with a large area while minimizing material wastes ... at 120°C for 20 About 80-nm-thick emissive layer [EML] was formed by electrospray or spin-coating process and then annealed at 80°C for 30 A schematic diagram of the experimental setup for the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

13 404 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " A relaxed hybrid steepest descent method for common solutions of generalized mixed equilibrium problems and fixed point problems" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " A relaxed hybrid steepest descent method for common solutions of generalized mixed equilibrium problems and fixed point problems" potx

... y Î C; (H3) for each y Î C, x a F(x, y) is weakly upper semicontinuous; (H4) for each x Î C, y a F(x, y) is convex; (H5) for each x Î C, y a F(x, y) is lower semicontinuous; (B1) for each x Î ... Page of 20 which is the optimality condition for the minimization problem: Ax, x − h(x), x∈F(S) where h is a potential function for gf For finding a common element of the set of fixed points ... the following properties hold: (F,ϕ) (i) For each x Î H, Tλ (x) = ∅; (F,ϕ) (ii) Tλ is single-valued; (F,ϕ) (iii) Tλ is firmly nonexpansive, that is, for any x, y Î H, (F,ϕ) ||Tλ (F,ϕ) x − Tλ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 351 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Synthesis and characterization of VO2-based thermochromic thin films for energy-efficient windows" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: "Synthesis and characterization of VO2-based thermochromic thin films for energy-efficient windows" pdf

... same conditions as for film preparation, but in an oxygen-free atmosphere This procedure ensures an oxide-free metallic surface for each deposition For the deposition of the films, both oxygen ... the elemental composition of the Table Processing conditions used for depositing the VO2 films W- and Mo-doped films Nb-doped films Base pressure (mbar) × 10-5 × 10-5 -3 × 10-3 Work pressure (mbar) ... achieved for Mo-doped and Nb-doped films, respectively The transition temperature (Tt) obtained for the pure VO2 film prepared by pulsed-DC sputtering was 59°C, which is lower than that obtained for...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

7 601 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article An Application of Hybrid Steepest Descent Methods for Equilibrium Problems and Strict Pseudocontractions in Hilbert Spaces" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article An Application of Hybrid Steepest Descent Methods for Equilibrium Problems and Strict Pseudocontractions in Hilbert Spaces" pdf

... iteration schemes by the general iterative method for finding an element of EP φ ∩ F S In 2001, Yamada 10 introduced the following hybrid iterative method for solving the variational inequality: xn ... PC is nonexpansive Furthermore, for x ∈ H and u ∈ C, u pc x, ⇔ x − u, u − y ≥ 0, for all y ∈ C It is widely known that H satisfies Opial’s condition 11 , that is, for any sequence {xn } with xn ... 2.2 holds for every y ∈ H with y / x In order to solve the equilibrium problem for a bifunction φ : C × C → R, let us assume that φ satisfies the following conditions: A1 φ x, x 0, for all x ∈...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

15 381 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Hybrid Viscosity Iterative Method for Fixed Point, Variational Inequality and Equilibrium Problem" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Hybrid Viscosity Iterative Method for Fixed Point, Variational Inequality and Equilibrium Problem" pot

... following conditions: A1 F x, x for all x ∈ C; A2 F is monotone, that is, F x, y A3 for each x, y, z ∈ C, limt → F tz F y, x ≤ for all x, y ∈ C; − t x, y ≤ F x, y ; A4 for each x ∈ C, y → F x, y is ... in 0, b for some b ∈ 0, Then, for every x ∈ C and k ≥ the limit limn → ∞ Un,k x exists Remark 2.7 It can be shown from Lemma 2.6 that if D is a nonempty and bounded subset of C, then for ε > ... Tr x − Tr y iii F Tr ≤ Tr x − Tr y, x − y , ∀x, y ∈ H; 2.7 EP F ; iv EP F is closed and convex Lemma 2.5 Opial’s theorem 10 Each Hilbert space H satisfies Opial’s condition; that is, for any sequence...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

13 244 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Electrodeposition and Capacitive Behavior of Films for Electrodes of Electrochemical Supercapacitors C. Shi • I. Zhitomirsky pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Electrodeposition and Capacitive Behavior of Films for Electrodes of Electrochemical Supercapacitors C. Shi • I. Zhitomirsky pdf

... obtained Therefore, the amount of the deposited materials can be controlled by the variation of deposition time at a constant current density This approach can be used for film formation on other ... electropolymerization has been utilized for the film formation on substrates of complex shapes As an Nanoscale Res Lett (2010) 5:518–523 521 Fig SEM images of surfaces for the films deposited from the ... the range of 1–10 Deposition was also performed on platinized ˚ silicon wafers containing 1,000 A Pt layer Electron microscopy investigations were performed using a JEOL JSM-7000F scanning electron...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20

6 298 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Sol–Gel and Thermally Evaporated Nanostructured Thin ZnO Films for Photocatalytic Degradation of " doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Sol–Gel and Thermally Evaporated Nanostructured Thin ZnO Films for Photocatalytic Degradation of " doc

... considerable advantages of uniform mixing of the starting materials and good chemical homogeneity of the product Therefore, sol–gel methods are very convenient for the preparation of thin films ... catalysts were examined for the degradation of 2,4,6-TCP The formed intermediates were determined and the degradation mechanism was discussed Experimental Work ZnO Thin Films by Thermal Evaporation ... This means that 002 texture of the film may easily form On the other hand, for the films deposited by thermal evaporation, three strongest XRD peaks for ZnO were detected with Miller indices (100),...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20

8 325 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Pd Nanoparticles and Thin Films for Room Temperature Hydrogen Sensor" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Pd Nanoparticles and Thin Films for Room Temperature Hydrogen Sensor" potx

... experimentally observed very higher value of recovery times for these sensors can be correlated to the formation of Pd-hydride Once Pd is transformed as Pd-hydride, the lattice structure of the palladium ... working electrode for electrochemical deposition of Pd on Si substrates The Si substrates were cleaned using deionizer water, ethanol and additionally treated with HF solution for removing the ... from 10 to 30 nm XRD and atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to study structure and morphology of the films Hydrogen Sensor Characterization Hydrogen sensing performance of Pd thin film (via sputtering...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20

6 343 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Efficient Hybrid DCT-Domain Algorithm for Video Spatial Downscaling" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Efficient Hybrid DCT-Domain Algorithm for Video Spatial Downscaling" pot

... the set of Fx matrices; S II-Computation: Wl for linS = to − , linS+ = N S Wc for colS = to − , colS+ = N S for l = to (S − 1) for c = to (S − 1) Hybrid pixel/DCT-domain matrix composition (a) ... Proposed hybrid downscaling algorithm i By denoting the product fS · Ct by the (nl (i) × N) matrix Fi S j · Fc S + = pi,j S end for end for [B]N ×N = [C]N ×N · [b]N ×N · Ct end for end for t i ... stream; (ii) DCT decimation transcoder (DDT) for arbitrary integer scaling factors, as formulated by Lee et al [8] and described in Section 2.3; (iii) hybrid downscaling transcoder (HDT), corresponding...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 20:20

16 322 0
Báo cáo y học: "Hybrid dynamic/static method for large-scale simulation of metabolism" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "Hybrid dynamic/static method for large-scale simulation of metabolism" pptx

... and hybrid models The coloured lines and the broken black lines represent the time courses calculated by dynamic and hybrid models, respectively Refer to Fig for pathway nomenclature The hybrid ... and kr = 0.001s-1 for E_AB, E_BC, and E_FG; kf = 0.1s-1 and kr = 0.098s-1 for E_CD and E_DF; kf = 0.1s-1 and kr = 0.097s-1 for E_CE and E_EF; and kf = 0.1s-1 and kr = 0.96s-1 for E_CF The steadystate ... distribution was employed for the ideal reaction rate distribution in the static module; the ideal reaction rates were µM/s for E_CD and E_DF, µM/s for E_CE and E_EF, and µM/s for E_CF All the initial...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20

11 336 0
Preparation and characterization of ferroelectric thin films for tunable and pyroelectric applications

Preparation and characterization of ferroelectric thin films for tunable and pyroelectric applications

... thin films are under tensile stress and they decrease with increasing thickness of the BTS films Larger dielectric constant and higher pyroelectric coefficient are obtained for BTS thin films ... 2.1 Competing technologies for tunable circuits…………………… ….…26 Table 3.1 Deposition conditions for BTS thin films ……………………………39 Table 3.2 Properties of the BTS thin films with different thicknesses……………52 ... leakage current data for BTS films on Pt electrodes from 213 to 403 K: (a) ln(  ) vs E1/ plot, and (b) ln(J) vs E1/ plot…………86 Figure 4.6 Log(J) vs log(E) plots for BTS films on Pt electrodes...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:48

169 507 0
Laser surface structuring of biocompatible polymers films for potential use in tissue engineering applications

Laser surface structuring of biocompatible polymers films for potential use in tissue engineering applications

... thickness for various film types (Page 49) Fig 3.9 Stress-strain curves of PCL films fabricated by different methods (Page 50) xiii Fig 4.1 Schematic setup for the laser micro-processing of PCL films ... thin films showing (A) microperforations using Nd:YAG laser (at λ = 355 nm) with uniformed array of micro-size perforations on µm thick PCL film; (B) ‘donut-like’ array of micro-size perforations ... function of time for a single pulse exposure at r=0 for 532nm laser at a fluence of 220 J/cm2 on PCL film with a =10μm (Page 68) Fig 4.10 Temperature rise calculated for a single pulse shot for 532 nm...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:36

162 290 0
Design of hybrid marine control systems for dynamic positioning

Design of hybrid marine control systems for dynamic positioning

... be performed manually or automatically Manually switched hybrid marine control system integrating functions for DP, low speed maneuvering and transit operations was developed For smooth performance ... Cybership III, for operating from DP to PM and vice versa Automatic switch hybrid control was performed via a switching logic adopting the concept of supervisory switching, and was developed herein for ... conceptual hybrid marine control are 1) At actuator level (low level): hybrid control for changes of environmental from calm to extreme seas, 2) At plant control level (high level): hybrid control for...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:30

207 329 0
A study of a fe2o3 thin films for the oxygen evolution reaction in water photolysis

A study of a fe2o3 thin films for the oxygen evolution reaction in water photolysis

... The synthesis of α-Fe2O3 thin films by a two-step process comprising the electrodeposition of thin iron films and the calcination of the iron films in air at 650℃ to form hematite Optimization of ... Optimization of the synthesis conditions for improved photoelectrochemical performance In this project we have improved the photoelectrochemical performances of α-Fe2O3 thin films by optimizing the calcination ... synthesize α-Fe2O3 thin films This method has the advantages of being simple, low cost, environmental friendly and potentials for further modifications by metal doping The α-Fe2O3 thin films showed appreciable...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 10:05

83 501 0